Rebel Invasion of Maryland


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, September 20, 1862

Welcome to our archive of original Civil War Harper's Weekly newspapers. These papers provide a valuable resource for the serious student of the Civil War. The illustrations created by eye-witnesses to the battles and events are an incredible resource for the serious student.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


Union Battle Flag

Union Battle Flag

Color Bearer


Invasion of Maryland

Rebel Invasion of Maryland

Defense of Cincinnati

The Defense of Cincinnati

2nd Battle of Bull Run

2nd Battle of Bull Run

General Phil Kearney

General Phil Kearney

General Stevens

General Stevens

Colonel Fletcher Webster

Colonel Fletcher Webster

Buell's Campaign

General Buell's Campaign

Kentucky War Map

Map of Civil War in Kentucky

Second Battle of Bull Run

Second Battle of Bull Run

Buckeye Cartoon




SEPTEMBER 20, 1862.]



(Previous Page) White men. They are the men who, if Jeff Davis should beat to-morrow, would rush and fall before him, and say that they did all they could to help him by preserving slavery and dividing the North.

These are the men who assume to denounce as radicals, and fanatics, and impracticables, those who wish to use common sense in war, and to beat the enemy instead of allowing him to beat us. These are the men who will be responsible for any fatal catastrophe that may befall the great cause of the country. These are the men who actually threaten that country with the vengeance of McClellan's army if the Government should decide that the public good required his removal. These are the men who menace the President with terrible consequences if he listens to the pure and patriotic impulse and counsel of the country, instead of allowing himself to be led by those who love party more than they hate anarchy.

Let every honest man in the land judge this class by what they were and what they are. Let hint ask himself whether they would seriously grieve if the country were ruined. Let him ask whether they are not the men at the North whom the rebels most love. Above all, let him ask whether men who are so radically false to Liberty and humanity can be true to a Union which was formed to help both.


A FRIEND, and a well-known gentleman in the city, writes: "I send you the inclosed, copied from Niles's Register. It is important now as a fact. Will you give it circulation among the tens of thousands of the readers of Harper's Weekly?"

"The following are extracts of a letter from a gentleman of great distinction, high in the public confidence, and in his private character, as I believe, one of the best men:

" 'DEAR SIR,—I have read with great delight the article, "The Slave Question," in the Register of March 11, 1820. It is really worth all, and more than all, that has been said in Congress on the subject. The paragraph, "But the great check to the progress," etc., is particularly just and true.

" 'I now own 400 of acres of land in Georgia. It is on rent. My agent has given me a statement of its product last year [1819], viz.: 1100 bushels of corn, 100 ditto of wheat, 100 ditto of oats, 3000 pounds of cotton, 100 gallons peach brandy. On the plantation 50 hogs, 10 cows, poultry, etc., ad libitum.

" 'Only 130 acres are cleared: my object was rather preservation of timber and the log-houses than any profit.

" 'The above product was from the labor of the father [the tenant] and two of his sons, with one yoke of oxen and two horses. Not a slave touched the process. For this farm I receive the annual rent of $50. The above product in market was fairly worth $1600, which is exactly the price I paid for the land.

" 'As you and I are, I am happy to say, like-minded, I am sure you will read this with some satisfaction.' "—Niles's Register, vol. xviii. p. 47.


THACKERAY'S new novel is now published. Those who have not read it in the serial form will now have ample opportunity to discuss it. Ample opportunity, because the war has stopped so many presses that very few books of any kind demand attention except those about the war.

The new story has the old flavor, the old excellence. The same neat, sinewy, clear English style; the same homely, simple, affectionate moralizing; the same reality of portraiture in the characters; the same sad and sharp satire; the same hearty fondness for tender, long-loving, long-suffering women; the same sparkling scamps and good-natured boobies. The work is sure to take away the taste of "Lovel the Widower" from those who did not like that story; and it belongs to the same class as "Pendennis" and the "Newcomes."

The lovers of Thackeray will find their old pleasure in "Philip." Those who have not liked him may find what is called his cynicism less salient here, and they will see what it is which has made the author of "Vanity Fair" one of the chief English novelists. Toujours perdrix? Yes; but when they are fat and toothsome, it will be long before you tire.

In a late Roundabout Paper Thackeray tries a little to placate criticism. A man must do what he can, he says. A pear-tree can not bear peaches. Let us chat about the things and the people that we daily see, and like to see. If you are tired, go on. As for us, we will sit in this quiet nook and smoke and look and study the people as they pass.

