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Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 25, 1863

We have created this WEB site in order to make our extensive collection of Civil War Harper's Weekly newspapers available online. These fascinating papers have illustrations and reports created by eye-witnesses to the key events and battles of the War.

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Admiral Dupont

Admiral Dupont

Attack of Charleston

Attack on Charleston

Bread Riots

Bread Riots

Map of Charleston

Charleston Map

The "Keokuk"


Approach of the "Alabama"

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Union Square

Union Square

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Charleston Harbor

Charleston Harbor




[APRIL 25, 1863.



WE publish on page 257 a portrait of ADMIRAL DUPONT, commanding our fleet off Charleston.

Samuel F. Dupont is a native of Delaware, and is about sixty years of age. He entered the navy on 19th December, 1815, and rose steadily in his profession to the rank of Captain. At the outbreak of the war he had been twenty-two years at sea, and eight and a half years on active duty on shore. From 1859 to 1861 he was commandant of the Navy-yard at Philadelphia. When the war broke out he was appointed Commodore, and was given the command of the naval expedition against Beaufort, South Carolina.

On 5th November he made his first reconnoissance of the rebel batteries at Hilton Head and Bay Point, the operation being very similar to the affair of 7th inst. at Charleston. Having drawn the rebel fire, and ascertained the position of the batteries, the Admiral (then Commodore) made every preparation for the attack, which was commenced on 7th November and terminated in the surrender of the two forts within a few hours. Dupont's plan of attack, the vessels sailing in a circle, and delivering an incessant fire, has been the subject of much encomium.

Ever since this affair Dupont has remained in command of the fleet of the Department of the South. He has lately been mustering his iron-clads for the bombardment of Charleston, and on 7th made a preliminary attack, of which we give an account on another page. Having felt the enemy, the gallant Admiral is now in a position to make a real attack as soon as his preparations are completed.


We illustrate on page 260 the MASS WAR MEETING which was held in Union Square in this city on 11th inst. The following account is from the Tribune:

The Sumter rally on Saturday at Union Square was a triumphant gathering of the loyal people of the Empire City. The weather was fine; the concourse immense; the speeches patriotic and eloquent. Six stands were erected on the Square for the accommodation of the orators and musicians, and upon each of these were flags of stars, with appropriate mottoes and devices. The magnificent statue of Washington was decorated with a rosette of red, white, and blue, with streamers, and trimmed with evergreens. The vast assemblage of people pouring in from every street at an early hour surged about the stands, forming a sea of upturned faces beaming with patriotic devotion to their country. Many of the public buildings and large edifices on Broadway and other parts of the city had the National flag flying during the day. Captain Mowbray and Henry Brewster each sent a brass piece, from which a salute of one hundred and fifty guns was fired. The police arrangements, under Inspector Carpenter, were all that could be desired, and the utmost order was preserved throughout the day. It was a magnificent mass meeting of the loyal citizens of New York, who, forgetting their party associations and political predilections, made haste to show their allegiance to the flag which had been struck from its staff by rebel cannon at Fort Sumter two years ago. When the speaking commenced, Union Square presented an imposing and animated scene. Here the white locks of Daniel S. Dickinson were streaming in the wind, while his pungent sentences stirred the souls of his auditors with intense emotions; there Governor Morton of Indiana reasoned of the righteousness of our cause and the judgment that will come upon traitors, while Generals Fremont and Sigel, at different stands, but almost within hearing of each other, moved their hearers with a spirit of enthusiasm which was expressed in cheer upon cheer and sentiments of high commendation. Handkerchiefs and flags were waved by the fair hands of ladies who filled the doorways, windows, and balconies that border the Square, and the booming cannon seemed to give emphasis to the sentiments so spiritedly applauded. The short pauses between the speeches were filled with music that chimed harmoniously with the masterly eloquence of the speakers.


AH, you can calmly prate of that glad day

When war's tumultuous cry shall cease,

And a proud nation's voice takes up the lay

Of universal peace.


Yes, you can give that time brave welcoming,

Right royal stand among your fellow-men,

And set the echoes flying till they sing

The triumph strain again.


Why not? Your household lights still brightly beam;

You've never watched them paling on your sight,

Till suddenly they lost their faintest gleam

And faded into night.


By desolated hearth, with head bowed low,

You have not sat with heart of wild despair,

Waiting in anguish for the coming blow,

And prayed for strength to bear.


Nor yet in feverish dreams have feebly lain,

And seen your loved, with fastly-ebbing breath,

Lying on battle-field in mortal, gasping pain,

Wrestling alone with death.


Nay, more than this. No hour within your life

Has held the anguish of that fearful day,

When I had done with rending doubts and strife,

And knelt, but could not pray.


"Thy will!" It is an easy thing to say

When those you love meet death upon your breast,

When in your arms they breathe their life away,

And sweetly sink to rest.


But oh! 'tis hard, and pallid lips are dumb,

When dear ones die afar from kindred ties;

But God forgives, and in the days that come

The sorrow sanctifies.


