The History of Texas: The First Revolutionary
(Previous Section:
Texas Legislative Actions in 1834)
First Revolutionary Meeting in Texas: 1834
THE first strictly revolutionary meeting
in Texas was held at Bexar, on the 13th of October, 1834, in pursuance
of the recommendation of the representatives and superior judge of the
department. At this assembly, on motion of Erasmo Seguin, the call for a
convention, to meet at Bexar, on the 15th of November following, was
approved. The proceedings were sent to the other municipalities; but, as
previously stated, the movement did not succeed. A meeting followed on
the 20th of October, at San Felipe, under the auspices of the political
chief of Brazos, which went further than was at first recommended, by
proposing a perpetual dissolution of the connection between Coahuila and
Texas. But it appears that the convention of April, 1833, previous to
its adjournment, had appointed a grand central committee to look after
the public interests. This committee, considering that the movement was
premature —that
Austin was still in confinement, and his safety jeoparded by such
action—and following his advice, as transmitted from Mexico—replied to
these proceedings, and recommended acquiescence for the present.
Mexican Congress Orders the Citizenry Be Disarmed
The Mexican national Congress met on the
first of January, 1835, in pursuance of the plan of Cuernavaca. The
centralists had triumphed, everywhere, except in the two states of
Zacatecas and Coahuila and Texas. Zacatecas resolved that she would
adhere to the constitution of 1824, and so instructed her
representatives. Among the first acts of Congress was the banishment of
Gomez Farias, the vice-president, who, though a rough believer, was at
the head of republicanism in Mexico. Another act was to declare
Zacatecas in a state of rebellion; and yet another, reducing the number
of the militia to one soldier for each five hundred inhabitants, and
disarming the remainder. This arbitrary decree was a sufficient
justification of Texas for her subsequent acts. Every one who knows the
Texans, or who had heard of them, would naturally conclude that they
never would submit to be disarmed. Any government that would attempt to
disarm its people is despotic; and any people that would submit to it
deserve to be slaves!
1835 Elections in Texas
In the meantime, in pursuance of the
award of
Anna, the state of Coahuila and Texas proceeded to hold elections
for governor, vice-governor, and members of the legislature. Augustin
Viesca was elected governor, and Ramon Musquiz vice-governor. They were
both republicans; the legislature was of the same political character.
It may be stated in advance, that, however patriotic these gentlemen
assumed to be, they were men of easy virtue; and, in escaping from under
the ruins of a falling government, they managed to carry off more
plunder than belonged to them. The first evidence of legislative
corruption appeared in a decree, passed on the 14th of March, 1835,
authorizing the governor to sell four hundred leagues of land, without
being subject to the provisions of the general colonization law of 1825.
The lands were shortly disposed of to speculators; but the law itself
was abrogated by the general Congress on the 25th of April following.
The town of Saltillo, devoted to Santa Anna, and ever ready, since the
removal of the seat of government from that place, to take advantage of
any errors committed at Monclova, seized this occasion to revolt. Her
deputies retired from the legislature, leaving their protest. On their
return home, the people of Saltillo pronounced General Martin Perfecto
de Cos, commandant-general of the eastern states, gave them aid and
countenance, by a letter to Governor Viesca, supporting their views: and
not only this, but he set out, with a body of troops, for the capitol of
the state, to enforce the points laid down in his letter!
The legislature, being informed of these
facts, passed a decree, dated the 7th of April, authorizing the governor
to raise such force as he might deem necessary to secure the public
tranquility, and to protect the civil authorities in the exercise of
their functions. That body further declared that no portion of the
standing army should be stationed in the capitol, except by the express
orders of the president of the nation.
At the time Santa Anna determined against
the admission of Texas as a state, he held out some hope that he would
organize it into a territory. The Texans did not desire this, any more
than their union with Coahuila. However, the idea had become general in
the state; and Governor Viesca, on taking his seat, published an
address, advising union between all sections: and in a note appended to
the address it was stated that Santa Anna wished to reduce Texas to the
condition of a territory—"to separate her from Coahuila, in order that
the people might be considered as foreigners." This address was dated on
the 15th of April, 1835—for Viesca did not in fact assume the executive
functions until that day; but Austin, writing from Mexico, under date of
the 15th of March, said: " The territorial question is dead. The
advocates of that measure are now strongly in favor of a state
government; and that measure is now before Congress. A call has been
made upon the president for information on the subject; and I am assured
the president will make his communication in a few days, and that it
will be decidedly in favor of Texas and the state."