We know the sweet old strain. You may say a great many harsh things about it. You may sneer at this eternal lay-moralizing. But there is more meat in the nut he offers us than in many of a stronger and spicier flavor. His are books to return to. They are not read for the plot, but for the portraits. They are pictures of life and manners which the historian will consult. It is far enough away from our troubles and struggles, and so indeed are the author's sympathies; but it is a kindly, pleasant, human story.


WHEN this war began the rebel General Braxton Bragg said that they were sure to beat, for the slaves would do the work at home while the masters went to fight. He did not add, what was equally true, that while the masters could go to the field they could take with them the poor whites, because that class would be better off as soldiers than they are at home.

The Richmond Whig recently repeats the boast of Bragg. It claims a rebel force of a million of men in the field, and says that it can be kept there "as long as the North may assail us, and it will not interfere with our producing or agricultural population. * * * Our slaves can be safely trusted to the management of the boys under eighteen and the old men, and abundant crops be thus secured while our fighting men are in the field. Not so with the North. Whenever she puts any thing like her military strength in the field, she weakens

her powers to feed her people, * * * and though she ought therefore to be able to send out two soldiers where we can send one, yet we question much whether she can send out her one million as rapidly as the South can."

It is a good thing to be taught by the enemy, says the old proverb. If an enemy's General upon the battle-field says, " In that building I have ten thousand cartridges and a thousand shell, upon which I can draw when they are wanted," does a wise opponent say, "Dear me! have you indeed?" and then leave them there? No. To destroy that building is instantly part of his battle. For when he is fighting, he aims to hurt and weaken the foe in every way he can.

Do we not wish to interfere with the producing or agricultural population of the rebels? Are we anxious to leave them their harvests? Are we trying to secure comfort and plenty for them at home? Do we hope to make war upon peace principles? Shall we put a guard around the building in which the ammunition is stored in order to save it to be used against ourselves?

It is of the utmost importance that the war be ended before the New Year. Shall General Braxton Bragg direct it for us, or shall we make war as we have done every thing else, irresistibly? We can not bring too much force to bear, nor finish the rebellion too completely. The rebels can not be too hopelessly and overwhelmingly beaten. You can not kill a viper too dead, nor wound a wolf too mortally. The longer the war the more difficult not only our victory in the field but our reconstruction afterward. To shorten it by the display of hopeless power in every way is the policy of common sense.


LAST winter a small volume with this title was published in Boston. There was no name upon the title-page. The book was not heralded. The public mind strained in one direction could not pause to consider the claims of a new author. But those who read it were surprised and charmed to find how, under a title that was no clew, so timely and noble and satisfactory a work had been done.

If, without the sensitive reserve which hid the book in its title so that no one could find it, the "Record of an Obscure Man" had been announced as what it is—the story of the actual historic capability and achievement of the African race—it would have been hailed at once as a most valuable assistance in the discussions which at this moment most interest us. The author is entirely familiar with the various literature in which the characteristics of the African race are observed and recorded, while a fine and humane sympathy interprets with tender truth a hundred traits which would usually seem unmeaning or simply grotesque. Curiously and inevitably related to us and our history as this race is, every thing which helps us to know it better, and to judge it more justly, is a real service to humanity and civilization. And it is a service rendered in this little book with such perfect sweetness and candor, such freedom from bitterness, rhetoric, or extravagance—with such an honest aim at telling only the truth, and not with the partisan ardor of making a case—that the temper in which the work is wrought is seen to be worthy of its noble intention.


A PROPRIETOR of It cotton-mill, who is something of a philosopher, posted up on the factory-gate the following notice: "No cigars or good-looking men admitted." When asked for an explanation, he said, "The one will set a flame agoing among my cottons, and t'other among the gals. I won't admit such inflammable and dangerous things into my establishment at any risk—no, Sir!"

Sydney Smith tells of a maid who used to boil the eggs very well by her master's watch, but one day he could not lend it to her because it was under repair; so she took the time from the kitchen clock, and the eggs came up nearly raw. "Why didn't you take the three minutes from the clock as you do from the watch, Mary?" "Well, Sir, I thought that would be too much, as the hands are so much larger."

