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Civil War Harper's Weekly, June 6, 1863

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Colonel Grierson

Colonel Grierson

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Loyalty Oath

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General Grant

General Grant

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JUNE 6, 1863.]



(Previous Page) by all fair-minded men on all sides), I hope the action of the Government as to the Alexandra will convince you in the North that the Government here really means well; and the extremely right-minded tone of all Lord Russell's speeches points in the same direction. Roebuck has turned himself into a nuisance.

"No doubt the general drift of English sympathy is with the South in many respects, but not in all. The moral antipathy to a Government professedly founded on Slavery is strong throughout the English mind as a whole. And as to national action in the war, the great bulk of high-minded, right-thinking, and feeling men are disposed to be perfectly fair and reasonable. I hope the good old rule of bear and forbear will prevail between the two countries, despite the folly of certain citizens of both. Of course war is possible. But I do not yet think it probable."

The comment upon so sincere and well-meant extract must, of course, be that the British Government could have stopped the Alabama if it had wished to: that Lord Russell's opinion of our war is that it is a Kilkenny fight for independence and dominion: and that the speeches of the Solicitor-General and Lord Palmerston were almost as mischievous as Roebuck's, who, now that "Liberalism" is fashionable in British politics, rides the benignity of the Austrian Government as his pet hobby.


IN a brief and trenchant paper under this title, by Charles Eliot Norton, the whole "Peace" question is stated in a very few words: "The truth is, and it is well it should be clearly understood, that this war is not to end with any treaty of peace—any arrangement with our enemies; that it is not to be closed by any special event; that there is to be no celebration of peace; but that, on the contrary, peace is to come gradually, without terms, by slow process. For the national authorities have no power to treat of peace with rebels. The war is not between two nations, each of which can become a high contracting party of a treaty. The war is between a nation and rebels against the Constitution, the laws, and the government of the nation."

Nothing can be truer; nothing more simply said. We shall not know what battle ends the war; nor will there be an embassy from Richmond to Washington to make the best terms possible. Terms for what? Terms upon which citizens will obey the laws? Suppose Mr. Fernando Wood's plan to prevail. Suppose the Government says to the rebels as he says: "We can't do it. We have tried to compel you to obey the laws and we have failed. Come then into a Convention and tell us on what terms you will stay in the Union." What must their reply be? Simply this:

"Our terms for remaining in the Union would be a perpetual guarantee for slavery every where, and a recognition of the right of secession. But we hate the Union, and as you confess that you can't compel us to come back, we must have an acknowledgment of our independence."

To go into a Convention with rebels before you have beaten them, and with the confession that you can't beat them, is to invite precisely that proposition. And those who should call such a Convention would mean exactly that result.


A BUREAU of the greatest importance and interest has just been established in Albany, under the superintendence of Colonel Doty, the late private secretary of Governor Morgan. It will collect historical data from each of the regiments raised in New York State. It will take account of the organized efforts of the people in various sections of the State, of boards of supervisors, trustees, councils, etc. It will preserve the memorials of the war—flags, trophies, records, correspondence, scattered pamphlets of local affairs, and regimental incidents; and it will procure portraits and biographies while all such material is copious and accessible.

With such a programme it is plain that the bureau may be made of the utmost advantage; and whoever knows Colonel Doty knows him to be the man to make it so.


IN the second number of the American Publishers' Circular (G. W. Childs) there is an admirable paper upon literary piracy, in reply to the London Atheneum, which lately sneeringly said: "English novelists supplied America with one new novel a fortnight throughout the entire twelve months. It would be interesting to know how often, in the same time, American publishers made remittances of money to authors in this country."

The Circular, in reply, states that this sneer is based upon twenty-six "season tales." In the list of authors appear the names of Bulwer, Dickens, Thackeray, Trollope, Collins, Reade, Sala, Kingsley, Mrs. Henry Wood, Miss Muloch—all of whom are paid by the American publishers. Compensation, the Circular truly says, is the general rule; and mentions all the British authors whose works pay for republishing, to whom the leading American houses have paid very large sums.

Then, pushing home upon his sour adversary, the Circular says, "It would be still more interesting to know how often during the last twelve months English publishers have made remittances of money to American authors.......It is not the rule of the trade in England to pay American authors, although it is our rule to pay her authors.