Thus was Santa Anna temporizing with
Texas, through
Stephen F. Austin, until he could get the country occupied with his
troops. Coahuila, at the same time, was courting her regards, and urging
her to remain as part of the state, while she was heartily tired of them
The state government, finding that the
transfer of so large a body of the public lands of Texas into the hands
of speculators had produced quite an excitement in the mind of the
general community, undertook an apology, which was published in "La
Gaceta del Gobierno Supremo del Estado" of the 1st of April. Therein
it was stated that, by the defection of Saltillo, the treasury of the
state was exhausted, and that the government must have means. Still,
this hardly justified the private sale of four hundred leagues of
excellent lands at less than two cents per acre! But much was promised
to Texas.
La Gaceta del Gobierno Supremo del Estado
"For the
satisfaction of the people of Texas," says 'La Gaceta,' " and the
friends of freedom generally, we will state that bills are now
presented to the legislature, and others will soon be presented,
which will greatly promote, the advancement and prosperity of that
fair portion of our country—such as the regulation of the
colonization system upon a liberal and practicable basis; the
regulation and termination of
Indian claims
and Indian wars; the appropriation of sufficient sums of money out
of the proceeds of public lands to establish in Texas a state
college and good rudimental schools; the settlement of all the loose
families in Texas; the decision of all land claims and disputes; and
to put an end to many abuses practiced upon the people, and
ultimately many other projects highly favorable to the state in
general, and to Texas in particular."
Texas Reaffirms Support of the Mexican Constitution
of 1824
Thus were the hopes of the Texans
flattered, while they were robbed of their fair domain; and thus did
this legislature render itself worthy to be driven from its halls by the
minions of Santa Anna. The federal Congress had under consideration a
decree of conciliation and amnesty. It proposed only to extend the act
of oblivion to a time limited, and to include none but natives of
Mexico. The state legislature very properly recommended that the
provisions of the amnesty should be enlarged, so as to cover the entire
past, and also include naturalized foreigners. This suggestion, had it
been adopted, might have postponed the impending political crisis
somewhat longer: for Texas, composed almost entirely of foreigners,
would not otherwise obtain any benefit from the decree. The legislature,
forgetting awhile its selfish ends, and being witness to the scandalous
and bloody scenes enacting in the city of Mexico, declared, in an
address to the federal Congress, that notwithstanding plans were formed,
and pronunciamentos, accompanied by appeals to arms, constantly
occurred, and the principles of the constitution and the rights of the
people were as constantly proclaimed, yet, unfortunately, action had
never corresponded with declaration; but that, on the contrary,
distrust, discord, and a disposition to persecution and revenge,
constituted their settled course of procedure. That body further
declared that it represented a people who were proud of having always
sustained the constitution of 1824, and that they would firmly continue
to sustain it. It warned the federal Congress that "reforms," at all
times and in all places dangerous, would then be still more so in
Coahuila and Texas; that it was bordering on a flourishing
sister-republic, and was settled by thousands of inhabitants with whom
the changes contemplated would not agree, as they could not conform to
them; and that such changes would highly compromit, not only the
internal peace of the country, but the very integrity of the nation.
Santa Anna Murders Citizens of Zacatecas
Santa Anna and his pliant Congress
disregarded these prophetic warnings. That body, after declaring its own
almost unlimited powers, proceeded gradually in its work of destroying
what little of republican liberty yet remained in the Mexican
confederacy. In April, the president-dictator set out, at the head of
three thousand four hundred troops, to chastise the people of Zacatecas;
and, about the same time, he ordered his brother-in-law, General Cos,
then stationed at Matamoras, to proceed, at the head of a suitable
force, to disperse the legislature at Monclova.
Don Francisco Garcia, governor of
Zacatecas, had assembled, on the plains of Guadalupe, not far from the
city, a force of five thousand men, with several pieces of artillery. On
the 10th of May, Santa Anna approached with his army, and sent a demand
to the governor to surrender. The latter refused with spirit. On the
next morning, at five o'clock, the battle commenced, and, after a bloody
engagement of two hours, the Zacatecans were entirely routed. Two
thousand of them were killed, and twenty-seven hundred more were made
prisoners. All their arms and ammunition fell into the hands of the
victors. Santa Anna, with his troops—of whom, according to his own
bulletins, he had scarcely lost a hundred in the battle —marched into
the capital of the state, where for two days they were engaged in the
butchery of the unfortunate inhabitants and the plunder of their city!
