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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1865, by Harper & Brothers, in
the Clerk's Office
of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.
Fourteenth of
April is a dark day in
our country's calendar.
On that day four years
ago the national flag
was for the first time
lowered at the bidding
of traitors. Upon that
day, after a desperate
conflict with treason for
four long, weary years—a
conflict in which the
nation had so far triumphed
that she breathed
again in the joyous
prospect of coming peace
—her chosen leader was
stricken down by the
foul hand of the cowardly
assassin. Exultation
that had known no
bounds was exchanged
for boundless grief. The
record upon which had
been inscribed all sorts
of violence possible to
the most malignant treason
that ever sought to
poison a nation's
had been almost written
full. But not quite full.
Murder had run out its
category of possible degrees
against helpless
loyalists in the South,
against women and children
whose houses had
been burned down over
their heads, and against
unfortunate prisoners,
who had been tortured
and literally
to death. But there still
remained one victim for
its last rude stroke—one
victim for whom, it was
whispered in rebel journals
South and North,
there was still reserved
the dagger of a
Beaten on every field of
recognized warfare, treason
outdid its very self,
and killed our President.
The man who lent himself to traitors for this vile purpose was
BOOTH, who sold himself, it
may be, partly for the pieces of silver, but chiefly for the infamous
notoriety attaching to such an act. There was an ancient villain who
deliberately purposed to perpetuate the memory of his name among men by an act
of awful sacrilege—a sacrilege so striking as never to be forgotten—and he
burned the temple of the Ephesian Diana.
gained his end,
and has been remembered
accordingly. A memory far more detestable is in store for JOHN
WILKES BOOTH, who dared, by the commission
of an infinitely greater sacrilege, to bring a whole people to tears.
He was the third son born in America of the
eminent English tragedian JUNIUS
BOOTH. There were three brothers, JUNIUS BRUTUS, Jun., EDWIN, and
JOHN WILKES, all of whom inherited a predilection for the stage.
EDWIN, however, is the only one of these who has attained a very eminent
position as an actor, and he is probably surpassed by no living man. In justice
to him it is proper here to state that he is true and loyal, and exacts our
sincerest sympathy. The elder BOOTH,
father of these three actors,
died thirteen years ago.
He passed the quieter portion of his life upon his farm, in Harford
County, some thirty miles from Baltimore. JOHN WILKES
BOOTH, the murderer, was born
in 1839, and is now only twenty-six years of age. He went upon the stage
at the early age
of seventeen, simply as
WILKES. As stock actor he
gained a fair reputation, and afterward assuming his full name, he began
a more ambitious career. But, partly
on account of his dissolute habits, he never achieved a marked success.
He performed chiefly in the South and West. He has appeared
but few times before a New York audience.
In person he bears considerable resemblance to his father. His eyes are
dark and large ; his hair of the
same color, inclined to curl ; his features finely molded ; his form
tall, and his address pleasing. He abandoned his profession recently on account
of a bronchial affection. It is said that he has frequently threatened to kill
LINCOLN. His companions have been violent Secessionists, and
there are doubtless many others involved to a greater
or less degree in his crime. The attempt to assassinate
SEWARD was made probably by
an accomplice. It is supposed that
were to have been added to
the list of victims. The latter, at least,
received on Friday a card from BOOTH, but was not
at home.
Those who were acquainted with BOOTH'S
movements on the fatal Friday say that his manner was restless. He knew that the
President and his party intended to be present at
Ford's Theatre in the evening.
He asked an acquaintance if he should attend the performance, remarking that if
he did he would see some unusually fine acting.
It was
the general expectation that
GRANT would form one of the President's party, and there are many who
suppose that a blow was intended for him as well as the President. The
latter had passed the day in the usual manner. In the morning his son,
LINCOLN, breakfasted with him.—The Captain had just returned from the
capitulation of
LEE, and the President
listened with great interest to his narration of the detailed circumstances.
After breakfast he conversed for an
hour with Speaker
COLFAX about his future policy
as to the rebellion which he was about to submit to his
Cabinet. At 11 o'clock
the Cabinet met. Both the President and
GRANT were present. Having spent the afternoon with Governor
OGLESBY, Senator
YATES, and other leading
citizens of his State, he went to the theatre in the evening with
LINCOLN, in order to unite in the general expression of popular joy for
our late victories. The party consisted of
Mrs. Senator
HARRIS and daughter,
and Major
Albany. They arrived at ten minutes before nine o'clock,
and occupied a private box over-looking the stage. The
play for the evening was
The American Cousin.
BOOTH came upon his errand at about
He left his horse in charge
at the rear of the theatre,
and made his way to the
box. This box is a double one, in
the second tier at the left of the stage. When occupied by the
Presidential party the separating
partition is removed, and the two boxes are thus thrown into one. We give
an accurate plan of the box on
page 259.—According
statement, the assassin must have made his preparations in the most deliberate
manner beforehand. Of this fact there are at least four proofs, as we shall see:
Stealthily approaching the dark passageway leading to the box, BOOTH, after
having effected an entrance, closed the
hall door, and then, taking a piece of board which he had prepared for
the occasion, placed one end of it
in an indentation excavated
in the wall, about four feet from the floor, and the
other against the moulding of the
door-panel a few inches higher. He thus made it impossible for any one to enter
from without; and securing himself against intrusion in that direction, he
proceeded to the doors of the box. There were two of those. Here also the
villain had carefully provided before hand the means by which he might,
unnoticed himself, observe the position of the parties inside. With a gimlet, or
small bit, he had bored a hole in the door-panel, which he afterward reamed out
with his knife, so as to leave it a little larger than a buck-shot on the inside, while on the other side
it was sufficiently large to give his eye a wide range.
To secure against the doors being locked (they both
had spring-locks), he had loosened the screws with
(Continued next
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