Stonewall Jackson Death


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Stonewall Jackson Obituary Continued


Below, for your perusal is a scanned image of a leaf from the original May 30, 1863 edition of Harper's Weekly, the most popular illustrated newspaper of the day.  This edition ran the obituary of Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson.  We have worked hard to preserve the formatting of the original newspaper, enabling you to not only get the story, but have the look and feel of the original newspaper. This is the continuation, or Second page of the obituary, starting on the upper left corner of the leaf.  For the First page, Look here. This leaf also includes a number of fascinating advertisement from 1863.





he go on any expedishum he pray two, or tree, or four times durin' de night. When I see him pray two, or tree, or four times durin' de night, I pack de baggage, for I know he goin' on an expedishum."

Another incident is connected with his idea of dying a painful death, and, before the rebellion, this became a species of hypochondria; for he would occasionally fancy his limbs were being paralyzed, first on one side and then on the other.

He had a curious way of holding his head up very straight, and his invariable response to any remark was, "Very well" while his chin would appear as if it were trying to get up toward the top of his head.

The following item from a contemporary, if true, will illustrate the character of the soldier:

"During the battle of Chapultepec, where he commanded a section of Magruder's battery, attached to Pillow's division, he was ordered by that pitiful commander to with-draw his section, as, according to Pillow's craven idea, it was too much exposed. Giving no heed whatever to the General's order, he rapidly limbered up and moved his section a hundred yards nearer the enemy's works, where he did great execution."

The following circumstantial account of the accident by which he met his death, and of his subsequent sufferings is from the Richmond Enquirer:

General Jackson, having gone some distance in front of the line of skirmishers on Saturday evening, was returning about 8 o'clock, attended by his staff and part of his couriers. The cavalcade was in the darkness of the night mistaken for a body of the enemy's cavalry, and fired upon by a regiment of his own corps. He was struck by three balls, one through the left arm, two inches below the shoulder joint, shattering the bone and severing the chief artery; another ball passed through the same arm between the elbow and wrist, making its exit through the palm of the hand; a third ball entered the palm of the right hand about its middle, passing through, and broke two bones. He was wounded on the Plank Road, about fifty yards in advance of the enemy. He fell from his horse, and was caught by Captain Wormley, to whom he remarked, " All my wounds are by my own men." He had given orders to fire at any thing coming up the road, before he left the lines. The enemy's skirmishers appeared ahead of him, and he turned to ride back, Just then some one cried out, "Cavalry, charge!" and immediately the regiment fired. The whole party broke forward to ride through our line to escape the fire. Captain Boswell was killed, and carried through the line by his horse, and fell among our own men. Colonel Couchfield, Chief of Staff, was wounded by his side. Two couriers were killed. Major Pendleton, Lieutenants Morrison and Smith, escaped uninjured. General Jackson was immediately placed on a litter and started for the rear. The firing attracted the attention of the enemy, and was resumed by both lines. One litter-bearer was shot down, and the General fell from the shoulders of the men, receiving a severe contusion, adding to the injury of the arm, and injuring his side severely.

The enemy's fire of artillery on this point was terrible. General Jackson was left for five minutes, until the fire slackened; then placed in an ambulance, and carried to the field hospital at Wilderness Run. He lost a large amount of blood, and at one time told Dr. M'Guire he thought he was dying, and would have bled to death, but a tourniquet was immediately applied. For two hours he was near pulseless from the shock. As he was being carried from the field, frequent inquiries were made by the soldiers, "Who have you there?" He told the Doctor, ''Do not tell the troops I am wounded."

