Feeding the Rebels in New Orleans


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, June 14, 1862

Welcome to our online archive of Civil War Harper's Weekly newspapers. This archive contains all the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. Examination of these old newspapers will help you develop a better understanding of this important part of American History.

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Naval Battle

Naval Battle

New Orleans Poem

New Orleans Poem

Battle of Chickahominy

Battle of Chickahominy

Robert Smalls

Robert Smalls

Negro Mammy

Negro Mammy

Prisoner Exchange

Prisoner Exchange

Winslow Homer War News

Winslow Homer's War Illustration

Moses Odell

New Orleans

The Starving in New Orleans

Winslow Homer

Winslow Homer Self-Portrait

Feeding Rebels

Feeding New Orleans Rebels

New Orleans Cartoon





JUNE 14, 1862.]



him—the captain pressed his blotting-paper over the wet ink, and put away the book with the air of a man who had done a virtuous action, and who was above boasting about it.

"Excuse me for leaving you abruptly," he said. "Time is of importance; I must make sure of the chaise. If Mrs. Wragge comes in tell her nothing—she is not sharp enough to be trusted. If she presumes to ask questions extinguish her immediately. You have only to be loud. Pray take my authority into your own hands, and be as loud with Mrs. Wragge as I am!" He snatched up his tall hat, bowed, smiled, and tripped out of the room.

Sensible of little else but of the relief of being alone, feeling no more distinct impression than the vague sense of some serious change having taken place in herself and her position, Magdalen let the events of the morning come and go like shadows on her mind, and waited wearily for what the day might bring forth. After the lapse of some time the door opened softly. The giant figure of Mrs. Wragge stalked into the room, and stopped opposite Magdalen in solemn astonishment.

"Where are your Things?" asked Mrs. Wragge, with a burst of incontrollable anxiety.

"I've been up stairs looking in your drawers. Where are your night-gowns and night-caps? and your petticoats and stockings? and your hair-pins and bear's grease, and all the rest of it?"

"My luggage is left at the railway-station," said Magdalen.

Mrs. Wragge's moon-face brightened dimly. The ineradicable female instinct of Curiosity tried to sparkle in her faded blue eyes—flickered piteously—and died out.

"How much luggage?" she asked, confidentially. "The captain's gone out. Let's go and get it!"

"Mrs. Wragge!" cried a terrible voice at the door.

For the first time in Magdalen's experience Mrs. Wragge was deaf to the customary stimulant. She actually ventured on a feeble remonstrance in the presence of her husband.

"Oh, do let her have her Things!" pleaded Mrs. Wragge. "Oh, poor soul, do let her have her Things!"

The captain's inexorable forefinger pointed to a corner of the room—dropped slowly as his wife retired before it, and suddenly stopped at the region of her shoes.

"Do I hear a clapping on the floor!" exclaimed Captain Wragge, with an expression of horror. "Yes, I do. Down at heel again! The left shoe this time. Pull it up, Mrs. Wragge, pull it up! The chaise will be here to-morrow morning at nine o'clock," he continued, addressing Magdalen. "We can't possibly venture on claiming your box. There is note-paper. Write down a list of the necessaries you want. I will take it myself to the shop, pay the bill for you, and bring back the parcel. We must sacrifice the box—we must indeed."

While her husband was addressing Magdalen Mrs. Wragge had stolen out again from her corner, and had ventured near enough to the captain to hear the words "shop" and "parcel." She clapped her great hands together in ungovernable excitement, and lost all control over herself immediately.

"Oh, if it's shopping, let me do it!" cried Mrs. Wragge. "She's going out to buy her Things! Oh, let me go with her—please let me go with her!"

"Sit down!" shouted the captain. "Straight! more to the right—more still. Stop where you are!"

Mrs. Wragge crossed her helpless hands on her lap and melted meekly into tears.

"I do so like shopping," pleaded the poor creature, "and I get so little of it now!"

Magdalen completed her list, and Captain Wragge at once left the room with it. "Don't let my wife bore you," he said, pleasantly, as he went out. "Cut her short, poor soul—cut her short!"

