Maryland Invasion Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, September 27, 1862

Welcome to the online editions of all the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. These old newspapers are a treasure trove of illustrations and news reports created by eye-witnesses to the actual events and battles.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati, Ohio

Rebel Invastion of Maryland

Rebel Invasion of Maryland

Robert E. Lee's Letter

Lee's Letter to the Citizens of Maryland

Fort Mitchell

Fort Mitchell

Quantrill's Raiders

Invasion of Maryland Cartoon

Invasion of Maryland Cartoon

Frederick, Maryland

Frederick, Maryland


Confederate Cavalry

Confederate Cavalry

Confederate Army

Confederate Army

Maryland Map

Map of Maryland


Hagerstown, Maryland

Quantrill's Raiders Raid

Quantrill's Raiders










[SEPTEMBER 27, 1862.



(Old Quaker Lady of Maryland, anticipating the seizure of her House by Lee's Troops, puts out a Washing Stand as a desirable preliminary step thereto. The Rebel Scouts mistake the—to them—Strange Apparatus for an Infernal Machine, and Skedaddle.)

OLD LADY (to retreating Rebel). "If thou wants my House, Friend, thou may'st have it;
but, oh! do wash thyself before entering in."

Revised and Improved Edition.
Beadle's Dime Series.


This revised edition embodies, in its Alphabetical Recapitulation, a reference to the text, showing the page of the law where each article is taxed.

Information for the Soldier.

Beadle's Dime Military Hand-Book.

Embracing Regulations for the Enrollment and Draft—Table of those Exempt—Army Regulations for Camp and Service—Rations and Pay List—together with a

Complete Dictionary of Military Terms.

For sale by all Newsdealers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of Ten Cents. Address BEADLE & CO., Publishers, New York.

A Railroad Time-keeper,

With every 100 Prize Packages, the Largest and Best Prize Packages sold, contains 50 New and Valuable Articles. We give to each Agent a good Watch, our Packages contain 24 Sheets of Paper and 24 Envelopes (4 kinds), and other articles. Send for circular. W. H. CATELY & CO., 102 Nassau Street, N. Y.

Extra to Agents.

All who sell our great and unequaled Prize Packages receive from us as a free present, a

Superb Watch,

Warranted as a Time-Keeper, handsomely ornamented, and of finished workmanship. No inducement of the kind was ever offered to Agents. Our Packages have become Standard Articles, and sell rapidly. Their contents are more valuable, more numerous, and of greater variety than any other. $15 per day made easy. Send for Circular. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, N. Y., the largest and oldest Prize Package House in the world.

Responsible Agents wanted, to solicit applications for Pensions, Bounties, &c., in cities and large towns in all the States. Apply to

SOMES & BROWN, 2 Park Place, New York City.

Union Stationery Prize Package Portfolios, got up expressly for the Soldier, containing almost every article needed by them. Agents wanted. Send stamp for circular.

G. S. HASKINS & CO., 36 Beekman Street, N. Y.

MAP AGENTS can find nothing more profitable to sell than our

New War Maps.

We have a large, beautiful, and correct Map of the Southern and Border States, a new Map of Virginia, splendid Charts of Union Generals, &c., which sell everywhere at first sight. For particulars of the best business for an Agent, address H. H. LLOYD & CO., 25 Howard Street, New York.

Military Clothing.

We are now prepared with large assortments of ARMY CLOTHS of every description, to make to order for OFFICERS of EVERY GRADE, in the HIGHEST STYLE, and at MODERATE PRICES.



Retailed at wholesale prices. Orders sent by mail free. Pens repointed on receipt of 36 cents in stamps. Send for circular giving list of prices and engravings of Pens. E. S. JOHNSON, Manufacturer, 15 Maiden Lane, New York City.


Wholesale and Retail. Agents wanted in every regiment Send for circular. H. W. HUNTER, 169 William St., N.Y.

A BEAUTIFUL MICROSCOPE For 28 cts. (in silver), Magnifying small objects 500 times. Five of different powers for $1.00. Mailed free. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston. Mass.

The American Parlor
Or Floor Skate,
Hard Rubber Rollers,
Anti-friction Axles.

Observe, each Skate is labeled with the trade mark. Also, 50,000 pair of Ladies' and Gents' Ice Skates, comprising all the new and most improved patterns, made from welded steel and iron hardened; Skate Straps and Leather Goods of every description; Fogg's improved Lever Skate Buckle. Sole Agent for Williams, Morse & Co.'s celebrated Skates.


TO CONSUMPTIVES.—You will get the Recipe for a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all lung complaints, by sending to D. Adee, 381 Pearl St., N. Y. He sends it free. Write for it.—It has cured thousands.


WORK, Wrought, Cast & Wire.

IRON RAILINGS, VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, GUARDS, and IRON FURNITURE of every description. Illustrated Catalogues mailed on receipt of four 3 cent stamps.   HUTCHINSON & WICKERSHAM, 259 Canal Street, near Broadway, New York.

AGENTS WANTED—To sell Winslow's Army and Prize Stationery Package, containing more Stationery, and other useful and valuable articles, than any other Prize Package offered. As an extra inducement to Agents, we shall give with every 100 Packages sold, a large and splendid Silver Ice-Pitcher, sold by all jewelers for $12.00, and warranted to be worth at least as much as any two Watches ever given away by any New York or Philadelphia Prize Package Manufacturers. A sample of Package and Circular will be mailed free by addressing W. L. WINSLOW, Bookseller and Stationer, Syracuse, N. Y.

LANDS.—To all wanting Farms. Thriving Settlement. Rich soil. Mild climate. See advertisement of Vineland, on page 495.

French and English Institute,

FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, 48 and 50 East 24th Street.

Boarding and Day School. Pupils prepared for West-point, the Navy School, College, and Business. A pupil can enter when six years of age, and remain till he is 20. The Prospectus contains the names of the pupils and their parents for the past seven years. Lessons resumed on SEPTEMBER 16th.   ELIE CHARLIER, Director.

Made to Measure at $18, $24, and $27 PER DOZEN. Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for self measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of shirts and collars sent free everywhere. French Flannel Army Shirts, $18, $24, and $30 per Dozen. S. W. H. WARD, from LONDON, NO. 387 BROADWAY.


Have just Published:

McGREGOR'S SYSTEM OF LOGIC. A System of Logic, Comprising a Discussion of the various Means of acquiring and retaining Knowledge, and avoiding Error. By P. McGREGOR, A.M. 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents; Sheep, $1.00.

CARLYLE'S FREDERICK THE GREAT. Vol. 3. History of Friedrich II., called Frederick the Great. By THOMAS CARLYLE. Vol. II., with Portrait and Maps. 12mo, Cloth, $1.25.

THACKERAY'S PHILIP. The Adventures of Philip on his Way through the World; showing who robbed Him, who helped Him, and who passed Him by. By W. M. THACKERAY, Author of "Vanity Fair," "The Newcomes," "The Virginians," "Pendennis," "The En,gllsh Humorists of the Eighteenth Century," "The Four Georges,'' &c., &c., ,&c. With Illustrations. 8vo, Cloth, $1.50.

Maryland Invasion Cartoon
Invasion Cartoon




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