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Civil War Harper's Weekly, March 22, 1862

This site features online versions of all the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. These newspapers will help you develop a more complete understanding of the Civil War.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


Monitor and Merrimac

Battle of the Monitor and Merrimac


Lincoln Offers Slavery Compromise

Terror in the South

Terror in the South

Newport News Battle

Newport News

Flag Poem

Flag Poem

Merrimac and Monitor

Battle of Monitor and Merrimac

Rebel Batteries

Story on Rebel Batteries

Wilkie Collins

Wilkie Collins

Cockpit Point

Cockpit Point

Monitor and the Merrimac

Monitor and the Merrimac

Fort Donelson

interior of Fort Donelson








[MARCH 22, 1862.


JACK. "MR. SECRETARY! MR. SECRETARY! Wake up! Here's the MERRIMAC got out and sunk the Cumberland, and taken the Congress!"

MR SECRETARY. "Ah! (yawns) you don't say so? I must get MORGAN to buy some more Boats then!"




Embracing the Official Articles of War—U.S. Army Regulations—A Dictionary of Military Terms—Pay List—Rations—Equipments-Courtesies, &c. Price 25 cents. For sale by all Book and News Dealers and Army Suttlers.

Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address

BEADLE & CO., Publishers, New York.

The Wide World!

Published weekly in Boston. Racy, spirited, abounding in Stories, Essays, Editorials, Fun, Poetry, Receipts, and General Intelligence. Always bright, smart, genial, and companionable.

Sold by all News Dealers. 4 cents.

Patents Obtained.

Messrs. MUNN & Co., Proprietors of the Scientific American, No. 87 Park Row, New York, continue to solicit Patents in the United States, and in all foreign countries, on the most reasonable terms. Consultations and pamphlets of advice in English and German free on application to the office. Messrs. M. & Co. have been engaged in soliciting Patents over sixteen years, and more than Fifteen Thousand Patents have been granted through their Agency.

Gold Pens Repointed—Equal to New,

On receipt of 25 cts. in money or stamps. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. Gold Pen and Silver Extension Case $1.50. E. S. JOHNSON, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

28c. in silver.—A Beautiful MICROSCOPE, magnifying 500 times, 28c. 5, of different powers, $l. Mailed free by F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

AGENTS WANTED.—The Washington Writing Case, something entirely new and beautiful, designed for the million. It is made of wood, and neatly covered with morocco paper, is in the shape of a perfect desk, contsining everything for writing. Price 25 cents. Circulars free. JOHN H. TINGLEY, 152 1/2 Fulton St., N. Y.

MME. DEMOREST'S MIRROR OF SPRING FASHIONS NOW READY. Sold everywhere. Largest and best Fashion Magazine in the world.

MME. DEMOREST'S MIRROR OF THE SPRING FASHIONS, NOW READY, contains large and magnificent Fashion Plates, three full-sized Patterns, and all the Spring Novelties for Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Childrens' Garments, &c. Published quarterly, at No. 473 Broadway. Sold everywhere, 25 cents; yearly, $1, with a valuable premium. Sent by mail on receipt of price.

To all wanting Farms.

NEW SETTLEMENT OF VINELAND.—30 miles from Philadelphia by Railroad. Good loam soil, highly productive for Wheat, Corn, Grass, Fruits, and Vegetables—good market—delightful climate—where farming is profitable, especially these times, and where good business openings can be found. Large numbers are settling. Society good. Farms from $15 to $20 per acre only. Village 5 and 10 acre Lots for sale. Four years' time given. Report of SOLON ROBINSON, Ag. Ed. of the Tribune, who has visited the place, together with the "Vineland Rural," giving full description, will be furnished. Address

CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., Vineland P.O., Cumberland County, New Jersey.

The Soldiers'
Bullet Proof Vest

Has been repeatedly and thoroughly tested with Pistol Bullets at 10 paces, Rifle Bullets at 40 rods, by many Army Officers, and is approved and worn by them.

It is simple, light, and is a true economy of life —it will save thousands. It will also double the value and power of the soldier; and every man in an army is entitled to its

protection. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 express the sizes of men, and No. 2 fits nearly all. Price for Privates' Vest, $5. Officers' Vest, $7. They will be sent to any address, wholesale or retail. Sold by

MESSRS. ELLIOTT, 231 Broadway, N. Y., and by HUNT & GOODWIN, Washington. Agents wanted.

Constitution Water cures Diabetes and all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Enclose stamp to MORGAN & ALLEN, 46 Cliff Street, N. Y., and get a Circular.

