Scenes in Virginia


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Robert E. Lee Portrait

Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 6, 1861

The April 6, 1861 edition of Harper's Weekly featured a portrait and biography of William H. Seward, secretary of state for President Lincoln.  it also featured interesting pictures and articles about Ft. Pickens, and other Civil War news of the day. Newspaper thumbnails will take you to a large readable versions of the page.


Secretary Seward

Secretary William H. Seward

1860 Census With Slaves

The Wyandotte

The Wyandotte

Ft. Pickens

Union Flag Flying over Ft. Pickens

April War News

Virginia Sketches


Scenes in Virginia

State Seals



Virginia Scenes

Leaf is an original page from an 1861 Harper's Weekly and features sketches of Virginia during the Civil War. 



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