Description of Harrison's Landing


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, July 19, 1862

This Section of the WEB site allows the serious student of the Civil War to develop a more detailed understanding of the key people and events of the Civil War. This archive includes all the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. This information is simply not available anywhere else.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


John Porter

Fitz-John Porter

The Seven Days Battle

The Seven Days Battle

Lincoln Calls for Troops

Lincoln Calls for More Troops

General Burnside in Newbern

General Burnside in Newbern

Fitz-John Porter

Fitz-John Porter Biography

Chickahominy Swamp

The Chickahominy Swamp

Harrison's Landing

Harrison's Landing

Gaines's Mills

Gaines's Mills Battle Description

Gaines's Mills

The Battle of Gaines's Mills

Battle of Fairoaks

Battle of Fairoaks

Gaines's Mills

Gaines's Mills

Harrison's Landing

Description of Harrison's Landing

Richmond Cartoon



JULY 19, 1862.]



(Previous Page) proved during the day one of the hottest in the fight. Captain De Hart's battery was posted further to the left, and directly confronted the rebel line, whose position, though not as yet precisely known, was partially revealed by the sound of his artillery and musketry beyond a belt of woods toward Gaines's Mills. Captain De Hart's battery consisted of six 12-pounder Napoleon guns, besides which there was a battery of 3-inch rifled guns, of wrought iron, belonging to the reserves. Captain Eaton's battery was on his left, and Captain Kern's further to his left.

About ten o'clock the pickets at our right were driven back from the woods skirting the field, and shortly afterward those stationed on the Cross Roads toward the Coal Harbor road, were also driven in. The enemy were silently creeping up to the right. Simultaneously he made his appearance in a green field, directly in front, drawn up in line of battle, and in five minutes their batteries opened on our lines with shell. Following this the enemy had also placed a battery in position, fronting that of Captain Weed's, and commenced fire—the fire of the two rebel batteries being at an angle of 45 degrees to our position, enfilading the troops.

Captain Weed opened his battery, as did those of Tidball's, which was stationed near the same position. The battery of Captain De Hart also replied vigorously. The Zouaves, who were drawn up in line nearest to the enemy, stood motionless and stern awaiting the onset, while the regulars occupied the field and road, ready to receive and return the rebel fire as soon as they should get within range. The whiz-z-z of Minie bullets, and scream of shell and shot from a dozen different directions, now showed that the work had begun in earnest.

The position of these batteries and of Sykes's command was not essentially changed during the day. They held their own under a most terrific fire, and to Weed's and Tidball's Batteries is unquestionably due the credit of preventing the flanking of our right.

As the contest thickened, the enemy showed themselves in constantly augmenting numbers. The tide of battle swayed to the left, and finally covered the entire rolling land overlooking the river valley.

By two o'clock the woods covering the hill were thronged by the two contending armies. The enemy generally advanced in three lines, the first firing and falling down while that behind repeated the same movement. By the time the third line had discharged their pieces the first had loaded and were ready to rise and fire again.

Thus the battle raged, the enemy at times giving way before the impetuous charges of our men, and again recovering and advancing. The fiercest portion of the fight was near the brow of the hill. Batteries thundered, musketry roared, and the din and noise of the contending forces were terrific.

It was apparent that the rebels were constantly bringing fresh troops upon the field, and there was literally no end to their number.


Reinforcements were sent for and received, but the enemy continued to outnumber our forces, and toward nightfall our wearied troops gave way toward the Chickahominy. A scene in this retreat forms the subject of our picture on pages 456 and 457. It represents GRIFFIN'S AND MARTIN'S BATTERIES POURING CANISTER INTO THE REBEL RANKS. The World correspondent says:

Griffin's and Martin's batteries did splendid service in checking the advance of the enemy, pouring canister into their ranks with terrible effect. Probably the greatest carnage of this bloody day was produced by the incessant discharges of double-shotted canister from the brass Napoleons of Martin's battery. He had taken up a position in the hollow between two small hills. The enemy advanced from the opposite side in solid column on the double-quick, with arms at right shoulder-shift, not being able to see the battery until they reached the crest of the hill, within one hundred yards of it, when Martin opened on them, sweeping them from the field like chaff in the wind. Twice again they formed and advanced, their officers behaving splendidly; but it was useless, Martin's fierce leaden rain being too terrible to withstand. The advance of the fresh troops having checked the enemy, and night coming on, the conflict ceased, and both parties quietly lay on their arms.

