Yankee Doodle Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, May 2, 1863

This site features all the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. These newspapers are full of incredible illustrations and news reports on the War, created within hours of the events depicted.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Working Cotton

Slaves Working Cotton

Ironclad Warfare

Ironclad Warfare

Shooting of Kimball

Shooting of Colonel Kimball


Suffolk, Virginia

Keokuk Sinking

Sinking of the "Keokuk"

Army Review

Review of the Army of the Potomac

Confiscation of Cotton

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle Cartoon

Lincln on a Horse

Abraham Lincoln on Horseback

Defenses Around Charleston

Charleston Defenses

Attack on Fort Sumter

Attack of Fort Sumter

President Lincoln Reviews Troops

President Lincoln Reviews the Army of the Potomac




[MAY 2, 1863.



YANKEE DOODLE. "What's that yer hammerin' at, now?"


YANKEE DOODLE. "Wal, look out it don't fly up and hit yer in the eye!'



Dealers in Government Securities,
Agents for U. S. Five Twenty Loan,

are prepared to furnish the U. S. FIVE TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, direct from the Government, at PAR and ACCRUED INTEREST, as heretofore.

ON AND AFTER JULY 1, THE PRIVILEGE OF CONVERTING LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE FIVE TWENTY-YEAR BONDS AT PAR WILL CEASE. Parties wishing to secure a United States Bond paying six per cent. interest IN GOLD, AT PAR, should send in their orders before that time.

We also keep on hand a constant supply of all classes of Government Securities for sale at the lowest market rates.


U. S. 6 PER CENT. BONDS of 1881.



No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

American Watches

For Soldiers


American Watches for Americans !

THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY give notice that they have lately issued a new style of Watch, expressly designed for Soldiers and others who desire a good watch at a moderate price. These watches are intended to displace the worthless, cheap watches of British and Swiss manufacture with which the country is flooded, and which were never expected to keep time when they were made, being refuse manufactures sent to this country because unsalable at home, and used here only for jockeying and swindling purposes.

We offer to sell our Watch, which is of THE MOST SUBSTANTIAL MANUFACTURE, AN ACCURATE AND DURABLE TIME-KEEPER, and in Sterling Silver Cases, Hunting pattern, at as low a price as is asked for the fancy-named Ancres and Lepines of foreign make, already referred to.

We have named the new series of Watches, WM. ELLERY, Boston, Mass., which name will be found on the plate of every watch of this manufacture, and is one of our trade-marks.

Sold by all respectable watch dealers in the loyal States. Wholesale orders should be addressed to


Agents of the American Watch Company,


Best Color for Villas, Cottages, and Barns. Will stand any Climate. R. REYNOLDS, Agent, 74 Maiden Lane, N.Y.

3000 Ordered before Publication,


Southern History of the War.


By E. A. POLLARD, Editor Richmond Examiner,


Associate Editor of Richmond Enquirer.

1 Volume 8vo; Paper Cover, $1.50; Cloth, $2.00.

With Portraits on Steel.

This is an exact reprint of the best and fullest History of the War yet published in the South. Its value and importance as a connected statement of all the civil, military, and naval operations, as pictured to Southern readers, can not be underrated. It is well written, full of details, with many narratives and incidents of personal adventure. As a Southern picture of the war, it should be read by every one. Agents wanted in every town and city. Sent by mail on receipt of price. C. B. RICHARDSON, PUBLISHER, 594 and 596 Broadway, New York. 

National Union League.

To the Trade.

E. N. FOOTE & CO., Manufacturers Jewelry, 208 Broadway, New York.


Insoluble Cement

Is not a combination of Glue, Rubber, or Gutta Percha, and will not decompose or become corrupt. It is the only Liquid Cement extant that will stick Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching, and effectually mend broken Furniture, Crockery, Toys, Bone, Ivory, and articles of household use. It is a liquid. It is insoluble in water or oil. It will adhere oily substances firmly and completely. HILTON BROTHERS & CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. I. Put up in packages for Family and Manufacturers' use from 2 oz. to 100 lbs. For sale by all Druggists, and Dealers in Leather Findings, &c.

Beauty still more Beautiful.

Straight hair can be made to wave beautifully by using

Ivins' Patent Hair Crimpers.

