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Civil War Harper's Weekly, June 22, 1861

This Civil War newspaper features a cover illustration and story on William Russell, a war correspondent for the London Times. The paper also Covers Senator Douglas's Funeral, and has various scenes from the war.

(Scroll Down to See the entire page, Newspaper Thumbnails will take you to the page of interest)


William Russell

William Russell

Affairs in England

Affairs in England

Wheeling Convention

The Wheeling Convention

Senator Douglas

Senator Douglas Funeral

Cairo, Illinois

Cairo, Illinois



Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis Indiana

Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe


Pensacola, Florida

Acquia Creek

Battle of Acquia Creek

Scenes from Alexandria and Washington

The Sumter

Rebel Ship Sumter


Jefferson Davis Cartoons





JUNE 22, 1861.]



(Previous Page) an acknowledged ally of Jefferson Davis. But her Government declares itself neutral, and concedes to him belligerent rights. By the decisions of her courts it is a right of belligerents to take prizes into neutral ports. Great Britain and the United States are at peace. But if a trading or passenger ship sails from Liverpool to New York—two open ports of two friendly nations—she may be seized when twenty miles out by one of Mr. Jeff Davis's privateers, taken back into Liverpool, and held until a prize court sitting in Charleston or Savannah has declared her forfeited to the captors. In the same way a ship sailing from New York or Philadelphia for any English port, may be ,seized and carried to any British colony, Nassau, for instance, and kept until condemned.

How long are such proceedings possible without war? How long while such things happen will the nation that consents to them call herself an ally if the nation whose commerce she thus helps destroy ?

That a great nation should declare herself neutral in a war between two other Powers is to say merely that she is the friend of both. But to recognize the belligerent rights of a party in rebellion against an ally, within its own territory, is to declare against the ally. Can it be that for so desperate a chance as the success of this rebellion Great Britain has deliberately thrown away the friendship of the United States ?


FOUR of the Pennsylvania soldiers now garrisoning Fort Washington upon the Potomac, opposite Mount Vernon, write to the Lounger describing exactly the facts of the first movement of Northern Volunteers. The four are members of the first companies accepted by Governor Curtin. They say :

Our company, from Lewistown, Mifflin County, called the Logan Guards; the Washington Artillerists from Pottsville; Light Infantry from Pottsville; Reading Artillerists, and Allentown Rifles, were the first companies of volunteers that left the Northern States and marched through Baltimore. We arrived in Harrisburg on Wednesday evening, the 17th of April, and at 7 o'clock on the following morning we were sworn in. At 9 we started for Washington. We reached our destination the same day about 6 o'clock P.M., where we remained until the 30th of April, when we were removed to Fort Washington as a reinforcement. The commandant, Major Joseph A. Haskins, whose skill and bravery were tested at Chepultepec,. where he lost an arm, has thoroughly strengthened his position. The 32-pounders are all ready ; the furnaces for heating shot are in apple-pie order; the magazines are full; the hand-grenades are ready for use at a moment's notice; the bombs are lying around loose;' and the artillerists sleep nightly beneath their guns. It is the intention of the Government to erect a battery on the hill immediately behind the fort. The impression is that we can hold the fort against 20,000 rebels. Fort Washington is sixteen miles below the city, on the Maryland side. Three miles below us, on the Virginia side, we have a splendid view of Mount Vernon, the resting-place of the Father of our Country. We have been kept very busy since we have been here, cutting down trees and hauling brush, digging trenches, mounting cannon, etc. We are now prepared to meet any number of the rebels."


CERTAIN worthy gentlemen in Kentucky and elsewhere are resolved to eat their cake and have it, if the thing can be done. When rebels take up arms to destroy the Government these gentlemen are of opinion that there is a great deal to be said upon both sides, and that the Government and the rebellion are each equally right and wrong. They are very much distressed by the prospect of fighting. Fighting is to be avoided at all hazards. If tears and sobs and sighs and platitudes will be of any service in this emergency, they will furnish any required quantity. If people could only be kept from fighting by surrendering every thing that makes a man truly manly and a Government truly powerful, in the name of quiet and tears let it be surrendered. These sobbing and sighing patriots are not especially anxious that the Government of their country should be maintained; but the one thing they do fervently desire is that, if any body is in danger of being hurt in maintaining it, the defense shall be abandoned.

