Abraham Lincoln Cartoon


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[FEBRUARY 18, 1865.



Flying to ABRAHAM'S Bosom.

Robison & Ogden,

and Dealers in

No, 4 Broad Street,

(2 Doors from Wall,)

New York.

Collections made, with quick returns.

Interest allowed on Deposits subject to Check. Orders received for the Purchase or Sale of Stocks. Bonds and Gold will receive our PERSONAL attention.



Bankers and Dealers in Government

No. 38 Wall Street. New York.

SLOCUM'S Patent Side-Loading REVOLVER.

Length, 71 Inches. Weight, 14 Ounces.
Carries a No. 32 Metallic Cartridge.

Its advantages over all others are:

1st. It does not require special ammunition.

2d. It is perfectly safe while being loaded.

3d. It can be loaded in the dark, and quicker than any other pistol.

4th. It can be carried in the pocket, without danger, when loaded.

5th. It is sure fire, and possesses great strength.



105 and 107 Chambers Street, New York. Descriptive Circulars furnished upon application.

Vineland Lands. To all Wanting Farms.

Large and thriving settlement, mild and healthful climate, 30 miles south of Philadelphia by railroad. Rich soil, producing large crops, which can now be seen growing. Ten, twenty, and fifty acre tracts, at from $ 25 to $35 per acre, payable within four years. Good business openings for manufactories and others. Churches, schools, and good society. It is now the most improving place East or West. Hundreds are settling and building. The beauty with which the place is laid out is unsurpassed. Letters answered. Papers giving full information will be sent free. Address CHAS. K. LANDIS, Vineland Post-Office, Cumberland County, New Jersey.

From Report of Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor of the Tribune: " It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts in an almost level position and suitable condition

for plasant farming that we know of this side of the

Western prairies.

The Metropolitan

No. 575 Broadway.

E. A. BROOKS, having sold his store and stock of goods in Fulton Street, will continue to carry on his business as heretofore at his old and commodious Establishment in Broadway, where he is now prepared to offer for the inspection of his patrons the most beautiful assortment of boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers, and overshoes to be found in the city. His stock of goods comprises every variety of style for ladies, gents, misses, boys, and children. Special attention is called to his collection of men's, boys, and youths' water-proof boots, so necessary at tins season of the year. The public are invited to call and examine, at No. 575 Broadway, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel.

$10 to $20 day.

AGENTS WANTED, on Commission or a Salary, to sell WILSON'S $10 00 ("LOCK-STITCH")

Family Sewing-Machine.

For particulars, inclose stamp, and address

MATHER & WILSON, Cleveland, Ohio.

Its Advantages are:

1st. It is loaded with perfect ease and safety, without removing the cylinder (or any part of it), at the fore end, and can be carried when loaded without the slightest danger. 2d. The cylinder never fouls, is made from solid steel, bored; and can not get out of repair, or clog, as cylinders made of many ports will do.

3d. The cartridge is made on an improved plan; the fulminate is concentrated in one place, which insures sure fire; IS METALLIC, CENTRAL FIRE, AND WATER PROOF. 4th. Its peculiar model makes it the most desirable Pocket Revolver ever made. FOR SALE BY THE TRADE GENERALLY.GEO. A. HICKCOX, 54 Cliff Street, New York. Certificates.

I have thoroughly tested the new "National Revolver," and find it an effective weapon, of sore fire and convenient size. At fifty yards, I think I could with this Pistol kill at every shot. I take pleasure in recommending it as a weapon in every way desirable. In company with Capt. Scott, Provost-Marshall, and other officers, I fired this pistol a large number of times, and not one cartridge failed to explode. (Signed)   JOHN CHARLESTON, Chief of Police, Cairo, Ill. We have one of the " National Revolvers" now in use, and pronounce it one of the most perfect things of the kind we ever saw. It is simple in construction, substantial, sure fire, and shoots with the force and accuracy of a rifle. Any one in want of a good and reliable weapon can not do better than procure a "National Revolver." (Signed)   . J. S. VINCENT, Editor and Proprietor " New Era." We, the undersigned, having used and thoroughly tested the National Revolvers, have no hesitancy in saying that, for accuracy, force, and convenience, we think they are far superior to any other Revolver yet produced. M. C. LOOMIS, with J. G. and W. J. Averell. GEO. KING, Chief of Police, Ogdensburg. J. H. FAIRCHILD, Insurance Agent.

