The "Jacob Bell" Captured


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, March 14, 1863

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Negro Soldiers

Abraham Lincoln as Dictator

Capture of the Jacob Bell

Capture of the "Jacob Bell"

General Hunter

General Hunter

Emancipation Meeting

Emancipation Meeting

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

First Colored Troops in Battle

First Colored Troops in Battle

Jackson Bio

Stonewall Jackson Bio

Rebel "Nashville"

Rebel Steamer Nashville

Exeter Hall

Exeter Hall, London

Black Troops

First Black Troops in Combat


Copperheads Cartoon




MARCH 14, 1863.]




THE morning papers a few days since contained, in the usual Congressional record, the report of a remark of Mr. Vallandigham that the New York World was an abolition print in disguise! But in the same papers were extracts from rebel papers, and especially from the Richmond Enquirer, which, speaking of the efforts of Mr. Vallandigham and his co-laborers to detach the Northwest from the Union, said frankly, "If they repudiate the debt they have contracted, and abandon the Government they have established, and recant the vows, and break pledges, and eat dirt, it is well: we shall be charmed; the movement will suit us perfectly; and although we shall not exactly respect the actors in that affair, yet we shall not be unwilling to trade with them—holding our noses a little [Eheu! Vallandigham! Vallandigham!] — and to show them all proper civilities, but at a proper distance!"

What sort of a happy family is this, where Vallandigham calls the New York World an abolitionist in disguise, and the Richmond Enquirer says that it must hold its nose when it speaks of Vallandigham's services?


SENATOR RICHARDSON, of Illinois, said lately in the Senate that the rebellion was at the beginning causeless. Do he and his friends, then, mean to say that it is now justifiable?

He also said at the same time that it might have been avoided by compromise. How? Upon what ground of honor or common sense would he compromise with men who would causelessly rebel? The rebellion began after compromise was refused. Still he thinks it causeless. Then the failure to compromise was not a cause or justification of rebellion.

Besides, upon what principle would he have compromised? The election had been Constitutionally conducted and concluded. Some of the defeated party said, "Very well, we don't like the result, and we are going to break up the Government." Now does Mr. Richardson mean that he would then have offered terms to a Constitutionally defeated part of a party to submit to the laws? Does he mean that when a defeated faction threaten a revolution it is the duty of the Government and of good citizens quietly to allow them to accomplish it?

Suppose the glove had been on the other hand, and his friend Mr. Douglas had been elected. If the Republican party or any part of it had said, "We don't like it, and we won't submit," would Mr. Richardson have then advised that the Administration should ask them upon what terms they would submit? Or would he have said, "If they won't submit to a Constitutional election, train every gun in the country upon them and blow the d—Abolitionists to h—!"

Circumstances alter cases, we know, but do they alter them so entirely as this?


"MR. VALLANDIGHAM. 'I yielded the floor in the spirit of a gentleman, and not to a blackguard.' [Excitement every where.]

"Mr. CAMPBELL. The gentleman himself is a blackguard.' [Applause in the galleries.]

"MR. ROBINSON. 'I insist upon the galleries being cleared.'

"MR. Cox. 'I hope not. There are only a small number of them, and the fool-killer's heel can keep them in order.'

"MR. VALLANDIGHAM thought it would be admitted by the galleries that this is a legislative and deliberative assembly, and that it is not becoming to express any approval or disapproval of whatever takes place upon this floor."


AT a crowded concert the other evening a young lady standing at the door of the hall was addressed by an honest Hibernian, who was in attendance on the occasion. "Indade, miss," said he, "I should be glad to give you a sate, but the empty ones are all full."

A letter was posted at the chief post-office in London a while since, bearing the subjoined (minute, though somewhat indefinite) address: "To my sister Bridget or else to my brother Tim malony or if not to gudy her mother in law who came to americy but did not stay long and went back to the ould country—in care of the Praste who live in the Parish of balcanbury in Cork or if not to some Dacent Neighbor in Ireland."