After the reaction a consultation was held between Drs. Black, Coleman, Walls, and M'Guire, and amputation was decided upon. He was, asked, "If we find amputation necessary shall it be done at once?" He replied, "Yes, certainly, Dr. M'Guire do for me whatever you think is right." The operation was performed while he was under the influence of chloroform, and was borne well. He slept on Sunday morning, was cheerful, and was doing well. On Monday he was carried to Chancellor's house, near Guiney's depot. He was cheerful; talked about the battle, gallant bearing of General Rhodes, and said that his Major-General's commission ought to date from Saturday, the grand charge of his old Stonewall brigade, of which he had heard asked after all his officers; during the day talked more than usual, and said:: "Men who live through this war will be proud to say, 'I was one of the Stonewall brigade,' to their children." He insisted that the term Stonewall belonged to them, and not to him.

During the ride to Guiney's he complained greatly of heat, and besides wet applications to his wounds, begged that a wet cloth be applied to his stomach, which was done, greatly to his relief, as he expressed it. He slept well on Monday night, and ate with relish the next morning. On Tuesday his wounds were doing very well. He asked, "Can you tell me, from the appearance of my wounds, how long I will be kept from the field?"' He was greatly satisfied when told they were doing remarkably well. He did not complain of any pain in his side, and wanted to see the members of his staff, but was advised not. On Wednesday his wounds looked remarkably well. He expected to go to Richmond this day, but was prevented by rain. This night, while his surgeon, who had slept none for three nights, was asleep, he complained of nausea, and ordered his boy, Jim, to place a wet towel over his stomach. This was done. About daylight the surgeon was awakened by the boy saying, "The General is in great pain." The pain was in the right side; and due to incipient pneumonia and some nervousness, which he himself attributed to the fall from the litter. On Thursday Mrs. Jackson arrived, greatly to his joy and satisfaction, aid she faithfully nursed him to the end. By Thursday evening all pain had ceased. He suffered greatly from prostration. On Friday he suffered no pain, but prostration increased.

On Sunday morning, when it was apparent that he was rapidly sinking, Mrs. Jackson was informed of his condition. She then had free and full converse with him, and told him he was going to die. He said: "Very good; very good. It is all right." He had previously said: "I consider these wounds a blessing. They were given me for some good and wise purpose. I would not part with them if I could." He asked of Major Pendleton: "Who is preaching at head-quarters today?" He sent messages to all the Generals. He expressed a wish to be buried in Lexington, in the valley of Virginia. During delirium his mind reverted to the battle-field, and he sent orders to General A. P. Hill to prepare for action, and to Major Hawks, his Commissary, and to the surgeons. He frequently expressed to his aids his wish that Major-General Ewell should be ordered to command his corps. His confidence in General Ewell was very great, and the manner in which he spoke of him showed that he had duly considered the matter.


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore. Washington, Hilton Head, Newbern, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent, at half rates, by HARDIN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.


The Fashion book for Ladies! - "LE BONTON" Journal de Modes is the best, cheapest, and most reliable Magazine ever imported from Paris. The June Number, given in French and English, abounds with novelty, style, and elegance; consisting of Bonnets, Ladies' and Children's Dresses, besides a number of the most beautiful Mantillas for Summer. Each Number gives two full-sized patterns; one of those, in the present Number, is a beautiful Mantilla, worth twice the price charged for the book. Subscription, one year (monthly), $5; single copy, 50 cents. Address S. T. TAILOR, 407 Broadway, New York.

New Music. —"Shall we Meet again?" I Remember the hour when we sadly Parted: answer to "When this Cruel War is Over." Kingdom coming. Each 25 cents. Musicians' Omnibus, 700 Tunes for Violin, Flute, Cornet, &c. $1, post-paid. FREDERICK BLUME, 208 Bowery, N. Y.


[MAY 30, 1863.

WOOD BROTHERS, Carriage Manufacturers, Have removed to Nos. 594 and 596 Broadway, a few doors above Niblo's.


So many compounds for the hair are offered for sale and unduly praised, that we confess we had no expectation of finding in Burnett's Cocoaine the qualities which it was said to possess. In this we have been disappointed. Members of our family who have tried it, indorse it as possessing superior hair-dressing properties; while its freedom from greasiness, the lustre that it imparts to hair, and its economy, have given it a permanent place on the toilet table.