These gentlemen announce that their States intend to take no part in the war. Suppose that every other State in the Union should do the same thing? The Government of the United States, threatened by a desperate rebellion, calls upon the citizens, in the constitutional and legal method, to defend the Government, and the citizens in each State reply, " No, thank you ; we're going to stand off" It would be doing precisely what the people in the rebellious States have done—and the national Government would disappear. The action of these. gentry of the Border States is only less noble and more insidious than that of the Cotton States. The latter say, " We are going to overthrow the Government." The former reply, " Very well; we shall not hinder."

In the address to the people of Kentucky, these gentlemen say, " Hold fast to that sheet-anchor of republican liberty, that the will of the majority, constitutionally and legally expressed, must govern." In the address to the people of the United States they say, in effect, " But if the minority will not submit—why then, 'tis very unfortunate, but you must let them have their way."

This is the inevitable and logical conclusion of that movement which, under the name of "Unionism," in our late political history, and its high-priest, Mr. Everett, now confesses it, through fear of traitors, insisted upon pandering to treason, by dividing the

ranks of the citizens who were unconditional Union men. Let us learn from the Past. There is no need of recrimination, but we do not grow wiser by forgetting. When there is a debate of vital principle, whether political or not, there are but two sides. You are for it, heart and soul ; or you are against it.


Inscribed to SIGNOR TAMBERLIK after a hearing of his famous "ut de poitrine."

THE C! the C! the open C!

That cometh from the chest so free;

'Tis cheering to hear that high clear sound, How it filleth the house, above, around.

It rings through the stalls, to the pit it flies, And e'en to the back of the gallery hies. I love the C, the high chest C,

'Tis a tone above Sims Reeves his B; It would puzzle Giuglini so high to go, And it taketh the shine out of Morito

Though a storm in the chorus and band there be, What matter their clatter ? they ne'er can drown the C

I love, O how I love to dwell

In thought on the glories of William Tell: -Where the shining lake and the silver moon

Seem to harmonize well with each soft sweet tune; -When Tell's voice is heard in that grand trio, And the chorus come trooping from high and low. I'm fond of Herr Formes' deep bass roar, But I love the high C more, far more, As upward it soareth as clear from the chest As the nightingale's singing to cheer its nest. And a wonder it always hath been to me, How a tenor can touch that high chest C.

The vibrato style I hear with scorn,

In nervousness or weak lungs 'twas born :

And I hate the falsetto, although I'm told

That by it Rubini made pecks of gold.

Mere quivers and quavers to me sound mild,

But the high chest C just suits this child;

It stirreth the soul. and it quickens to life

All the pubes that vibrate to love or strife.

I have wealth to spend, I have power to range, But from Tell at the Garden I wish no change; And if Arnold ever should call on me,

I'll get him to sing me his high chest C !

"HARD LINES."—A sympathetic soul says that the poor shareholders who have invested their money in the Atlantic and Red Sea Telegraphs must think them both "extremely hard lines."


"Well, my boy, how is your courtship in the country getting on?" said Charles to Adolphus, as they were leaning over the rails in the Row at Hyde Park. "Charming, my dear boy, on ne peut pas mieux.," was the enthusiastic boy's quick answer, " though strange to say, my success is the reverse of that of the Emperor who left his mark, you know, on Rome. My beauty, whom in every sense, of the world I may call a capital beauty, when first I knew her, was nothing but marble, but I had not known her three weeks before, I can assure you, I had changed her into a perfect brick." And the youngster laughed over his own folly, as though he had been a practiced wit.


UNFEELLNG MOCKERY.—Crossing sweepers have a most reprehensible way of insulting misfortune. With your boon already splashed by walking in the dirt, you cross the street where they have swept it, and then they get in the way and touch their hats to you.