.......While Spurgeon has received as much as
$5000 in one year from his publishers in this country, Albert Barnes, although his 'Notes' have sold to the extent of several hundred thousand copies in Great Britain, has never been favored by the English publishers with a penny."

The Circular alludes to a complaint made by Mr. Anthony Trollope of the house which issues this paper, and quotes from the reply of the member

of the firm whom Mr. Trollope drew into the discussion by name:

"I am confident that we alone (Harper & Brothers) have paid in the past five years more money to British authors for early sheets than British publishers have paid to American authors for early sheets since the first book was printed in this country."

It is a great pity that each party can not be satisfied. But in the absence of any international law no sensible man will attack publishers for not paying foreign authors, who can not protect the publishers from entire loss, as much as they gladly pay domestic authors.


HERE is a little poem, of which John Bull will recognize the truth and beauty, and which, we presume, is affectionately dedicated to that friend of humanity:


Abou Ben Butler (may his tribe increase!)

Awoke one night down by the old Balize,

And saw, outside the comfort of his room,

Making it warmer for the gathering gloom,

A black man shivering in the winter's cold: Exceeding courage made Ben Butler bold,

And to the presence in the dark he said,

"What wantest thou?" The figure raised its head, And with a look made of all sad accord,

Answered, "The Northern men who'll serve the Lord." "And am I one?" said Butler. "Nay, not so,"

Replied the black man. Butler spoke more low,

But cheerly still, and said, "As I am Ben,

Thoul't not have cause to tell me that again!"

The figure bowed and vanished. The next night It came again, environed strong in light,

And showed the names whom love of Freedom blessed, And ho! Ben Butler's name led all the rest!


"The slave, to remain a slave, must be made sensible that there is no appeal from his master."—JUDGE RUFFIN,


MR. OLMSTED tells the following story of a colored man employed by Captain Janney, General Sherman's staff-engineer in the Army of the Mississippi:

Among the company which was working under him at Memphis, Captain Janney said there was one very active, sharp, industrious, and faithful fellow, who had left his plantation, about twenty miles off. Soon after his good qualities had attracted Janney's attention his owner, a rank rebel, came, as they often do with complete assurance, to ask that he should be given up to him. Janney assured him that the country needed his services, and it could not be thought of at present. Some weeks after this the same negro came one morning to Janney's tent, and said,

"There's a right good fowling-piece, Captain, and I want to gib it to you."

"Where did you get it?"

"Got 'im ob my ole massa, Sah."

"How is that? What did he give you his fowling-piece for?"

"Didn't gib 'im me, Sah; I took 'im."


"Lass night."

"Has your master been here again?"

"No, Sah. I been down dah, to de ole place, myself lass night, and I seed de gun dah, and I tort he was a rebel and he ortn't to be let hab a gun, and I ort to take 'im away; tort dat was right, Captain, wasn't it? He ain't no business wid a gun, has he? Only to shoot our teamsters wid it."

"What sent you out there?"

"Well, I went dah, Sah, for to get my wife an chile dot war dar. I tried to get 'em nodder way, but I was cheated, and had to go myself."

"What other way did you try?"

"I'll tell you, Sah. I want my wife and chile; dey was down dah on de ole plantation. Lass Sunday when we'd got our pay, I seen a white man dat libs ober dah, and he tell me if I gib him my money he get my wife for me. I had thirty dollars, Sah, and I gib it to him, but my wife didn't come. So I went myself. My wife house-servant, Sah, and I creep up to de house, and look into de windah; the windah was open, and I hear de ole man and de ole woman dare snorin in de corner, and I put my head in and dah I see de gun standin by the fi'-place. I jumped right in and cotch'd up de gun and turn roun' and hold 'em so. Says I, 'Massa, I want my wife.' You can take her,' says he, and he didn't say anoder word nor move a bit, nor Missus eider. My wife she heerd me, and she come down wid de ehile, and we just walk out ob de door; but I tort I'd take de gun. He ain't no Union man, and he ortn't to hab a gun, Captain. You'll take it, Sah, won't you?"

"Yes, I'll turn it in for you."