We have no hesitancy in recommending it as being equal to all that it claims to be.—Chicago New Covenant.


Owing to the increased cost of all material used in the manufacture of Cocoaine and our other preparations, we have been compelled to advance the price. Our standard QUANTITY and QUALITY will remain unimpaired.

JOS. BURNETT & CO., Boston. Sold by all druggists throughout the country.

The Curative will soon soften the Corn by its peculiar qualities, and it can be easily removed, leaving the feet free from any disagreeable sensation. The boot or shoe can be worn at all times after the application with ease. Send for circular. Sold by Druggists, and sent by mail at 50 cents, $1, and $2. OFFICE 212 BROADWAY, N. Y.

Corns, Bunions, Calosities, Club, and Inverted Nails, Vascular Excrescences, Enlarged and Diseased Joints, Frosted end Blistered Feet, Chilblains, and all kindred ailments of the Feet, skillfully and successfully treated by

Dr. J. R. Briggs, Surgeon Chiropodist, 212 Broadway, N.Y.

Schaffer, Son, & Co.


VEST CHAINS of many new and original styles. Parisian, new, $1. Hexagon, intricate, $2. All-the-Go, stranded, $3. Peace Keepsake, $5. Demoniac, heavy, $6. Alexandra, $8.

LADIES' SETS OF JEWELRY, consisting of Pin and Ear Drops to correspond. Florentine, Paintings, and Jet, per set, $2. Enameled and Chased, $3. Coral, intwined, $3. Garnet, Turquoise, brilliant, &c., $5. Stone, Mosaic, or Im. Diamond, $8.

RINGS, of the most fashionable and desirable styles. Plain, Scale, Seal, and Chased, $1. Signet and Shield, all sizes, $2. Fancy Stone Signet, $3. California Diamond, $5. Enameled, in cluster, $8.

BOSOM AND SCARF PINS. Handsomely mounted, and of all fashionable designs, Scroll and leaf, $1. Clutched Hand, with stone, $2. Brazilian Diamond, $3. Cluster, Im. Diamond, $5. Ditto, with handsome pin, ball, and chain, $6.   -

SLEEVE BUTTONS AND STUDS in sets. An extensive variety of patterns, comprising every conceivable design. Engine-turned and engraved, $1. Solitaire, unique and handsome, $2. Ditto, enameled, with stones, $3.

LOCKETS, all double glasses. Engine-turned and engraved, $1. Larger, $2An imitation of a lady's watch, a superb ornament, $4. Ditto, superior, $5.

GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, made by our-selves, and warranted. Silver mounted, extension, holder and pen, $1. Ditto, larger size, $2. Business, a very superior article, $3.

Parties wishing any of the above have only to remit the price in a letter plainly addressed, as below, and the articles will be sent by return mail free of expense.



169 Broadway, New York.

THE SUMMER NUMBER of Mme. DEMOREST'S MIRROR OF FASHIONS, the most splendid No. ever issued, now ready. Single, 25 cents; Yearly, $1, with a Valuable Premium of Patterns, &c. Also, to each Yearly Subscriber, before September next, will be given a Splendid Carte de Visite of GEN. TOM THUMB AND WIFE, COM NUTT, MINNIE WARREN, and P. T. BARNUM in a group, beside the usual premiums. Splendid Premiums to Clubs. See Mirror of Fashions, or send for a 'Circular. Address Mme. Demorest, No. 437 Broadway.

TRUSSES.—Marsin's Radical Cure Truss Office, corner of Broadway and Ann Street. No connection what-eves' with any other Truss Office of same name. A female attends Ladies.

Insoles, Belts and Armlets.

The Galvano Electro Metallic Voltaic Belts, Armlets, are the surest remedy (as thousands who have used them in great Britain and the United States can testify) for curing Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy. Neuralgia, and all nervous diseases, being a safe, certain, and mostly instantaneous remedy. METTAM & CO., Proprietors, No. 429 Broadway, N. Y.