The Tribune writer says:

At six o'clock the enemy commenced a determined attack on our extreme left, evidently with a design of flanking us. It was an awful firing that resounded from that smoke-clouded valley—not heavier than some in the earlier part of the engagement, but more steady and determined. I am told that some men on the other side and further up the river saw more than a dozen rebel regiments march in at that point, and, remaining only a few minutes, file out a little distance up the ravine. It was only by overbearing exhausted men with fresh ones that the enemy succeeded in turning that flank, as at length he did succeed, only too well. And he accomplished it in three-quarters of an hour. At the expiration of that time our officers judiciously ordered their men to fall back.

As the infantry betook themselves from the point of attack, some 20 guns, fortunately posted in the morning for such an emergency, and which had not yet made a sign, opened a terrific fire of canister at short range. The enemy recoiled. The bridge of Lodi was not half so terrible. Until night set in, until the Valley of the Chickahominy was canopied with sulphur, until their ammunition was exhausted—and many of them went upon the field with over 200 rounds—did those guns hold the raging enemy at bay.


On page 460 we reproduce a sketch by our artist, Mr. A. R. Waud, representing A PICKET ON THE CHICKAHOMINY. The relief is approaching through the corn-field, and the anxious watch of the faithful picket is nearly ended. The attitude of the men is varied and yet truthful; the scene is one that will imprint itself firmly on the memory.

On the same page we give a picture of the BRIDGE OVER THE CHICKAHOMINY, also from a sketch by Mr. Waud. He says:


Our brave army, toiling in the face of the enemy, ready to spring to arms at any moment, have done an immense amount of work, of which the construction of bridges has formed no inconsiderable portion. This has been necessary to secure our position in the face of the enemy.

The picture presents a fair idea of the bridge—a solid work of logs, laid corduroy fashion, covered with a layer of earth, and winding through the otherwise impassable swamp.

On page 453 we publish a large picture, likewise from a sketch by Mr. Waud, illustrating THE PLAIN OF FAIROAKS after the battle. Mr. Waud says:


Fairoaks is a railroad station, used principally as a depot to supply the engines with wood, which is cut in large quantities in the swamps and woodlands of the vicinity. It takes its name from the plantation near by, which is called Fairoaks, from the group of green oak-trees which surround the twin-houses represented in the picture.

An effort has been made to change the name of the battle to Seven Pines. As no such assemblage of evergreens exists near—locusts growing on the place called Seven Pines—it is clearly as well to

let the battle's name alone; and as McClellan was its sponsor, good-breeding ought to suggest this to the most limited understanding.


On page 461 we reproduce a sketch sent us by an attentive correspondent, representing HARRISON'S LANDING, the new base of the Army of the Potomac. The Herald correspondent thus describes the spot:

The Army of the Potomac is now massed on the left bank of the James River, along a space of about five miles on the river, and to a distance of three miles back therefrom, at a point from six to ten miles below City Point The spot is designated as Harrison's Landing. It is 25 miles southeast of Richmond, in a direct line; but the river is so tortuous and crooked that it is nearly twice as far by water. The plantations in the vicinity are exceedingly rich and fertile, the wheat being either just cut or else fully ready for the reaper. The banks of the river slope down to the water's edge. The river bottom itself is a continuation of this very gradual slope, which makes the water near the shore exceedingly shallow. In order to afford landing-places for vessels, therefore, long wooden piers or wharves are built, running far out into the stream. These landing-places are usually designated by the names of the individuals who built them and upon whose plantations they abut.

The ground for miles around Harrison's Landing is admirably situated for defense. The army, since its arrival here, has made the most of these natural advantages, and is now strongly intrenched. As all of our heavy siege guns, and indeed all our artillery, except some sixty field-pieces, have been saved, it will be seen at once that we are in good condition to stand even a siege, if the enemy should attempt one. But this is not expected.