Mr. Paradox is not what you may consider an intemperate man by any means, but he calls on the old lady, once in a while, for the boot jack, to draw his hat off with.

I heard a good thing one evening at a party. A Miss Joy was present, and in the course of the evening some one used the quotation, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," when she exclaimed, "Oh, I'm glad I'm not a beauty, for I shouldn't like to be a Joy forever."

"Patrick, where's the whisky I gave you to clean the windows with?" "Ooh, master, I just drank it; and I thought if I breathed on the glass it would be all the same."

Why is the circulation of the blood sometimes suspended?—Because it attempts to circulate in vein.

Why is a drunkard, hesitating to sign the pledge, like a skeptical Hindoo?—Because he is in doubt whether to give up the worship of Jug-or-not.

It is related of a famous wit that, having been appointed to attend to the removal of a stove, and not having performed his duty, he urged, in excuse, "that it was his warmest friend, and he could not be expected to remove it."

A peddler being asked by a spindle-shanked wag if he had any overalls, replied, "No; but I have a pair of candle-moulds that would just fit you."

"Stop that abominable noise," said a commanding officer to a trumpeter, in the midst of a battle; "we can stand fire, but we can't stand that air."

Pious poverty is better than poor piety.

He who dies in the path of duty deserves a nobler name than he who leads a victorious army over the ruins of a conquered kingdom. This is consolatory to drivers of stage-coaches who freeze to death on the box.

Mrs. Partington expresses her apprehensions that the people of the gold regions will bleed to death, as papers are constantly announcing the opening of another vein.

"What object do you see?" asked the doctor. The young man hesitated for a few moments, and then replied, "It appears like a jackass, doctor, but I rather think it is your shadow!"

Many persons think themselves perfectly virtuous because, being well fed, they have no temptation to vice. They don't distinguish between virtue and victuals.

For a lady to sweep her carpet with embroidered under-sleeves would be considered dirty, but to drag the pavement with her skirts seems to be very genteel.

"Please, Sir, give me a penny to keep me from starving."

GENT. "Can't stop—in a great hurry—I've got to make a speech at the Society for the Relief of the Destitute."



ON Wednesday, February 25, in the Senate, the Indian Appropriation bill was passed. Bills authorizing the President to confer brevet rank, and to promote the health, comfort, and efficiency of the army, were also passed. The bill amendatory of the Pacific Railroad act was passed. Several important bills and resolutions were introduced and appropriately referred, and, after an executive session, the Senate adjourned.—In the House, the consideration of the Senate bill to organize the militia of the nation was resumed. Amendments limiting the term of active service to three years, providing for the punishment of spies, and striking out the clause requiring provost-marshals to inquire into and report to the Provost-Marshal-General all treasonable practices, were adopted, and the bill passed by a vote of 115 against 49. The Select Committee on Emancipation reported a bill appropriating $10,000,000 in aid of the emancipation of slaves in Maryland. It was recommitted. The same Committee reported a bill appropriating $15,000,000 for the emancipation of slaves in Missouri. A motion to admit Mr. George W. Bridges to a seat as the representative of the Third District of Tennessee was agreed to. The bill amendatory of the Internal Revenue act was taken up in Committee of the Whole, and a number of amendments adopted.

On Thursday, 26th, in the Senate, a resolution for a select committee to inquire into the conduct of Colonel Gilbert, who dispersed a meeting at Frankfort, Kentucky, recently, was laid over. Bills to carry into effect the treaty with Peru, and providing another judge for the courts of California and Oregon, were passed. The resolution of inquiry concerning the arrest of D. A. Mahony and others was indefinitely postponed—21 against 19. The bill organizing the militia was received from the House, and the amendments ordered to be printed. A motion to take up the Bankrupt bill was agreed to by a vote of 20 against 16, and the Senate then went into executive session and confirmed several unimportant nominations.—In the House, a bill to punish frauds on the Government was passed. The Senate bill for the appointment of additional generals was passed. It provides for forty major-generals and one hundred brigadier-generals; also that no appointment shall be made except for gallant and meritorious service in the field. Mr. Stevens made a report on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill to provide means for the support of the Government. All the points were covered, excepting the clause taxing bank-notes. The report was agreed to by a vote of 71 yeas to 69 nays. The House insisted upon its bank clause disagreement. In Committee of the Whole the amendments to the Internal Revenue bill were considered. An amendment reducing the duty on paper was offered by Mr. Lovejoy, but was opposed as irrelevant, and subsequently withdrawn.

