John Botts


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, May 14, 1864

This site presents our complete collection of Harper's Weekly newspaper. You can browse these newspapers and read first hand descriptions of the war, and look at the pictures drawn by artists deployed to the front lines. These newspapers will help you better understand the important events of the war.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Red River

Battle of Red River



Fort Pillow

Fort Pillow

Red River Gun Boats


John Botts


Golden Bitters




Washington Aqueduct

Parrot Gun

Parrot Gun




Soldier's Foraging for Food



MAY 14, 1864.]




WE give on the preceding page a spirited illustration of the war in Louisiana, showing the manner in which the army is at times furnished with supplies. Necessarily, in advancing into the enemy's country, our forces are obliged to depend in some degree upon the resources of the region occupied for supplies of beef, etc., and probably no experiences are more pleasurable and full of excitement than those which are ordinarily encountered in expeditions such as our artist has presented.


JOHN MINOR BOTTS, whose portrait we give on this page, and who occupied for many years a distinguished position in American politics, was born in Dumfries, Prince William County, Virginia, on the 16th of September, 1802. He early entered upon political life, attaching himself to the Whig party when, in 1834, it assumed its definite form, and becoming from the first one of its most ardent and prominent supporters. The previous year he was elected to the Virginia Legislature, and was afterward several times re-elected. In 1839 he was elected to Congress, and there distinguished himself as an advocate of a national bank, a protective tariff, and other measures of which HENRY CLAY was the great originator and expounder. In 1843 he was not re-

turned to Congress, but four years after he was elected to that body for the third time. After the death

of Mr. CLAY he attached himself to the American party, as a member of which he opposed the repeal

of the Missouri Compromise, and sympathized with those Southern members of Congress who opposed

the passage of the Lecompton bill in 1858. Upon the secession of Virginia he fell under suspicion on account of his known hostility to the movement, and for some time after war had broken out was held under close surveillance by the rebel authorities. being once or twice arrested by military direction. He has steadily refused to lend his support to the rebel movement, but at the same time has refrained from any distinct avowals justifying arbitrary measures on the part of the Richmond Government, which, probably remembering his great popularity, has hesitated to visit upon him the punishment which it has no doubt desired to inflict. Since our army has occupied the Rapidan his house at Culpepper has at all times been open to our officers, many of whom have been entertained with lavish hospitality. His last entertainment was given on the 28th of April, when Generals GRANT, SEDGWICK, HANCOCK, BIRNEY, HUMPHREYS, GIBBON, and some others were present, the affair being, in the language of a report, " of the most sumptuous character."


WE give below a view of the Work-Shops of the Army of the Potomac. As illustrating the manner in which necessary repairs are made at the head-quarters of an army, the picture is full of interest. Our sketch is made from a photo-

graph furnished us by our artist, A. R. Waud, at the Army head-quarters.







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