"WHAT CAME AFTERWARD?" by T. S. Arthur, and "BATTLE-FIELDS OF OUR FATHERS," by Virginia F. Townsend, two Serial Stories, now appearing in ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE. For sale by News Agents.

Price 15 cents a number.

AGENTS WANTED.—MORE MONEY made, more real satisfaction given, and more ready sales guaranteed by selling the "Great New Union Prize Stationery and Recipe Package," NOW ACKNOWLEDGED by all Dealers to be so SUPERIOR an article as to be BEYOND RIVALRY. Our resources are too great for them to contend with, consequently, like wise men, they are leaving the field. We put up the ONLY PACKAGE containing real merit. RICKARDS NEW UNION PRIZE STATIONERY AND RECIPE PACKAGE contains more articles, of a better quality, and a finer piece of Jewelry than any other Package ever sold.

Send for our circulars, which we will mail free. $5 to $10 per day can be made. We put in each package a beautiful and life-like engraving of GENERAL GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, 6x10. 75 Valuable Recipes.   6 Sheets Ladies' Billet Paper. 6 sheets Commercial Note 6 Buff Envelopes. Paper.   2 Fine Steel Pens. 6 Sheets Ladies' Note Paper. 1 Fine Pencil. 6 White Union Envelopes, 1 Sheet Blotting Paper. in colors.   1 Accommodation Penholder Ladies' White Union Envelopes. ALSO A VALUABLE PIECE OF JEWELRY. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York.



To Consumptives.

THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE CURE for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.

Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York.    SENT BY EXPRESS EVERYWHERE.

Retailed at Wholesale Prices,

Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OR SIX FOR NINE DOLLARS, MADE OF NEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN, With fine Linen Bosoms, and warrranted as good a Shirt as sold in the retail stores at $2.50 each. ALSO, THE VERY BEST SHIRTS THAT CAN BE MADE AT $2 EACH. P. S.—Those who think I can not make a good Shirt for $18 per dozen are mistaken. Here's the cost of one dozen $18 fine shirts.

30 yards of New York Mills Muslin at 14 1/2 c. per yd.  $4.35 7 yards of fine Linen, at 50c. per yard    3.50 Making and cutting   6.00 Laundry, $1; buttons and cotton, 50c   1.50 Profit    2.65 Total    $18.00 Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for self-measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of shirts and collars sent free everywhere. These rules are so easy to understand that any one can take their own measure. I warrant a perfect fit. The cash can be paid to the Express Company on re-receipt of the goods. The Express Company have orders to allow all parties to examine the goods before paying for them. If the goods are not as represented, you are at liberty to return them. S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between White and Walker Streets, NEW YORK.

Have Just Published:

PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. A Treatise specially designed for Young Men. By JOHN S. C. ABBOTT, Author of "The Mother at Home," "The Child at Home," "Life of Napoleon," "Napoleon at St. Helena," "History of the French Revolution," &c. 16mo, Muslin, 60 cents. A STRANGE STORY. A Novel. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON, Bart., Author of "What will He do with It?" "My Novel," "The Caxtons," "Pelham," &c., &c. Illustrated by American Artists. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. PILGRIMS OF FASHION. A Novel. By KINAHAN CORNWALLIS. 12mo, Muslin, $1.00. MAYHEW'S BEN FRANKLIN. Young Benjamin Franklin; or, The Right Road through Life. A Story to Show how Benjamin learned the Principles which raised him from a Printer's Boy to the first Ambassador of the American Republic. A Boy's Book on a Boy's own Subject. By HENRY MAYHEW, Author of "The Peasant-Boy Philosopher," "The Wonders of Science; or, Young Humphrey Davy," &c., &c. With Illustrations by JOHN GILBERT. 16mo, Muslin, 75 cents. STREAKS OF LIGHT; or, Fifty-Two Facts from the Bible for Fifty-Two Sundays of the Year. By the Author of "Peep of Day," "Line upon Line," "Reading without Tears," and "More about Jesus." Illustrations. 16mo, Muslin gilt, 60 cents. NOTICE TO QUIT. A Novel. By W. G. WILLS, Author of "Life's Foreshadowings," 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. THE OKAVANGO RIVER: A Narrative of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure. By. CHARLES JOHN ANDERSSON, Author of "Lake Ngami." With Steel Portrait of the Author, numerous Wood-cuts, and a Map (not contained in the English Edition), showing the Regions explored by Andersson, Cumming, Livingstone, and Du Chaillu. 8vo, Muslin, $2.00; Half Calf, $3.00. Sent by Mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price.

War Cartoon




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