Zacatecas was one of the wealthiest mining-districts in Mexico. It had
likewise been one of the earliest and most constant friends of the
national revolution, in which it had suffered greatly. The spirit of
liberty had taken deep root in the state; but this great blow had
utterly prostrated her, and submission to the dictator was the only
alternative. The intelligence of this disaster produced a painful
sensation in Texas.
General Cos Invades Texas: 1835
Meantime, General Cos with his force was
slowly approaching the capital of the state of Coahuila and Texas. The
legislature prepared to meet this invasion of its rights, not by force
of arms, but by the enactment of laws for extending land-titles. It
found time, during its last days, to create a bank, to be organized,
under the auspices of an empresario, in Texas. Governor Viesca called
out the militia, to defend the legislature; but the public mind of the
state, especially in Texas, was so thoroughly convinced of the
selfishness and corruption of that body, that the stirring appeals of
his excellency could not arouse them. They declared that it was too much
to risk their blood to sustain those who had wantonly squandered their
lands. The legislature, therefore, after passing a decree authorizing
the provisional location of the seat of government at such point as the
governor might select, hastily adjourned. Thus closed for ever, on the
21st day of April, 1835, the legislature of Coahuila and Texas. It fell
by the hands of a tyrant, but unpitied by the people.
The governor, having selected Bexar as
the future temporary capital of the state, collected the archives, and
set out on his journey thither, with an escort of one hundred and fifty
of the militia, and some few Texans. After proceeding as far as Hermanos,
he returned to Monclova, with a view to surrender and make terms with
Santa Anna; but subsequently, apprehending that he would be safer in
Texas, he set out on his way to that department, in company with Colonel
Milam and John Cameron. The party were, however, captured in the
mountains by the forces under Cos, and started to Vera Cruz. Milan
escaped at Monterey, and the others at Saltillo, and finally all reached
Texas. Such of the legislators as did not escape were imprisoned and
banished. The federal Congress afterward deposed the state authorities,
and annulled all the decrees of the late session.
Indian Battle Near Gonzales, Texas, 1836
We will return to the occurrences in
Texas. The people of that department were now without a government; and
it devolved on them, either to establish a system of their own, or
submit to the will of Santa Anna. From their character, the latter could
not be expected. The national decree, dissolving the civic militia,
exposed the country to the constant depredations of the Indians, who had
already become very troublesome and dangerous. As an instance of this,
early in 1835, an Italian and several Mexicans, engaged in transporting
goods, were attacked in the morning by about seventy Indians, on the
road, fifteen miles west of Gonzales. The merchants, forming a
breastwork of their goods, continued the fight till evening. But
gradually their numbers were thinned by the fire of their adversaries,
till they were no longer able to defend their position. An assault was
then made on the survivors by the savages, and every one was butchered
and scalped. Such a scene, on the great thoroughfare of the country, was
sufficient to prove the necessity of an organized militia, and that
militia well armed.
The first step toward an independent
organization in Texas was through committees of safety. The first
committee of safety was appointed at Mina (now Bastrop), on the 17th day
of May, 1835. It was chosen, not in reference to a rupture with Mexico,
but in consequence of repeated outrages committed by the Indians. The
people assembled on that day, to make some arrangement for their
protection. Samuel Wolfenbarger was called to the chair, and J. W.
Bunton appointed secretary. A previous meeting of the ayuntamiento
and a few citizens had convened on the 8th of the month, and nominated
D. C. Barrett, John McGehee, and B. Manlove, as a committee of safety.
The meeting of the 17th confirmed it, and added to it the names of
Samuel Wolfenbarger and Edward Burleson. This example was soon followed
by all the municipalities; so that in a short time they were found in
the active discharge of their functions, laboring with a zeal and
constancy worthy of the noble cause in which they were engaged.
William Travis Attacks Mexican Troops near Galveston
Early in 1835, Captain Tenorio, with
twenty Mexican troops, was stationed at Anahuac, to guard and protect
the port of Galveston. Some of the Texans, headed by William B. Travis,
determined that taxes should not thus be collected from them to support
a standing army in their own country, attacked and drove them off. They
retired to San Felipe, where they were hospitably received, and assisted
on their way to Bexar.
