Jack Frost


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, October 5, 1861

Below we present another in our collection of Civil War Harper's Weekly newspapers. These original documents allow you to develop a better understanding of the war, by watching the war unfold in real time. Harper's Weekly was the most popular newspaper of the day, and it contained stunning, eye-witness illustrations of the war.

(Scroll Down to see entire page, or Newspaper Thumbnails will take you to the page of interest.)


Berdan's Sharpshooters

Berdan's Sharpshooters


A Civil War Parody


War in Kentucky

Bailey's Cross Road

Gun Boats

Federal Hill

Federal Hill, Baltimore

Woodstock, Virginia

Woodstock, Virginia

Rebel Prisoners

Rebel Prisoners

Men of War

North Carolina

Map of North Carolina

General Joe Johnston

General Joseph Johnston


Cynthiana, Kentucky

Jack Frost Cartoon

Jack Frost






[OCTOBER 5, 1861.



"Our faithful old Ally of the North, GENERAL JACK FROST, shall come and clear away the Malaria of the South, and we shall march Southward from this place, and there shall be no footsteps backward until this Rebellion is crushed out of this Union."-Speech of Major-General BUTLER.

" We lay down our pen in the bitterness of despair, and await, for its resumption, the propitious hour when Persecution shall no longer strike the INSTRUMENT OF LABOR OUT OF THE HAND OF INDUSTRY."—From the Last Number of the DAILY NEWS.


The Life and Military Services of MAJOR-GEN. LAFAYETTE. Get the best. The Life of LIEUT.-GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT, and his Brilliant Victories in Mexico. MAJOR-GEN. JOHN C. FREMONT, and his Rocky Mountain Explorations. BEADLE'S DIME UNION SONG BOOK. BEADLE'S DIME DRILL BOOK. Ten Cents each. For sale at all News Depots. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address BEADLE & CO., Publishers, New York.

Elliot's Pocket Revolver.

The most compact and powerful Pistol ever made,


Its penetration is 1 inch of pine at one hundred and fifty yards. Price $10, with 100 Cartridges. Enclose stamp for illustrated circular.

T. W. MOORE, 426 Broadway, N. Y.


—My Onguent will force them to grow heavily in six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—sent by mail, post free, to any address, on receipt of an order.   R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.


By Dr. Lowell Mason and William Mason,

We have in press, and shall publish in October, "ASAPH, or THE CHOIR-BOOK," a new collection of Vocal Music, Sacred and Secular, for Choirs, Singing-Schools, Musical Societies and Conventions, Social and Religious Assemblies, and the Home Circle. By LOWELL MASON, Mus. Doc., and WILLIAM MASON. We believe this will be one of the most interesting and attractive books to lovers of music and to Singing Schools, which we have ever issued. It is emphatically a NEW BOOK, new in its plan and contents. Price $1.

LIBERAL OFFER.—With a view of as wide a circulation as possible, we make the following offer : To every one inclosing us one dollar before 1st November we will send a copy of the new book above announced; and also a copy for one year of THE NEW YORK MUSICAL REVIEW, the well-known musical journal published fortnightly by us, each number of which contains four pages of new music and twelve pages of reading matter. The subscription price of the Review alone is one dollar, as that we thus give Two DOLLARS' WORTH FOR ONE. Those desiring the book sent by mail must inclose twenty-four cents additional, as it is necessary to pay postage in advance.

Published at Nos. 5 and 7 Mercer Street, New York, by MASON BROTHERS.

ALL WEDDINGS supplied with the new  style of Wedding Cards and Envelopes, by. A. DEMAREST, Engraver, 182 Broadway. Samples by mail.


in the World. Specimen copies, with two valuable patterns, posted for 33 cents. S. T. TAYLOR & SON, 407 Broadway, N. Y.

JEWELRY ! JEWELRY! —The Head-Quarters for all Cash Buyers of fine and cheap Jewelry, Miniature Pins of all the Heroes Persons wishing to see Samples, enclose stamp for full particulars. W. A. HAYWARD (Manufacturing Jeweler), 208 Broadway.

$150 PER MONTH made by enterprising agents selling DOWER'S HEMMER and SHIELD for hand sewing. Protects the finger and makes a beautiful hem. Sample sent on receipt of 25 cents. Address A. H. DOWNER, No. 442 Broadway.  

Dr. Tumblety's Pimple

Old Faces made to look Young and Beautiful.

You may obtain a handsome complexion, exempt from Pimples, Blotches, &c., by using DR. TUMBLETYY'S PIMPLE BANISHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Sent by mail or Express to any address. Office 499 Broadway, New York.


