Battle of Iuka Mississippi


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, October 4, 1862

This site features all the original Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. These newspapers are full of incredible illustrations and first hand stories of the War. Harper's Weekly was the most popular illustrated newspaper of the day.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


McClellan in Frederick, Maryland

McClellan in Frederick, Maryland

Abolition of Slavery

Abolition of Slavery

Emancipation Proclamation

Emancipation Proclamation

General Franklin

General Franklin

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Iuka

Battle of Iuka, Mississippi

Market House, Cincinnati

The Market House, Cincinnati

Maryland Heights

Maryland Heights

Kentucky Battle Map

Kentucky Battle Map



Slave Cartoon

Slave Cartoon





[OCTOBER 4, 1862.




WE publish above a view of the town of IUKA, where General Rosecrans defeated the rebels on 19th and 20th. The town itself is thus described:

This town perpetuates the name of a distinguished son of the forest, who formerly dwelt on the premises. Weary and worn by his day's journey, the prisoner was wont to rest with safety beneath I-u-k-a's roof; and the venerable chief was equally beloved and honored by whites and Indians. Like the Immortal Logan, his name is classed with the brave and generous of his race. He died on the spot about the year 1835-6.

Iuka was laid out as a town plot in April, 1857, and numbers three hundred population.

The following is General Grant's official account of' the battle:

IUKA, MISSISSIPPI, Sept. 20, 1862.

To Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief:

General Rosecrans, with Stanley's and Hamilton's divisions and Misener's cavalry, attacked Price south of this village about two hours before dark yesterday, and had a sharp fight until night closed in. General Ord was to the north with an armed force of about 5000 men, and had some skirmishing with the rebel pickets. This morning the fight was renewed by General Rosecrans, who was nearest to the town; but it was found that the enemy had been evacuating during the night, going south. Generals

Hamilton and Stanley, with cavalry, are in full pursuit.

This will no doubt break up the enemy, and possibly force them to abandon much of their artillery. The loss on either side, in killed and wounded, is from 400 to 500. The enemy's loss in arms, tents, etc., will be large. We have about 250 prisoners.

I have reliable intelligence that it was Price's intention to move over east of the Tennessee. In this he has been thwarted. Among the enemy's loss are General Little killed, and General Whitefield wounded.

I can not speak too highly of the energy and skill displayed by General Rosecrans in the attack, and of the endurance of the troops. General Ord's command showed untiring zeal; but the direction taken by the enemy prevented them from taking the active part they desired. Price's forces was about 18,000.

U. S. GRANT, Major-General.


WE publish on page 637 two illustrations from Cincinnati, from sketches by Mr. A. Mosler. One of them represents a REGIMENT OF VOLUNTEERS ENTERING THE FIFTH STREET MARKET-HOUSE for dinner. Thousands and thousands of soldiers have been fed in this building daily since the rebels

first menaced Cincinnati. The other sketch represents the RETURN OF THE CINCINNATI MILITIA after the retreat of the rebels. A Cincinnati paper says:

Yesterday was a gala day for the thousands of true and patriotic Cincinnatians who promptly responded to the call for volunteers to defend the city from an attack by the approaching enemy. They went to the field manfully, and with hearts and souls burning with the patriotism of their sires of '76. While in the field they endured, without a murmur, the hardships and privations of the soldier's life, through sunshine and rain, attending to drills and all the minutiae of military tactics, so that in the brief period of one week they were almost equal to volunteers in the service. They were men of all classes of society, rich and poor, high and low, and on one common level, and under one flag, rallied together as a family of brothers, to resist the encroachments of an army seeking the destruction of their homes and firesides. They did their duty well, and were yesterday, much against their wishes, relieved from further service at present. They were in the morning notified by Major-General Wallace, to whose call they so generously responded, that at 12 o'clock each regiment, six in number, should breakup camp and return to Cincinnati. At three o'clock three of the regiments marched to the head-quarters of General Wallace, in Covington, preceded by the United States Barracks Band. The remaining regiments not coming up by some misunderstanding, the three first, headed by General Wallace and staff, took up the

line of march, moving to the river, and thence across the pontoon bridge to this city. The levee was densely crowded with citizens. As the military pageant was crossing the bridge a 12-pounder cannon, on board the steamer Emma Duncan, belched forth a welcoming salute. The procession moved up Walnut to Front, Bart to Broadway, north to Fourth, west to Vine, north to Seventh, west to Mound, north to Ninth, east to Elm, north to Twelfth, where the General and staff halted, and the entire column passed in review. The streets along the entire line of march were crowded with citizens, and national emblems and the "flag of the free" waved from every housetop and window. Such an ovation was never before witnessed in this city, and as an impromptu proceeding was creditable to the Queen City and a fitting compliment to her noble sons. While the troops passed the Major-General, at the intersection of Twelfth and Elm streets, they greeted him with deafening applause—a just acknowledgment of their esteem for one of the live Generals of the day.


ON page 629 we publish, from a photograph by Brady, a portrait of the late GENERAL MANSFIELD, who was killed at the Battle of Sharpsburg on 17th September.

Joseph K. Fenno Mansfield was born in Connecticut (Next Page)


Iuka, Mississippi




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