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Civil War Harper's Weekly, October 17, 1863

We have created an online archive of all Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. This archive contains incredibly rich details which are simply not available anywhere else. The material allows you to not only study details of the important events, but also see the people's reaction to the events.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Nevski Flagship

Nevski Flagship


Abraham Lincoln Establishes Thanksgiving Holiday

Armed Slaves

Davis to Arm the Slaves

Confederate Ships

Confederate Rams

Russian Ships

Russian Ships

Soldier's Story

A Soldier's Story

Libby Prison

Libby Prison

Libey Prison

Libey Prison


Parade on Broadway

Libey Prison in Richmond

Libey Prison in Richmond

Russian Fleet

Russian Fleet


Pirate Cartoon





[OCTOBER 17, 1863.



Louis NAPOLEON (a Corsair). "Veil, Meestare Jonnibull! vat you see zat time you peep round ze cornare fro your beeg glass?"

JOHN BULL (Another). "I see a werry suspicious looking cove a sittin' in the New York 'arbor, with arf-a-dozen big Rooshian blood-hounds about him."


JOHN BULL. "Humph!'

Miss Kate Denin,

The celebrated actress, says: "I have used HENRIE'S KAKALINE for my hair, and find it the most elegant article for keeping it in its full beauty and luxuriance that I have ever used. I can freely recommend it to every lady." It contains no oil, alcohol, or any other injurious ingredients, and is the most perfect hair-dressing in the world. Price 50 cents. Depot 46 Cliff Street, N. Y.


All our Badges are 1 1/4 inches in diameter.

Solid Silver Shield, with Name, Rank, and Regiment, $1.00 each. Star, Diamond, and Clover Leaf Corps Badges, with Name, Rank, and Regiment; enameled Red, White, or Blue, $1.00 each. Circle, Cross, and Maltese Cross, enameled Red, White, or Blue, with Name, Rank, and Regiment, made of Solid Silver. $1.25 each. Company Pins from A to L, made of Solid Silver, with Name, Rank, and Regiment. $9.00 per dozen. Silver plated Corps Badges, with Red, White, or Blue enamel, $6.00 per dozen. Send for a circular. Address DROWNE &
MOORE, Manufacturing Jewelers, 203 Broadway, N. Y.


OR STUDS—Red, White, and Black, engraved with initials, 75c. per pair, will be sent free on receipt of the price by mail. For sale by WM. WELLING, manufacturer of Ivory goods, 207 Centre St., N. Y., sign of the Golden Elephant. A liberal discount to the trade.

Address J. G. PACKARD & CO., 208 Br'dwav, N. Y.


OR SIGNS OF CHARACTER, and "How to Read Them;" Physiology, the functions of the body; Phrenology, the organs of the brain; Ethnology, the races of man; and Psychology, the science of the soul, are given in the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Vol. 38 commenced July. $1.50 a year. Single number, 15 cents, by first post. FOWLER & WELLS, 308 Broadway, N. Y.

Amalgam Bells.


Retailed at wholesale prices. 14 kt. Gold Pen, Solid Silver Case, $1.50, warranted for one year, guarantee accompanying each Pen. Send for a circular. Pens re-pointed on receipt of 35 cents.

E. S. JOHNSON, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

A Beautiful Complexion, free from Tan, Pimples and Freckles, may easily be procured by using the "BALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS." For shaving it is unsurpassed. It is composed of palm oil, honey, and other valuable articles, highly perfumed by its own ingredients, and when used for washing, night and morning, renders the skin soft and white, and free from blemish. Price 50 cents.

The Trade supplied by HOWARD, SANGER & CO., 105 and 107 Chambers Street, N. Y., and for sale by all Druggists.

The Diaphragm Filter,

Manufactured and sold by Alexander McKenzie, Plumber and Hydraulic Engineer, No. 305 4th Street, New York, is the kind of Porous Filter to which I alluded in my recent report to the Croton Board. I consider the artificial sandstone which constitutes the filtering medium to be an excellent article for the purpose. The instrument is quite durable, and requires to be reversed occasionally to insure its action.—New York, April 25, 1862. JAMES R. CHILTON, M.D., Chemist.

From the N. Y. Illustrated News, Jan. 10, 1863.

"One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest time-piece for general and reliable use ever offered."

ranted an accurate time-piece. Its size is convenient, measuring but two inches across it. Price, superbly engraved, per case of half dozen, $204. Sample Watches, in neat Morocco boxes, $35. If sent by mail, the postage is 36 cents; registering, 20 cents.


HUBBARD BROS., Importers,

Broadway, cor. Courtlandt Street, N. Y.