The large Berkeley mansion, and the two smaller houses adjoining, as well as several negro huts in the vicinity, are all occupied as hospitals. The family—named Stark—I believe, have not been here since last March, and are now in Richmond. They removed most of their portable personal effects in April and May, but left in the house all of their rich carpets, elegant furniture, etc. The rain has poured down in torrents all day today; the grounds around the house are one mass of mud, and in two hours after the house was opened the rich carpets in every room were covered with a thick layer of the sacred soil, which, being tramped and grimed into them, has completely ruined them. Upon these once elegant but now muddy carpets our wounded officers and soldiers are now lying closely crowded together. Two of the rooms down stairs are used for amputations, and in this department of surgery the surgeons have been busy all day. For the want of space the sick and those slightly wounded are made to go outside the house, there not being room enough inside for the severely wounded alone. There are a great number of steamers and sailing vessels out in the stream, which are being fitted up to receive these sick and wounded men, and in a day or two they will all be removed to comfortable quarters.



10,000 Watches to be retailed at wholesale prices. Silver Hunting Case Levers (usual price $15) for $10. Silver Hunting Case Cylinders (usual price $12) for $8. Silver Hunting American Levers (usual price $30) for $20. Parties ordering will enclose $2 as a guarantee that the Package will be taken, and balance to be paid to the Express. All orders from the Army must be accompanied with funds in full. Send for a Circular.


208 Broadway, New York.

"Get the Best."




They are the largest, best, and cheapest manufactured. Send for circular containing particulars. Mailed free. THISTLE & CO., 130 Nassau Street, N. Y.

Cooking Extracts.


Particulars sent free. W. SUMNER & CO., New York.

A Choice Collection of Piano Music.
Nearly 200 Pieces for $1.50.

THE HOME CIRCLE, a volume of 216 pages, contains 25 Marches and Quicksteps, 47 Waltzes, 31 Polkas, 6 Schottisches, 4 Redowas, 4 Mazurkas, and Polka Mazurkas, 2 Varsoviennes, 1 Gorlitza, 4 Galopades, 14 Cotillions and Quadrilles, and 44 Dances, Hornpipes, &c., arranged for the Piano-Forte, the cheapest and best collection ever issued. Price, plain, $1.50; Cloth, $2; on receipt of which it will be sent, post-paid. Published by DITSON & CO., Boston.

BEAUTY.—Hunt's Bloom of Roses, a charming and perfectly natural color for the cheeks, or lips. Will not wash off, but remains durable for years. Can only be removed with vinegar, and warranted not to injure the skin. Used by the celebrated Court Beauties of Europe exclusively. Mailed free from observation for one dollar.

HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 133 S. Seventh St., Philad.

$40 a Month and Expenses.—Agerts wanted everywhere, local and traveling, male and female. For particulars, address, with stamp, J. W. STEPHENS, Morristown, N. J.

SOMETHING NEW. SOMETHING TRUE. SOMETHING INDISPENSABLE in every Family. Local and Traveling Agents wanted to sell our 20 New Articles of positive merit. Our Agents are making large profits. Are always satisfied. Samples 25 cents each. Inclose stamp for circular.

RICE & CO., 83 Nassau Street, N. Y.



626 Broadway, N. Y.

THE LONDON LANCET for July contains Guthrie's famous "Directions to Army Surgeons in the Field." Subscription $5 per annum. Numbers 50 cents.

HENRY DEXTER, 113 Nassau Street, New York. 

CATARRH!—Dr. Goodale's CATARRH REMEDY penetrates to the very seat of this terrible disease, and exterminates it, root and branch. Price $1.00. Send a stamp for a pamphlet. Depot 612 Broadway,

J. H. Winslow & Co., Late W. Forsyth & Co.


Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Gold Pens, Bracelets, Lockets, Rings, Gent's Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &c., &c.

Worth $ 500,000,

To be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send for Circular containing full list and particulars. Send 25 cents for a Certificate.

Certificates of all the various articles, stating what each one can have, are first put into envelopes, sealed up, and mixed; and when ordered, are taken out without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus giving all a fair chance. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you can have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and take the article or not.

In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the certificate is sent for. Five Certificates will be sent for $1, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, and one hundred for $15.