ONLY A LETTER BETWEEN 'EM.—The two heroes of Guerilla (Gorilla) warfare—Garibaldi and Chaillu.

The late census led to some queer scenes. The following is one of them: "Who is the head of this family?" asked an enumerator of an Irishwoman. "'That depinds on circumstances," said she. "If it's before eleven o'clock it's me husband; if after eleven it's mesell." "Why this division?" 'Because after that hour he's as drunk as a piper, and unable to take care of himself, let alone his family." "What is his age?" "Coining next Michaelmas he will lack a month of being as owld as Finnegan. You know Finnegan?" "No, I don't, and if I did it wouldn't help matters. How many male members have you in the family?" "Niver a one." "What, no boys at all?" "Boys is it? Ah, murther, go home. We have boys enough to whip four loaves before breakfast." "When were you married?" "The day Pat Doyle left Tipperary for Ameriky! Ah! well do I know it. A sun-shinier day niver gilled the sky of swate owld Ireland." "What was the condition of your husband before marriage?" "Divil a more miserable. He said if I did not give him a promise within two or three weeks he'd blow his brains out with a crowbar!" "What was he at the time of your marriage-a widower or a bachelor?" "A widower, did you say? Ah! now go away wid your nonsense. Is it the likes of me that would take up with a second-hand husband—a poor devil, all legs and consumption, like a sick turkey? A widower, indade! May I niver be blessed if I'd not rather live an owld maid, and bring up my family on buttermilk and praties."   




A Sunday-school teacher, deploring the lack of attendants on his ministrations, appealed to his few present. "What can I do," said he, "to get the boys and girls here?" "I know," said one of the urchins. "What is it?" " Give 'em all sixpence a piece."


A POLITICAL. QUESTION.—Has the "tide of events" any thing to do with the " current of public opinion" that is flowing?

The man who was lost in slumber found his way out on a night-mare.

THE RED, WHITE, AND BLUE.—The red cheeks, the white teeth, and blue eyes of a lovely girl are as good a flag as a young soldier, in the battle of life, need fight under.

Why does a coal-barge weigh less than an empty sack? Because, if the one is a light weight the other is a lighter.

Why are people who sit on free seats not likely to derive much benefit front going to church?—Because they get good for nothing.

A lady consulted St. Francis of Sales on the lawfulness of using rouge. "Why," says he, " some pious men object to it; others see no harm in it ; I will hold a middle course, and allow you to use it on one cheek."

In some tranquil and apparently amiable natures there are often unsuspected and unfathomable depths of resentment.

When does a farmer act with great rudeness toward his corn?—When he pulls its ears.



ON the 9th General Butler dispatched a strong force to dislodge the rebels who had gathered at Bethel, on the Yorktown road, about twelve miles from Fortress Monroe. In the darkness a New York Regiment and one from Albany encountering, mistook each other for enemies, and fired upon each other, inflicting some loss. The error having been discovered the fine marched upon the rebel batteries; a sharp engagement ensiled; the United States troops finding themselves unable, for want of ammunition, to carry the batteries, retreated, carrying with them many prisoners whom they had taken on their advance. Our entire loss is about 75 killed and wounded, among whom is Lieutenant Grebel, of the regulars.


A dispatch to the Herald, dated Washington, June 12, 1 A.M., says : " A special messenger arrived an hour since from Fortress Monroe, bringing the intelligence that General Butler proceeded this morning with a large reinforcement to Great Bethel, and after a severe fight captured their batteries, one of seven, and the masked battery of fourteen guns, and also took one thousand rebel prisoners."


The movement on Harper's Ferry has fairly begun, and will soon be heard of through its results. It includes an advance from three directions upon the Ferry, and is assisted by the checking presence of Generals Butler and M'Dowell in positions where they must prevent the enemy from uniting its scattered forces. General Patterson is advancing from Chambersburg and Hagerstown with 15,000 men. General McClellan is advancing from Grafton with 7000 or 8000. And on 10th, three battalions of the District of Columbia militia, together with two Connecticut regiments, one New Hampshire regiment, and the New York Ninth, left Washington, and united at a point three miles above Georgetown, and are advancing to a place known as Edward's Ferry, on the Potomac, half way between Harper's Ferry and Washington.


