The History of Texas: The French and Indian War
(Previous Section:
Texas History 1721-1744)
Affairs in Europe
As the destiny of the different colonies
and settlements in America depended upon the political changes occurring
in the parent-countries, it will be necessary to refer to them.
Charles II. of Spain, the last sovereign
of the house of Hapsburg, died in November, 1700, and by his will
appointed Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., his successor. The
object of this testamentary disposition was to prevent a division of the
Spanish monarchy, which had been determined two years before in a treaty
between England, France, and Holland, in order to preserve the balance
of power in Europe. The testamentary appointment of Charles detached
Louis XIV. from the house of Hapsburg, and thus the "War of the
Succession" began. After a long struggle, Philip succeeded in retaining
his throne; but, by the treaty of Utrecht, in 1713, Spain was greatly
shorn of her power, losing Gibraltar and a large portion of her European
possessions. She was not satisfied with this treaty; and it was the
ill-concealed design of Cardinal Alberoni, her ambitious minister, to
reclaim the vast territories of which she had been stripped. To
counteract this intention, France, England, and Holland, formed a new
alliance in 1717. This alliance was confirmed and enlarged by another
treaty made the following year, in which the emperor of Germany became a
party. But before the close of 1718, such were the demonstrations of
Spain, that England and France both declared war against her. Finding
herself alone, and all the great European powers arrayed in opposition
to her, Spain in 1720 signed the alliance. But still her ambitious
minister was not satisfied; he wished to restore to her these lost
possessions. Alberoni was, however, degraded at the close of this year;
yet the efforts of Spain to regain her territories did not cease. By
confirming to the emperor of Germany his portion of the spoil, she
detached him from the quadruple alliance, and engaged him to assist her
in the recovery of Gibraltar.
This last-named treaty, concluded April
30, 1725, was followed by a counter-alliance between England, France,
and Prussia, entered into on the 3d of September following. The
impending war shortly afterward commenced.
The Pragmatic Sanction
Charles VI., emperor of Germany, had
issued in 1724 a royal ordinance, by which he settled his hereditary
dominions on his eldest daughter, Maria Theresa. This ordinance was
known as the Pragmatic Sanction. One of the provisions of the treaty
between Spain and the emperor was the guaranty of this ordinance by the
former power. After much agitation and many treaties, that of Vienna, in
1731, between Great Britain, Holland, and Spain, guarantied the
pragmatic sanction, and restored a seeming peace to Europe. France
agreed to it in 1738; but, in 1740, Charles VI. died, and Maria Theresa
succeeded to his crown, by virtue of the ordinance so well guarantied by
Europe. The elector of Bavaria, however, now set up his claim to the
empire, and a general war ensued—Spain, France, and Sardinia, supporting
the elector; and England, Russia, and Poland, the empress Maria. The
elector was declared emperor in 1742, under the title of Charles VII.;
he died in 1745, and was succeeded in the imperial office by the duke of
Lorraine, husband of Maria Theresa, as Francis I. This war of the
Pragmatic Sanction, however, ended only by the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle,
in 1748; but Spain was a gainer by the contest, having recovered Naples,
Sicily, and Parma.
The French and Indian War
In none of the previous treaties,
however, had England and France settled the boundaries of their American
possessions. This, in 1755, gave rise to a war between them, which was
carried on with great activity in the English and French colonies in
America. It was the school in which our revolutionary fathers learned
their first lesson of independence. The relations existing between
France and Spain, since the elevation of Philip of Anjou to the Spanish
throne, drew the latter into it. The contest continued until the peace
of Paris, in February, 1763 ; it was most disastrous to France, and to
some extent injurious to Spain. At the close of 1761, France was so
greatly weakened and exhausted by the war, that she directed her
minister to inform the court of Spain of her inability to give
protection to the colony of
Louisiana, and to solicit aid from Spain in furnishing it with
supplies, and in preventing the English from obtaining its possession.
The activity and progressive enterprise of the English colonies were
well known to Spain and France; and one of the principal arguments used
by the French ambassador, in this application, was, that Louisiana was
the only barrier between the English and the Spanish possessions south
of it. But Spain was slow in action, and the war grew daily more
disastrous to France. At length, on the 3d of November, 1762, France
ceded Louisiana to Spain, not from the pure impulse of his generous
heart, as is recited in the royal act of Louis XV., but to prevent it
from falling into the hands of the English. By the treaty of peace in
the following February, France ceded to England Canada, Nova Scotia, and
in fact all her continental possessions in North America.

Indian War Party
Henceforth the line of boundary between
Spain and England, commencing at the source of the Mississippi river,
was to run down the middle of that stream to the river Iberville; thence
with that stream and Lakes Maurepas and Ponchartrain to the gulf of
Mexico; Spain also ceding
and the navigation of the Mississippi to be free to the subjects of both
England and France. This last concession was of the utmost importance to
the possessions of England, and subsequently to the United States.
