Collodion Photography


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Civil War

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Harper's Weekly


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Winslow Homer

Thomas Nast

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Mexican War


Civil War Gifts

Robert E. Lee Portrait




Another remarkable example of the results achieved by the old collodion process photographers which are quite indistinguishable from the instantaneous photographs of the present day. Although taken under the necessity of removing and replacing the lens cap, this negative has successfully caught the waterfall and the Federal cavalryman's horse which has been ridden to the stream for a drink. The picture was taken at Hazel Run, Virginia, above the pontoon bridge constructed for the crossing of the Federal troops. During the advances and retreats, while the Federal armies were maneuvering for position, the photographers were frequently at a loss for material. At such times, true to the professional instinct, they kept in practice by making such views as this. Less important from the strictly military viewpoint, these splendid specimens of landscape photography give us a clear conception of the character of the country over which the Federal and Confederate armies passed and repassed during the stirring period of the war.

Hazel Run


Return to Civil War Photography

[Click on Thumbnails Below for Detailed View of that Civil War Photograph]

Civil War Photographers

Siege Petersburg

Siege of Petersburg

Army Photographer

Army Photographer

Civil War Dark Room

Cartoon of Mathew Brady

Spy Photography

Confederate Spy Photography



Brady and Burnside

Mathew Brady with General Burnside

Ironclads in Action

Confederate Soldiers at Fredericksburg

Washington Belle

A Washington Belle

Colonel Norton

Soldier on Horseback


Photographers at Bull Run

Photography Wagons

Photography Wagons

Wet Plate

Wet Plate Photography

Collodian Photography



Officers Quarters

Officers Quarters


Civil War Wagon


Antietam Bridge

Antietam Bridge




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