Also, a full assortment of Jet, Coral, and Steel Goods. Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, 191 Maiden Lane & 22 John Street, N. Y., 15 Rue d'Enghein, Paris, 47 Hampton St., Birmingham, Eng.

Shults' Onguent, warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers in six weeks, or money refunded. Sent post-paid, for 30 cents. Address C. F. SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.

"Get the Best."

AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THISTLE & CO.'S ENTIRELY NEW 10 and 25c. PRIZE STATIONERY PACKAGES. They are the largest, best, and cheapest manufactured. Circular sent free. Greatest inducements to Agents. THISTLE & CO., 130 Nassau Street.

American Enamelled Metallic Collar Co., No. 94 Pine Street, New York, Are now manufacturing their splendid Collars, which for shape, appearance, and durability are FAR IN ADVANCE of anything heretofore produced. They are the inventors and manufacturers of the only real "TURN-OVER" COLLAR ever offered. These Collars are infinitely SUPERIOR TO STEEL, being more pliable, and the material of which they are manufactured BEING A NON-CONDUCTOR, renders them free from the objectionable feature of the steel collar, viz.: the courting of that dangerous element, electricity, in the shape of lightning. Inclose $1 for a "Choker," or $1.50 for a genuine "half turn-over" collar, to the AMERICAN ENAMELED METALLIC COLLAR COMPANY, Box No. 5173 New York City Post Office, and receive it by return mail.

$22 WATCHES. $22

Genuine American Lever Watches, in Coin Silver, heavy Hunting Case, warranted, for $22. Retail price $35. Genuine Full Jeweled American Lever Watches, in 4 ounce Coin Silver Hunting Case, gold joints, for $35. Also every variety of good watches, at equally low rates. All orders from the army must be pre-paid, as the express companies will not take Bills for Collection on soldiers. J. L. FERGUSON, Importer of Watches. 208 Broadway New York.

WATCHES FREE. $15 Per Day Easy $15 Agents in Towns, and Soldiers in camp or discharged, are making easily $15 per day selling our GREAT NEW and WONDERFUL UNION PRIZE AND STATIONERY PACKAGES, NOVEL AND UNEQUALED, and unlike all the old styles; containing all New Articles, and of fine quality. Writing Materials, Games, Useful and Fancy Articles, Likenesses of Heroes, Camp Companions (for the Army), rich gifts of Jewelry, &c., &c., altogether worth over $1, for ONLY 25c. They are just the thing for a present to your friend in the Army. No family should be without one. Profits immense, sales quick. Soldiers in camp can act as Agents, and make money fast. A SPLENDID WATCH, warranted as a perfect time-keeper, presented free to all Agents. Packages in endless variety and at all prices. Agents wanted all through the country. Send for NEW Circulars for 1863, containing EXTRA inducements. See "15 per day Easy" on inside page. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, largest and oldest Prize Package House in the World.

FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities, AND AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES FIVE-TWENTY LOAN, No. 38 Wall Street. Orders received for Five-Twenty Bonds at Par, interest to commence with date of payment. U. S. 7.30 Treasury Notes. " One Year Certificates. " Six per Cent. Bonds of 1881. And all other Government Securities bought, sold, and constantly on hand. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and others received on favorable terms. Special attention given to the Collection of Government Vouchers, Quartermasters' Checks, and maturing Certificates of Indebtedness. FISK & HATCH, 38 Wall Street.

1/2 Doz. free by Mail for $1.25. Beautiful chased metal frames for Card Photographs, to hang up or stand up. We call them the "Improved American Carte Porte." For sale by all Booksellers, Frame Dealers, or Fancy Goods Men. E. & H. T. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Photographic Albums, and Stereoscopic Views.

"Most Laughable Thing on Earth."

A game that can be played by any number, and productive of ROARS OF LAUGHTER. Just the thing for SOLDIERS, PARTIES, and FOLKS AT HOME. A sure cure for HOME-SICKNESS, ENNUI, and the BLUES. Sent, post-paid, for 25 cents. Address Box 456, Boston.

Purify your Complexion—My prescription is a positive cure for freckles, tan, and pimples, in 4 weeks. The receipt was sold in Liverpool in 1859 for $96. Sent to any address on receipt of 30 cts. WM. POTTER, Box 1943, Philadelphia.


AGENTS, male or female, SOLDIERS, and all having some time to spare, are particularly requested, as a FAVOR, to send us their address, and we will send in return, FREE, information for which they will be THANKFUL. We offer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. From $6 to $15 per day ABOVE EXPENSES. We want addresses from EVERY COUNTY in the U. S., and from EVERY REGIMENT in the Army. Address in full, RICHARDS & CO., 37 and 39 Nassau Street, Box 3131, N. Y.