MR. FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED, in a letter, draws these pleasant portraits of men in whom we are all interested:

"General Grant's head-quarters are on the Magnolia, and he lives in the ladies' cabin. There is a sentry, or apology for one, at the boat's gangway, but he stops none from going on board, and there is free range in the cabin for any one to and beyond the table, which the General, with others, writes upon, near the stove. He is more approachable and liable to interruption than a merchant or lawyer generally allows himself to be in his office. Citizens come in and introduce themselves; one man saying, 'I hain't got no business with you, General, but I just wanted to have a little talk with you, because folks will ask me if I did.'

"He is one of the most engaging men I ever saw. Small, quiet, gentle, modest—extremely, even uncomfortably modest—frank, confiding, and of an exceedingly kind disposition. He gives you the impression of a man of strong will, however, and of capacity underlying these feminine traits. As a general, I should think his quality was that of quick, common-sense judgments, unobstructed by prejudices, and deep, abiding, quiet resolution. The openness of mind, directness, simplicity, and rapidity of reasoning, and clearness, with consequent confidence, of conclusion, of General Grant is very delightful. Those about him become deeply attached to him. Toward Sherman there is more than attachment, something of veneration, universally expressed, most by those who know him most intimately, from which I suspect that he has more genius than Grant."

"Admiral Porter is a gentlemanly, straightforward, and resolute sort of man. Breese, his flag-captain, a smiling, cheerful, and most obliging and agreeable man, but with all this, one gets an impression of strong will and great certainty that when the time comes for boarding and cutting out, he will bear his part with the same ingenuous ease and grace."


A FEW days since a town-crier took in charge a lost child, and proceeded to hunt up his parents. On being asked by a lady what the matter was, he replied, "Here's an orphan child, ma'am, and I'm trying to find its parents."

"You don't look a-miss," as the young lady said to her beau when be had got her bonnet on.

A SHORT NOVEL.—Sweet Margaret Fane came up the lane from picking the red berries, and met young Paul, comely and tall, going to market with cherries. Stopping, she blushed, and he looked flushed—perhaps 'twas the burden they carried; when they passed on their burdens were one, and at Christmas they were married.

Which is the most dishonest of the vowels?—E, because it is always in debt.

Never did an Irishman utter a better bull than did an honest John, who being asked by a friend, "Has your sister a son or a daughter?" answered, "Upon my life, I do not yet know whether I am uncle or aunt."

A man who has some "music in his soul," says that the most cheerful and soothing of all fireside melodies are the blended tones of a cricket, a tea-kettle, a loving wife, and the crowing of a baby.

The Chinese have a saying that an unlucky word dropped from the tongue can not be brought back again by a coach and six horses.

BIG ENOUGH.—The keeper of a menagerie was lately seen beating one of the elephants with a large club. A bystander asked him the cause. "Why," said the keeper, "he's been flinging dirt all about the tent, and he's big enough to know better!"

"What does it matter?" said Mr. Rufus, when he applied the "Balm of Arabia" to his poll; "we must all dye some time or another."

A merchant, advertising for a clerk, adds, "Those who part their hair in the middle need not apply."

Lord North is said to have been a man of cold temperament, but he was remarkable for his am-a-tory views.

Every unmarried lady of forty has passed the Cape of Good Hope.

Why is the letter H like a good man's last breath?—Because it is the end of earth and the beginning of heaven.

"You are very welcome," as the empty purse said to the shilling.

MAXIM OF AN ANTI-BLUESTOCKING.—She who can compose a cross baby is greater than she who composes books.

Some people allow their affairs to become so deranged that their liabilities quite go out of their mind.

When does it behoove a man to mind his p's and q's?—When his pq-niary affairs are in a ticklish condition.

Why are the Marys the most amiable of their sex?—Because they can always be Molly-fied.

What does nitre become when it is used in making gun-powder?—An ig-niter.

Is "stale mate" in chess any better than it is in Irish larders?

Instead of fighting misfortune, we too often make it prisoner.

What article is it that is never used more than twice in America?—Letter A, of course.

"I've just looked to see if you are doing well," as the cook said to the lobster, when she lifted up the sauce-pan lid.

What is a settlement of a conveyance?—When an omnibus smashes a cab.

"Tread light," as the grasshopper said to the elephant.

"That's a very hard case," as the Irishman said when he hit his friend on the head.