Santa Anna to Move Troops to Texas
Santa Anna, having deposed the governor
of the state, filled the office by the appointment of Don Miguel Falcon,
a creature of his own; but Falcon shortly afterward proving
impracticable, he removed him, and invested the commandant-general Cos
with the civil as well as the military power. This, added to the rumored
approach of a standing army, increased the public alarm. Colonel
Ugartachea, the Mexican commandant, was stationed at Bexar. He was a man
of courage, and of many amiable qualities; in fact, he was personally
popular with the Texans. He saw the approaching storm, and did what he
could to avert it, but he was a soldier, and acted under orders. Cos was
a different man; yet he was capable of as much hypocrisy as he deemed
necessary to conceal his designs and ensnare the Texan patriots. He did
not, however, deceive them long. He sent them a circular, dated the 12th
of June, 1835, full of the paternal views of the national government. At
the same time he dispatched a message to the commandant at Anahuac,
informing him that the two companies of New Leon and the battalion of
Morales would sail immediately for Texas; and that they would be
followed by another strong force, which he had solicited the government
to send. With this dispatch also went another, from Ugartachea, giving
the information that the force which had conquered Zacatecas, and which
was then at Saltillo, had likewise been ordered to Texas, and would soon
regulate matters! The courier bearing these documents was arrested by a
party at San Felipe, and the papers opened and read.
The intelligence thus received served
only to increase the public excitement. There were two parties in San
Felipe, and, in fact, throughout Texas. The war-party, on receipt of the
news of the flight of Governor Viesca, and his subsequent arrest, held a
meeting, and resolved to rescue the governor, and drive the Mexican
troops from San Antonio. Notwithstanding this, the peace-party did not
cooperate, but urged the bad faith of the governor and legislature as a
reason why they should not interpose in their behalf. " But," rejoined
the war-party, " the sale of the four hundred leagues of land has
nothing to do with the subject. You are justly indignant at that sale—so
also are we; but that can and ought to have no weight with the public
mind at this time. It is too inconsiderable to be noticed when compared
to the importance of our country, our property, our liberty, and our
lives, which are all involved in the present contest between the states
and the military." Thus, while the peace-party were engaged in making
apologies, and in soothing Cos and Ugartachea, the war-party were
publishing flaming documents, full of the wrongs of Texas, and of her
threatened ruin.
The meeting of the war-party, on the 22d
of June, was followed by an address from the chairman, R. M. Williamson,
which produced a powerful effect on the public mind. As Ramon Musquiz,
the vice-governor, was in Bexar, and was willing to act as governor if
the colonists would sustain him, it was proposed to take that place,
install him in the executive office, and have him appoint commissioners
to extend to the colonists the titles to their lands. The legislature,
before its flight, had authorized such appointments, but the governor
was arrested before he could make them.
Liberty Denounces Travis's Action Near Galveston
These views were supported by several of
the municipalities, but others rejected them. The ayuntamiento of
Liberty, on the 1st of June, issued an address, denouncing the conduct
of the party that had expelled the troops from Anahuac, declared them a
mob, and threatened to punish all such offenders against the laws of
Mexico. John A. Williams, a considerable personage in the jurisdiction
of Liberty, published a circular, denouncing the meeting at San Felipe
of the 22d of June. "We are told," says he, "much about extravagant
reforms, dangerous innovations, and extraordinary prerogatives assumed
by the general Congress, yet not one word is said about the public fraud
committed by the governor and legislature in the illegal sale of four
hundred leagues of land to their favorite speculators I fear," he
continues, " the people are now ready to plunge headlong into the
yawning jaws of a hopeless civil war. It seems to me that I never heard
of an attack so daring, so ungrateful and unprovoked, as that held forth
by the people of San Felipe. To capture and occupy San Antonio, to make
treaties with the Indians, to send forces and rescue the governor, to
protect the frontiers, and sustain our position against the combined
forces of the Mexican United States, are what we are urged to do! O
vanity! O ignorance! what have ye done? Will my countrymen ever be the
prey of political jugglers?"
Dr. Miller Organizes Texas Militia at Brasos
Dr. James B. Miller, the political chief
of Brazos, while he dispatched a letter of peace to General Cos,
proceeded to organize the militia of his jurisdiction—though this he
might well do to oppose the Indians, for they had become troublesome. In
pursuance of previous notice, however, there was held on the 17th of
July, at San Felipe, a meeting of the representatives sent from the
jurisdictions of Austin, Columbia, and Mina, to take into consideration
the state of the country, and the alleged outrages against Mexico. Wylie
Martin was chosen president, Charles B. Stewart secretary, and the
meeting duly organized. After a session of four days, but little was
accomplished. A reply was made to the letter of Ugartachea, in which he
had assured the Texans of the good will of the central government. The
reply represented the existence of a like conciliatory spirit on the
part of Texas, and expressed regret for the recent outrages, requesting
Ugartachea to interpose with Santa Anna and Cos. Captain Tenorio, who
was present at this meeting, was mollified, by sending to Harrisburg for
his arms, and to Patrick H. Jack for his private papers that had been
taken from him at Anahuac. On the second day of the convention, John A.
