Jeff Davis Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, May 9, 1863

Welcome to our online collection of original Civil War Harper's Weekly newspapers. This archive serves as a valuable tool for researchers and students of the Civil War. The papers contain unique content which is simply not available anywhere else.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Louisiana Swamp

Louisiana Swamp

England Warning

Warning to England

Anglo Saxon

Loss of the Steamer "Anglo-Saxon"

Brashear City

Brashear City

New Jersey Cavalry

New Jersey Cavalry

Monitor Poem

Monitor Poem

Hospital Ship

Hospital Ship


The Steamer "Escort"

Runaway Slaves

Runaway Slaves

General Hooker's Staff

General Hooker's Staff

Patent Medicine

Patent Medicine Advertisements

Jeff Davis

Jeff Davis Cartoon






[MAY 9, 1863.



JEFF DAVIS. "See! see! the beautiful Boots just come to me from the dear ladies of Baltimore!"

BEAUREGARD. "Ha! Boots? Boots? When shall we eat them? Now?"

Brown, Wilson, & Fisher,

Bankers and Brokers, No. 19 Wall St.

Stocks, Bonds, and Securities of all kinds bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers. Orders received for the new 5-20 6 per cent. Bonds at par and accrued interest. We buy and sell, and keep constantly on hand, all kinds of U. S. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, Uncurrent Money, &c., &c.


CHARLES A. FISHER, Member of N. Y. Stock Exchange.

Refer by permission to

Bank of the Commonwealth, Spofford & Tileston, Moses Taylor, James B. Wilson, Lewis B. Brown, John J. Crane.



The largest and choicest


in the City.


Broadway,   N. Y.

W. J. SHARP'S IMPROVED BILLIARD TABLES, with PATENT CUSHIONS, well known to be superior to any now in use. Patented Nov. 15, 1859.   Manufactory, 148 Fulton Street, New York. Balls, Cues, Trimmings, &c., constantly on hand.


For 28 cts. (coin preferred), magnifying small objects 500 times. Five of different powers for $1.00. Mailed free. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

Good Looking!

"THE HUMAN FACE DIVINE."—A new system of PHYSIOGNOMY. Eyes, Ears, Lips, Mouth, Head, Hair, Neck, Hands, Feet, Skin, with all "SIGNS OF CHARACTER," and "How to Read Them." Also Physiology, Ethnology, Phrenology, Psychology, given in the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, at $1 a year, or 10 cents a Number. FOWLER & WELLS, 308 Broadway, N. Y.

Amalgam Bells.

A Saving of 20 per cent. by buying Housekeeping Articles at E. D. BASSFORD'S Great Bazaar, Cooper Institute, Astor Place, New York.

A THOUSAND REFRIGERATORS found at E. D. BASSORD'S Great Bazaar, Cooper Institute, New York.



Dealers in Government Securities,
Agents for U. S. Five Twenty Loan,

are prepared to furnish the U. S. FIVE TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, direct from the Government, at PAR and ACCRUED INTEREST, as heretofore.

ON AND AFTER JULY 1, THE PRIVILEGE OF CONVERTING LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE FIVE TWENTY-YEAR BONDS AT PAR WILL CEASE. Parties wishing to secure a United States Bond paying six per cent. interest IN GOLD, AT PAR, should send in their orders before that time.

We also keep on hand a constant supply of all classes of Government Securities for sale at the lowest market rates.


U. S. 6 PER CENT. BONDS of 1881.



No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

National Union League.

To the Trade.

E. N. FOOTE & CO.,

Manufacturers Jewelry, 208 Broadway, New York.

Agents. Agents. Agents.

New Inducements.

A splendid WATCH, CORRECT TIMEKEEPER, that will sell for $15, GIVEN FREE to every Agent. We offer these extra inducements to get our celebrated Cement more thoroughly introduced. The Original Richards & Co.'s Union Crystal Cement is warranted to stand hot water and fire, and mend any article of the following substances (or $5 will be paid for every bottle that fails): all kinds Furniture, Glass, China, Pearl, Leather, Porcelain, Bone, Coral, Stone, Marble, Alabaster, Jet, and Ivory. Try it on every broken article. One bottle will save every family $20. We give a rich present, valued from 50 cents to $6, with every bottle, so that no one can lose by buying and trying the article. There has been so many humbug cements in the market, that we find this necessary to get the public to try our really genuine good cement. Sample box, containing 1 doz. Cement and 12 rich prizes, sent to any address on receipt of $1.75. Address

RICHARDS & CO., Nos. 37 and 39 Nassau St., N. Y.

