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Robert E. Lee Portrait

Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 16, 1864

Harper's Weekly served as the primary source of information for people at the time of the Civil War. The newspaper had in depth coverage of the key events of the day, including stunning illustrations created by artists in the field who witnessed the battles and events depicted.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Great Fair

Great Fair

Pay of Colored Troops

Equal Pay for Colored Troops

Indianola Evacuated

General Andrew Smith

Owen Lovejoy

Owen Lovejoy

Old Advertisements

Old Ads from the 1800's



Fourteenth Street in New York

Fourteenth Street in New York

Fire Department

New York Fire Department at Fair

Fourteenth Street Fair in New York

New Jersey

New Jersey Department of the New York Fair






Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities,



No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

Watches Given Away.

Agents and Dealers look at the Great Chance to make Money we offer, by engaging in the sale of our NEW NOVELTY STATIONERY PRIZE PACKET. Only $15 capital required to obtain a WATCH, FREE, with first order. We also offer SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS. $10 invested will yield $50. Never before such inducements were offered. Full particulars in Circulars, mailed free.

G. S. HASKINS & CO., 36 Beekman Street, N. Y.,

The Oldest Established Prize Package House in the U. S.

Ready made or to measure, at $33, $39, and $45 per doz.

Self-Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of Shirts and Collars sent free everywhere.


$3 00, $3 75, and $4 50 each ; all cut one yard long. A single shirt sent by mail on receipt of the cash and 63 cents postage for each shirt.

Send the size of your neck. Also


Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn in England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge.

To Military Men and Travelers they are invaluable. Price 75 cts. each ; sent by post to any part of the Union on the receipt of 90 cents.



 in every Town in the Union.

S. W. H. WARD, 387 Broadway, N. Y.


Also, a full assortment of
Jet. Coral, and Steel Goods.

Schuyler, Hartley & Graham,

19 Maiden Lane & 22 John Street. N. Y.,
31 Rue du Chateau d'Eau, Paris,

Sands St. Birmingham, Eng.

Cheap, certain, durable fragrant. Factured only by HARRIS & CHAPMAN, Boston. Sold by all druggists.

Pimples and Freckles, may easily be procured by using the " BALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS." For shaving it is unsurpassed. It is composed of palm oil, honey, and other valuable articles, highly perfumed by its own ingredients, and when used for washing, night and morning, renders the skin soft and white, and free from blemish. Price 50 cents. The Trade supplied by HOWARD, SANGER & CO., 105 and 107 Chambers Street, N. Y., and for sale by all Druggists.

The only enameled "Turn-over" Collar made in metals. Send $1 for a " Turn-over" or 75 cents for a "Choker," to C. II. WELLING, 94 Pine Street, N. Y., and receive it by return mail.

Putnam Clothes-Wringer.

TESTIMONY OF MESSRS. JNO. W. WHEELER, of Cleveland, Ohio, and John C. Lefferts, of New York. PUTNAM MFG. Co.:

GENTLEMEN: I know from practical experience that iron well galvaizned with zinc will not oxidize and rust one particle. I can safely say, after several years experience in time manufacture of chain, for chain-pump and water-drawers, in which I have tested the affinity of iron and zinc, that, if the process is conducted properly, it is a perfact weld of the two.

Nearly one year ago my family commenced using one of your Wringers. It now performs all of its functions as well as it did the first tune it was used, and has become an indispensable article with us. I have closely observed several other kinds of clothes-wringers, the modus operandi being different, trying to produce the same results as the Putnam Wringer, but in my judgment they have failed. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the best in use.

Respectfully yours,   JOHN W. WHEELER. Many years' experience in the galvanizing business enables use to indorse the above statement in all particulars. JOHN C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beekman Street. New York, January, 1864. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town. No. 2, $5 50; No. 1, $6 00; No. A, $8. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by The Putnam Manufacturing Co., No. 13 Platt Street, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio.S. C. NORTHROP, Agent.

$100 Per Week $100

Made Clear,

And a Gold Hunting-Case Watch given free to all agents who sell our Original and "only Genuine" Extra Large Size Stationery Prize Packages, which have become so popular through the fine quality and value of their contents. We are the only manufacturers of the "Celebrated American Prize Packages," and none are genuine unless bought direct from us. We still do as we have done for years past, present free to every one who acts as our agent a Fine Gold or Silver Hunting-Case Watch, " Genuine English Movements," and warranted a correct time-keeper. These watches are presented on the spot or sent with the first order for goods. A single one of our Wonderful Packages contains more really valuable articles than any half dozen others ever sold. Among the surprising contents of "each package" will be found "Fine Stationery," Pens, Pencils, Envelope, "Engravings," Ladies' Fashion Plates, Designs for Needle-work, Cottage Keepsakes, Household Companions, Letter-Writer's Instructor. Parlor Amusements, Gent's Pocket Calendars for 1864, Union Emblems, Games, Rare Recipes, Many Ways to get Rich, Yank' s Notions, Fancy Articles, Rich and Costly Presents of Fashionable Jewelry, &c, &c., all together worth many dollars, for only 25c. Agents make immmense profits. 100 to 200 per cent. allowed. We guarantee smart agents can make $15 per day. Our regular Agents average that. This is the greatest money-Making business, of the age for Agents. Our Packages stand same as ever, above all others for quality and quanity of contents. Agents wanted in every town in the country. Goods sent safe to all parts of the country. Send for our Great New Circular for 1864, containing Extra Premium Inducement, free. AMERICAN PRIZE PACKAGE CO., Cor. Nassau and Ann St., New York. Only Original, and Largest and Oldest Prize Package House in the World.