Wharton moved for a call of a general council of the people of Texas,
but the proposition was voted down. A committee of five was then
appointed, to draw up a statement of facts in regard to the late
disturbances, but the next day it was discharged, for want of the
necessary information as to what constituted the facts. A commission,
however, consisting of two persons (D. C. Barrett and Edward Gritton),
was appointed, to proceed to Matamoras, and explain to General Cos the
recent occurrences, and to assure him of the adherence of Texas to the
general government and its institutions. The meeting, having left all
unfinished business in the hands of the political chief at his request,
adjourned to meet again on the first of August following.
The proceedings of this convention had
the effect to calm the feelings of the war-party, and place them in the
minority. In the letter of Ugartachea, referred to on the previous page,
he stated to the Texans that they had nothing to fear from the
introduction of troops into Texas; that they would be placed in
detachments at the commercial points to prevent smuggling, and also on
the frontiers to repress the incursions of the Indians. Nevertheless, it
was the object of the peace-party to prevent, if possible, the
introduction of troops into Texas; and they declared to Colonel
Ugartachea, in their reply of the 17th of July, that if troops were
dispatched to attack the colonists, or were sent in great numbers for
any purpose, it would cause the reunion of all parties, and a fearful
civil war would be the result.
Navidad Meeting in Favor of War with Mexico
The people on the Navidad took a warlike
view of public occurrences. They held a meeting at the house of William
Millican, on the 19th of July, and, after appointing James Kerr chairman
and Samuel Rogers secretary, declared their belief that Santa Anna was
hostile to state sovereignty and the state constitution; that they would
oppose any force that might be introduced into Texas for other than
constitutional purposes; that, whereas there were then at Goliad two
hundred infantry, on their march to Bexar, they recommended the chief of
the department to intercept them; and they further advised the taking of
Bexar. They concluded their proceedings by calling on the militia, and
directing them to be ready to march at a moment's warning. An account of
these spirited proceedings was speedily sent to San Felipe, but a change
of feeling had occurred there since the meeting of the 22d of June, and
the people were awaiting the result of the mission of Messrs. Barrett
and Gritton.
Feelings at Nacagdoches
The people of Nacogdoches, though farther
removed from the seat of disquiet, had already chosen a committee of
safety and vigilance. Henry Rueg,* the political chief of that
department, was friendly to the war-party, and aided the committee in
its labors. Among the leaders of the war-party, the most prominent at
that time were
Bowie, Williamson, and Johnson. A letter from Travis, at San Felipe,
to Bowie, at Nacogdoches, dated July 30, 1835, will give some idea of
the views of his party at that date. " The truth is," says Travis, " the
people are much divided here. The peace party, as they style themselves,
I believe are the strongest, and make much the most noise. Unless we
could be united, had we not better be quiet, and settle down for a
while? There is now no doubt but that a central government will be
established. What will Texas do in that case? Dr. J. H. C. Miller, and
Chambers, from Gonzales, are, I believe, for unqualified submission. I
do not know the minds of the people upon the subject; but if they had a
bold and determined leader, I am inclined to think they would kick
against it General Cos writes that he wants to be at peace with us; and
he appears to be disposed to cajole and soothe us. Ugartachea does the
same. . . . God knows what we are to do! I am determined, for one, to go
with my countrymen : right or wrong, ' sink or swim, live or die,
survive or perish,' I am with them!"
Rueg was a native of Switzerland. He came to the United States in
1818, and, with his partner Norgelle, brought a number of Dutch
families to a tract of land near Compte, on Red river; but the
colony, not prospering, was abandoned, and Rueg proceeded to Texas
in 1821. After engaging for a while in the mule-trade, he set up a
small store in Nacogdoches. Here an intimacy sprang up between him
and Piedras the commandant, which, when that town was erected into a
separate chieftaincy, resulted in his appointment to that office. He
was the first and last political chief of the department.
On the 12th of July, General Cos
addressed a letter to the political chief of Brazos, inquiring as to the
late proceedings, and directing him to take measures for the suppression
of disturbances. J. B. Miller was absent and sick at the time this paper
reached San Felipe, and it was answered by Wylie Martin, the chief
pro tem. He assured General Cos that he had already taken steps to
allay the disturbances, and had made known to the people the friendly
assurances of his excellency. He further informed him of the appointment
of commissioners to visit him at Matamoras, and make explanations.
