James Clinton


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James ClintonClinton, JAMES, military officer; born in Ulster (now Orange) county, New York, August 9, 1736; son of Charles Clinton; was well educated, but he had a strong inclination for military life. Before the beginning of the Revolutionary War he was lieutenant-colonel of the militia of Ulster county. He was a captain under Bradstreet in the capture of Fort Frontenac in 1758; and he afterwards was placed in command of four regiments for the protection of the frontiers of Ulster and Orange counties—a position of difficulty and danger. When the war for independence broke out, he was appointed colonel of the 3d New York Regiment (June 30, 1775), and accompanied Montgomery to Quebec. Made a brigadier-general in August, 1776, he was active in the service; and was in command of Fort Clinton, in the Hudson Highlands, when it was attacked in October, 1777. In 1779 he joined Sullivan's expedition against the Senecas with 1,500 men. He was stationed at Albany during a great part of the war; but he was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. General Clinton was a commissioner to adjust the boundary-line between New York and Pennsylvania; and was a member of both the Assembly and Senate of the State of New York. He died in Little Britain, N. Y.,



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