Insoles, $1; Armlets, $1.50; Belts, $3. Send for circular. Sent by mail for 25 cents additional.

Barnum's American Museum.

For a Short Time only.
Commencing Monday, May 25th, 1863.

The Manager is happy to announce a short engagement, though

At an Enormous Expense.
Of the famous


Late Miss LAVINA WARREN, whose beauty, grace, accomplishments, and affability so lately captivated the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Museum Visitors. Also the equally renowned


four wondrously formed and strangely beautiful ladies and gentlemen in Miniature.

The Greatest Wonders in the World,

A MARRIED COUPLE, A BACHELOR AND A BELL, all four weighing but 100 pounds!

They will be seen Day and Evening. Splendid Dramatic Performances daily, at 3 and 7 o'clock P.M.

At your own Homes.

Thousands CAN REALIZE A HUNDRED DOLLARS WEEKLY. —No utensils required except those found in every household; profits 100 per cent.; demand staple as flour. It is the greatest discovery of the age. Full particulars sent on receipt of two stamps for return postage. Address C. MUNRO, BROWN & CO., No. 74 Bleecker Street,. N. Y.

Pensions, Bounty, Pay, Prize Money, for Soldiers and Sailors, or heirs, promptly collected. Soldiers discharged for wounds, entitled to bounty, we send our Hand-Book of Information and Circular, with Lists of Prices, by enclosing address, with stamp to pay return postage. SOMES, BROWN & CO., 2 Park Place, New York, and 476 7th Street, Washington, D. C.

607 Broadway, New York.


GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods. Fine Shirts and Collars MADE TO ORDER. Fine Gauze Merino undershirts $1.50 each, or $15 a doz. Also a large stock of Muslin, Linen, and Jean Drawers of our own make, and warranted to fit.

C. W. FRENCH, 607 Broadway, N. Y,

Next of Kin—Heirs, &c., Wanted Unclaimed Money—Being exact copies of Advertisements from the English, Colonial, European, American, East Indian, and Australian papers for the last 80 years relating to several thousand names and descriptions of persons wanted to claim property to the value of many millions of pounds sterling, in Great Britain, America, and various parts of the world. Fee to search for name, $3. Copy of advertisement $7, in bankable funds. All letters must be prepaid. Address

ROBERT GUN (GUN & CO.), 17 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square. London. England.


Manufacturing Depot for J. A. CRANDALL'S PAT-ENT SPRING ROCK-ING HORSE, BABY TENDER, GIG, and PERAMBULATOR, re-moved to No. 512 Broad-way, directly opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel. Send stamp for Illustrated Circular and price list. Also Baby Tenders, Children's Carriages. Velocipedes. &c.

$1 VAN ANDEN'S ONE DOLLAR PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. Acknowledged by all who have used it to be, in all respects, unequaled. Sent free by mail. Liberal discount to agents and the trade. HANNAH & CO., No. 335 Broadway, N. Y. Room No. 1. Send for a circular.


NATIONAL AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CARDS. Colonel for King, Goddess of Liberty for Queen, and Major for Jack. 52 enameled cards to the pack. Eagles. Shields, Stars, and Flags are the suits, and you can play all the usual games. Three packs mailed free on receipt of One Dollar. The usual discount to the trade. Send for a Circular. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY,

14 Chamber, Street, New York.

Directions, Labels AND TAGS.—All kinds white and colored, printed and plain, in quantities to suit purchasers, at VICTOR E. MAUGER'S, 115 Chambers St.