In the meantime, early in July, Lorenzo
de Zavala, late governor of the state and city of Mexico, and ambassador
to France, had fled from the tyranny of Santa Anna, and sought refuge on
the shores of Texas. No sooner had the Mexican authorities learned this
fact, than an order was dispatched to have him arrested. Captain Antonio
Tenorio, late of Anahuac, made the application for arrest to Wylie
Martin, acting political chief, on the 24th of July. On the 26th the
chief replied that be could not, in his civil capacity, proceed to
arrest Zavala, because he had received no order to that effect from the
government; and therefore he refused.
Mexican Spies in Austin's Colony
But there were spies at San Felipe,
watching and reporting to Ugartachea the movements of the war-party. Dr.
James H. C. Miller, of Gonzales, who was then at San Felipe as a
delegate to the approaching convention of the first of August, thus
wrote to John W. Smith, of Bexar, under date of July 25, 1835: " All
here is in a train for peace. The war and speculating parties are
entirely put down, and are preparing to leave the country. They should
now be demanded of their respective chiefs—a few at a time. First,
Johnson, Williamson, Travis, and Williams; and perhaps that is enough.
Captain Martin, once so revolutionary, is now, thank God, where he
should be, in favor of peace, and his duty; and by his influence, in a
good degree, has peace been restored. But now they should be demanded.
The moment is auspicious. The people are up. Say so, and oblige one who
will never forget his true allegiance to the supreme authorities of the
nation, and who knows that, till they are dealt with, Texas will never
be quiet. Travis is in a peck of troubles. Dr. J. B. Miller disclaims
his act in taking Anahuac, and he feels the breach. Don Lorenzo de
Zavala is now in Columbia, attempting to arouse, &c. Have him called
for, and he also will be delivered up. Williams, Baker, and Johnson, are
now on a visit to him, and no doubt conspiring against the government.
Fail not to move in this matter, and that quickly, as now is the time."
Smith immediately exhibited this letter
to Ugartachea, who, being misled by it, and supposing the people of
Texas would surrender their leading men, issued an order to each of the
alcaldes, ordering them to take every possible means to arrest
Zavala, Johnson, Williamson, Travis, Williams, and Baker; and, when in
safe custody, to deliver them to Captain Tenorio at San Felipe. He
further stated in the order, that, should they not do so, they would not
only be compromitted themselves, but he would send a respectable force
to arrest those persons.
The commissioners to General Cos reported
their proceedings to the committee of safety at Mina, and they were
approved on the 29th of July. Having made the necessary preparations,
the commissioners set out. Their correspondence is long and pointless.
They left Bastrop on the 30th of July, and arrived at Gonzales on the
night of the 1st of August, where they met the order of Ugartachea for
the arrest of Zavala and the other suspected persons. They succeeded in
detaining the express until Gritton could hasten to Bexar, and endeavor
to effect the revocation of the order. He succeeded only so far as to
have rescinded that portion which required the prisoners, when arrested,
to be delivered to Captain Tenorio.
The commissioners reached Bexar on the
5th of August, and had several interviews with Colonel Ugartachea. He
could not understand what was meant by conventions, commissioners, and
committees of safety, but looked upon them with jealousy as a sort of
pronunciamentos, and of rebellious tendency. But they were
operating, as they supposed, favorably upon the kind-hearted Mexican
commandant of Texas, when—" Lo! at this auspicious moment," say the
commissioners, " a courier from General Cos arrived, interdicting all
communication with the colonies, leaving them to go to the devil in
their own way!"
Cos had received a copy of the
4th-of-July address of R. M. Williamson: hence the interdict. That night
the commissioners went to bed—not to sleep, but "haunted by visions of
broken heads, mangled limbs, and an ill-natured and unnatural conflict,
unnecessarily provoked, and for the want of time to effect a proper
understanding among all the parties concerned." But the next morning
another courier arrived from Cos, countermanding the order of the
preceding evening. He had received the account of the proceedings of the
peace-convention of July 17-21, which changed the face of things, and
consequently his own feelings. In his last dispatch, however, General
Cos still required, as a condition of peace, that the disturbers of
public order should be given up. Nor did he act without the authority of
Santa Anna. In a letter from Tornel, the minister of war and marine, to
Cos, dated the 1st of August, he stated that it was Santa Anna's " will
that the delinquents be chastised that those who had attempted to
disturb order should be given up, to be placed at the disposal of the
tribunals." The order was also repeated on the 8th, so that General Cos
had no discretion in the matter; and, while he was determined to obey
these commands, as far as he could, he took care to make them public. As
the Texan commissioners were not authorized to surrender any one to the
Mexican authorities, or to agree that it should be done, it was
concluded to send back Mr. Gritton for further instructions, thus
intimating pretty clearly that the surrenders should be made.
