Lincoln Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, July 16, 1864

Harper's Weekly was the most read newspaper of the Civil War era. It was popular across the country for its fabulous wood cut illustrations created by war artists deployed with the troops at the front lines. Today, it is popular as a valuable source of original information on the way.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)



General Grant

Alabama is Sunk

Battle Kenesaw Mountain

Pine Mountain

Sherman Advance

General Sherman's Advance on Georgia

Spanish Squadron

Spanish Squadron

Lincoln Cartoon

Lincoln Cartoon

Alabama Sinking

Alabama Sinking

Fourth of July

Fourth of July


Rebel Deserters




[JULY 16, 1864.


MR. LINCOLN. "MIKE, remove the SALMON and bring me a TOD." MIKE. "The TOD'S out; but can't I fitch something else, Sir?"

" JOHNSTON has SHERMAN just where he wants him."—Richmond Enquirer


Bankers and Dealers in Government
No. 38 Wall Street, New York.


Campaign Medals.

Of every description now ready in Pin and Medal. Trade orders solicited and promptly filled at Factory prices. Wholesale Depot Campaign Medal Co.,436 Broadway, N.Y.


Twines and Paper. H. A. HARVEY, 84 Maiden Lane,N.Y.

HISTORY, ART, Politics, BELLES-LETTRES, POETRY, BIOGRAPHY, CRITICISM, NARRATIVE, FICTION, are coustantly represented in the pages of the

This Thoroughly American Magazine is published monthly at THREE DOLLARS a year: single copies 25 cents. Liberal reduction to clubs. Send 25 cents for a specimen and circular. TICKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, Boston

VERMILYE & CO., No. 44 Wall Street, New York, Bankers and Dealers in all kinds of Government Stocks. U. S. 7.30 Treasury Notes, converted into 6 per cent. Bonds of 1881. The Bonds of New 10.40 Loan on hand for immediate delivery.



What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when, by using the


it would be cured? How many lovers it has separated!!! How many friends forever parted! Inc SUBJECT Is so DELICATE, your nearest friend will not mention it; and you are yourself ignorant of the fact. To effect a radical cure, use the Balm as a tooth-wash night and morning.


of ancient times used honey to beautify their complexion; but the combination with palm-oil and other valuable ingredients makes it still more valuable. For bathing suffering infants, a few drops poured into a basin of water will dispel all fever, tetter, &c. A few drops poured on your shaving-brush makes a beautiful soft lather, leaving the face pure and white. When used for washing night and morning, it eradicates all Tan, Pimples, and Freckles, rendering the skin soft and white, and free from blemish.

Price 75 Cents. For sale by all Druggists.

Approved by the Government.

Warranted superior to any other Pistol of the kind. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers. Sold by the Trade generally.


T HE ILLUSTRATED PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL for July.—Vol. 40, begins with a Double No., now ready, containing Portraits, Characters, and Biographies of leading men, living and dead, such as HANCOCK, SEDGWICK, WADSWORTH, HAWTHORN, MURILLO, President of Colombia, S. A., the DYING GLADIATOR, with Portraits, Characters, and Biographies. Also, ETHNOLOGY, or the Races; PHYSIOLOGY, the Laws of Life and health; PHRENOLOGY, with choice of Pursuits ; PHYSIOGNOMY, or " Signs of Character;" PHYCHOLOGY, the Science of the Soul ; and much other matter, to be found in no other publication. It is a handsomely Illustrated Monthly, with Ninety-six Columns of rich rending matter. Newsmen have it. Sold at 20 cents, or $2 a year, by FOWLER & WELLS, No. 389 Broadway, N. Y.

Davis Collamore & Co., 479 Broadway, below Broome St., IMPORTERS OF FINE CHINA, WEDGEWOOD, PARIAN, &e., &e. ENGRAVED GLASS to order in great variety. COLORED STONE CHINA DINING SETS.

B, T. Hayward, 208 Broadway, N. Y. Head-Quarters for CAMPAIGN, ARMY, NAVY, and SOCIETY BADGES and MEDALS. GOLD PENS and JEWELRY of every description. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for wholesale illustrated circular.

$15   Per Day,   $15

Made easy by every Agent who sells our Great New and Wonderful Extra Large Size Stationery and Prize Packages. $25 CAN BE MADE in a few hours by smart agents. Greatest money-making business of the age. Each Package contains large quantities of fine Writing Materials, such as Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Blotters, Emblems, Ladies' Paris Fashion Plates, Designs for Needle-work, Cottage Keepsakes, Household Companions, Parlor Amusements, Guide for Letter Writers, Many Ways to Get Rich, Gents' Pocket Calendars for the Year, Union Designs, YANKEE NOTIONS of all kinds, Recipes, Games, Engravings, Rich and Costly Presents of Fashionable Jewelry, etc., etc., etc. Agents guaranteed $15 per day. A splendid SOLID GOLD or Silver Hunting Case LEVER WATCH (warranted) presented FREE to each Agent. Send for our great new circulars for 1864 containing extra premium inducements, free. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, N. Y.

Hardens and invigorates the Gums. Purifies and Sweetens the breath. Cleanses, Beautifies, and Preserves the Teeth. Sold by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 75 cents per bottle. HALL & RUCKEL, Proprietors, 215 Greenwich St., New York.

Self-Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of Shirts and Collars sent free everywhere.

ENAMELED WHITE, Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn its England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge.

To Military Men and Travellers they are invaluable. Price 75 eta each ; sent by post to any part of the Union on the receipt of 90 cents. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

AGENTS WANTED in every Town in the Union. S. W. H. WARD, 387 Broadway, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED. _ $50 per month guaranteed. For terms and specimens, address, with stamps L. L. TODD & CO., Now York.



&c.—Certain and Immediate cure. HEGEMAN & CO 'S celebrated Diarrhoea Remedy has been used with unfailing success since the Cholera season of 1832. A single dose will usually check the diarrhoea in a few hours. Prepared only by HEGEMAN & CO., Chemists and Druggists, New York. Sold by all the principal Druggists in the United States.

A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever Cap, small size, enameled dial, cut hands, English Movements," and correct time-keeper. A single one sent free by mail in neat case, WITH A BEAUTIFUL CHAIN, for only $8. A neat SILVER WATCH, same as above, specially adapted to the ARMY. Sent free by mail, for only   $7. $18   Algerine,   $18 OR OFFICER S WATCH. A SUPERB "Extra Double Gold Plated" engraved or engine turned Hunting Case Watch, Magic Spring, "Genuine English Jeweled or Nickel Movements," "M. J. TOBIAS" Independent Action, Self Balance, a "Correct Guide" to the Soldier or Traveler. Perfect time-keeper, "warranted one year." WILL STAND ACID, and is an Exact Imitation of $100 Watch, Used by the British Army Officers. Sent free by mail, in elegant Morocco Case, for only $18. Frank Leslie's Illustrated .Newspaper of Feb. 20 says of the "European Timekeeper," "It is a novelty here, and an imitation of the celebrated timekeeper so much in use among the British army officers, and is calculated to meet the wants of our soldiers in the field." Illustrated News says, "Correct timepieces; and for beauty and fine finish they are equal in appearance to $100 watches." Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.

DRY AND GROUND IN OIL in several drab shades. For English and Gothic Cottages. Outbuildings, &c. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Agent, No. 74 Maiden Lane.

SMITH & RAND, Manufacturers of ORANGE RIFLE and ORANGE LIGHTNING Powder, of superior strength and cleanness OFFICE, 170 BROADWAY, New York.

Lincoln Cartoon
Sherman Cartoon
Fremont Presidential Button




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