Preservation of the Balance of Power in Europe
The reader of history is not unacquainted
with the utter indifference with which the sovereigns of the Old World
transferred their colonies in the New. The colonists, however much they
may have loved their sovereign, their country, and her institutions,
were bought, sold, or given away, without object, Louis XIV. was willing
to break a solemn treaty with England and Holland. This treaty was
formed to preserve the balance of power: the result was, the overthrow
of that balance of power, and the building up a new power in America,
which, forcing a separation from the parent-country, has far outstripped
all others in noble institutions and progressive energy.
The doctrine of the "preservation of the
balance of power" among the European states has resulted in more wars,
produced a more fearful devastation of human life, and a greater waste
of treasure, than all other causes combined !
The accession of Louisiana to the crown
of Spain was hardly desirable to that government. She knew the
troublesome and restless spirit of the English colonists, and seemed to
anticipate evil from their proximity. However, the king, to oblige his
cousin of France, accepted the gift. And, as the posts along the old
frontier were no longer necessary, the troops at Adaes and Orquisaco
were shortly thereafter withdrawn. But the new addition of territory to
the Spanish crown required a reformation of frontier defenses.
Accordingly, the marquis de Rubi was sent over from the mother-country
to examine into the condition of the defenses of New Spain, and report
his opinion thereon. After making the examination and report, a new
series of posts was established, forming a cordon militaire from
Sonora to the gulf of Mexico. In this new arrangement, however, but two
posts were allowed in Texas—that is, at San Antonio and La Bahia. The
missions, moreover, were not broken up, but
remained dependent upon the forces at these posts for incidental
The Spanish government never looked upon
Louisiana as altogether her own property, nor did she treat it as a
legitimate appendage of the crown; and while the king instructed D'Ulloa,
the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, that there should be no change
in the administration of its government, he also directed that its
affairs should not be controlled by the council of the Indies, but that
they should pass through the hands of the minister of state.
Nevertheless, the principal obstructions
to the commerce between Texas and Louisiana were now removed, and the
two provinces thereby alike benefited. Texas had, it is true, but little
to sell; yet, as the neighbor of Louisiana, she was, to some extent, the
merchant of that colony and the internal provinces of Mexico. She had,
of her own production, horses, cattle, and sheep: with these articles of
trade she supplied the Louisianians, in exchange for manufactured goods.
The precious metals sent from Chihuahua, Coahuila, New Leon, and even
from New Mexico, passed through her territories to New Orleans, as the
nearest wholesale market, in exchange for the various manufactures
imported thence from the parent-state. These transfers were made on
mules, traveling generally in caravans, with a guard deemed sufficient
to protect them from the Indians.
Casa de Contracion
Had the Spanish government permitted a
free trade between her colonies and other countries, their prosperity
would have been greatly hastened: towns and marts of trade would have
sprung up on the Texan coast; and Galveston, instead of remaining an
uninhabited island even up to the date of the
Texan revolution, would, long before, have grown to be a
considerable city. But the policy of Spain was barbarous and exclusive.
The trade of her colonies was regulated and controlled by a tribunal
known as the Casa de Contratacion, which was established at
Seville. The colonists were prohibited from the manufacture of most of
the articles which could be furnished by the mother-country, and also
from the cultivation of the vine and the olive! All their exports and
imports were required to be conveyed in Spanish vessels. They were not
permitted to trade with the colonies of other nations; nor were they
allowed to trade with each other, except to a very limited extent: no
person was permitted to trade with them under, severe penalties! All
this had a tendency to prevent the growth of the Spanish colonies, and
to keep them dependent on the mother-country for the necessaries of
life. It had a further and stronger tendency to exasperate the colonists
against a parent so unfeeling and despotic. The prospect before them was
indeed gloomy. The enterprising colonist saw himself deprived of that
hope which alone makes life tolerable. He found himself on a soil
blessed with unusual fertility, which he was not allowed to use, except
for a limited purpose. If to this we add the significant fact that,
under the Spanish rule, none but native-born Spaniards could enjoy the
important offices in the colonies, we may well conclude that the cup of
their oppression was full, and that they required only a favorable
occasion to throw off a yoke so galling.
The trade between Spain and her colonies
in America was at first carried on by a convoy of ships called galleons,
which made one voyage annually; but they were discontinued in 1748, and
registered vessels introduced in their stead. After the acquisition of
Louisiana, the necessity of a more frequent and direct intercourse
between Spain and her colonies caused the introduction of regular
monthly mail-packets, which sailed from the mother-country to Havana,
whence the mails were dispatched to the different provinces. In addition
to this facility of intercourse, by an ordinance of the kind-hearted
Charles III., the trade of the West India islands belonging to Spain
was, in 1765, thrown open to the other Spanish provinces. Yet the
advantage gained by Texas in these ameliorations was small and indirect.