In pursuance of the foregoing
arrangement, Mr. Gritton returned to San Felipe, while Mr. Barrett
remained at Bexar; both, however, were to meet at Goliad on their way to
Matamoras. But to return to more important events.
Santa Anna was extremely solicitous to
obtain possession of the person of Zavala. The latter had been his
friend, and had sustained him in a trying hour. But the aid was given
for the cause of liberty! Santa Anna had deserted that cause, and now
wished to sacrifice an ancient friend, who might live to reproach him
for his perfidy. "I give this supreme order," says Tornel to Cos, "
having the honor to direct it to you, requiring you to provide and bring
into action all your ingenuity and activity in arranging energetic plans
for success in the apprehension of Don Lorenzo Zavala, which person, in
the actual circumstances of Texas, must be very pernicious. To this end
I particularly recommend that you spare no means to secure his person,
and place it at the disposition of the supreme government."
Cos, in transmitting this order to
Ugartachea, on the 8th of August, directed him, if Zavala was not given
up, to proceed at the head of all his cavalry to execute the command,
and to give to the local authorities on the route information as to his
sole object. General Cos also approved of Colonel Ugartachea's
requisition upon the alcaldes for the other obnoxious individuals
previously mentioned, and especially
Travis, whose arrest he ordered, that he might be conducted to
Bexar, to be tried by a military court.
The next point was to execute this
"supreme order." Zavala was needed by the Texans in organizing their
defense; and the time had not yet arrived when Travis should be shot at
Bexar. But efforts to execute the order were postponed, to await the
result of the application for new instructions to be furnished Mr.
Gritton. The points on which the Texan commissioners wished instructions
were-1. What disposition they should make of the individuals demanded
for punishment. 2. As to the modification of the Mexican tariff, the
general Congress being then in session. 3. With respect to a direct mail
communication from Mexico, through Texas, to the United States. 4. As to
the right of carrying on a coasting-trade in foreign bottoms. 5. In
regard to citizenship. 6. The appointment of commissioners to extend
land-titles to those Texans unprovided, and three fourths of them were
in that condition. 7. As to the sending of troops into Texas. 8. With
regard to the practice of sentencing convicts to Texas, making it a
sanctuary for rogues. Thus it will be seen that the simple embassy of
peace, long before it reached its destination, had grown to one of
plenipotentiary powers.
It will be remembered that the meeting
that had appointed these commissioners had adjourned to meet again on
the 1st of August. On that day but three municipalities were
represented. After waiting till the 3d of the month, the political chief
dissolved the council, saying that, if anything should occur, he would
call another meeting; so that, when Mr. Gritton presented himself, he
found no one able to furnish him with instructions. The acting political
chief, Wylie Martin, in reply, however, stated that the body that had
appointed the commissioners had ceased to exist; and that a new election
and convocation would require four weeks, and that would defeat the
object of the mission—which was simply one of pacification. He regretted
their delay, believing their powers sufficient for the main object; and
concluded by informing them that those persons proscribed had left the
department of Brazos, and that the balance of the war-party were still
urging Texas to ruin, by attempting to bring about a general convention
of the department.
The report that the proscribed persons
were on their way to the United States was eagerly seized by Ugartachea
as an excuse for not marching in pursuit, at the risk of losing all his
cavalry. General Cos wrote to him on the 20th of August, stating that it
was useless for the commissioners to come to see him, for the purpose of
making explanations, unless the disturbers of public order were first
given up. But, in order to make matters easier, Ugartachea procured
Barrett to write to the political chief of Brazos on the subject, and
request of him affidavits of the fact that Zavala had left the country.
The affidavits, however, were not made. In the meantime, the news of the
demand made for these men had been extensively circulated in Texas, and
excited a thorough war-spirit. The war-party was in the ascendency.
Rueg, the political chief of Nacogdoches,
had become fully aroused on the subject. He addressed a circular letter
to his department, declaring his adherence to the federal form of
government. It was published in the "New Orleans Bulletin" of the 7th of
August, and met the eye of General Cos. "You are made responsible," said
Cos to him in his letter of the 17th of the month, "for the consequences
which such a document may produce; for it is your duty to give to your
subordinates an example of submission and respect to the laws of the
country. You have invited and conducted them toward rebellion and open
resistance to its superior dispositions. The plans of the revolutionists
of Texas are well known to this commandancy; and it is quite useless and
vain to cover them with a hypocritical adherence to the federal
constitution. The constitution by which all Mexicans may be governed is
the constitution which the colonists of Texas must obey, no matter on
what principles it may be formed."