I'm very weak. Your words were idly said.

I'm glad your household lights have never waned;

That you have not to mourn o'er loved ones dead

Ere Freedom's heights were gained.


'Tis meet that you should usher in the hour

That gives to us our land redeemed and free,

With mirth, and shout, and cannon's mighty roar,

And song of jubilee.


But oh! I tell you, there are some that day

Who'll pray for strength rebellious thoughts to calm,

For whom will rise above victorious lay

A sad, funereal psalm:


Who'll say in tears, with lowly, drooping head,

"We can not join in song and jubilee,

O land redeemed! thou hast our martyred dead—

Their blood hath ransomed thee!"



Blemishes on the face, called Moth, are very annoying, particularly to ladies of light complexion, as the discolored spots on the skin show more strongly on blondes than on brunettes, but they contribute greatly in marring the beauty on either; and any thing that will remove moth patches without injuring the skin in texture or color, would no doubt be considered a great achievement in medical science. Dr. B. C. PERRY, having devoted his whole time and attention to Diseases of the Skin, will guarantee to remove Moth Patches and other discolorations from the face without injury to either texture or color of the skin. His success in this, as in other branches of his speciality

DISEASES OF THE SCALP and LOSS OF HAIR—will warrant him in guaranteeing a CURE IN EVERY CASE.

DR. B. C. PERRY, No. 49 Bond Street, New York.

For full particulars of

Diseased Scalps,

Loss of Hair, and


See last week's "Harper's Weekly," or send for a circular.

All Consultations Free.

All inquiries or other communications, address Dr. B. C. PERRY., No, 49 Bond St., enclosing stamp for a circular.

Mme. Gillespie's Dress Malting and Pattern Rooms, 407 Broadway, N. Y. Those in want of superior fitting dresses, and the most reliable paper patterns, plain or trimmed, should give her a call, or send to her establishment. Styles received by every steamer.


Schooley & Winship's Patent Belf Ventilating ICEBERG and ICE-KING Refrigerators. PRICES $4 AND UPWARDS. A liberal discount and the usual facilities offered to THE TRADE.

Call and examine our stock or send for illustrated pamphlets.


No. 260 Canal Street, near Broadway, New York.



by HORSE, WATER, or STEAM power.

ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWER, for driving farm and other machinery. The Mill and Power have taken the HIGHEST PREMIUMS wherever exhibited. Circulars sent by E. H. BENNET, 42 Greene St., New York.

Union League Badge.

Sold by Druggists, and sent by mail at 25c., 50c., and $1.00 per box. Corns, Bunions, Club and Inverted Nails, Enlarged and Diseased Joints, and all other diseases of the feet skillfully and successfully treated without pain, by Dr. J. BRIGGS, Surgeon Chiropodist, 212 Broadway, New York. Send for Circular.


CURED IN 12 HOURS. Maj. J. T. Lane's Remedy for Small Pox is the most startling discovery in the history of medicine. It cures the fearful disease in 12 hours. Leaves no scar, and is a sure preventive, thus doing away with Vaccination. Send a stamp for a pamphlet. Depot 88 Cedar Street, N. Y.



Colonel for King, Goddess of Liberty for Queen, and Major for Jack. 52 enameled cards to the pack. Eagles, Shields, Stars, and Flags are the suits, and you can play all the usual games. Three packs mailed free on receipt of One Dollar. The usual discount to the trade. Send for a Circular. Address


      14 Chambers Street, New York.

359. Old Prices. 359.


Nottingham Curtains,

   Muslin Curtains,

Brocatelle Curtains,

   Satin Delaine Curtains,


Gold Window Shades,

Buff Holland Window Shades,

Green Holland Window Shades.


G. L. & J. D. KELTY,

New York.



It is the state of the Constitution that determines the character of local diseases; and local diseases may be also traced as the cause of bringing on a proportional constitutional derangement. The importance of


in either case is hardly to be estimated. The organs of the stomach and bowels almost seem supreme in aiding a restoration to health with their assistance.



      New Brunswick, Jan. 5, 1857.

I am now 52 years of age. 25 years of my past life I spent in the ministry. For 20 years I have used Brandreth's Pills as my family medicine, and I wish no other. During these 20 years I have never had an occasion to call in a physician to my family, save in the sickness of my wife with children.


Associate publisher of the Brunswick Fredonian.

DR. THOMAS R. HAZARD, of Portsmouth, R. I., says:

"That twenty-seven years' experience with thfs medicine confirms his belief that in very few cases would the Physician's services be required if Brandreth's Pills were promptly used in the early stages of disease."

MR. D. J. TENNEY, the well-known jeweler of New York, now residing at the Astor House, was cured of dyspepsia and costiveness of many years' standing by


when all other medicine had failed.

In dizziness and influenza, now to some extent prevailing, no safer or better medicine can be used. They are entirely vegetable and innocent, vide the testimony of Dr. Chilton, which is on file at the office, 294 Canal Street.

