Thomas Jeffersonian Policy


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[Thomas Jefferson Inauguration] [Jeffersonian Policy]


The Jeffersonian Policy. - Soon after his inauguration, Jefferson indicated his policy in a letter to Nathaniel Macon, in Congress, as follows: " 1. Levees are done away with. 2. The first communication to the next Congress will be, like all subsequent ones, by message, to which no answer will be expected. 3. Diplomatic establishments in Europe will be reduced to three ministers. 4. The compensation of collectors depends on you [Congress], and not on me. 5. The army is undergoing a chaste reformation. 6. The navy will be reduced to the legal establishment by the last of this month [May, 1801]. 7. Agencies in every department will be revived. 8. We shall push you to the uttermost in economizing. 9. A very early recommendation has been given to the Postmaster-General to employ no traitor, foreigner, or Revolutionary Tory in any of his offices."

Three days after his inauguration he wrote to Monroe: I have firmly refused to follow the counsels of those who have desired the giving of offices to some of the Federalist leaders in order to reconcile them. I have given, and will give, only to Republicans under existing circumstances." The doctrine, " To the victor belong the spoils," which has been accepted as orthodox in the politics of our republic ever since, was then first promulgated.



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