AGENTS.—Those acting as Agents will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. Great caution should be used by our correspondents in regard to giving their correct address, Town, County, and State. Address


P. O. Box 5029, 208 Broadway, New York.

N.B. We wish it distinctly understood that all articles of jewelry not giving perfect satisfaction can be returned and the money will be refunded.

Every Man his own Printer.
Portable Printing Offices,

For the use of the Army and Navy, Druggists, Merchants, and Business Men generally.

From the Pennsylvania Thirteenth, Jan. 18, 1862.

Our circulation has increased to 1500 copies, which were worked in three and a half hours on the Cottage Press of the Adams Press Co., 31 Park Row, New York, which is admirably calculated for the purpose. By turning a crank, the tympan is thrown, the bed run under a cylinder, which gives the impression; out at the other end, and the tympan raised for the removal of the sheet. By reversing the crank, the operation is repeated. Our paper has now reached its ninth number, and the whole expense to this date (the printers refusing all compensation), has been as follows:

   Press, Type, &c   $54.12

   Paper and Ink    13.75

Sundry Expenses ...................5.91

A Total of only .....................$73.78

We would advise all who need a small printing establishment to address the A. P. C. on the subject.

   GOUVERNEUR, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1861.

ADAMS PRESS Co.: Gentlemen—Your Cottage Printing Press, designed for the use of Druggists and others, is an admirable, economical, and convenient institution. I find in its use that it fully supplies a want I have long felt in dispensing Drugs and Medicines.

      H. K. SPENCER,

      Druggist and Apothecary.

Printing Office, No. 2, press prints 5x 8 inches, $25.00

" " 3, " " 7x10 " 40.00

" " 4, " " 12x18 " 60.00

Circular sent on application to ADAMS PRESS CO.,

31 Park Row New York.



No. 113 Nassau Street, New York.


Successor to the late firm of

DEXTER & BROTHER, Would call the attention of News Agents, Country Booksellers, and Periodical Dealers generally, to his long-known first-class means of supplying their business demands. All orders for Books Magazines, Papers, Stationery, Toys or any other article appertaining to the trade, will continue to be filled with the well-known care and dispatch that, for the last seventeen years, has characterized the business of the late firm. The old customers of this house are sufficiently acquainted with the advantages of their dealings with it. To new customers, a fair trial is all that is asked. Price lists sent free, on application. Packing and forwarding carefully attended to. Orders and Subscriptions for European Books, Periodicals, and Papers promptly executed. The London and other Illustrated Papers by every steamer.


Successor to Dexter & Brother.

Commercial Travelers and Agents
Wanted to Sell our

25 Cent Portfolio Package.

Contents—18 Sheets Note Paper, 18 Envelopes, 1 Penholder, 1 Pen, 1 Pencil, 1 Blotting Pad, 100 Recipes, 1 War Hymn, 5 Engravings, 1 New Method for Computing Interest, 9 Fashionable Designs for Marking Letters, 4 Ladies' Undersleeves, 2 ladies' Collars, 1 Ladies' Underskirt, 1 Ladies' Embroidered Body and Sleeves, 2 Infant's Christening Robes, 1 Child's Apron, 1 Child's Full Dress, 1 Misses' Embroidered Dress, 1 Handkerchief Border, 1 Pen Wiper, 1 Edging. Also, one FASHIONABLE article of RICH JEWELRY. Agents make $10 a day. Send stamp for Circular of wholesale prices. Sample 50 cents. WEIR & CO., Publishers, 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.

EMPLOYMENT.—Agents Wanted in every

Town and County to enter into a respectable and permanent business. For particulars address, with red stamp,   DR. J. H. WARNER,

54 East 12th Street, New York.

DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT WHISKERS OR MUSTACHES?—My Onguent will force then to grow heavily in six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—sent by mail, post free, to any address, on receipt of an order.

R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.

Ballard's Patent Breech-Loading Rifle.

This arm is entirely new, and is universally acknowledged to be the nearest to perfection of any Breech-Loading Rifle ever made. Length of barrel 24 inches, weight of Rifle 7 pounds. Size of Calibre adapted to Nos. 32, 38, and 44 copper water-proof Cartridges. Also,

Prescott's Cartridge Revolvers

The 8in., or Navy Size, carries a Ball weighing 38 to the lb., and the No. 32, or 4in. Revolver, a Ball 80 to the lb. By recent experiments made in the Army, these Revolvers were pronounced the best and most effective weapons in use. For particulars call or send for a Circular to

MERWIN & BRAY, Sole Agents,

No. 262 Broadway, N. Y. Also Agents for the SOLDIER'S BULLET-PROOF VEST.