Dyspepsia Tablets,

For Indigestion, Heartburn, &c., manufactured only by S. G. WELLING, and sold by druggists generally. 50 cents per box. Depot No 207 Centre St., New York, second floor. Sent free by mail for 65 cents.

$ 7 ARMY WATCH. $7

A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever Cap, small size, enameled dial, cut hands, " English Movements," and correct time-keeper, sent free by mail in neat case, only   $7. A SILVER WATCH, same as above, only $7. Specially adapted to the ARMY. $15   European Timekeeper.   $15
OR, COMPASS WATCH. A SUPERB "Extra Double Gold Plated" engraved or engine turned Hunting Case Watch, Magic Spring, 'm Genuine English Jeweled or Nickel Movenments," "M. J. TOBIAS" Independent Action, Self Balance, and has a NEAT MINIATURE COMPASS set in the movements, making it a "correct Guide" to the Soldier or Traveler. Perfect timekeeper, " warranted one year."" WILL STAND ACID, and an Exact Imitation of $100 Watch, Used by the British Army Officers, Sent free by mail, in elegant Morocco Case, for only $15. ENGLISH STERLING SILVER LEVER WATCHES, engraved Hunting Case, full jeweled movements, warranted, $18.

Full Ruby Jeweled, 4 oz. Coin Silver Hunting Case, Gold Joints, with Magic Spring, FULL GUARANTEE, only $30 Real English Duplex Stop Watch, In Massive Silver Hunting Cases, full jeweled, Sweep Seconds, for Artillerists or TIMING HORSES, with full guarantee, only   $30. Good Watches, for Army use, of all descriptions. We are sole importers of the above styles of European Watches. Catalogue of trade prices mailed free. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper of Feb. 20 says of the "European Timekeeper," "It is a novelty here, and an imitation of the celebrated timekeeper so much in use among the British army officer's, and is calculated to meet the wants of our soldiers in the field." Illustrated News says, " Correct timepieces ; and for beauty and fine finish they are equal in appearance to $100 watches." Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.

Shults' Onguent, warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers in six weeks, or money refunded. Sent postpaid, for 50 cents. Address C. F SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.       

TROPICAL BALSAM Prepared by Carreno Brothers & Co. This celebrated and unparalleled medicine, composed only of salutiferous and purifying vegetables, has been for many years past the great popular remedy of South America, and is an infallible remedy for the speedy cure of phthisis, croup, and all other diseases of the chest and throat; affections resulting from falls, blows, or bruises, however severe; hemorrhages, wounds, contusions, ulcers, felons, burns, piles, headache, toothache, and other diseases. (See Directions around time bottles.) Ever since this valuable medicine has been introduced in this country, its internal and external use has never failed to produce the most wonderfully successful results. Heads of families are advised to keep always this Balsam by them, in order to use it in time in cases of wounds, hemorrhages, burns, bruises, &c. ; also those who are devoted to such occupations as expose them to danger, or require the use of instraments wherewith they may be injured in any way. For valuable testimonal Ietters, see the Tribune and time Courrier des Etats-Unis. Price of bottles, 37 cts. and $1. General Depot at WM. E. SIBELL'S, No. 7 Nassau St., near Wall, New York. Retailed at the drug stores generally in NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN.    


Retailed at wholesale prices. 14 kt. Gold Pen, Solid Silver Case, $1 50, warranted for one year. guarantee accompanying each Pen. Send for a circular. Pens repointed on receipt of 35 cent. E. S. JOHNSON, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

And Stuttering cured by Bates's Patent. Scientific Appliances. For (New Edition of) descriptive Pamphlets and Drawings, address H. C. L. MEARS, 277 W. 23d St., N. Y.

Andrews' Excelsior Yeast Powder.

Gives universal satisfaction. " It is the best." First-class dealears throughout the country keep it. Established 14 years! THOS. ANDREWS & CO., 136 and 138 Cedar Street, New York.

To Consumptives.

Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lang affections (free of charge), by sending their address to Rev, E. A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings Co., New York.

Lands. To all Wanting Farms.

LANDS.—TO ALL, WANTING FARMS. --Large and thriving settlement, mild and healthful climate, 30 miles south of Philadelphia by railroad. Rich soil, produces large crops, which can now be seen growing. Twenty and fifty acre tracts, at from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within four years. Good business opening for MANUFACTURERS and others, churches,schools, and good society. It is now the most. improving place East or West. Hundreds are settling and building. The beauty with which the piece is laid out is unsurpassed. Letters answered. Papers containing reports and giving full information will be sent free. Address CHAS. K. LANDIS, Vineland Post Office, Cumberland County, New Jersey.