Do you want to know how to make Onguent for Luxuriant Whiskers or Moustaches? We will send you Graham's, Jaggers's, Brown's, and our Receipt and our Onguent for $2.00, postage free. Address C. HUNTER & CO., Drawer 111, Milwaukee, Wis.

Broker's Stock of unredeemed goods for sale at $1 for each article, consisting of a variety of rich and valuable goods, worth from 75 cents to $300 each. Agents wanted. Send 3 cents for a circular. Address ANDREWS & CO., 108 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass.

A BEAUTIFUL MICROSCOPE: For 30 cts. (coin preferred), magnifying small objects 500 times. Five of different powers for $1.00. Mailed free. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston. Mass.

Photograph Albums! SUPERB STYLES, in ARABESQUE and GOLD, at ANY Paten from $1.00 to $25.00 each. Very Elegant Albums, French Style, for 50 pictures, sent for $5.00. Catalogue and Price List sent on receipt of Five Cents. I. W. LUCAS & CO., 173 Broadway, N. Y.

Fogg's Double-Action Patent Lever Skate Buckle. Manufactured and for sale on Straps, at wholesale, by F. STEVENS, Manufacturer of Skates, Straps, and Leather Goods, 215 Pearl Street, Yew York, 68 Kilby Street, Boston.

MUNN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, And Publishers of the ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row, N. Y. Pamphlets of information concerning Patents, FREE. Specimens of the Paper, FREE.

$7. WATCHES. $7.

A Beautiful Engraved Gold-Plated Watch, Lever Cap, small size, English Movements, perfect time-keeper. Sent free by mail, in neat case, for only $7. A Solid Silver, same as above, $7. Specially adapted to the ARMY. CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., 38 & 40 Ann Street, N. Y.

Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, of Aug. 22, says: "Messrs. NORTON & CO. have combined two very desirable things in a watch — cheapness and reliability. When it is known that for $7 a person can have an excellent timekeeper, there will be greater punctuality in all the affairs of life."



49 Bond Street, New York,

Formerly of 29 Winter Street, Boston, treats successfully all Diseases of the Scalp, Loss of Hair, and Premature Blanching. ALSO, removes Moth Freckles, and other Discolorations from the face, without injury to the texture or color of the skin.

For particulars enclose stamp for Circular.

A Household Word.—Buy your Housekeeping Articles at BASSFORD'S, Cooper Institute, New York.

How to Paint Photographs.


Just published. Price 10 cents. Sold by all principal Booksellers, Artists' supply-men, and Stock Dealers, and sent, post-paid, by the publishers. J. E. TILTON & CO., Boston.


LANDS.—TO ALL WANTING FARMS.—Large and thriving settlement, mild and healthful climate, 30 miles south of Philadelphia by railroad. Rich soil, produces large crops, which can now be seen growing. Twenty and fifty acre tracts, at from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within four years. Good business opening for MANUFACTURERS and others, churches, schools, and good society. It is now the most improving place East or West. Hundreds are settling and building. The beauty with which the place is laid out is unsurpassed. Letters answered. Papers containing reports and giving full information will be sent free. Address CHAS. K. LANDIS, Vineland Post Office, Cumberland County, New Jersey.

From Report of Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor of the Tribune:—It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western prairies.

Patent Fountain Brush, for Marking Boxes, Bundles, &c. Man'ft'd by E. P. CLARK & Co., Northampton, Mass.





In Manufacture,

Fitting, and Material.


No. 637 Broadway.

AND CUFFS, ENAMELED LILY WHITE. Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn in England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge. To Military Men and Travelers they are invaluable. Price $1 each, sent by Post to any part of the Union on receipt of $1.15. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS WANTED in every Town in the Union. S. W. H. WARD, Sole Agent for U. S., 387 B'way, N. Y.

Made to Measure at $24, $30, $36, & $42
PER DOZEN. Self-Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for self-measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of shirts and collars sent free everywhere. FRENCH FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS, the largest assortment in New York, $2.75, $3, $3.75 each; all cut one yard long. A single Shirt sent by mail on receipt of the cost. The cost of postage must be enclosed—63 cents for each Shirt. Send the size of your neck. ENGLISH MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, $2, $2.25, and $2.50. SCOTCH LAMB'S WOOL UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. S. W. H. WARD, 387 Broadway, N. Y.

A Splendid New Book for Boys!

The Drummer Boy

Is a story of Burnside's Expedition in North Carolina—a boy's book—full of stirring adventure and rapid incident. The life and enthusiasm of the young hero is painted in vivid colors."—New York Evening Post. Elegantly illustrated. Price $1.00. Just published by J. E. TILTON & CO., Boston, and sold at all book-stores.

Pirate Cartoon




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