Aunt Hetty inquired of the servant-girl if she came from the Hungarian parts of Ireland? On being told that her geographical knowledge was somewhat defective, she excused herself by saying, "I hain't much learnin'; I never went to school but one day, and that was in the evenin', and we hadn't no candle, and the master didn't come."

A clergyman at a funeral, when at the grave-side, said to the chief-mourner, "Is it a brother or a sister?" He received the puzzling answer, "Neither; it is only a cousin."

Malherbe having dined with the Bishop of Rouen, who was a dull preacher, was asked by him to adjourn from the table to the church, where he was then going to preach. "Pardon me," said Malherbe, "but I can sleep very well where I am."

The Court of Divorce has been engaged in hearing a case, brought by a mother to dissolve the marriage of her son, on the ground that he was a lunatic at the time of the marriage. A crusty old bachelor trusts that that plea will not be granted, as it may separate half the young couples in the country.

A man in Rochester, who has suffered from duns, makes the following proposition: That in order to save time and unnecessary trouble, he will stand one hour every day for a week at a certain corner of the town, where all who feel anxious to harass his quiet by asking impertinent questions may have the opportunity of a hearing, always providing, that the remainder of each day shall not be disturbed by applications of any kind.

"How much to publish this death?" asked a customer at a newspaper office in New York.

"Four shillings."

"Why, I paid but two shillings the last time I published one."

"That was a common death; but this is sincerely regretted."

"I'll tell you what," said the applicant, "your executors will not be put to that expense."

A man who owned a farm in Sacramento, California, during the late floods, went to see if his fence was washed away. He found that he had lost his fence, but had caught a fine two-story house, which made him a good deal bettor off than he was before.

Be not angry that you can not make others as you wish them to be, since you can not make yourself as you wish to be.


Old Time first covers our heads with hair, Afterward quietly mows them bare?

First cuts our teeth with a mighty fuss,

Anon takes care that our teeth "cut" us;

First manufactures us nimble legs,

And then converts them to "stiff old pegs." Coming to earth with squalls and tears, Pleasure beguiled a few brief years,

Harass'd thereafter by care and doubt,

Fighting for much we might do without,

Hoping and trusting for bliss to come,

So, in amazement, we reach the tomb!

EYES DON'T LIE.—It is more difficult to make the eye lie than any other organ we are possessed of. To tell what a woman says, pay attention to her tongue. If you wish to ascertain what she means, pay attention to her eye. To talk in opposition to the heart is one of the easiest things in the world; to look this opposition, however, is more difficult than algebra.

An old sailor, passing through a grave-yard, saw on one of the tombstones, "I still live." It was too much for Jack, and shifting his quid, he ejaculated, "Well, I've heard say that there are cases in which a man may lie; but if I was dead I'd own it."

Two boys, of tender age, who went by the names of Tom and Jack, became members of a district school in a certain town. On making their appearance the teacher called them up before the assembled school, and proceeded to make certain interrogatories concerning their names, ages, etc. "Well, my fine lad," said the teacher to one, "what is your name?" "Tom, Sir," very promptly responded the juvenile. "Tom does not sound well. Remember always to speak the full name. You should have said Thomas." Then, turning to the other boy, whose expectant face suddenly lighted up with the satisfaction of a newly-comprehended idea, the teacher inquired: " Now, then, can you tell me what your name is?" "Jack-ass, Sir," replied the lad, in a tone of confident decision.

There is a class of people who ask you why you "don't" come to their house, but never say "do." They are nearly related to the gentleman who has always got "a bill to take up" whenever you wish to effect a small loan from him.

A lecturer was dilating upon the powers of the magnet, defying any one to show or name any thing surpassing its powers. A hearer demurred, and instanced a young lady, who, when young, used to attract him thirteen miles every Sunday.

"Are you there?" said an Orangeman to a Ribbonman in "grafe," being about to be hanged. "I always said you would come to be hanged." "You're a liar," said Pat, "if it was the last word I had to spake! I did not come, I was brought."

"Well, Sambo, how do you like your new place?" "Oh, berry well, masse." "What did you have for breakfast this morning?" "Why, you see, misses biled tree eggs for herself, and gib me de brof."

Why does a person who is poorly lose his sense of touch? Because he don't feel well.

A lady who had a silk gown spoiled in being recolored brought an action against the establishment, and summoned several of the workmen to give their "dyeing testimony."

