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Civil War Harper's Weekly, February 22, 1862

This site features online versions of the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. Harper's Weekly was the most popular newspaper of the day, and we are making this incredible resource available for your study and perusal.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


Fort Henry

Battle of Fort Henry


Commodore Foote

Stone Arrested

General Stone Arrested

Lord Lyons

Lord Lyons

Richmond Prisons

Richmond Prisons

Richmond Prisoners

Richmond Prisoners

Ohio Freshet

Ohio Freshet

Attack on Fort Henry

Attack on Fort Henry

Stuck in Mud

Stuck in the Mud


Ice Skating in Brooklyn

Battle of Vera Cruz

Battle of Vera Cruz

P. T. Barnum

P. T. Barnum Advertisement










[FEBRUARY 22, 1862.



MASON. "In the name of Political Martyrdom, allow us to thank you, Mr. BULL, for your Magnanimous Protection—your Noble-"

JOHN BULL. "Oh—none 'o that 'umbug to me! I know you two fellows well henough, as the Biggest Henemies Hengland ever 'ad. Don't flatter yourselves. I'd 'av done the very same thing for hany TWO niXXerS !"

J. BULL, ESQ., IN HIS LIBRARY. "That's it! that's it! the very thing we want! I knew I should find it somewhere, tho' I 'ave searched VATTEL, GROTIUS, DE HAUTEFEUILLE, and WHEATON, all of 'em in vain—and 'ere it is in GULLIVER!" (Reads.)

" Sometimes a WAR is entered upon because the enemy is too strong; and sometimes because he is too weak: sometimes our neighbors want the things which we have or the things which we want, and we both fight till they take ours, or give us theirs. IT IS A VERY JUSTIFIABLE CAUSE OF A WAR to invade a country after the people have been wasted by famine, destroyed by pestilence, or EMBROILED by FACTIONS AMONG THEMSELVES."


Ten Cents. For sale by all News Dealers, Booksellers, and Army Sutlers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price.

BEADLE & CO., Publishers, New York.

WEDDINGS supplied with the new style of Marriage Cards and Envelopes, by A. DEMAREST, Engraver, 182 Broadway. Samples by mail.

Free to Soldiers.

WAR.-We want the address of every soldier in the Union army. We wish to send to every soldier something that will increase his comfort. Also the address of every sutler and dealer in goods for the soldier.

W. H. LATELY & CO., 102 Nassau Street, N. Y.

AGENTS WANTED—For the sale of a Map of the United States, the cheapest and best published, combining many features entirely original. Address   O. N. SNOW & CO.,

      40 Park Row.

25c. in $1 clear saving!— Subscribers to all

Newspapers and Periodicals should immediately send 3c. stamp for circular of "RURAL KEYSTONE CLUB" to

P. A. SUTTON, Ransom, Penn.

Agents make most and give better satisfaction by selling our "Prize Stationery Packets." Circulars, with full particulars, free.

P. HASKINS & CO., 36 Beekman Street, New York.

OUR "FAMILY SEWING MACHINE" having attained a well established and flattering reputation, as being of all machines yet introduced the one best adapted to all kinds of family sewing, and having met with a success in its sale beyond our greatest anticipation, so much so, that for three months our orders have been ahead of our capacity to supply, we would now announce that we have increased our manufacturing facilities, so that from this time forth we shall be enabled to supply orders on demand. In the changes brought about by the war, no one thing has played a more important part than the SEWING MACHINE. Without it three-fourths of our soldiers would today be clothed in anything but "Military Costume." All over the land army clothing has been the work required of our patriotic women, and nobly have they responded. Not content to make only to many garments as their hands could accomplish, they have called "The Sewing Machine" to their aid, and by it have rolled out the soldiers COATS, PANTS, and SHIRTS, at a rate astonishing to themselves. Knowing that this work could not long continue, many thoughtful, prudent housewives were careful to select the machine of all others, which would do the heavy army work, and when done with that, then to be used as their family MACHINE, and in selecting one of the

"FINKLE & LYON SEWING MACHINE Co.'s" FAMILY MACHINES, with which you may sew from the finest cambric to the heaviest cloth, without change of feed, needle, or tension—they have not been disappointed. Thus, having developed the adaptability of our machine
for all kinds of work, we have made another step in advance, and by several important changes in our "No. 3, MEDIUM MACHINE," have produced a "TAILORING MACHINE," which we confidently claim to be the "BEST TAILORING MACHINE" yet introduced, sewing the coarsest linen thread with as much ease as the common cotton- and when required may be used to do the very finest cambric work, with 150 or 200 cotton—thus combining in one compact form, every quality required in either a FAMILY or MANUFACTURING MACHINE. We have had our Machines before the public long enough to establish their reputation. Dozens of others who started with flying colors "have fallen by the wayside," and "soon the places that knew them will know them no more." Step by step has the Finkle & Lyon Machine won its way to public favor; its success is established, and henceforth our aim shall be, as it has in the past been, to still further improve, simplify, and reduce the cost of our machines. We shall in a few days issue a new price list. For further particulars address


      No. 538 Broadway, N. Y.