"Don't cry," said Magdalen, trying to comfort Mrs. Wragge by patting her on the shoulder. "When the parcel comes back you shall open it."

"Thank you, my dear," said Mrs. Wragge, meekly drying her eyes; "thank you kindly. Don't notice my handkerchief, please. It's such a very little one! I had a nice lot of 'em once with lace borders. They're all gone now. Never mind! It will comfort me to unpack your Things. You're very good to me. I like you. I say—you won't be angry, will you? Give us a kiss."

Magdalen stooped over her with the frank grace and gentleness of past days, and touched her faded cheek. "Let me do something harmless!" she thought, with a pang at her heart—"oh, let me do something innocent and kind for the sake of old times!"

She felt her eyes moistening, and silently turned away.

That night no rest came to her. That night the roused forces of Good and Evil fought their terrible fight for her soul, and left the strife between them still in suspense when morning came. As the clock of York Minster struck nine she followed Mrs. Wragge to the chaise, and took her seat by the captain's side. In a quarter of an hour more York was in the distance, and the high road lay bright and open before them in the morning sunlight.



AMONG other outrages committed by General Butler at New Orleans, which have elicited the furious indignation of General Beauregard and his

army, is the feeding of the starving people whose fathers, brothers, and sons are mostly in the rebel army. We illustrate the scene on page 380. The following description from the Herald correspondence will serve to explain it:

In accordance with notice, Captain John Clark commenced the distribution of the beef this morning, and issued eight hundred liberal rations for hungry families. A sight more fearful and harrowing I do not wish ever again to witness, and it is no discredit to Captain Clark to say that, in the association with the destitute which his position renders necessary, he is frequently deeply moved. I noticed to-day that the sight of so much want increased the amount of the allowance to each family to an extent which had not entered into his previous calculations.

At the hour appointed to issue the beef there were thousands of eager, hungry men, women, and children crowded around the Custom-home. A very large majority of the people were women, all carrying either baskets or napkins. Some were old and tottering with infirmity; others carried, wearily enough, a babe at the breast; and many, God help them! bore the evidence of another claim on their support soon to come.

The sun was pouring down his rays with an intensity greater than we have before experienced since our arrival, and the poor creatures struggled and jammed each other to get into the office; and finally getting to the desk, trembled from head to foot, and almost fell upon the floor from sheer exhaustion. If the leaders of this accursed rebellion could have looked upon the sight and reflected upon their responsibility for all this misery, it would have been strange if they had not experienced some dark forebodings of the terrible punishment that surely awaits them in another world, however easily they may escape a just retribution in this.


THE leaves that fall on the grassy wall,

And the rain dropping out of the apple-tree! And is it only a passing dream?

For, I know not why, but these things seem Just now worth more than the world to me.

Fast the leaves fall on the grassy wall; Fast drops the rain from the apple-tree; And if I could feel what I feel now

But a moment longer, I think I should know More than ever was known, or known will be.

Wherefore? Leaves fall all day on the wall, All day drops rain from the apple-tree.

But never before did the leaves and the rain, And they doubtless will never, never again, Seem about to impart such a secret to me.

Mere leaves that fall on yonder wall!

Mere rain dropping down out of yonder tree!

What matter? If Nature has something to say,

Let her take her own time, let her choose her own way.

So long as at last she will say it to me.

Ah! but leaves will fall, as now, on the wall, And rain, as now, drop from out of the tree, Many, many a day, while the chance, I know, Is lost! I have missed what, a moment ago, The leaves and the rain had confided to me.


"Get the Best."


They are the largest and best manufactured.

Send for circular containing particulars. Mailed free. THISTLE & CO., 130 Nassau Street, N. Y.