From Report of Solon Robertson, Agricultural Editor of the Tribune:—It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of time Western prairies.

Straight Hair made Wavy!! without heating it. by, using Ivin's Hair Crimpers. For Sale at Variety Stores.

[APRIL 16, 1864.


Trade Mark, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass., Full Jeweled, WARRANTED, in 4 oz. coin silver hunting case, gold joints, fancy push pin, for $47.

Also every variety of good Watches at equally low rates. All orders from the Army must be prepaid, ,as the Express Companies will not take bills for collection on soldiers.

J. L. FERGUSON, Importer of Watches. 208 Broadway New York.

Perfectly Pure Articles.



136 and 138 Cedar Street, New York.


The standard preparation for the hair. Warranted in all cases to restore faded and gray hair and whiskers to their ORIGINAL color. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another, and thus gives a life appearance instead of the dull dead black of dyes, so that the most critical observer can not detect its use. It does not require previous soaping and washing, and hours for its application, nor does it stain the skin; but is as readily applied and easily wiped from the skin as any hair-dressing. It does not claim to make the hair come in when it has once fallen out; nothing will do that, whatever may be advertised to the contrary; but it will prevent it from falling out, make it soft and silky, and cleanse it and the scalp from all impurities and humors, and entirely overcome the bad effects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, &c.

Hoyt's Imperial Coloring Cream.

An appropriate accompaniment to the Hiawatha; oils and colors the hair at the same time, and changes light and red hair to a beautiful brown or black. Sold everywhere.

N.B.—Ladies' French hair-dresser in attendance to apply the Hiawatha. JOSEPH HOYT & CO., 10 University Place, N. Y.


In Coin Silver !! For $1 50. Including the engraving of the Name, Co., and Regiment. Also the National Battle Pin, Cavalry and Artillery Pin, Monitor, Engineer, and Signal Corps Pins.


No. 2 Murray Street, New York.

Holloway's Pills cleanse the blood of all degenerating particles, and render it a pure and healthy fluid. Its action is gentle, but sure and reliable. Fever and ague and the periodical diseases most prevalent on this continent are prevented by a timely use of this marvelous remedy, and cured by a course of the same according to the directions that accompany each box. Sold at the manufactory, No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all Druggists, at 35 cents, 88 cents, and $1 40 per box.

Croquet; Lots of Implements for this favorite Game, made of well-seasoned wood, in neat cases: price from $16 to $40. Also Reid's Rules for playing the game, price 50c., postage paid.

WALTER LOW, 823 Broadway, New York.

Card Photlographs.

A splendid assortment. Catalogues sent free. Address B. W. HITCHCOCK, Manufacturer, 14 Chambers St., N. Y,

Ask your Sutler To show you one of

Howard's Patent Money Belts.

They will not sweat or wet through under any circumstances. They are light, durable, and elegant, and are made with compartments for

LETTERS, GREENBACKS, and PHOTOGRAPHS. If your Sutler has not got them, you can have one sent you by return mail (postage paid) by sending Two Dollars to the

Howard Belt Co., 436 Broadway, New York. Sutlers, Agents, and Peddlers wanted in every Camp, Hospital, and City.


Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE
everywhere for 30 CENTS. Five of different powers for
$1 00. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

A Great Success.

The New Novel, Cudjo's Cave, is not a sensation book for the hour only. It is a story, as the New York Tribune remarks, that will retain a durable hold on public interest by means of its earnestness, vitality, and truth to nature. It is for sale by all principal booksellers and newsmen, and sent, post-paid, by the publishers,

J. E. TILTON & CO. Boston. (Price $1 50.)

IVORY JEWELRY. A fine assortment, white and imitation of CORAL, and JET BROOCHES $1 50. BALL EARINGS, $1 50 pair. IVORY INITIAL BUTTONS, 75c. pair. New Patterns Pearl $1 00 pair. Sent free on receipt of the price. For sale at WELLING'S, 207 Centre St., N. Y., Sign of the GOLDEN ELEPHAPHANT.

The Rev. Charles E. King,

Formerly Secretary to the London Evangelical Alliance, and recently connected, as resident Minister and Physician, with the Venezuelean Mission, will send Free

of Cost the Prescription with which he successfully treated, while in charge of the large Mission Hospital upward of one hundred cases of CONSUMPTION in the first, second and third stages.

The remedy is equally adapted to the treatment of

Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all affections

of the Lungs, Throat, and Air-Passages: while it speedily invigorates the enfeebled NERVOUS SYSTEM, and energizes the deranged functions of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. Address, with stamp.

Rev. CHARLES E ICING, Station D, Bible House, N. Y.



ELEANOR. "You had better buy some of my Cigars—come, take one!" YOUNG SWELL. "A—a—Thanks, no—I never Smoke!" ELEANOR. "What! not if I bite off the End!'





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