Principal Office, 294 Canal Street,

      Brandreth House.

Be sure and get New Style, which insures you the genuine and new pills.


Sold also, No. 4 Union Square, New York.




Health of the Army.—Sickness destroys more soldiers than cannon, rifles, and bayonets. Our brave boys are now suffering more severely from the terrible epidemics which rage in the spring and summer throughout the South, than from the assaults of the public enemy. Is the Government aware that HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, the purest stimulant, stomachic, and corrective in existence, is a positive protective against the fatal maladies of the Southern swamps, and the poisonous tendency of the impure water of the Southern rivers and bayous. The Surgeon-General, and the Medical Staff of the Army, are invited, for the sake of the lives of thousands of brave men now fighting for the old flag in infected districts, to give this powerful medicated stimulant a fair trial. Vast quantities of the ordinary alcoholic liquor—all adulterated, all charged with acrid and destructive elements—are used for hospital purposes, in the camp, in the city lazarettos, and in the field. Their effect is murderous; and it is amazing that they should be resorted to, when it is well known to the million, to multitudes of officers and soldiers, and to physicians in civil life, that the use of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will save unacclimated individuals from epidemic fever, dysentery, diarrheea, liver attacks, fever and ague, and all other complaints specially incident to unhealthy regions, at this perilous season. In the name of common humanity, let this matter be looked to, and that speedily.

Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,




Woman's Rights!!—Every lady can have beautiful wavy hair by using "Ivins' Patent Hair Crimpers." For sale everywhere. Manufactured and sold wholesale only, by the Patentee, E. IVINS, Sixth and Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.

LANDS.—A Rare Opportunity for all Wanting Farms, in the large New England settlement of Hammonton, 30 miles southeast of Philadelphia; fine climate; best fruit soil and markets in the Union; $15 to $20 per acre. Terms easy. For full information apply to R. J. BYRNES, Hammonton, New Jersey. Letters answered. Route to the land.—Leave Vine Street Wharf, Philadelphia, at 7 1/2 A.M. or 3 1/2 P.M. for Hammonton.


SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES have proved, from the most ample experience, an ENTIRE SUCCESS—Simple, Prompt, Efficient, and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use. They have received the highest praise from the Profession, the Press, and the People, and will always render satisfaction.

These REMEDIES, by the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by Mail or Express, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Address


Office and Depot No. 562 Broadway, New York. DR. HUMPHREYS is consulted daily at his office, as above, for all forms of disease.

KENDALL'S AMBOLINE is a rare compound of stimulating extracts from Flowers, Roots, and Herbs, for the GROWTH, BEAUTY, and PERMANENT VIGOR of the HAIR.

"Beneficial where the hair requires a gentle stimulant." Dr. CHILTON.

"Have never had any thing which so perfectly answers the purpose of a hair-dressing."

      WARREN WARD, Esq.,

   No. 227 Canal Street, New York.

"After being BALD for over seven years, your AMBOLINE has covered the entire scalp with NEW HAIR."

Prof. JOHN SENIA, No. 25 King St., New York. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Dealers. Put up in boxes, containing two bottles; price $1. Manufactured and for sale wholesale by


No. 542 Broadway, New York.


A. WINCH, 505 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, Washington, Hilton Head, Newbern, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent, at half rates, by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.



Acknowledged by all who have used it to be, in all respects, unequaled. Sent free by mail. Liberal discount to agents and the trade. HANNAH & CO., No. 335 Broadway, N. Y., Room No. 1. Send for a circular.

To all Wanting Farms.

Large and thriving settlement of Vineland. Rich soil. Good crops of Wheat, Corn, Peaches, &c., to be seen—only 30 miles front Philadelphia. Delightful climate—20 acre tracts of from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within 4 years. Used schools end society. Hundreds are settling. Apply to CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., Vineland, Cumberland Co., New Jersey. Report of Solon Robinson and Vineland Rural sent free. From Report of Solon Robinson, Ag. Ed. Tribune.

"It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western Prairies.


Have just Published;

A DARK NIGHT'S WORK. A Tale. By Mrs. CASKELL, Author of "Sylvia's Lovers," "Mary Barton," &c. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents.

PRINCIPIA LATINA, PART I. A First Latin Course, comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise Book, with Vocabularies. By WILLIAM SMITH, LLD., Author of the "History of Greece," and Editor of is "Classical Dictionary" and the "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities." Carefully Revised and improved by Professor HENRY DRISLER, of Columbia College, New York. 12mo, Flexible Cloth Binding, 60 cents.

GENERAL BUTTERFIELD'S OUTPOST DUTY. Camp and Outpost Duty for Infantry. With Standing Orders, Extracts from the Revised Regulations for the Army, Rules for Health, Maxims for Soldiers, and Duties of Officers. By DANIEL BUTTERFIELD, Major-Gen. Vols., U.S.A., Chief of Staff to General Hooker. Approved by the War Department.   18mo, Flexible Cloth, 60 cents.

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