Commercial Travelers and Agents
Wanted to Sell our

25 Cent Portfolio Package.

Contents—18 Sheets Note Paper, 18 Envelopes, 1 Penholder, 1 Pen, 1 Pencil, 1 Blotting Pad, 100 Recipes, 1 War Hymn, 5 Engravings, 1 New Method for Computing Interest, 9 Fashionable Designs for Marking Letters, 4 Ladies' Undersleeves, 2 ladies' Collars, 1 Ladies' Underskirt, 1 Ladies' Embroidered Body and Sleeves, 2 Infant's Christening Robes, 1 Child's Apron, 1 Child's Full Dress, 1 Misses' Embroidered Dress, 1 Handkerchief Border, 1 Pen Wiper, 1 Edging. Also, one FASHIONABLE article of RICH JEWELRY. Agents make $10 a day. Send stamp for Circular of wholesale prices. Sample 50 cents. WEIR & CO., Publishers, 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.

WANTED.—SOMETHING NEW.— EMPLOYMENT.—Male and female Agents wanted in every town and city in the United States; $20 to $40 per month can be made, and no humbug. Business easy and respectable. It requires a very small capital, and will not interfere with other employment. This is no book agency or humbug of any kind. No person will regret having sent for this information, let his employment be what it may. Full particulars given to all who enclose a three-cent postage stamp, and address HARVEY BROWN & CO., Amoskeag, N. H.

To all Wanting Farms.

NEW SETTLEMENT OF VINELAND.—30 miles from Philadelphia by Railroad. Good loam soil, highly productive for Wheat, Corn, Grass, Fruits, and Vegetables—good market—delightful climate—where farming is profitable, especially these times, and where good business openings can be found. Large 'numbers are settling. Society good. Farms from $15 to $20 per acre only. Village 5 and 10 acre Lots for sale. Four years' time given. Report of SOLON ROBINSON, Ag. Ed. of the Tribune, who has visited the place, together with the "Vineland Rural," giving full description, will be furnished. Address

CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., Vineland P.O., Cumberland County, New Jersey.

TAPSCOTT'S LINE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON PACKETS. REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRELAND, &c. PASSAGE TO OR FROM GREAT BRITAIN OR IRELAND at the lowest rates, and DRAFTS, payable on demand anywhere throughout the UNITED KINGDOM, can be obtained, as heretofore. For circular inclose postage stamp to

TAPSCOTT & CO., 86 South Street.

Wedding Cards and Note Papers at J. EVERDELL'S celebrated Engraving Establishment, 302 Broadway, cor. Duane Street, N. Y. Samples by mail.

EMPLOYMENT.—Agents Wanted in every Town and County to enter into a respectable and permanent business. For particulars address, with red stamp,   DR. J. H. WARNER,

54 East 12th Street, New York.

DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT WHISKERS OR MUSTACHES?—My Onguent will force them to grow heavily in six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—sent by mail, post free, to any address, on receipt of an order. R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.

You must Notice,

That the name of the firm of W. Forsyth & Co. is changed to J. H. Winslow & Co., Mr. Forsyth having retired from the concern. Business continued the same, and all Certificates with the name of W. Forsyth & Co., 208 Broadway, attached are good, and will be redeemed by us alone, with the same promptness and faithfulness as heretofore, on their being returned to us.

Worth $500,000.
To be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you know what you are to get.

Splendid List!!
Of Articles to be Sold for One Dollar each.

100 Gold Hunting Cased Watches    $100,00 each

100 " Watches    60,00 each

200 Ladies' Gold Watches   35,00 each
500 Ladies and Gents' Silver Watches 15,00 each

5000 Vest, Neck Chains   5,00 to 10,00 each

3000 Gold Band Bracelets    5,00 to 10,00 each

3000 " " " ..............3,00 to 5,00 each

3000 Cameo Brooches...   4,00 to 6,00 each

3000 Mosaic and Jet Brooches    4,00 to 6,00 each

3000 Lava and Florentine Brooches

   4,00 to 6,00each

3000 Coral, Opal, and Em. Brooches

   4,00 to 6,00 each

3000 Cameo Lar Drops    4,00 to 6,00 each

3000 Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops    4,00 to 6,00 each