Her seacoast was a terra incognita. A chance vessel of the
buccaneers may have strayed into Copano, or Galveston bay, for the
purpose of concealing a prize; but Texas had no maritime trade. New
Orleans and Vera Cruz were her only ports. For the growth of Texas, and
most of the provinces of New Spain, they were indebted to the contraband
trade carried on with great activity by the English, French, and. Dutch.
It amounted to at least one third of the exports and imports, and had
this advantage, that it paid no duties. It was the natural result of the
"oyster policy" of Spain; and, as a question in ethics, it rests upon
the same principle with that other yet-undecided point, whether it be
lawful to slay a tyrant.
The population of Texas, in 1765, can not
be accurately ascertained. The chief settlements were at Adaes, San
Antonio, La Bahia, and perhaps a few at Nacogdoches, Orquisaco, and
Mound prairie. In the two first-named places there were hardly five
hundred inhabitants, exclusive of converted
The whole European population of the province did not, perhaps, exceed
seven hundred and fifty, to which may be added a like number of
domiciliated Indians. The trade with Louisiana, including that which
passed through Texas, did not exceed sixty thousand dollars per annum.
Estimating her trade with the provinces of New Spain at twice that
amount, the entire annual commerce of Texas at that period, including
what passed through her territory, was not over one hundred and eighty
thousand dollars. It may be safely estimated that one half of this
amount merely passed through her territory. This would reduce the total
sum of her exports and imports to ninety thousand dollars per annum.
The American Revolution
The acquisition of the vast territory
owned by the French, from the gulf of St. Lawrence to the river
Iberville, had given to the Anglo-American colonies an impulse which
hastened the already-rapid development of their power. It was not
perhaps so much the oppression of which they complained, as the love of
liberty, that moved the English colonists to independence. For this,
they had become exiles from the Old World, and had endured unparalleled
hardships in the New; and, to obtain this, they now took their first
steps. But it is not our province to detail these memorable events,
further than as they are connected with our subject.
As in the approach of a great storm, the
heavens, except in the direction whence it is coming, gradually become
clear and tranquil, so, during the few years preceding the American
Revolution, nations adjacent and connected with England or with her
colonies seemed to enjoy that quiescence. France looked on with mingled
hopes and fears. She was still haunted with the idea of the "balance of
power." England had grown too great, and her old enemy would gladly see
her stripped of her richest possessions. Furthermore, it would be to
France a sweet revenge for the misfortunes of the "Seven Years' War." On
the other hand, the colonies were all republican: the disease might
become infectious, and ultimately drive the king from his throne. But
the French people were with the colonies, and they prevailed.
Spain was more delicately situated. Her
vast possessions in America, seeing a successful revolt of the English
colonies, would doubtless follow the example. On the other hand, Spain
wished to recover Gibraltar, Jamaica, and Florida; and such a war would
afford her a good opportunity to embark in the enterprise. Besides, she
was governed by the Bourbons, and, of course, bound to the same destiny
with France; she also thought that England was too powerful. Yet, under
all these considerations, Spain was timid ; and while France was
secretly fanning the flame of revolution, the Spanish government was in
favor of mediation, of peace.
In the meantime, the people of Texas, few
in number, and poor, were quietly pursuing their daily pleasures and
toils. The missions were not very successful in the conversion of
Indians, yet the establishments were well sustained. The aboriginal
tribes were in constant wars. The powerful nation of the Collis were
already driven from their ancient home on the Trinity. The Nassonites,
too, were disappearing before the migrating tribes driven by the
Europeans from the valley of the Mississippi. The Indians on the coast
were less disturbed, because their lands were less desirable. Thus we
see the general movement of the different races: the Anglo-Americans
crowding westward, and driving before them the aborigines; the latter
expelling other native tribes; the Indians passing through the
Spaniards, but these latter also retreat before the English.
The annexation of Louisiana to the
Spanish possessions, while it enabled Spain to dispense with her
military posts on the eastern frontier, likewise afforded her an
opportunity to build up Nacogdoches. Many persons of politeness and
means were induced to emigrate from Louisiana to that point. Thus the
old missionary station became a town, and, being in the neighborhood of
an active commerce, the place soon acquired considerable wealth, and a
trade of its own. This emigration occurred about the year 1778. Captain
Gil y Barbo, the first commandant of Nacogdoches, was a man of
enterprise. Besides an arsenal and barracks for the soldiers, erected on
the hill west of the Banita, he laid the foundations of the old stone
house, which still survives as a monument of his industry.
About the same time, the garrison was
finally removed from St. Bernard's bay, and located at La Bahia, where a
considerable town sprang up.
[Next Section of
Texas History:
Free Navigation
of the Mississippi River] |