FREE TO EVERY BODY SOLDIERS, SAILORS, FARMERS, MECHANICS, AND Every BODY throughout the Country will receive, free, by mail, a First-Class, Interesting NEWSPAPER by sending their address Editors of " ARMY AND HOME JOURNAL," 40 Ann Street, New York.


Owing to the recent dissolution and reorganization of our Firm, we desire to realize at once upon our SUPERB STOCK of


and Furnishing Goods. We therefore offer the entire stock of the late Firm,
AMOUNTING TO OVER 400,000,  CONSISTING OF Winter, Spring, and Summer Clothing, At a Large Reduction from Present Prices. Our fine stock of piece goods will be made to order, in our best style, at the same liberal abatement in price. DEVLIN & CO., Broadway, corner Grand Street, Broadway, corner Warren Street.

And Dealers in all Classes of


10-40 Bonds, 5-20 Bonds, 6s of' 81 Bonds.
COUPONS CASHED IN GOLD, By HENRY A. HEISER & SON, Dealers in Government Securities, No. 41 Pine Street, New York. In view of the prospect of PEACE and a FALL in GOLD, holders of Gold Bonds will do well to detach the Coupons, and realize the interest at present rates for Gold. Parties residing out of the city, wishing to cash their Coupons, can forward them by express, and we will return the Gold, or its value in Greenbacks, as desired.

For Violin, Flute, Fife, Clarionet, or Cornet,

No.1 Contains 700 tunes: 40 sets of quadrilles; 100 contra and fancy dances, with figures and calls ; 100 opera melodies; polkas, marches, waltzes, &c. Price $1 25.

No. 2 Contains 850 tunes: 200 Irish, 200 Scotch, and 200 opera and ; 100 duets for violin and flute. Price $1 25. Excelsior Book latest tunes in 10 Nos., 15c. each, mailed.

Musical Instruments Every description. Send stamp for price list. FRED. BLUME, 208 Bowery, N. Y.

A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever, Cap, small size, white enameled dial, cut hands, " English Movements," and correct time-keeper, with an accurate " Miniature Calendar," indicating the "Dray of the Week, Month, &c.," in back case. A single one sent free by mail to any address in a neat case, WITH A BEAUTIFUL VEST CHAIN, for only $10. A neat SILVER WATCH, same as above, with "Miniature Calendar," &c., specially adapted to the ARMY. Sent free by mail, to any address, for only   $7. English and American Levers from $25 up. Good Watches of all descriptions low. Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Sole Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.WATCHES GIVEN AWAY. Splendid Chance to Make Money. Great inducements to sell our celebrated PRIZE PACKETS and Certificates in the great Gift Sale of Watches and Jewelry. A single certificate, with special circulars to agents how to obtain gold end silver Watches free, sent on receipt of 25 cts. G. S. HASKINS & CO., 36 Beekman St., N. Y. BROW 'S PATENT METALLIC
Weather Strips and Window Bands

EXCLUDE COLD, WIND, RAIN, AND DUST From doors and windows. Local agents wanted every where. For Circulars, address THE METALLIC WEATHER STRIP COMPANY, 644 Broadway, corner of Bleecker Street, over the Manhattan Bank.   Special Notice. Beware
of impostors styling themselves Brown & Co.

DAVIS COLLAMORE & CO., 47 Broadway, below Broome St. Sing Song Chinese Porcelain;

ALSO PARIAN, FRENCH CHINA, GLASS, &c.French Dinner Sets.    Excelsior Photograph Establishment. Photographs, Albums, Lithographic Prints, Rustic Frames, &c., in great variety, at lowest rates.

VALENTINES FOR 1865. At prices defying competition. Catalogue, sent free. F. P. WHITING, 87 Fulton Street, New York.

A certain cure for Burn, Piles, Corns, Chilblains,Cuts, and Rheumatism. Always heals without scar. Only 25 cents a Box ; or, by mail, 37 cents.


Wrapping Twine made of Paper.
Twines and Paper. H. A. HARVEY, 84 Maiden Lane, N.Y.

To Consumptives.

THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.

To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE CURE for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, die. The only object of the Advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.

Parties wishing the prescription will please address



Kings County, New York.