3000 Lava and Florentine Ear Drops

   4,00 to 6,00 each

3000 Coral, Opal, and Em. Ear Drops

   4,00 to 8,00 each

5100 Gents' Breast Pins    2,50 to 8,00 each

3000 Watch Keys    2,00 to 6,00 each

5000 Fob and Ribbon Slides    2,00 to 6,00 each

5000 Sets of Bosom Studs    2,50 to 6,00 each

5000 Sleeve Buttons    2,50 to 6,00 each

7000 Plain Rings    2,50 to 5,00 each

7000 Stone set Rings    2,50 to 6,00 each

7000 Lockets   2,50 to 10,00 each

10000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry    5,00 to 10,00 each

10000 Gold Pens, 14 Carats and War'd

   4,00 to 5,00 each  (with Silver Mounted Holders.)

All of the above list of Goods will be sold for one dollar each. Certificates of all the various articles, stating what each one can have, are first put into envelopes, sealed up, and mixed; and when ordered, are taken out without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus giving all a fair chance. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you can have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and take the article or not.

In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the certificate is sent for. Five Certificates will be sent for $1, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, and one hundred for $15.

AGENTS.—Those acting as Agents will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. Great caution should be used by our correspondents in regard to giving their correct address, Town, County, and State. Address

J. H. WINSLOW &. CO., P. O. Box 5029,   208 Broadway,   New York. N.B. We wish it distinctly understood that all articles of jewelry not giving perfect satisfaction can be returned and the money will be refunded.

ENTERPRISING AGENTS ARE DOING well selling DOWNER'S PAT. HEMMER and SHIELD for Hand-Sewing, and other new articles of ready sale. Profits are large. Samples sent free on receipt of the price (25c.). Send 3-cent stamp for price-list and terms. A. H. DOWNER, 442 Broadway, N. Y.

Grand Opening!!!
Stock of Spring
Now Ready for Inspection
at his
300 Canal Street,
His Palace of Fashion,
Under the Fifth Avenue Hotel,
Corner of 23d Street,
New York.

TWO WORKS, Valuable to the sick or well, sent by mail. No pay expected until received, read and approved.

1st. Dr. S. S. Fitch's Six Lectures on the Causes, Prevention, and Cure of Consumption, Skin Diseases, Male and Female Complaints, &c. On the mode and rules for Preserving Health; 360 pages, 21 Engravings. Price 50 cents.

2d. Dr. S. S. Fitch's new work on Heart Disease, Apoplexy, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, &c., with many valuable Medical Prescriptions for these Diseases; 168 pages, 6 engravings. Price 50 cents. Say which book you will have, giving name, State, county, and post-office. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, No. 714 Broadway, New York.

"Washington's Farewell Address." — The whole of this Address, and a beautiful Portrait of the immortal Washington, are published with General Geo. P. Morris's New Song, "The Last Words of Washington." Music by J. R. Thomas. Price only 40 cents. Sent by mail, postage paid. FIRTH, POND & CO., 547 Broadway, New York.

The Great Cure.

RHEUMATISM and GOUT. Those afflicted read this. 189 East 18th Street, New York, March 12, 1861.

Dear Sir:—:At your request, I hereby cheerfully state that your ELECTRO GALVANIC INSOLES have, within the past month, cured me of Rheumatism in the Back, of fifteen years standing. Until I obtained your Insoles, I never was free from it during that time. Now I consider myself completely cured.

Yours respectfully,   JOHN R. LEWIS. To Messrs. Mettam & Co., 429 Broadway, N. Y.

Send for Circular.


THE FRANKLIN SEWING MACHINE CO. want a number of Agents. A liberal salary and expenses paid, or commission allowed. Address, with stamp, HARRIS BROTHERS, Boston, Mass. (Clip this out for reference.)

SOMETHING NEW. —AGENTS WANTED. 12 New Articles. Sales and profits large. Samples 25 cents. Inclose stamp. RICE & CO., N. Y., or Chicago, Ill.

Prescott's Cartridge Revolvers

The 8in., or Navy Size, carries a Ball weighing 38 to the lb., and the No. 32, or 4in. Revolver, a Ball 80 to the lb. By recent experiments made in the Army, these Revolvers were pronounced the best and most effective weapons in use. Also,

Ballard's Patent Breech-Loading Rifle.