GENERAL SCOTT, in the commencement of this War, heard of a man who had an excellent Map of Virginia and Maryland, showing every city, town, wagon road, creek, run, etc. ; just such a map as the General needed to plan the campaign upon. He sent to the man and offered him $300 for the map, but the man, unpatriotically, thought to speculate upon the necessities of the Government, and refused to take less than $3000 for the map, which fact being communicated. to General Scott, he sent a file of soldiers and took the map without paying the man any thing for it. The verdict of the public was " Served him right !" Copies of this map, which General Scott thought well worth $300, are now ready for the public under the title of Lloyd's Military Map of Virginia and Maryland. Size of sheet, 33x46 inches. Scale 9 miles to an inch. Beautifully colored in counties. Price only 25 cents. This map was drawn and engraved on this scale, so that it could be had by the public at a cheap price. Nothing has been left off that was on the original. It shows every railroad and station, every wagon-road, cross road, river, creek, run, city, town, post-town, canal, mountain, harbor, sea-coast, fort, battery, and encampment. It is just the map the public have long needed to trace the operations of the armies in Virginia, and is now ready for delivery. It will be sent by mail on receipt of the price. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular, address EDWARD F. LLOYD, Publisher, 208 Broadway, New York.

BACK NUMBERS of HARPER'S WEEKLY and MAGAZINE always for sale, by A. WINCH, 320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Mechanics and Inventors, Arouse !

NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK, TO INVENT, and to develop new inventions. Now is the time to secure Patents and have them READY for the renewal of business or for traffic. Now is the time to make arrangements for the manufacture of new and useful articles of all kinds. Now is the time to secure Patents in England, France, Belgium, and other European countries. Inventors, wake up! Messrs. MUNN & CO., proprietors of The Scientific Arnerican, No. 37 Park Row, N. Y., having a branch office in Washington, continue to solicit Patents as usual on the most extensive scale and in the best manner. They have acted as attorneys for more than 15,000 patentees, to all whom they refer:

All who want their patent business done with despatch, and on reasonable terms, should address or apply as above. Pamphlets of advice to inventors, in different languages, about Patent Laws, &c., furnished free.

MUNN & CO. are permitted to refer to Hon. Judge MASON, Hon. Joseph Holt, Hon. W. D. BISHOP, Ex-Commissioner of Patents. To Officers of the Army and Navy. The undersigned have just received a fine assortment of the celebrated English Double and Single Military Spy Glasses. These glasses can not be equaled in magnifying power, Field of Vision, and portability, and are the same as used by all European Officers. They range in price from $18 to $50. Semmons & Co., Opticians, No. 669 1/2 Broadway, opp. Bond St., N. Y. N. B.—Upon receipt of a postage stamp, we forward Catalogue.


ONE POUND of B. T. Babbitt's "French Chemical Erasive Soap" will make three gallons handsome Soft Soap. For sale everywhere. Address B. T. BABBITT, New York, 70 Washington St.

ARTIFICIAL LEGS and ARMS. — (SELPHO'S Patent), 516 Broadway, New York. Send for a Circular.

GAME, MEATS, FISH, &c., improved by the use of Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce. JOHN DUNCAN & SONS, Union Square and 14th Street, Sole Agents.

EXTRAORDINARY FASHION MAGAZINE.—Brilliant Novelties for the Fall Fashions. Reliable information. Three large and splendid Fashion Plates. Nearly 100 fine Engravings, and over sixty cents' worth, or three full sized patterns, in the Fall Number of Mme. DEMOREST'S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions. Now ready. Yearly $1. Single copies 25 cents. Postage 3 cents. Published at Mme. DEMOREST'S Emporium for Patterns of the Fashions, 473 Broadway, N. Y., and sold everywhere.

In a few Days. Manual of Internal Rules and Regulations for Men-of-War. By Capt. U. P. Levy, U. S. Navy, late Flag Officer Commanding U. S. Forces in the Meditterranian, &c., &e. D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, 192 Broadway.

A Treatise on the CAMP and MARCH With which is connected the Construction of Field Works and Military Bridges. With an Appendix of Artillery Ranges, &c. For the use of Volunteers and Militia of the United States. By Capt. Henry D. Grafton, U. S. Army. 12mo, Cloth, 75 cents. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, 192 Broadway.

Perfect Fitting Shirts,

Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, drawings of different styles of Shirts, sent free everywhere. S. W. H. WARD, from London, No. 367 Broadway, N. Y., up Stairs.



One Copy for one Year . . . . . . . $3.00

Two Copies for One Year . . . . . . 5.00
Three or more Copies for One Year (each) . 2.00
And an Extra Copy, gratis, .for every Club of EIGHT SUBSCRIBERS.

HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.


Jack Frost
Pimple Face



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