"Be content with what you have," as the rat said to the trap when he left his tail in it.

A dead hen is better than a live one; she will lay wherever you put her.

It was said of a musical dancing-master that the whole tenor of his life had been bass.

"The law," said Judge Ashurst, in a charge, "is open to all men—to the poor as well as the rich." ''So is the London Tavern," added Horne Tooke, who was present.

Ostriches must be cheap birds to keep. Those at the Hippodrome, it is said, live on gun-flints and rusty nails. A fresh spike is a delicious morsel, while an old hinge, with a little oil on it, is fought for with as much eagerness as a pair of aldermen would exhibit over a bowl of green turtle.

Naomi, the daughter of Enoch, was five hundred and eighty years old when she was married. Courage, ladies!

"There never was a goose so gray,

But some day, soon or late,

An honest gander came that way,

And took her for his mate."



VICKSBURG had not been taken at 9 P.M. on 22d, but our men completely encircled the town, their colors were planted on a portion of the rebel works, and the gun and mortar-boats were at work in front. It is understood that General Grant intercepted a dispatch from Jeff Davis to General Pemberton promising him 100,000 men by way of reinforcements if he would hold out for only two weeks. We have some rumors from rebel sources by way of Fortress Monroe; but they are so contradictory, if not purposely confused, that little can be made of them. Stories were afloat in this city on 27th, evidently echoes of rebel reports, that General Grant had been three times repulsed by Pemberton on 22d. Our advises are to a late hour on the evening of that day, but they make no mention of repulse.


Admiral Porter, in an official dispatch, dated from the Yazoo River on the 20th inst., details the capture of Haines's Bluff by Lieutenant Walker, of the gun-boat De Kalb, who not only drove out the enemy, but secured all their guns, ammunition, camps, and equipage. The defenses consisted of fourteen forts, and took the enemy twelve months to construct. Admiral Porter destroyed the gun-carriages, blew up the magazines, and destroyed the works generally, which he describes as a net-work of defenses such as he never saw before. He says that there has never been a case during the war where the rebels have been so successfully beaten at all points, and that the patience and endurance shown by our army and navy for so many mouths are about being rewarded.


Information has been received officially that Admiral Farragut's fleet has been actively bombarding Port Hudson.


The movements of the rebels in Kentucky and Tennessee appear to indicate a certain inroad upon the former State about the 1st of June. On Friday they burned the extensive trestle-work at Hamilton, near Clarksville, Tennessee. General Bragg is reported to be on the watch for an attack by General Rosecrans. He is in a strongly fortified position at Horseshoe Mountain. A dispatch from Murfreesboro on 22d says that General Stanley, with a portion of two brigades of cavalry, surprised the camp of the First Alabama regiment and the Eighth Confederate cavalry, in the vicinity of Middletown. Our forces were divided and sent around to attack the rebels in the flank and rear; but the advance-guard becoming impatient, they dashed alone and unsupported into the midst of the enemy's camp, putting to flight one thousand rebel cavalry. Eight rebels were killed, ninety prisoners taken, and two hundred horses captured. The camp of the enemy, including the arms thrown away by them, was destroyed. Our loss was inconsiderable—none of our men being killed, and only three wounded slightly.


A dispatch from St. Louis, dated 25th, says that a band of rebel guerrillas captured the town of Richmond, Clay County, Missouri, on 17th, together with the Union force which occupied it. Two officers of the Twenty-fifth Missouri were killed in the fight, and another lieutenant was shot after the Union troops surrendered. It was feared that the whole force would be treated in the same manner. The guerrillas made a clean sweep of the whole town. The same band also plundered the town of Plattsburg, Clinton County, on Thursday night, and took $11,000 from the court-house belonging to the State.


The Alabama is at the Moule (Guadaloupe), blockaded by the United States steamers Oneida and Alabama. Admiral Wilkes reached St. Thomas on the 30th ult. from Havana via Ponce, Porto Rico, and after communicating with Mr. Edgar, the United States Consul, proceeded to Guadaloupe in the Vanderbilt in search of the pirate.


A special dispatch from Columbus, Ohio, to The Commercial says that the members of the Third Ohio Regiment now there give full details of the capture of Colonel Streight and his forces near Rome, Georgia. They say the surrender was justifiable and unavoidable, the enemy occupying an impregnable position with overwhelming numbers.


