General Stevens
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HARPER'S WEEKLY. [SEPTEMBER 20, 1862. 604 THE LATE GENERAL ISAAC I. STEVENS.—[PHOTOGRAPHED BY BRADY.]THE LATE GENERAL PHIL KEARNEY.—PHOTOGRAPHED BY BRADY.—[SEE PAGE 603.] THE LATE GENERAL STEVENS.BRIGADIER - GENERAL ISAAC INGALLS STEVENS, whose portrait we give on this page, was born at Andover, Massachusetts, in the year 1818, and was killed on 1st September, in Virginia. He graduated at the head of his class at West Point in 1839, and entered the Engineers. At the time the Mexican war broke out he was Adjutant. At Contreras and Churubusco he won the brevet rank of Captain, and at the assault upon the San Cosme gate of the city of Mexico his gallantry won for him the rank of Major. After the war he was connected for a time with the Coast Survey, and subsequently with the surveys for a Pacific Railroad. He had chosen to make his home in Washington Territory, and Mr. Pierce appointed him its Governor. Subsequently, when Mr. Buchanan became President, he represented Washington Territory in Congress. He acted with the Southern Democracy in Congress, and when the late Presidential campaign was commenced he was selected as chairman of the Breckinridge National Executive Committee. During the fall of 1860 he remained in Washington, administering the affairs of the Committee; when the election took place he went back to the Pacific. At the outbreak of the rebellion Mr. Stevens cut loose from his associates, and tendered his services to the Government. He was at first appointed Colonel of the 79th New York Volunteers, to replace Colonel Cameron, killed at Bull Run. Subsequently, he was selected as one of the Brigadiers who accompanied General Sherman in the expedition to Port Royal. His eminent capacity was frequently shown in the operations at and around Port Royal, and his friends were not shaken in their confidence by his defeat near Charleston. When his army was sent North he was appointed to a command in the division commanded by General Reno, and took part in the various fights on the Rappahannock and near Manassas. When he fell, shot through the head by a Minie ball, he was bearing aloft the colors of one of his regiments, and cheering on his men in a furious charge upon the foe. General Stevens was small of stature, wiry and compact in form, with an elastic step which betokened great energy, and an eye whose keen glances evidenced rare genius. Modest in mien, quiet in demeanor, and reticent of speech, he was resolute in will, heroic in conduct, and, far beyond most men, insensible to fear. THE HYGEIA HOTEL.ORDERS have been given for the destruction of the Hygeia Hotel at Old Point Comfort, and we take this opportunity of publishing a picture of the building, which will soon figure in history alone. For many years the Hygeia Hotel will be well remembered, not only by the gay crowds which used to throng its veranda in peace time, but by the thousands of soldiers who have monopolized it since the war broke out. The artist who sketched it for us thus describes a memorable scene in its last days: "Never before was such a commotion seen at Old Point as during the passage of the Army of the Potomac through it after the evacuation of Harrison's Landing. The water crowded with transports, literally swarming with troops, and multitudes of other vessels of every kind and shape, from the proud man-of-war to the sutler's barge; the wharves, hotel, and every avenue teeming with military men, wagons, ambulances, and army material of every description, presented a scene that will be long remembered by all who witnessed it. (Next Page) THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC PASSING THE HYGEIA HOTEL AT OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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