A young lady fainted at a dinner the other day because the servant brought a roast pig on the table that showed its bare legs. "What made you faint?" anxiously inquired her friends as soon as she came to. "The nakedness of that horrible quadruped," sobbed this bashful piece of modesty. "Och, an bedad," exclaimed the servant who had brought in the offensive pig, "it wasn't naked at all, at all. I dressed it meself before I brought it in, sure."

A countryman perceiving one of his friends take much upon him because he was born in London said, "Have not all the mice in London the same honor?"

"Are you thinking of what I'm saying," said a poor music-master to young Miss —, after explaining to her at some length the difference between the major and minor key. "Why, Sir," replied Miss—, "I've been thinking all this time whether these keys are ivory or bone."

What is most likely to become a woman?—A little girl.

"I stand upon the soil of freedom!" cried a stump orator. "No," exclaimed his shoemaker; "you stand in a pair of boots that have never been paid for."

"Let each one strive with all his might

To be a decent man,

To love a neighbor as himself,

Upon the golden plan.

And if his neighbor chance to be

A pretty female woman,

Why, love her all the more—you see,

That's only acting human."


FOR an account of the movement on Cincinnati see page 603.


Frederick City, the capital of Frederick County, Maryland, was occupied by the enemy between ten and eleven o'clock on Saturday morning. Part of the force turned off at Buckeyetown, as if intending to proceed either to the Washington road or the Baltimore pike. The crossing of the Potomac was effected at three points, of which Nolan's Ford was one. Fugitives who left Frederick Saturday night report that General Hill is in command of a force of five thousand men, cavalry, infantry, and artillery. He had issued a proclamation promising protection to private property, and appointed a provost-guard. Private accounts state that the enemy crossed the Potomac Friday night and early Saturday morning, and thence marched to White Oak Springs, within three miles of Frederick. They crossed both above and below Point of Rocks, and did so in as speedy and quiet a manner as possible. They then sent a force to cut the telegraph wire, and seize the bridge over the Monocacy, which was done. The regiment guarding this point evacuated the position on Friday. Refugees were leaving Frederick in great numbers both on Saturday and Sunday. A dispatch from Harrisburg announces that the rebel pickets are extended seven miles toward Hagerstown. They took possession of all the shoes, clothing, etc., in the stores at Frederick, and paid for them in United States Treasury Notes.


On Saturday 6th the Government was made aware of the facts, and General Sumner's corps left at once for Poolesville. At 2 A.M. on 7th General Burnside's army left, and in the afternoon the General himself and General McClellan followed. General Sigel brought up the rear with his corps. At the hour we write no battle has yet been fought. General Banks is in command at Washington, and Generals Hooker and Heintzelman are believed to be operating on the south shore of the Potomac.


A severe engagement occurred on 1st inst., near Chantilly, about two miles north of Fairfax Court House, between a portion of General Pope's army and Stonewall Jackson's command. The enemy was finally repulsed and driven back a mile. Our loss was heavy. Generals Kearney and Stevens were killed. The field of battle eras occupied by our forces up to three o'clock on the morning of 2d. By orders of General Halleck, the whole army then fell back to the fortifications.


General McClellan, in an order dated the 4th inst., has assumed command of the fortifications of Washington and of all the troops for the defense of the capital, and has required such returns to be made to him as will enable him in the shortest possible time to understand thoroughly the positions of the various corps, and to place them in condition for immediate service. All the troops of the army of Virginia have been placed under his command.


Brigadier-General Julius White, in a dispatch to Major-General Wool, dated at Martinsburg, Virginia, on 7th, states that four hundred of the enemy's cavalry who attacked his outposts had been defeated, with the loss of about fifty prisoners, horses and arms, which are now in the possession of our men. Our own loss was ten, two killed and eight wounded.


Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, has issued a proclamation recommending the immediate formation throughout that State of volunteer companies and regiments in conformity with the militia act of 1858; also that, in order to give due opportunities for drill and instruction, all places of business be closed daily at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so that all persons employed therein may, after that hour, be at liberty to attend to their military duties.

Arrangements are being made to dispatch to the entrance of Cumberland Valley all the troops now at Harrisburg, and other regiments from this State and New England detained there for that purpose. The citizens are organizing themselves into companies under the Governor's proclamation, and a very martial spirit prevails. By the invasion of Maryland, at Frederick, the city of Chambersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, is threatened. General Andrew Porter has reported to Governor Curtin for the organization of the Pennsylvania militia. The rebels are reported to have invaded Pennsylvania at Hanover.