On Friday, 27th, in the Senate, the Conference Committee on the bill to provide ways and means for the support of the Government made a report, covering all the points at issue between the two Houses, except the tax on bank-notes. The report was accepted, and a new conference committee on the bank-tax appointed. The Conference Committee on the bill limiting the number of generals made a report. Seventy major-generals and two hundred and seventy-five brigadiers are allowed by the report. A motion to take up the Militia bill was rejected —19 against 18. The joint resolution giving the thanks of Congress to General Rosecrans and his army for gallantry at Murfreesboro was adopted. Several unimportant subjects were disposed of, and after an executive session the Senate adjourned.—In the House, the Conference Committee on the subject of taxing bank-notes reported they were unable to agree, and recommended that the House recede from the disagreement to the Senate's

proposition to levy the tax. The House refused to recede, and asked for another conference committee. In Committee of the Whole the amendments to the Internal Tax bill were perfected, and the bill reported to the House. The Committee on Government Contracts reported a resolution, which was adopted, that the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to decline any further payment to the parties interested on account of chartering the steamer Cataline in April, 1861. Mr. Stevens, from the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing votes on the bill to indemnify the President and others for acts committed under the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, made a report thereon. It authorizes the President, during the present rebellion, and when the public safety requires it, to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in any State or parts of States, and provides for discharges by courts, the parties discharged to take the oath of allegiance. The Republicans endeavored to pass the bill without debate, which was successfully resisted by the Opposition, and at two o'clock A.M. the House adjourned.

On Saturday, 28th, in the Senate, a joint resolution giving the thanks of Congress to Commander Ringgold was reported. The Committee on Foreign Relations made a unanimous report on the subject of foreign mediation and intervention. The bill reorganizing the Engineer corps was reported back by the Military Committee. Senator Grimes introduced a bill for the purchase of the Stevens floating battery. The bill to reorganize the Post-Office Department was passed, and a bill to regulate proceedings in prize cases and to amend the acts of Congress in relation thereto was introduced. The Conscription bill was then taken up, and a debate on it ensued, in which the measure was hotly assailed by the Opposition; but at midnight the amendments of the House were all concurred in and the bill passed.—In the House, the amendments to the Internal Tax acts were gone through with, and the bill passed. The Naval Appropriation bill, and the bill reorganizing the Post-Office Department were also passed. The Conference Committee on the bill pending for additional major and brigadier generals made a report, which was adopted. The report agrees to appoint thirty of the former and seventy-five of the latter. The House proviso is also modified, so that the officers to be appointed under the act shall be selected from those conspicuous for gallantry and meritorious conduct in the line of duty. The Committee on Elections made an unfavorable report on the credentials of Alvin Hawkins, claiming a seat as representative from the Ninth District of Tennessee. In the evening session the Miscellaneous Appropriation bill was taken up, and an interesting discussion on the rebellion and political questions generally ensued.