Ladies can use them constantly and have no fear of injuring their hair, as they are always used without heating at all, and consequently do not destroy the vitality of the hair. Their construction is so simple, they are so easily used, and their powers so magical, that we are convinced that any lady, after once using them, will not be without them for double the price of their cost. Inquire for Ivins' Patent Hair Crimpers, and use no other, if you wish to preserve the life and beauty of your hair. For sale everywhere. Manufactured and sold wholesale only by the patentee,

E. IVINS, Sixth and Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.


Is about equal in extent to England, with a population of 1,722,666, and a soil capable of supporting 20,000,000. No State in the Valley of the Mississippi offers so great an inducement to the Settler as the State of Illinois. There is no part of the world where all the conditions of climate and soil so admirably combine to produce those two great staples, CORN and WHEAT.


Nowhere can the industrious farmer secure such immediate results from his labor as on these deep, rich, loamy soils, cultivated with so much ease. The climate, from the extreme southern part of the State to the Terre Haute, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad, a distance of nearly 200 miles, is well adapted to Winter.


Peaches, Pears, Tomatoes, and every variety of fruit and vegetables is grown in great abundance, from which Chicago and other Northern markets are furnished from four to six weeks earlier than their immediate vicinity. Between the Terre Haute, Alton, and St. Louis Railway and the Kankakee and Illinois Rivers (a distance of 115 miles on the Branch, and 136 miles on the Main Trunk), lies the great Corn and Stock raising portion of the State.


of Corn is from 50 to SO bushels per acre. Cattle, Horses, Mules, Sheep, and Hogs are raised here at a small cost, and yield large profits. It is believed that no section of country presents greater inducements for Dairy Farming than the Prairies of Illinois, a branch of farming to which but little attention has been paid, and which most yield sure profitable results. Between the Kankakee and Illinois Rivers, and Chicago and Dunleith (a distance of 56 miles on the Branch and 147 miles by the Main Trunk), Timothy Hay, Spring Wheat, Corn, &c., are produced in great abundance.


The Agricultural products of Illinois are greater than those of any other State. The Wheat crop of 1861 was estimated at 35,000,000 bushels, while the Corn crop yields not less than 140,000,000 bushels, besides the crop of Oats, Barley, Rye, Buckwheat, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkins, Squashes, Flax, Hemp, Peas, Clover, Cabbage, Beets,

$7. WATCHES. $7.

A Beautiful Engraved Gold-Plated Watch, Lever Cap, small size, English Movements, perfect time-keeper. Sent free by mail, in neat case, for only $7. A Solid Silver, same as above, $7. CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.

A Speculation.

Agents in Towns, and Soldiers in camp or discharged, are making easily $15 per day selling our GREAT NEW and WONDERFUL UNION PRIZE AND STATIONERY PACKAGES, NOVEL AND UNEQUALED, and unlike all the old styles; containing all New Articles, and of fine quality. Writing Materials, Games, Useful and Fancy Articles, Likenesses of Heroes, Camp Companions (for the Army), rich gifts of Jewelry, &c., &c., altogether worth over $1, for ONLY 25c. They are just the thing for a present to your friend in the Army. No family should be without one. Profits immense, sales quick. Soldiers in camp can act as Agents, and make money fast. A SPLENDID WATCH, warranted as a perfect time-keeper, presented free to all Agents. Packages in endless variety and at all prices. Agents wanted all through the country. Send for NEW Circulars for 1863, containing EXTRA inducements.

S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, largest and oldest Prize Package House in the World.

$20 American $20

Lever Watches.

HANDSOME HUNTING CASE GENUINE AMERICAN LEVERS, for $20, or a case of six for $110. Watches of every description at lowest wholesale prices. All orders from the Army must be pre-paid. J. L. FERGUSON, 208 Broadway, N. Y.

Superior Farm Land

At low prices. Franklinville and Lake Tract, on West Jersey Railroad, 25 miles south of Philadelphia, in lots to suit purchasers. Circulars, containing reports of Solon Robinson, Hon. Wm. Parry, and others, with full information, sent free by addressing JOHN H. COFFIN, Franklinville, Gloucester County, New Jersey.

Brown, Wilson, &. Fisher, Bankers and Brokers, No. 19 Wall St. Stocks, Bonds, and Securities of all kinds bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokeas. Orders received for the new 5-20 6 per cent. Bonds at par and accrued interest. We buy and sell, and keep constantly on hand, all kinds of U. S. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, Uncurrent Money, &c., &c. LEWIS M. BROWN.      HENRY S. WILSON. CHARLES A. FISHER, Member of N. Y. Stock Exchange. Refer by permission to Bank of the Commonwealth,   Spofford & Tileston, Moses Taylor,   James B. Wilson, Lewis B. Brown,   John J. Crane.