It is clear enough that the Texans could
not subscribe to this military dogma of General Cos, without a total
abandonment of their rights.
The people of the "Red Lands" had also
organized. In a series of resolutions introduced by
Sam Houston,
at a meeting in San Augustine, they declared their adherence to the
Acta Constitutiva, and the constitution of 1824; that the arrest of
Governor Viesca and the members of the legislature, and the intended
introduction of an army into Texas, were evidences of tyranny, dangerous
to liberty, and a violation of the terms on which the colonists had been
invited hither; and that there was no legitimate head to the state
government, the governor being imprisoned, and a creature of Santa
Anna's being placed in his stead—in the exercise of powers unknown to
the constitution. The resolutions further provided for negotiations with
the Indian tribes, for raising and organizing the militia, and for
appointing a committee of safety. They also declared that those who
should fly the country should forfeit their lands.
In the meantime, Santa Anna was engaged
in Mexico in the consolidation of a despotism. There were in that nation
many genuine friends of liberty, ardent supporters of the constitution
of 1824; but the terrors of banishment and death restrained them. Those
who dared to oppose him were pursued and hunted down like wild beasts!
Of this number were Zavala and Mexia. The Congress was completely in his
hands. With the clergy and the army he fulminated his spiritual and
military thunders. Over a timid and superstitious people his power had
become nearly omnipotent. All but Texas had bowed the neck to the
imperious tyrant. To him she was like " Mordecai sitting in the king's
gate." His plan for her subjugation was, however, skillfully laid. It
was, to fill the country gradually with military forces, under different
pretences. In fact, five hundred troops were embarked for Texas in April
of the present year (1835), but the disturbances in Zacatecas caused
them to be recalled. The time which the dictator had fixed for the
overthrow of the constitution was in the following October. Events had,
however, hurried him on so rapidly, that he was compelled to change his
plan, and dispatch troops to Texas more rapidly. In July, he accordingly
sent two hundred and fifty; in the first days of August, three hundred
more; and there were a thousand more on the route.
Under these threatening circumstances,
the peaceful mission of Messrs. Barrett and Gritton died a natural
death. So much was the public mind directed to the impending danger,
that the diplomatic functions of the commissioners expired like an
exhausted taper, and no record was left to inform us of the closing
scene. It is certain, however, that they never reached the court to
which they were accredited.
The western and middle colonies of Texas,
during the summer of 1835, prepared and sent out an expedition against
the Indians. The four small companies of Captains Robert M. Williamson,
John H. Moore, George W. Barnett, and Philip Coe, assembled on the last
days of July at Tenoxtitlan whence, on the 31st of that month, they
marched to Parker's fort, on the Navasoto, to the relief of Captain
Coleman. Here they organized by the election of John H. Moore as major
of the command. Thence they proceeded to Twowokana. The Indians,
however, getting news of their approach, abandoned the town. The
expedition returned after a campaign of some weeks, in which they had a
number of adventures with the retreating savages. This seasonable
display of force on the frontier was of great service, as it overawed
the Indians, and also tended to discipline the volunteers, and prepare
them for the toils and triumphs that awaited them at home.
By the month of August it was clearly
understood that the federal constitution was to be destroyed. The plan
of Toluca —countenanced and perhaps started by Santa Anna—proposed a
central government. The doctrine had already gone forth that the
authority of the national Congress was unlimited—that it could do
anything which Santa Anna desired. It was further understood that the
president was to hold his office for eight years, and was to have some
sort of advisory body, a council or Congress, but this body was to be
dependent on him.
In regard to the Mexican policy toward
Texas, it had been manifestly hostile since 1832. The troops were to be
in that department by the time of the change in the form of government,
fixed for October. Customhouses were to be established and defended. All
those who had immigrated into Texas from the United States, since the
law of April 6, 1830, were to be driven from the country. A number of
proscribed, of which a long list was preserved, were to be arrested and
tried by a drum-head court! The slaves were to be freed, and introduced
to citizenship. The empresarios were to be dismissed from their
functions, and future immigrants supplied from Mexico. This appears to
have been the future designed for Texas, and digested, no doubt, from
the notes of Almonte.
[Next Section of
Texas History:
Texas Independence Movement: 1835] |