On Monday, March 2, in the Senate, the bill to regulate proceeding in prize cases was passed. Senator Willey presented the credentials of the Hon. L. S. Bowden, elected United States Senator from Virginia for six years from the 4th of March. The President sent in correspondence about the suffering working-men of England. The Conference Committee on the bill to indemnify the President reported. The internal Revenue bill was reported back with amendments. The Engineer Corps bill was taken up. A long fight followed; an amendment was carried by one majority that no black man should be a commissioned officer in the national army; this was modified by a later amendment, got through by two majority, that no black men should be commissioned except as company officers over companies composed of Africans only. The bill then passed. The National Revenue bill was taken up, and the license on retail liquor-dealers was fixed at $20, as at present. An amendment was carried that no collector should have over $5000 per year besides the expenses of his office.—In the House, the Senate bill granting lands to Wisconsin and Michigan for military road purposes was passed. The Senate bill to organize a Signal Corps, after amendment, was passed. The House, by a vote of 91 against 45, concurred in the report of the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill to indemnify the President and others for suspending the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus. At the evening session a bill was passed authorizing the Acting Governors of Tennessee and Louisiana to issue writs for the election of Members of Congress, according to the local laws. The Senate bill to establish the Pacific Railroad grade at four feet and eight and a half inches—New York Central Railroad grade—was passed. The House passed the following Senate bills: One providing that the Supreme Court of the United States shall hereafter consist of one Chief Justice, and nine Associate Justices, one of whom shall hold Court in the new Circuit of California and Oregon. One granting alternate sections of land to Kansas for railroad and telegraphic purposes. One with an amendment as a substitute, providing that there shall be appointed one midshipman, between fourteen and eighteen years of age, for each Member and Delegate in the House, recommended by the Members and Delegates of the present Congress, to immediately form a class according to the present regulations and qualifications for admission. One giving the right of pre-emption to settlers on the Soscol Ranch, California. One authorizing the Post-master-General to take such measures as may be advisable to avoid losses to the Department, owing to the failure to prepay foreign correspondence. One giving to soldiers discharged in consequence of wounds or sickness the same bounty as if they had served two years. One providing for the removal of certain bands of Sioux Indians from Kansas. One merging the two branches of army engineers. One authorizing the President to confer

brevet rank on such commissioned officers as have or may hereafter distinguish themselves by gallant action; such brevet not to carry additional pay. One to carry into effect the recent convention with Peru for the settlement of claims, providing for the appointment of two Commissioners and other officers.

On Tuesday, 3d, in the Senate, an effort was made to have the previous day's journal corrected, the Opposition insisting that the vote had not been fairly taken; but it was proved conclusively that the proceedings in the matter were perfectly correct, and the motion was not pushed. To make the matter certain, however, a test vote was taken on recalling the Indemnity bill from the House, and it was decided in the negative—25 to 13. The bill to modify the existing laws for the collection of duties on imports was passed without amendment. The concurrent resolutions from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on mediation and intervention, were adopted after some debate, with only five dissenting votes—Senators Carlile of Virginia, Latham of California, Powell of Kentucky, Saulsbury of Delaware, and Wall of New Jersey. The bill to establish a branch mint in Nevada Territory was passed. A Committee of Conference was appointed on the Internal Revenue bill. The Senate refused to take up the resolution to investigate the conduct of Colonel Gilbert in dispersing the Copperhead Convention in Kentucky. The bill to incorporate the National Academy of Science was passed. A resolution was adopted requesting the President to appoint a day of national fasting and prayer. The bill to establish Provisional Governments in certain cases was called up. A motion to lay it on the table was lost. It was, however, postponed. The bill for the admission of Nevada was passed. The bill to establish a Territorial Government for Montano, changing the name to Idaho, was also passed.—In the House, the Senate's amendments to the Internal Revenue bill were considered, but not all agreed to—consequently, a Committee of Conference was ordered. The bill to increase the revenue by the reservation and sale of town sites, etc., was passed. The Miscellaneous Appropriation bill was considered in Committee, and subsequently reported to the House. At three o'clock, according to agreement, the Senate bill reorganizing the Courts of the District was again taken up, and was finally passed—87 to 58. During the evening session, the reports of the Committee on Elections, against Mr. Grafton and Mr. Hawkins claiming seats, respectively from Virginia and Tennessee, were concurred in. A report was made from the Judiciary Committee, affirming that the Postmaster-General has power to exclude from the mails objectionable newspapers. Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, made a speech in opposition to the report. The House passed the Senate bill establishing a Territorial Government for Idaho. A great variety of minor matters were acted upon, and both Houses were in session until a very late hour.