Cash Working Capital, $150,000. Officers : OLIVER E. WOOD, President. JAMES CRUIKSHANK, Vice-President. CHARLES J. MARTIN, Treasurer. JAMES WADSWORTH, Secretary. E. R. BLACKWELL, Consulting Engineer and General Superintendent. Trustees : PAUL N. SPOFFORD, of Spofford, Tileson & Co., New York. CHARLES J. MARTIN, President Home Insurance Co., New York. Hon. ROGER AVERILL, Danbury, Conn. Hon. ALBERT Z. CATLIN, Burlington, Vt. JAMES CRUIKSHANK, 55 Broadway, New York. OLIVER E. WOOD, 26 Barclay Street, New York. JAMES WADSWORTH, of James Wadsworth & Co., (61 Cedar Street, New York. JOHN W. STRONG, Detroit, Mich. EDWARD M. MORGAN, 2 Pine Street, New York. The subscription is so nearly completed that it is intended to close the same on or before the 12th of February. Subscriptions, $750,000, of which $600,000 purchases the land to wit, 62,860 acres. The remaining $150,000 is the permanent cash working capital of the Company. Capital stock, $6,000,000. Par value of shares, $100. Subcribers to this purchase will receive eight shares of stock for each one hundred dollars subscribed. Lands located on the Little Kanawha and Elk Rivers, in the counties of Gilmer and Braxton, in the very heart of the oil regions of West Virginia. Professor Richardson reports: "Your property is the very centre of the West Virginia oil regions. It has numerous oil and gas springs along the banks of its streams, one of which vies with the famous ' Burning Spring' itself."

Professor Shepherd, of New Haven, Conn., reports : "I consider it eminently oil-producing land. The oil bearing shales underlie it extensively, and the long lines of carburetted hydrogen, or illuminating gas springs, some of which I saw burning, as well as the appearance of oil itself on the surface of the tract, fully confirms me in this belief. " There can be no doubt that along your creeks and tributaries there is a large extent of valuable oil producing territory. The prodigious amount of bituminous and cannel coal, iron ore, limestone, and fire clays embodied in the high hills on your property, the tops and slopes of which are covered with an extraordinary growth of white oak and other heavy timbers, add immensely to its value." These views are fully indorsed by the reports of the most practical and experienced men from the oil districts of both Pennsylvania and Virginia. The Company consider themselves fortunate in having secured the services of Mr. Blackwell, a practical civil engineer, for the general superintendency, so well known as the late Chief Engineer and Superintendent of the " Commissioners of Washington Heights," New York City. Arrangements are in rapid progress for the immediate development of the property on a scale commensurate with its value and extent. Subscriptions payable at the time of subscribing, or one half in cash, the balance in thirty days from the time of closing the subscription, can be made in person or by letter at the office of the undersigned, No. 61 Cedar Street, New York ; J. K. DOBSON, No. 42 Site Street, Boston ; and JOHN W. STRONG, Detroit, Michigan, where full information can be obtained. JAMES WADSWORTH & CO., No. 61 Cedar Street, New York. Great Imperial Watch. See Cately Brothers' Advertisement on page 111.

The National Art Association
of New York

Are delivering (by Mail free) the Superb Steel Line Engraving of Faed's Washington on the Field of Trenton. Five Dollars sent to the Actuary N. A. A., 561 and 533 Broadway, New York, will insure a copy to any address. Send for a circular.



Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE everywhere for 50 CENTS, on THREE FOR $1 00. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass. Holloway's Ointment is the only actual and permanent cure for Piles. It has never failed in thousands of cases.


THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Send your orders early to the old depot. T. W. STRONG, No. 98 Nassau Street, New York.


Patent Compressed Ivory, all colors, $12 00 per 100. W. M. WELLING, 571 Broadway, sign GOLDEN ELEPHANT. Schillberg's German Ointment.—A certain cure for Piles, Salt Rheum, old wounds, Fever Sores, and all skin diseases. For sale at No. 93 Bowery, New York. Only 25 Cents FOR


The Laureate's finest poem, and threeexquisite drawings by Darley and Henneesy, in a neat pamphlet, for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. We also publish of the same poem nor beautiful illustrated edition, Price $2 00; a 16mo edition, with 6 illustrations, Price $1 ; and a Blue and Gold Edition, Price $1. For sale by all booksellers, or sent, post-paid, on receipt of the price, by the publishers. TICKNOR & FIELDS, 135 Washington St., Boston.

Lincoln Cartoon




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