General Patterson has prepared an address for distribution among the troops at Chambersburg. After alluding to the aggressive acts of the rebels, he says: " You must bear in mind you are going for the good of the whole country, and that, while it is your duty to punish sedition, you must protect the loyal, and, should the occasion offer, at once suppress servile insurrection."


From Cairo, we learn that General Prentiss sent on Thursday, two companies to Elliot's Mills, Kentucky, ten miles from the former place; where the rebels had established a camp. When the troops reached the spot, however, the enemy had fled—as usual. Colonel Wickliffe called on General Prentiss, and protested, on the past of Kentucky, against the occupuation of her soil by Federal troops. The General assured him that he should march in whatever direction, and on whatever soil the Government ordered him to march, and with this reply the rebel emissary was forced to be content.


The Harriet Lane had a brush last week with one of the rebel batteries at Pig Point, nearly opposite Newport News, the head-quarters of General Butler. She fired fifty shots and some shells at the battery, and was struck by two shots, wounding five of her men—one rather seriously in the leg, and the others slightly.


It is said that the breast-works erected by the Federal troops on the Virginia side of the Potomac, in which some of our New York regiments took so brave a part, are of a monstrous kind, and extend for ten miles, from Alexandria to the Chain Bridge, mounted with heavy batteries, a line of defense which renders Washington impregnable, and has enabled the Government to advance so many of the troops recently stationed there in the direction of Harper's Ferry, to carry the contemplated strategic movement in that quarter.


The Second Michigan Regiment went through Baltimore on 9th. A captain in the regiment states that a brick was thrown at a private of Company G, and that the man who committed the outrage was shot: whether he was killed or not it was not known.


The vote in Tennessee last week on the secession question, as far as heard from, shows strongly in favor of secession.


The recent action at Philippi, Virginia, appears to have wrought a change in the secession sentiment in that quarter. There are now about 7000 Federal troops stationed between Grafton and Philippi, and the best feeling existed between them and the people. It is said that a strong Union feeling predominates there. Colonel Kelly is slowly recovering from his wound, though not yet quite out of danger.


A gentleman just arrived at Washington from New Orleans reports that the trade of the South is in a most deplorable condition. He states that Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas are suffering the most of any of the Southern States. In the latter provisions are becoming so scarce that the people will be in a starving condition when the blockade of New Orleans is complete.


The vote in Richmond city on the ordinance of secession, if it shows any thing conclusive, exhibits a complete reign of terror. There were cast in favor of the ordinance 2400 votes and only four against it, and among the greater number must be counted the ballots of the soldiers who are encamped there from all parts of the State. At the Presidential election Richmond cast 5400 votes, without the aid of troops.


Gideon J, Pillow, who commands the "seceshers" of Tennessee, has issued general orders forbidding the transportation of cotton Northward out of the State by railroad, or by the Mississippi, Tennessee, or Cumberland River.


The Wheeling Convention met on 11th. It is said to be decided that it will not undertake to separate the western from the eastern portion of the State, but will establish a Provisional Government. The first act will be to depose Governor Letcher and his kindred officers; in his place another Governor will be named, probably General Jackson, of Parkersburg; the Convention will then declare that Eastern Virginia is in rebellion against the General Government, and will call on loyal citizens to aid in sustaining the Union; the Legislature chosen on the 23d of May will be declared the legally-elected body, and Senators will be chosen by this Legislature. It is thought that the Convention will be one of the most imposing popular demonstrations ever made in this country.


Colonel Abel Smith, of the 13th New York Regiment, on 10th, captured at Easton, Maryland, one thousand stand of arms, six field-pieces, one sloop, and a quantity of ammunition—the property of the secessionists. A private was accidentally shot, but whether he was killed is not stated.