The concurrent resolutions reported by Senator Sumner, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, in reference to the subject of mediation by France or any other foreign Power, take a decided stand against any intervention whatever, declaring that Congress can not hesitate to regard every proposition of foreign interference in the present contest as so far unreasonable and inadmissible that its only explanation will be found in a misunderstanding of the true state of the question and of the real character of the war in which the republic is engaged; that such interference is injurious to the national interests; and that Congress will be obliged to look upon any further attempts in the same direction as an unfriendly act.



via MEMPHIS, March 1.

Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy:

SIR,—I regret to inform you that the Indianola has also fallen into the hands of the enemy.

The rams Webb and Queen of the West attacked her 25 miles from here and rammed her until she surrendered, all of which can be traced to a non-compliance with my instructions.

I do not know the particulars.

DAVID D. PORTER, Commander.


The reports from the cut-off at Vicksburg are most favorable. It is said that the channel has been cut to a depth of six feet, and that the transport Lebanon, a side-wheel steamer, passed through, and that most of the fleet lying above were about to follow.


As we go to press we have a report that the rebels have evacuated Vicksburg. Contemporary with it we have a rebel report that a great battle has been fought there without decisive result.


We learn from Murfreesboro, 2d inst., that an expedition of a thousand cavalry and sixteen hundred infantry left there on the day previous, and encountered the enemy at Bradyville. After severe fighting, the rebels —a portion of Morgan's Division—were driven from the town, with the loss of eight killed and twenty wounded, and nine officers and eighty privates captured. A considerable amount of baggage, papers, etc., were also captured. Our loss in killed and wounded was about half that of the rebels. The Richmond papers of the 28th ult. announce that General Rosecrans has advanced to Middleborough, halfway between Murfreesboro and Shelbyville.


General Banks was fired at by some unknown person on the night of the 12th ult., as he was leaving the City Hotel at New Orleans to attend the French Opera. The ball, however, did not take effect either upon the General or any one else; neither has there been any trace of the would-be assassin.


The Florida captured the ship Jacob Bell on the 12th ult., in latitude 24°, longitude 65°, bound from China to the port of New York. The Jacob Bell had a cargo of 22,000 packages of tea, 2500 rolls of matting, 5000 boxes of fire-crackers, 400 boxes of fans, 8000 mats of cassia, and 210 boxes of camphor, the whole being valued at about a million of dollars, upon which the United States Government lost over $175,000 or $200,000 in revenue, as that would be about the duty on the goods aboard. The rebel privateer burned the vessel, and transferred her passengers and crew to a Danish vessel, which conveyed them to St. Thomas. The United States steamer Alabama and the ship Shepherd Knapp were at the latter port on the 20th ult., and were then about to start on a cruise in search of the privateers Alabama and Florida.




MR. MASON, the rebel Commissioner in London, had been entertained by the Lord Mayor of the city at his annual banquet. Mr. Mason responded to the toast of "Our Visitors," after a complimentary call from the Lord Mayor and the guests. The Commissioner expressed his regret that England had not recognized the Southern Confederacy, spoke of the inunenee trade which his "country" would do with foreign nations, and prophesied that the day was near at hand when the most intimate relations would be established between the city of London and the Southern territory. The London Times states, in an editorial, that neither the remarks of Mr. Mason nor the fact of his being present at the entertainment have any political significance.


A Liverpool letter of February 9, in the Manchester Examiner, noticing the arrival of the American food-ship George Griswold at Liverpool, mentions, as showing the way in which some people reciprocate the sympathy of our transatlantic brethren, the fact that as the George Griswold was coming into port with succor for our distressed operatives, the steamer Dolphin was sailing out with a cargo of munitions of war, etc., en route, via Nassau, for a Confederate port.


YOUNG JOHN BULL.—"What is the Capital of China, papa?"

OLD JOHN BULL."Richmond, my boy—which the Hemperor's name is Jeff Davis, and I build his hiron-clads!"





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