C. Taylor's






713 Broadway,

First Corner below N. Y. Hotel.

To Consumptives.

The Rev. Edward A. Wilson continues to mail (free of charge) to all who desire it, a copy of the Prescription by which he was completely cured of that dire disease, Consumption. Sufferers with any Throat or Lung Affection, should obtain the Prescription, and try its efficacy at once. Delays are dangerous. Address



$40 a Month and Expenses. For particulars address (with stamp) HARRIS BROS., Boston, Mass.

Insoluble Cement

Is not a combination of Glue, Rubber, or Gutta Percha, and will not decompose or become corrupt. It is the only Liquid Cement extant that will stick Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching, and effectually mend broken Furniture, Crockery, Toys, Bone, Ivory, and articles of household use. It is a liquid. It is insoluble in water or oil. It will adhere oily substances firmly and completely. HILTON BROTHERS & CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. I. Put up in packages for Family and Manufacturers' use from 2 oz. to 100 lbs. For sale by all Druggists, and Dealers in Leather Findings, &c.


Hosier, Glover,



No. 637 Broadway

New York City.

A Speculation.

Agents in Towns, and Soldiers in camp or discharged, are making easily $15 per day selling our GREAT NEW and WONDERFUL UNION PRIZE AND STATIONERY PACKAGES, NOVEL AND UNEQUALED, and unlike all the old styles; containing all New Articles, and of fine quality. Writing Materials, Games, Useful and Fancy Articles, Likenesses of Heroes, Camp Companions (for the Army), rich gifts of Jewelry, &c., &c., altogether worth over $1, for ONLY 25c. They are just the thing for a present to your friend in the Army. No family should be without one. Profits immense, sales quick. Soldiers in camp can act as Agents, and make money fast. A SPLENDID WATCH, warranted as a perfect time-keeper, presented free to all Agents. Packages in endless variety and at all prices. Agents wanted all through the country. Send for NEW Circulars for 1863, containing EXTRA inducements. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, largest and oldest Prize Package House in the World.

$20 American $20

Lever Watches.

HANDSOME HUNTING CASE GENUINE AMERICAN LEVERS, for $20, or a case of six for $110. Watches of every description at lowest wholesale prices. All orders from the Army must be pre-paid. J. L. FERGUSON, 208 Broadway, N. Y.

Superior Farm Land

At low prices. Franklinville and Lake Tract, on West Jersey Railroad, 25 miles south of Philadelphia, in lots to suit purchasers. Circulars, containing reports of Solon Robinson, Hon. Wm. Parry, and others, with full information, sent free by addressing JOHN H. COFFIN, Franklinville, Gloucester County, New Jersey.


50,000 Agents Wanted.

Any one wishing to purchase JEWELRY, I will send as sample, on the receipt of $1, together with my wholesale Circular, either a Gold Masonic Pin or Ring, or a Gent's Cluster Pin with Chain attached, or a neat new style Vest Chain, or Neck Chain, or a splendid Gold Fen and Pencil, or a beautiful Engraved Bracelet, or Spring Locket, or a California Diamond Ring or Pin. B. T. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler, 208 Broadway, N. Y.

LANDS.—To all wanting Farms. Thriving Settlement. Rich soil. Mild climate. See advertisement of Vineland, on previous page.

Artificial Legs and Arms, Selpho's Patent, 516 Broadway, N. Y., are the best substitutes for lost limbs the World of Science has ever invented. (Established 24 years.) Send for Pamphlet. Soldiers supplied free.

$7. WATCHES. $7.

A Beautiful Engraved Gold-Plated Watch, Lever Cap, small size, English, Movements, perfect time-keeper. Sent free by mail, in neat case, for only $7. A Solid Silver, same as above, $7. Specially adapted to the ARMY. CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., 38 & 40 Ann Street, N. Y.

Tomes, Son & Melvain,

6 Maiden Lane, New York.

Dealers in Arms and Military Goods of every Description. RICH PRESENTATION SWORDS.

Smith & Wesson's Breech-loading Rifles and Pistols. Bacon Manufacturing Co. Revolving Pistols.

Davis Collamore & Co.,

479 Broadway, Below Broome Street, N. Y.,

Are now offering Dining and Tea Sets at prices a little less than last month.


Also, a full assortment of
Jet, Coral, and Steel Goods.
Schuyler, Hartley & Graham,

19 Maiden Lane & 22 John Street, N.Y.,
15' Rue d'Enghein, Paris,
47 Hampton St., Birmingham, Eng.

For the Benefit of your Family.