It is stated that Stevenson, Alabama, was recently attacked by the enemy, but without success. Athens, in the same State, has been burned by our troops. General Bragg has left Chattanooga and is said to be advancing on Nashville. In confirmation of the latter report a dispatch from Cincinnati says that General Buell has ordered the evacuation of that city.


General Butler's order for a general disarmament of the population of the city and its vicinity has been generally disregarded, but the authorities intend to enforce it as far as possible. On the 25th ult. a company of Federal soldiers were dispatched by General Butler to make a reconnoissance beyond Algiers. The troops proceeded by rail, but were soon stopped by the approach of a band of guerrillas. An engagement ensued, the result of which was the wounding of most of our men, who were compelled to return to the city without accomplishing the purpose of their undertaking. At last accounts Baton Rouge was still in the possession of a company of marines under the protection of two gun-boats. The place had not been destroyed as was reported. The enemy were believed to be in the vicinity. Carrollton was occupied by our forces, who were hourly anticipating an attack by the enemy. The fortifications were in excellent condition, and Brigadier-General Shepley was personally superintending operations. The First Louisiana Regiment of Union Volunteers is in camp at Carrollton, and a second is being raised. The Free Negro Regiment is also in camp. Recruiting for colored volunteers under General Butler's order has been commenced at New Orleans. The health of the city continues good.


From Fortress Monroe it is reported that the Merrimac No. 2 has been seen below Fort Darling, making toward Newport News. Rumors were prevalent that she had reached the vicinity of Newport News, and had an encounter with two of our gun-boats, driving them before her.


The rebel privateer Oveto, lately from Liverpool and Nassau, was still at Cardenas at last accounts, and is reported as having about fifty men and intended to carry eight guns. Her commander is John N. Maffit. A Spanish war steamer had been sent from Havana to watch her movements. The naval force at Key West had been apprised of her appearance at Cardenas, and as she is reported as requiring repairs, and not to leave for several days—unless ordered away—the impression is she would not do any mischief.


The Philadelphia Press says: "The New Ironsides, Captain Turner, has arrived at the Navy-yard, having returned from her trial trip. She comes here to get her masts, rigging, etc., in order that she may with safety go to sea. She is reported as being a complete success, and will exceed the expectations of her builders."


Under date of Washington, August 27, President Lincoln telegraphed Governor Ramsey, of Minnesota: "Attend to the Indians. If the draft can not proceed, of course it will not proceed. Necessity knows no law. The Government can not extend the time."


General Pope has, at his own request, been relieved from the command of the Army of Virginia, and has been assigned to the command of the Department of the Northwest.

General McDowell having been granted leave of absence from duty for fifteen days, General Reno has been assigned to the command of his corps.

Major-General Ormsby M. Mitchell has been assigned to the command of the Department of the South, and will immediately repair to Hilton Head.

Hon. James F. Simmons, of Rhode Island, resigned his seat in the United States Senate last week, and the General Assembly thereupon elected Lieutenant-Governor Samuel G. Arnold to fill his place for the remainder of the term, which expires March 4, 1863.



THE "TUSCARORA" NOT ALLOWED TO COAL. THE United States gun-boat Tuscarora, after coaling at a British port, remained hovering about the coast on the look-out for rebel vessels instead of proceeding to the United States, as required by the orders of the Admiralty. Having been prevented from putting into Kingstown by the British vessel Ajax, she proceeded to Belfast, where, according to a previous arrangement, she received a hundred tons of coal. From this port she was ordered away by a British revenue cutter. She is said to have gone to Cadiz.


Lord Palmerston, in a speech at Melbourne, England, revived the Trent affair. The Premier said that the "honor, principles, and dignity" both of England and America were sustained, and that in the settlement "there was no triumph on either side."



A paragraph in the Paris Moniteur, attributed to the Emperor himself, declares that France will defend the Pope. It as reported that Garibaldi and a portion of his followers had got away from Catania in two steamers, and had landed at Mileto in Calabria. There was great excitement in the latter province, and several towns had pronounced in favor of Garibaldi. The Neapolitan Provinces had been declared in a state of siege.

The latest news from Italy is that a battle has taken place between the royal troops and the Garibaldians, in which the latter were worsted. Garibaldi was wounded and taken prisoner.




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