Have the pleasure of announcing to their numerous Friends and Patrons in the Army, that they are prepared to fill orders and transmit parcels BY MAIL, with the utmost care and promptitude. Watches so forwarded are registered we take upon ourselves all risks of transportation, and guarantee a safe delivery. Just received, by European steamers, several large importations of that deservingly popular novelty, the

Railway Timekeepers,

WITH HEAVY STERLING SILVER CASES, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR ARMY SALES! Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper of Feb. 21, 1863, says: "HUBBARD's TIMEKEEPERS are becoming proverbial for their accuracy and reliability. They are particularly valuable for officers in the army and travelers." The Army and Navy Gazette, of Philadelphia, in its Number of May 9th, reviewing this watch, says: "We are pleased to see that this importation of the Hubbard Bros, is meeting the enormous sale that such extraordinary enterprise as theirs so richly merits. These watches are novelties produced by no other house, far exceeding other manufactures in point of accuracy and elegance. Fidelity and promptness to their patrons render the house a desirable medium for traders in the Army. The RAILWAY TIMEKEEPER has HEAVY SOLID STERLING SILVER CASES, beautiful white enamel dial, handsome gold hands, with superior regulated movement, warranted to run and, keep excellent time! Price per case of a half dozen, $54. By mail, $1.65 additional for postage. Should retail readily at from $20 to $50 each. Not sold in quantities of less than six. Also the celebrated:

THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM, BRING A LADY'S or GENTLEMAN's WATCH IN ONE, AND A HUNTING AND OPEN-FACE COMBINED, WITH PATENT SELF-WINDING IMPROVEMENT. The N. Y. Illustrated News, in its issue of Jan. 10th, 1863, on page 147, voluntarily says: "We have been shown a most pleasing novelty, of which the HUBBARD BROS., of New York, are the sole importers. It is called the MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, and is a Hunting and Open Face Watch combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient., and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use ever offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine, 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece." Price, superbly engraved, per case of half dozen, $204. Sample Watches, in nest morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, $35. If sent by mail the postage is 36 cents.

TERMS CASH, REQUIRED IN ADVANCE IN ALL INSTANCES. Remittances may be made in United States money or draft payable to our order; if sent by express or mail, in a registered letter at our risk, No Circulars or Agents. WATCHES FOR THE ARMY CAN ONLY BE FORWARDED By MAIL. Address

HUBDARD BROS, Sole Importers, North cor, John and Nassau Streets, New York.


Blemishes on the face, called Moth, are very annoying, particularly to ladies of light complexion, as the discolored spots on the skin show more strongly on blondes than on brunettes, but they contribute greatly in marring the beauty on either; and any thing that will remove moth patches without injuring the skin in texture or color, would no doubt be considered a great achievement in medical science. Dr. B. C. PERRY, having devoted his whole time and attention to Diseases of the skin, will guarantee to remove Moth Patches, Freckles, and other discolorations from the face without injury to either texture or color of the skin. His success in this, as in other branches of his specialty— DISEASES OF THE SCALP and loss or HAIR--will warrant him in, guaranteeing a CURE IN EVERY CASE. For full particulars, address, enclosing stamp for a circular,

DR. B. C. PERRY, No. 49 Bond Street, Now York.

All Consultations Free.

LANDS.—A Rare Opportunity for all Wanting Farms, in the large New England settlement of Hammonton, 30 miles southeast of Philadelphia; fine climate; best fruit soil and markets in the Union; $15 to $20 per acre. Terms easy. For full information apply to R. J. BYRNES, Hammonton, New Jersey. Letters answered. Route to the land—Leave Vine Street Wharf, Philadelphia. at 7 1/2 A.M. or 3 1/2 P.M. for Hammonton.

Nature has Provided a Remedy

For every Disease. -Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN has lately published a Treatise on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparations for the positive and permanent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Fits, Scrofula, and General Debility, which he will send free to all on receipt of a stamp for return postage. Address Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J.

Miller & Grant, 703 Broadway, N. Y.,

RICH LACES, PARIS EMBROIDERIES, UNSURPASSED in STYLE; also a great VARIETY of SHETLAND, LAMA, and CHANTILLY SHAWLS, to which they invite the attention of Purchasers.


Publisher, Bookseller, and Fancy Stationer, has removed to No. 841 Broadway, near 14th St., Roosevelt Building, where it will give him pleasure to serve his customers the same as at his former stand.





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