Tobacco, Sorgheim, Grapes, Peaches, Apples, &c., which go to swell the vast aggregate of production in this fertile region. Over Four Million tons of produce were sent out the State of Illinois during the past year.


In Central and Southern Illinois uncommon advantages are presented for the extension of Stock raising. All kinds of Cattle, Horses, Mules, Sheep, Hogs, &c., of the best breeds, yield handsome profits; large fortunes have already been made, and the field is open for others to enter with the fairest prospects of like results. DAIRY FARMING also presents its inducements to many.


The experiments in Cotton culture are of very great promise. Commencing in latitude 39 deg. 30 min. (see Mattoon on the Branch, and Assumption on the Main Line), the Company owns thousands of acres well adapted to the perfection of this fibre. A settler having a family of young children, can turn their youthful labor to a most profitable account in the growth and perfection of this plant.


Traverses the whole length of the State, from the banks of the Mississippi and Lake Michigan to the Ohio. As its name imports, the Railroad runs through the centre of the State, and on either side of the road along its whole length lie the lands offered for sale.


There are Ninety-eight Depots on the Company's Railway, giving about one every seven miles. Cities, Towns, and Villages are situated at convenient distances throughout the whole route, where every desirable commodity may be found as readily as in the oldest cities of the Union, and where buyers are to be met for all kinds of farm produce.


Mechanics and working-men will find the free school system encouraged by the State, and endowed with a large revenue for the support of the schools. Children can live in sight of the school, the college, the church, and grow up with the prosperity of the leading State in the Great Western Empire.

Barnum's American Museum.


Will take place at the Museum on

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and

April 27, 28, 29, 30, and May 1 and 2, 1863, At which time upwards of


Will be paid in premiums for the best breeds of Dogs, including whatever is most rare and beautiful among the canine species.

Circulars containing full particulars and list of premiums may be had on application at the Museum.

PHELAN'S Improved Billiard Tables AND Combination Cushions.

These Billiard Tables have received the unqualified approval of the best players and most competent judges, who have universally pronounced them unequalled for general excellence and durability. Orders by mail carefully and promptly executed. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists sent by mail. "THE BILLIARD CUE," a journal published in the interest of Billiards, and containing details of all novelties, a copious record of Billiard news, and every thing of interest to amateurs of Billiards, sent free on application. PHELAN & COLLENDER, 63, 65, 67, & 69 Crosby St., New York, And 724 & 726 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal.


50,000 Agents Wanted.

Any one wishing to purchase JEWELRY, I will send as sample, on the receipt of $1, together with my wholesale Circular, either a Gold Masonic Pin or Ring, or a Gent's Cluster Pin with Chain attached, or a neat new style Vest Chain, or Neck Chain, or a splendid Gold Pen and Pencil, or a beautiful Engraved Bracelet, or Spring Locket, or a California Diamond Ring or Pin. B. T. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler, 208 Broadway, N. Y.

LANDS.—To all wanting Farms. Thriving Settlement. Rich soil. Mild climate. See advertisement of Vineland, on previous page.

Artificial Legs and Arms, Selpho's Patent, 516 Broadway, N. Y., are the best substitutes for lost limbs the World of Science has ever invented. (Established 24 years.) Send for Pamphlet. Soldiers supplied free.


Address Land Commissioner, Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill.



At FROM $8 to $12 PER ACRE.

Near Markets, Schools, Railroads, Churches, and all the blessings of Civilization. 1,200,000 Acres, in Farms of 40, 80, 120, 160 Acres and upwards, in ILLINOIS, the Garden State of America. The Illinois Central Railroad Company offer, ON LONG CREDIT, the beautiful and fertile PRAIRIE LANDS lying along the whole line of their Railroad, 700 MILES IN LENGTH, upon the most Favorable
Terms, for enabling Farmers, Manufacturers, Mechanics, and Workingmen to snake
for themselves and their families a competency, and is HOME they can
call THEIR OWN, as will appear from the following statements:

Yankee Doodle Cartoon
Bridgewater Paint
Illinois Central Railroad




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