AGENTS WANTED. We have this day purchased the right and title of Granville's Improved Portable Writing Desk and Clocker Board combined, furnished complete with Stationery and Stationery Articles, Set of Checkers, and an elegant Gift of Jewelry, all of which we guarantee to be of a much superior article and larger quantity than is contained in any Desk or Stationery Package manufactured. The Desk is far more durable and better finished than any heretofore made by other parties. Nearly every soldier, traveler, artist, teacher, or scholar will buy one or more. We wholesale them at the regular price for Prize Stationery Packages. They will retail for twice as much as any Prize Stationery Package manufactured. Will sell faster and give better satisfaction. For further particulars, address   J. W. YALE, Proprietor Metropolitan Gift Book Store, Syracuse, N. Y.

A Beautiful Little Microscope! MAGNIFYING SMALL OBJECTS 500 TIMES, will be mailed to any address on receipt of 25c. in silver, and one 3c. stamp. FIVE OF DIFFERENT POWERS, free of postage, $1. Address F. C. BOWEN, Lock Box 220, Boston, Mass.

Barnum's American Museum.

Commodore Nutt.

The $30,000 Nutt,

who is seen in the above illustration just bursting out of his shell, is beyond all doubt

The Smallest Man in Miniature

in the known world, and withal

The most Pleasing and Fascinating.

18 Years Old!
Only 29 inches High!!

Weighs but 24 1/2 Pounds!!!

He is the merest pigmy of humanity; a very small

Fraction of an Ordinary Sized Man.

He was visited by over 50,000 persons the first week of his exhibition, and was universally pronounced the

Most Attractive and Interesting human being ever known.

He will continue to be seen

At all Hours, every Day and Evening,

in the character and costume of a Commodore, and at intervals appear in a variety of

Songs, Dances, &c., in Character,

the whole making an exhibition never equaled in the world. All the other attractions of the Museum are also to be seen at the same time, and the superb

Fairy Dramatic Play, Ondina,

is produced every Afternoon at 3 o'clock, and every Evening at 7 1/2.

For full particulars, see Museum Advertisement in Daily Papers.

Admission to all only 25 cts. Children under 10, 15 cts.

Thomas Andrews & Co.,

SALAERATUS, BI CARB. SODA, and SAL SODA, at our CHEMICAL WORKS, Jersey City, the largest of the kind in the Union. Our qualities are unexcelled.


Andrews' Yeast Powder,

the most reliable article for the immediate raising of Bread, Tea-Biscuits, &c.

Perfectly Pure Cream Tartar, powdered in our own mills, the surest guarantee of its purity. For sale in any style.

A large stock of imported chemicals:—SODA ASH, NEWCASTLE BI CARB. SODA, CAUSTIC SODA, SAL SODA, CM. TARTAR Crystals, TARTARIC ACID, &c. Also in Store, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Soap Powder, Pot Ash in tins, Concentrated Lye, Saltpetre, Rice Flour, &c.

When buying from "first hands," send an order to THOMAS ANDREWS & CO.,

136 and 138 Cedar Street, near West, N. Y.

CONSTITUTION WATER. The only known Remedy for DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, Inflammation of the Kidneys, and Catarrh of the Bladder, Stranguary, and Burning, or Painful Urinating. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit. For sale by all Druggists. Price $1.

WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors.

MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents, No. 46 Cliff Street, New York.

100,000 BARRELS OF THE LODI MAN'G CO.'S POUDRETTE. For sale by JAMES T. FOSTER, No. 66 Courtlandt Street, New York.

The article is the CHEAPEST, BEST, and MOST POWERFUL fertilizer offered in market. It ripens crops from two to three weeks earlier, is not dangerous to use, nor exhausting to the soil. It has no equal in gardens, and upon lawns, flowers, and grass land, and more particularly on the corn crop. The SAVING OF LABOR pays for the Poudrette.

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. None genuine but Lodi Manufacturing Co.'s Brand, No. 66 Courtlandt Street. The Co.'s Almanac for 1862, with the experience of Horace Greeley, Daniel Webster, and over 100 farmers in different States, will be sent free to any one applying for the same. Address   JAMES T. FOSTER, Care of Lodi Manufacturing Co., No. 66 Courtlandt Street, New York.


IN BARRELS, HALF-BARRELS AND CASES. Shipped direct, to parties ordering, front Kentucky, or furnished from office of the Distillery, 24 OLD SLIP, N. Y. Orders should be directed "SUIT'S DISTILLERIES, Jefferson County, Ky."

Mason and Slidell Cartoon
John Bull Cartoon
Commodore Nutt
Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey




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