Life Insurance Company,

No. 98 BROADWAY, New York,
Offers more advantages to Insurers than any other Company in the United States.

Its prominent features are as follows:

A permanent Capital Stock of $125,000, now largely added to by accumulation.

Stockholders receive no other dividends than legal interest on their stock.

Policy-Holders receive


The only Stock Company in the United States whose Charter expressly requires that ALL the profits shall be divided among the Policy-Holders. It has, therefore, all the advantages and security of a Stock and Mutual Co. combined, without their separate disadvantages. Dividends to Policy-Holders once credited, are never forfeited. Proportion of Assets to Liabilities LARGER than most other Companies in the United States. Liberality and Promptitude in the settlement of Claims. All reasonable aid granted to Members to enable them to KEEP THEIR POLICIES IN FORCE in case of their inability to pay their future premiums. Let no Member therefore ALLOW HIS POLICY TO LAPSE without first advising with the Company. CYRUS CURTISS    President. CLEAYTON NEWBOLD   Vice-President. W. A. BREWER, JR   Actuary and Secretary.

WHOLE LIFE, SHORT TERM, ENDOWMENT, and ANNUITY POLICIES issued in all their various and approved forms.

Printed documents, containing full information, furnished without charge, and sent free by mail. Good Agents wanted in every city and town throughout the Loyal States.

The Celebrated Craig Microscope

Will be mailed, pre-paid, for $2.25; or, with six beautiful mounted objects, for $3; or, with 24 objects, for $6, by HENRY CRAIG, 180 Centre Street, 3d floor, New York. Liberal discount to dealers.

GOLD PENS AND CASES AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL—genuine goods. Also, the best Fountain Pen in the world. Send stamp for circular. GEO. F. HAWKES, Manufacturer, 64 Nassau Street, New York.

Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, &c, Chapman's Recipe for the permanent Removal of the above disfigurements of the face, leaving the skin soft and smooth, can be obtained (free of charge) by addressing

DR. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, PRACTICAL CHEMIST,  831 Broadway, N. Y. P. S.—Also information that will enable any one to start a full set of Whiskers in less than six weeks.

Central Mills fragrant


Sold by all Grocers.

Gleason's Kerosene Crater. Attention is called to this new and useful improvement for heating purposes with Coal Oil. Lamps, whereby drink, medical compounds, &c., are quickly warmed, and the trouble of making fires avoided. With it you can boil, fry, and stew. It will also prevent the breaking of chimneys when brought in contact with the cold air. Cost only 25 rents. E. P. GLEASON, Manufacturer, 135 Mercer St., N. Y.

The New Game of Authors. Social, entertaining, and useful, for both old and young. A capital game for evening amusements. Price 50 cents. Sent free by mail. JOHN 11. TINGLEY, 152 1/2 Fulton Street, N. Y.

Beauty still more Beautiful. Straight hair can be made to wave beautifully by using Ivins' Patent Hair Crimpers. Ladies can use then constantly and have no fear of injuring their hair, as they are always used without heating at all, and consequently do not destroy the vitality of the hair. Their construction is so simple, they are so easily used, and their powers so magical, that we are convinced that any lady, after once using them, will not be without them for double the price of their cost. Inquire for Ivins' Patent hair Crimpers, and use no other, if you wish to preserve the life and beauty of your hair. For sale everywhere. Manufactured and sold wholesale only by the patentee, E. IVINS, Sixth and Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.


Retailed at wholesale prices. Goods warranted. Send for a circular, giving list of prices and engravings of Pens. Pens re-pointed on the receipt of 36 cents. E. S. JOHNSON, Manufactory and Office 15 Maiden Lane, New York City.

AGENTS Wanted in every state in the Union to go from house to house and gather up old Umbrella Whalebone, for which we will pay the highest cash price for large or small quantities. It must be entirely free from metal. For further particulars, apply to or address JOHN ROBINSON, 52 Fulton Street, N. Y. City.

TO CONSUMPTIVES.—You will get the Recipe for a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all lung complaints, by sending to D. Adee, 381 Pearl St., N. Y. He sends it free. Write for it.—It has cured thousands.

AGENTS WANTED for our Splendid New Mammoth Eureka Prize Package. 200 per cent. profit. Superb Watch free to Agents. $18 per day made. Send for New Circulars. W. H. CATELY & CO., 40 Ann St., N.Y.

Jeff Davis Cartoon
Amalgam Bells




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