To all Wanting Farms.

Large and thriving settlement of Vineland. Rich soil. Good crops of Wheat, Corn, Peaches, &c., to be seen—only 30 miles from Philadelphia. Delightful climate—20 acre tracts of from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within 4 years. Good schools and society. Hundreds are settling. Apply to CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., Vineland, Cumberland Co., New Jersey. Report of Solon Robinson and Vineland Rural sent free. From Report of Solon Robinson, Ag. Ed. Tribune.

"It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western Prairies.


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, Washington, Hilton Head, Newbern, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent, at half rates, by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.

Wedding Cards and Note Papers at J. EVERDELL'S celebrated Engraving Establishment, 302 Broadway, cor. Duane Street, N. Y. Samples by mail.

STATIONERY PACKAGES, with or without Jewelry, at prices one third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Send for circular and give them a trial. Address JOHN S. ANDREWS, 110 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass.

For catalogue and prices of Stencil Materials, adddress T. N. HICKCOX, 280 Pearl Street, New York.

For Sale or to Let.

The premises Nos. 809 and 811 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, formerly occupied by Messrs. L. J. Levy & Company. For Terms, &c.

Apply to   HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.


A sure Cure for these distressing complaints is now made known in a "TREATISE ON FOREIGN AND NATIVE HERBAL PREPARATIONS," published by DR. O. PHELPS BROWN. The prescription, furnished him by a young clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed in a single case. It is equally sure in cases of Fits as of Dyspepsia; and the ingredients may he found in any drug store. Those who are afflicted with Consumption, Bronchitis, or Asthma, may also be cured by the use of my Herbal Preparations. I will send this valuable prescription free to any person on receipt of their name. Address, DR. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J.

New Novel by the Author of
For August, 1862.

The August number of HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE contains the opening Chapters of "Romola," by Miss EVANS, the Author of "Adam Bede," "Scenes of Clerical Life," "The Mill on the Floss," and "Silas Manner." It is printed with the Original Illustrations, from early sheets, furnished in advance of its publication in England. The opening scenes are laid at Florence, in the year of the discovery of America by Columbus. A perusal of these chapters must assure our readers that they will have no reason to regret that so much space has been given to this Tale. The immediate termination of Mr. THACKERAY'S "Philip" will leave us space for our usual variety of Articles, in addition to the three Serial Tales "Romola," "Orley Farm," and "Mistress and Maid."

We commend the paper on "South Carolina Nullifiers" and the biographical sketch of JOHN P. KENNEDY, to the careful perusal of those who wish to study the inception and progress of the present struggle in which we are engaged.

As an Illustrated Magazine, HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY has no rival. Whenever it is possible for the Artist to aid the Writer his services have been called into requisition. The expense for illustrations alone exceeds the entire cost of the literary and artistic matter of any other similar periodical.

The various Editorial Departmenta comprise Essays and Notes upon the current topics of the day, at home and abroad, with Anecdotes and Facetiae furnished by hundreds of voluntary contributors in every section of the country. The "Monthly Record of Current Events" presents a connected history of the leading events of the month. In the last Volume every important incident of the war, from the sailing of the Port Royal Expedition to the victory at Pittsburg Landing, is recorded; with a copious Index, which will enable the reader to refer at once to each.

Any Number will be sent by Mail, post-paid, for Twenty-five Cents. Any Volume, comprising Six Numbers, neatly bound in Cloth, will be sent by Mail, to any part of the United States within 3000 miles of New York, post-paid, for Two Dollars per Volume. Complete Sets will be sent by Express, the freight at the charge of the purchaser, at a Discount of Twenty-five per Cent. from the above rate.

Twenty-Four Volumes, bound uniformly, extending from June, 1850, to May, 1862, are now ready.


One Copy for one Year ......................$3.00

Two Copies for One Year ...................5.00

Three or more Copies for One Year.. ..2.00

And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of


HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.






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