The day before Senator Douglas's death he was waited on by the Catholic bishop, whose ministrations, however, were politely but firmly declined by the dying man, who said to him: "Sir, when I desire it, I will communicate with you freely." And on a subsequent occasion, when the bishop asked him if he desired the ceremony of extreme unction to be administered, the reply was: "No; I have no time to discuss these thing, now." His dying message to his two sons was: "Tell them to obey the laws and support the Constitution of the United States."


It is related of Lord Lyons that, promenading with a beautiful American woman a few evenings ago, at the reception of one of the Cabinet Ministers, he remarked upon the splendor of her dress, which was chaste blue silk, brilliantly spangled. "But I observe," he said, "that you display thirty-five stars instead of thirty-four—one too many." "Oh no, my Lord," said the fair patriot, "the additional star is Canada."

The Hon. John Cochrane has been authorized to have mustered for immediate service a regiment of infantry, to be commanded by himself as Colonel.

Major-General Banks arrived at Fort McHenry on 10th, which he will make the head-quarters of his military district. General Cadwallader has proceeded to Frederick to take command there.



IN the House of Commons, on the 30th of May, Lord John Russell intimated that an Englishman had been forced into the militia service at New Orleans, but that the British Consul there had obtained his release. Other similar circumstances of impressment, he said, had occureded in the Southern States, but they appeared to have been unauthorized, and assurances had been received from the Montgomery Government that they would not sanction such acts.

During his speech he also deprecated the exultation with which Sir John Ramsden had alluded to the lusting of the bubble of democracy in America. In common with the great bulk of his countrymen, he (Russell) was deeply pained at the civil war which had broken out in the United States, and which arose front the accursed poison of slavery left them by England, and which had clung around them like a poisoned garment from the first hour of their independence.


The English Government has determined to forbid privateers and armed vessels from bringing prize, into British ports, and France was to take a similar position.


Letters have been received front Major-General John C. Fremont, dated in London, stating that he has purchased 10,000 Enfield rifles and several batteries of rifled column for the United States Government, which he is waiting for and will bring with him. At present he is delayed until a portion of the rifles are finished. He states, further, that the Commissioners of the Confederate States had instructions to procure several steamers in England for the Montgomery Government, but that there was some difficulty about getting the money; in fact, the needful had not arrived front the South. They succeeded, however, in purchasing two steamers, for which they paid 70,000 ($350,000). These vessels, it appears, are to sail for a Southern port, under the British flag, and registered as the property of British owners, carrying nothing contraband of war, but probably in ballast merely.  



The American citizens in Paris favorable to the Union breakfasted together in the Hotel du Louvre on the 29th of May. About one hundred and fifty attended, one-third being ladies, including the wife of General Scott.

Mr. Cowden presided. A resolution was adopted, pledging the meeting to maintain the Union under any circumstances.

Mr. Dayton said since his arrival in Paris he could detect no unfriendly feeling on the part of France to the United States, and certainly no French citizen would be found among the privateers.

He expressed the conviction that the rebellion would be put down.

Cassius M. Clay spoke at some length. He was energetic on the conduct of England, and the recognition of Southern belligerent rights. He declared if ever the flag of England became associated with the black flag of the South, the Star Spangled Banner of the United States and the tri-color of France would be seen against her, for France had not forgotten St. Helena.

Anson Burlingame spoke on the same subject. Colonel Fremont was next called on, and was received with enthusiasm. He made quite a moderate speech. He regretted the fanatical war, and could but feel confident that it would end in the triumph of truth and justice. He had been called back to America, and lost no time in responding, and he was ready to give his best services to his country.

Rev. Dr. M'Clintock followed.

He said he did not attach any importance to the mutterings of the English press or of the Secretary of War. The people of England had not yet spoken, and when they did their voice would not be found on the side of piracy and slavery.

Captain Simmons, of the United States Army, on his way home at the summons of General Scott, Mr. Halderman, Minister to Sweden, and Rev. Mr. Thayer also spoke.

All the speakers entertained not the slightest doubt of the final triumph of the North.


Confederate Coin



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