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Civil War Harper's Weekly, January 10, 1863

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Battle of Fredericksburg

Negro Emancipation

Negro Emancipation

Lincoln Fredericksburg Letter

Lincoln's Fredericksburg Letter

Battle of Kinston

Battle of Kinston

Battle of Goldsborough

Battle of Goldsborough

Fort Negley

Fort Negley

General Banks's Expedition

General Banks's Expedition

Fredericksburg Artillery

Fredericksburg Artillery

Holly Springs

Holly Springs, Mississippi

Battle of Fredericksburg

Bayonet Charge at the Battle of Fredericksburg

Cartoon Slave

Slave Cartoon







[JANUARY 10, 1863.





$15 per day made sure, and more if you persevere selling our great NEW STYLE Union Prize and Stationery Package. Something NOVEL and UNEQUALED. Different to all old styles, and containing ALL NEW ARTICLES of good quality. Writing Materials and Fancy Articles worth $1 for only 25 cents. Just the thing for a Splendid Holiday Gift. They are standard goods, and everybody wants them. Profits immense and sales quick. We give as a free present to each person who orders our Packages A SPLENDID WATCH, warranted as a time-keeper. Packages in endless variety and at all prices. Agents wanted in every Camp and every Town. This is a chance ,for soldiers in camp or discharged. Send for our New Circulars containing Extra inducements.

S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, largest and oldest Prize Package House in the World.

AGENTS WANTED in every camp and town, to sell our New Mammoth Eureka Prize Packages. A Splendid Watch free to each Agent. $18 per day sure. Send for New Circulars. W. H. CATELY & CO., 40 Ann St., N. Y.

Circular sent free. Specimen Sheets of Type for 6 cents.


Inimitable Hair Restorative.


But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a

Luxuriant Beauty,

promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agent, D. S. Barnes, 22 Broadway, N.Y. Two sizes, 50 c. and $1.

LANDS,—To all wanting Farms. Thriving Settlement. Rich soil. Mild climate. See advertisement of Vineland, on page 495.

CONFEDERATE (REBEL) MONEY.—FAC Simile Treasury Notes, so exactly like the genuine that where one will pass current the other will go equally as well. $500 in Confederate Notes of all denominations, sent by mail, postage paid, on the receipt of $5, by W. E. HILTON,


WORK, Wrought, Cast, and Wire.

IRON RAILINGS, VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, GUARDS, and IRON FURNITURE of every description. Illustrated Catalogues mailed on receipt of four 3 cent stamps.


259 Canal Street, near Broadway, New York.

BARTLETT & Co., Needle Manufacturers for the Sewing Machines. Bartlett's Burnished Hand Needles, 150 for 25 cents. Free by mail. 421 Broadway, New York.

BEAUTIFUL FACES.—What is the meaning of long noses, short noses, straight noses, crooked noses, sharp noses, blunt noses? And what is indicated by thick lips, thin lips, compressed lips, loving lips? What about laughing eyes, piercing eyes, blue eyes, gray eyes, black eyes? What of chins, broad, narrow, long, and retreating? What if the month be large or small? And what is indicated by light hair, dark hair, red hair, straight hair, or curly hair? And of the skin—be it soft, smooth, and fair? or be it freckled, dark, or rough? Why all these different conditions, and what do they mean? Will PHYSIOGNOMY reveal the true character? Is it possible to alter, change, and improve the features? These and other questions answered in THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL for 1863. Only $1 a year. January No. now ready. Ask your Newsman for it, or send to FOWLER & WELLS, N. Y.

RETAILING At Wholesale Prices. Depot 2 Warren Street.   J. W. MERSEREAU.

Rare and Beautiful Flower Seeds free to all who join the "RURAL KEYSTONE CLUB." 25 c. in $1 clear saving on all Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals. For full particulars send stamp to P. SUTTON, Ransom, Penn.

For Soldiers in the Field
Is one of Evans' Portable Tent Heaters.

Can be put up in five minutes. Will heat any tent in the service, is packed with seven feet of pipe, in box ten inches square and eight inches deep. Price complete $5. Send for Circular.

   J. W. EVANS, 21 John Street, N. Y.


210 Broadway, cor. Fulton Street, N. Y.,

Importer and Manufacturer of



In every Variety.

IMPORTANT TO AGENTS!!—We have reduced the wholesale price of our GREAT STATIONERY PORTFOLIO PACKAGE. We also give better Watches to our Agents than any other firm. Send stamp for new circular. WEIR & CO., 34 South Third Street, Philadelphia.

Head-Quarters for Jewelry.

$50,000 worth of Lockets, Neck Chains, Vest Chains, Bracelets, Rims, Sets of Jewelry, Studs and Buttons, Gold Pens, Gold Thimbles, Masonic Pins and Rings, Scarf Pins, &c., &c., &c. Any one wishing to see Samples, I will send either of the foregoing Articles on the receipt of $1, together with my wholesale circular. B. T. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler, 208 Broadway, N. Y.