Van Dorn's staff have published a card stating that the General was shot in his own room by Dr. Peters. He was shot in the back of the head while writing at his table. There had been a friendly conversation between the parties scarcely fifteen minutes before the unfortunate occurrence. General Van Dorn had never seen the daughter of his murderer but once, and his acquaintance with Mrs. Peters was such as to convince his staff officers, who had every opportunity of knowing, that there was no improper intimacy between them.



IT is reported that another rebel pirate cruiser is ready to leave the Clyde, under the command of Captain Bullock.


Late reports from this country caused a heavy fall in the rebel loan in London. At one moment it had gone down to four per cent. discount. It subsequently closed at from three and a half to three discount, experiencing a fall of three per cent. in one day.


The emigration of Irish to the United States is now so extensive that, instead of four steamers leaving Cork harbor each fortnight, there will be seven in the same space of time for some months. A late letter from Cork says: "The Inman Company have increased their sailings by an additional vessel fortnightly, and the Cunard Company has advertised its intention of starting an extra steamer every second week. In addition to this increased conveyance, the Montreal Ocean Company will this month resume its trade between Europe (via Queenstown) and Canada. Next week the Cunard Company will dispatch the steamship Sidon from Liverpool on Tuesday, and Queenstown on Wednesday. On Wednesday and Friday the steamships City of Baltimore and Kangaroo, belonging to the Inman Company, will leave Liverpool, and the following days Queenstown, and on Sunday the Cunard steamship will leave Cork harbor." Saunders' News Letter, of Dublin, a British Tory organ, remarks on this: "From the facts which have lately transpired it is not expected that there will be any further consular denials that this increase of transport is demanded by the enlistment of young men in Ireland for service in the United States army." The Tuam Herald, speaking of the exodus, says, "The exodus of the people from Mayo and from this county (Galway) is becoming every week more extensive. Whether for good or for evil, the stream continues to swell and flow on uninterruptedly, and the emigrants may now be reckoned by hundreds from some localities." A Dundalk paper says: "No less than one thousand emigrants passed through Dundalk last week on their way to America and Australia. They are rushing out of the country as if to avoid some terrible disaster." The Western Star remarks: "We have never known so many people to leave this district within a week as from Sunday to the present. On Sunday long lines of cars, laden with emigrants and their friends, arrived in Ballinasloe, the former leaving by the evening train. On Monday and Tuesday there were similar arrivals—nearly all well dressed and comfortable looking young men and women, evidently belonging to the class of small farmers. The destination of these people is generally New York." The Clare (Ireland) Advertiser of the 13th of May says: "We witnessed a novel feature on last Monday. The trades band of the town, 'in full fig,' escorting the emigrants to the quay, playing 'Patrick's Day,' 'Garryown,' 'White Cockade,' etc., in dashing style, and with such a martial air as would be highly interesting to an American recruiting sergeant, if he happened to be present. A crowd of over three thousand persons cheered loudly for America, and groaned this British Government."



Prince Gortchakoff, in his replies to the notes of the rulers of Sweden, Italy, and Spain on the Polish question, calls their attention to the influence of "outside" agitation in prolonging the struggle in Poland, and illustrates the effects of the revolutionary movement by allusions pertinent to the case of each of the sovereigns. It is said that Russia has conceded to Napoleon the principle that a European congress should assemble on the subject.



Another great battle has taken place at Puebla, and again the Mexicans have proved themselves more than a match for the invading French. General Ortega sends word to Comonfort that on the night of the 24th of April the French exploded a mine on the block called Stenimo, occupied by Mexican troops. A number of the Mexicans were buried in the ruins; but the balance resisted the French all night, fighting desperately. On the morning of 25th both parties were reinforced, and continued the fight with the greatest determination and ferocity, the Mexicans, at its close, holding their original position. During the contest the French exploded another mine in the Santa Jesu, and another fight ensued there, lasting seven hours, the Mexicans remaining masters of the field, and capturing one hundred and thirty prisoners from the First regiment of French Zouaves, The French left four hundred dead on he field. It is since reported that the French have raised the siege and are in full retreat.




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