Emancipated Negro Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, January 17, 1863

You are viewing an original Civil War Harper's Weekly newspaper. We have posted our entire collection of newspapers to this WEB site for your research and study. These old newspapers have incredible illustrations of the key events of the day.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Negroes Fighting

Fighting Negroes

1863 Emancipation Proclamation

1863 Emancipation Proclamation

General Butler Letter

General Butler's Letter to New Orleans

Indian Murderers

Execution of Indian Murderers

Minnesota Indian Execution

Minnesota Indian Execution

General John McNeil

General John McNeil

Mississippi Map

Map of Mississippi

General Blunt

General Blunt

Rebel Trenches

Winslow Homer's Shell in Rebel Trenches

Butler Departs New Orleans

General Butler Departs New Orleans

Border States

War in the Border States

General Blunt Biography

General Blunt Biography

Emancipated Negro

Emancipated Negro




[JANUARY 17, 1863.



MAN OF COLOR. "Ugh! Get out. I ain't one ob you no more. I'se a Man, I is!"

UNCLE ABE. "Hello! Ben, is that you? Glad to see you!"

BUTLER. "Yes, UNCLE ABE. Got through with that New Orleans Job. Cleaned them out and scrubbed them up! Any more scrubbing to give out?"



$15 per day made sure, and more if you persevere selling our great NEW STYLE Union Prize and Stationery Package. Something NOVEL and UNEQUALED. Different to all old styles, and containing ALL NEW ARTICLES of good quality. Writing Materials and Fancy Articles worth $1 for only 25 cents. Just the thing for a Splendid Present to your Friends in the Army. They are standard goods, and everybody wants them. Profits immense and sales quick. We give as a free present to each person who orders our Packages A SPLENDID WATCH, warranted as a time-keeper. Packages in endless variety and at all prices. Agents wanted in every Camp and every town. This is a chance for soldiers in camp or discharged. Send for our New Circulars for 1863, containing Extra inducements.

S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, largest and oldest Prize Package House in the World.

PHYSIOGNOMY, or Signs of Character, PHYSIOLOGY, and the Bodily Functions; PHRENOLOGY, or the Brain and Nervous System; PSYCHOLOGY, the Science of the Soul; ETHNOLOGY, or the Natural History of Man, with Instructions, in the Choice of Pursuits, Personal Improvement, etc., are some of the topics elucidated in the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL AND LIFE ILLUSTRATED for 1863. No. 1 now ready. Only $1 a year. Address FOWLER AND WELLS, 308 Broadway, N. Y.

AGENTS WANTED everywhere for our splendid New Mammoth Eureka Prize Package. 200 per cent. profit. Superb Watch free to all Agents. $18 per day made. Send for New Circulars. W. H. CATELY & CO., 40 Ann Street, New York.


WORK, Wrought, Cast, and Wire.

IRON RAILINGS, VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, GUARDS, and IRON FURNITURE of every description. Illustrated Catalogues mailed on receipt of four 3 cent stamps.   HUTCHINSON & WICKERSHAM, 259 Canal Street, near Broadway, New York.

Made to Measure at $21, $24 and $30,
Self-Measurement for Shirts.

Printed directions for self-measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of shirts and collars sent free everywhere.

FRENCH FLANNEL ARMY SHIRTS, $24, $27, $30 and $33 per dozen.

S. W. H. WARD, from London, No. 387 Broadway

Portable Printing Offices,

For the use of Merchants, Druggists, and all who wish to do their own Printing. Circular sent free. Specimen Sheets of Type, Cuts, &c., on receipt of two 3 ct. stamps.

ADAMS PRESS CO., 31 Park Row, N. Y.

Buy your Skate Straps with Fogg's Lever Buckle, Manufactured by F. STEVENS, 215 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, 68 KILBY STREET, BOSTON.

Barnum's American Museum.

The Manager is happy to announce that, notwithstanding


The Smallest Woman Alive,

Refused his offer of

One Thousand Dollars per Week,
He has made such advantageous offers as to induce her to

Appear at the Museum for a Few


Every Day and Evening, where she is the admiration of thousands daily. She is exhibited in company with

Com. Nutt, the famous $30,000 Nutt,

The two making the smallest pair of human beings ever known. A great variety of other Novelties are also on exhibition, and

Splendid Dramatic Performances

Take place every Afternoon and Evening, at 3 and 7 1/2 o'clock. Admission to all 25 cents; Children under 10, 15 cents.

Observe, each Skate is labeled with the trade mark.