We have now in store a very large stock, and invite an inspection. Prices are low, most of the stock having been imported before the new duty. We have not removed, and have NO BRANCH STORE, but continue our business at 479 Broadway, between Broome and Grand Sts. DAVIS COLLAMORE & Co.

An Invention of Rare Merit!


The CHIMNEY in common use breaks from unequal expansion and contraction, caused by the upper portion becoming much more highly heated than the lower portion. This constant liability of the Chimney to be broken by being suddenly cooled or "over-heated," is entirely removed by a unique and beautiful invention, BROWN'S METAL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY, which, being made in accordance with the simple law of expansion and contraction, is found to be almost "fire-proof," as far as heating by the flame of the lamp is concerned. The clear, positive superiorities of the NEW LAMP CHIMNEY over the old style, are:

1. It will not crack or break from sudden changes of temperature, or "over-heating."

2. The top can be instantly removed, and the glass wiped perfectly clean in a moment without wetting.

3. It is shorter than the common chimney, therefore less liable to accidents, and more convenient for carrying about the house; it is of elegant proportions, and a decided ornament to the lamp, which will be found to burn with a clear, steady, and beautiful light. It is really the ideal of perfection in a lamp chimney, and after using one for an evening you will wonder that you could so long tolerate the old expensive style.

A "BROWN'S METAL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY" IS WARRANTED, with ordinary care, to last just as long as the lamp on which it is used. Price (with a small neat shade for common size), Zinc top, 25 cents; Brass, 31 cents; Silver-Plated, 50 cents. Dealers will be furnished, per Express, with a sample box containing one half doz. Chimneys assorted styles and sizes, with circulars, colored show cards, price list, &c., on receipt of $1.25. Brown's Metal Top Lamp Chimneys are manufactured only by the

NEW LAMP CHIMNEY MANUFACTURING CO., MILTON BRADLEY, Treasurer, Office and Salesroom, 45 Fulton St., N. Y.

TO CONSUMPTIVE S.—You will get the Recipe for a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all lung complaints, by sending to D. Adee, 381 Pearl St., N. Y. He sends it free. Write for it.—It has cured thousands.

$22 WATCHES $22

A genuine American Lever, heavy Silver Hunting-Case, for $22. Usual price, $30 to $35. All kinds of watches retailed at wholesale prices. Send for a Circular.    J. L. FERGUSON, 208 Broadway, N. Y.

Buy your Skate Straps with

Fogg's Lever Buckle,



Retailed at wholesale prices. Goods warranted. Send for a circular, giving list of prices and engravings of Pens. Pens repointed on the receipt of 36 cents in P. O. stamps.

E. S. JOHNSON, Manufactory and Office 15 Maiden Lane, New York City.

A BEAUTIFUL MICROSCOPE! MAGNIFYING 500 TIMES, FOR 28c, COIN PREFERRED. Five of different powers, $1. Mailed free. Address   F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

Observe, each Skate is labeled with the trade mark. Also, 50,000 pair of Ladies' and Gents' Ice Skates, comprising all the new and most improved pattern, made from welded steel and iron hardened; Skate Straps and Leather Goods of every description; Fogg's improved Lever Skate Buckle. Sole Agent for Williams, Morse & Co.'s celebrated Skates.    FREDERICK STEVENS,    215 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK.    68 KILBY STREET, BOSTON.

Made to Measure at $1.8, $24 and $27


Self-Measurement for Shirts.

Printed directions for self-measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of shirts and collars sent free everywhere.

FRENCH FLANNEL ARMY SHIRTS, $24, $27, $30 and $33 per dozen.

S. W. H. WARD, from London, No. 387 Broadway

Nervous Diseases and Physical Debility—New and reliable treatment. Valuable reports sent free of charge, by Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.



Have Just Published:

MISTRESS AND MAID. A HOUSEHOLD STORY. By DINAH MARIA MULOCK, Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman," "Olive," "The Ogilvies," "The Head of the Family," "Agatha's husband," "A Life for a Life," &c., &c. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents.

ORLEY FARM. A Novel. By ANTHONY TROLLOPE, Author of "North America," "Doctor Thorne," "Framley Parsonage," "The Bertrams," "Castle Richmond," "The West Indies and the Spanish Main," "The Three Clerks," &c., &c. Illustrated by J. E. MILLAIS. 8vo, Paper, $1.25; Cloth, $1.56.

Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price.

POMPEY. "What day ob de month id dis, Massa?"

MASTER. "Twenty-sixth December. Why?"

POMPEY. "Oh! cause you knows Massa LINKUM he gib us our Papers on de First January, God bless um; and now I wants to say as how you allus was a good Massa, and so I'll gib you a Mont's Notice to git anudder Boy. NiXXers is powerful cheap now, Massa!"

Abraham Lincoln Cartoon
Slave Cartoon




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