This arm is entirely new, and is universally acknowledged to be the nearest to perfection of any Breech-Loading Rifle ever made. Length of barrel 24 inches, weight of Rifle 7 pounds. Size of Calibre adapted to Nos. 32, 38, and 44 copper water-proof Cartridges. For particulars call or send for a Circular to

MERWIN & BRAY, Sole Agents,

No. 262 Broadway, N. Y.

Head-Quarters for Cheap Jewelry.—Head-Quarters for Lockets, Bracelets, Vest Chains, Pins, Rings, Studs, Buttons, and everything in the Jewelry line. For full particulars address W. A. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler, 208 Broadway, New York.


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, Washington, Hilton Head, Newbern, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent, at half rates, by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.

For Sale or to Let.

The premises Nos. 809 and 811 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, formerly occupied by Messrs. L. J. Levy & Company. For Terms, &c.


         New York.

Have Just Published;

CAPTAIN BURTON'S CITY OF THE SAINTS. The City of the Saints; and across the Rocky Mountains to California. By Captain RICHARD F. BURTON, Fellow and Gold Medalist of the Royal Geographical Societies of France and England; H. M. Consul in West Africa; Author of "The Lake Regions of Central Africa." With Maps and numerous Illustrations. 8vo, Muslin, $3.00.

THE LAST OF THE MORTIMERS. A Story in Two Voices. By the Author of "Margaret Maitland," ''The House on the Moor," "The Days of My Life," "The Laird of Norlaw," &c., &c. 12mo, Muslin, $1.00.

THE SAGACITY OF ANIMALS. The Children's Picture-Book of the Sagacity of Animals. Illustrated with Sixty Engravings by HARRISON WEIR. Square 4to, Muslin gilt, 75 cents.

"The Sagacity of Animals" forms the Fifth Volume in the highly popular and beautiful Series of


Square 4to, about 300 pages each, beautifully printed on tinted paper, embellished with many Engravings, bound in Muslin gilt, 75 cents a volume; or, the Series complete in neat case, $3.75.

THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE PICTURE-BOOK. Illustrated by Eighty Engravings, from Designs by Steinle, Overbeck, Veit, Schnorr, &c.

THE CHILDREN'S PICTURE FABLE-BOOK. Containing One Hundred and Sixty Fables. With Sixty Illustrations by Harrison Weir.

THE CHILDREN'S PICTURE-BOOK OF BIRDS. Illustrated with Sixty-One Engravings by W. Harvey.

THE CHILDREN'S PICTURE-BOOK OF THE SAGACITY OF ANIMALS. Illustrated with Sixty Engravings by Harrison Weir.



Any Number will be sent by Mail, post-paid, for Twenty-five Cents. Any Volume, comprising Six Numbers, neatly bound in Cloth, will be sent by Mail, to any part of the United States within 3000 miles of New York, post-paid, for Two Dollars per Volume. Complete Sets will be sent by Express, the freight at the charge of the purchaser, at a Discount of Twenty-five per Cent. from the above rate. Twenty-Four Volumes, bound uniformly, extending from June, 1850, to May, 1862, are now ready.


One Copy for one Year ..........................$3.00

Two Copies for One Year .......................5.00

Three or more Copies for One Year . . . .2.00
And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of EIGHT SUBSCRIBERS.

HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER's WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00



Single Copies Six Cents.

WILKIE COLLINS'S New Story, entitled "NO NAME," was commenced in the Number for March 15 (No. 272) of


And will be continued from week to week until completed.


One Copy for One Year ......................$2.50

One Copy for Two Years .....................4.00

Ten Copies for One Year ....................18.00

An Extra Copy will be allowed for every Club of TEN SUBSCRIBERS.

HARPER's MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.

HARPER'S WEEKLY is electrotyped, and Back Numbers can be had at any time.

Vols. I., II., I I I., IV., and V., for the Years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1861, of "HARPER'S WEEKLY," handsomely bound in Cloth extra, Price $3.50 each, are now ready.







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