Also, 50,000 pair of Ladies' and Gents' Ice Skates, comprising all the new and most improved patterns, made from welded steel and iron hardened; Skate Straps and Leather Goods of every description; Fogg's improved Lever Skate Buckle. Sole Agent for Williams, Morse & Co.'s celebrated skates.


Lyon's Kathairon.

This delightful article for preserving and beautifying the human hair is again put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention, which first created its immense and unprecedented sales of over one million bottles annually! It is still sold at 25 cents in large bottles. Two million bottles can easily be sold in a year when it is again known that the Kathairon is not only the most delightful hair dressing in the world, but that it cleanses the scalp of scurf and dandruff, gives the hair 'a lively, rich luxuriant growth, and prevents it from turning gray. These are considerations worth knowing. The Kathairon has been tested for over twelve years, and is warranted as described. Any lady who values a beautiful head of hair will use the Kathairon. It is finely perfumed, cheap and valuable. It is sold by all respectable dealers throughout the world. D. S. BARNES & CO., New York.

Milligan's Patent Mess Kettle,

Arranged for four Officers, weight 15 pounds, price $12, AND

Weight 9 1/2 pounds, price $6.00. Sold by Dealers in Military Goods throughout the country. Wholesale Depot, No. 4 Platt Street, New York. Send for Circulars.   MILLIGAN BROS.


Retailed at wholesale prices. Goods warranted. Send for a circular, giving list of prices and engravings of Pens. Pens repointed on the receipt of 36 cents in P. O. Stamps.

E. S. JOHNSON, Manufactory and Office 15 Maiden Lane, New York City.

A BEAUTIFUL MICROSCOPE! MAGNIFYING 500 TIMES, FOR 28c. COIN PREFERRED. Five of different powers, $1. Mailed free. Address   F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

$16 WATCHES. $16

LADIES' WATCHES. —Heavy Gold Plate Hunting Case Lever Watches for $16, equal to solid 18 k. Gold in finish and general appearance. Send for a Circular. J. L. FERGUSON, 208 Broadway, N. Y.

A REALLY VALUABLE MICROSCOPE, one that a child can use, sent by mail on receipt of 38 cents. S. WOODWARD, P. O. Box 3273, Boston.

AND Zoological Institute. Broadway below Houston Street. Open Daily from 10 A.M. to 10 P. M.

With the most magnificent and complete collection of LIVING WILD ANIMALS in America. Admission 25 cts. Children under 10, 15 cts. Confederate [Rebel] Money. FAC-SIMILE REBEL TREASURY NOTES, So exactly like the genuine that where one will pass current the other will go equally well. $500 in Confederate Notes of all denominations, sent free by mail on receipt of $5, by W. E. HILTON, 11 Spruce Street, New York.

An Invention of Rare Merit


A "BROWN'S METAL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY" IS WARRANTED, with ordinary care, to last just as long as the lamp on which it is used.

Price (with a small neat shade for common size), Zinc top, 25 cents; Brass, 31 cents; Silver-Plated, 50 cents.

Dealers will be furnished, per Express, with a sample box containing one half doz. Chimneys assorted styles and sizes, with circulars, colored show cards, price list, &c., on receipt of $1.25.

Brown's Metal Top Lamp Chimneys are manufactured only by the NEW LAMP CHIMNEY MANUFACTURING CO., MILTON BRADLEY, Treasurer, Office and Salesroom, 45 Fulton St., N. Y.

For further particulars see "Harper's Weekly" of last week or send for a circular.

LANDS.—To all wanting Farms. Thriving Settlement. Rich soil. Mild climate. See advertisement of Vineland, on previous page.

RETAILING At Wholesale Prices. Depot 2 Warren Street.   J. W. MERSEREAU,

IMPORTANT TO AGENTS!!—We have reduced the wholesale price of our GREAT STATIONERY PORTFOLIO PACKAGE. We also give better Watches to our Agents than any other firm. Send stamp for new circular. WEIR & CO., 34 South Third Street, Philadelphia.

Nervous Diseases and Physical Debility—New and reliable treatment. Valuable Reports sent free of charge, by Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

TO CONSUMPTIVES.—You will get the Recipe for a sure cure tor Coughs Colds, Consumption, and all lung complaints, by sending to D. Adee, 381 Pearl St., N. Y. He sends it free. Write for it.—It has cured thousands.

Emancipated Negro Cartoon
Abe Lincoln Cartoon
Lavinia Warren




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