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Civil War Harper's Weekly, June 20, 1863

This site features an online archive of our extensive collection of Harper's Weekly newspapers. Harper's was the most popular illustrated newspaper of the day, and today it serves as an incredible resource for developing a more fundamental understanding of the important people and events of the war.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)



The "Cincinnati"

Negro Troops

Negro Troops

Siege Port Hudson

Siege Port Hudson

Chicago Canal

Chicago Canal Convention

Capture of Jackson Mississippi



Fernando Wood

Fernando Wood Cartoon



Alexandria, Louisiana


Simmesport, Louisiana

Battle of Jackson

Battle of Jackson Mississippi

Champion's Hill

The Battle of Champion's Hill

Black River Bridge

Battle of Black River Bridge

Puebla, Mexico

Battle of Puebla, Mexico








[JUNE 20, 1863.



WE publish on page 397 two pictures, from drawings by French artists: one showing the CITY OF PUEBLA, or more correctly LA PUEBLA, now besieged by the French; the other, one of the MORTAR BATTERIES erected by the French to shell the place.

Puebla is a city of Mexico, distant about 84 miles from the City of Mexico, on the road from Vera Cruz to the capital. It is in a mountainous region, and surrounded by heights. The French under General Forey, with about 20,000 men, and assisted by the traitor Marquez, with 3000 or 4000 more, attacked Puebla on 21st March ult., and after several severe conflicts, succeeded in making themselves masters of some of the forts, while the Mexicans held the bulk of the city. The resistance was tenacious, and the slaughter great on both sides. Since the first attack both sides have received reinforcements, and the contest has been continued with varied success. Our latest advices are conflicting. A French account states that the city has fallen, and that Ortega surrendered with his entire army. On the other hand, Mexican reports of the same date represent the place as still holding out.

General Scott took Puebla with very little trouble.


Important to Tourists. Mr. Semmons begs to inform the Travelling Public that he has consented to open a branch of his store at

No. 123 Broadway, opp. Post Office,


where may be found a splendid assortment of his celebrated Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Single and Double Telescopes of immense power; Field and Marine Glasses, Opera Glasses, &c., &c.; also, his newly invented Vest-Pocket Double Glass, of the greatest transparent power, suitable for tourists and sportsmen.

The business in New York will still be open. Catalogues sent free by enclosing stamp.

SEMMONS, Oculist's Optician,

669 1/2 Broadway, opp. Bond St., N. Y.

Sent free by mail for 60 cents.

Dyspepsia Tablets,

For INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, &c.—Manufactured only by

S. G. WELLING, No. 207 Centre St., New York. Price 50 cents per box. Sold by Druggists generally.

When this Cruel War is over. I Remember the Hour when sadly we parted. Each 25 cents. Gideon's Band. We do think of thee at Home. Each 30 cents. MUSICIANS' OMNIBUS, 700 tunes for Violin, Flute, Cornet, &c. $1, post-paid. F. BLUME, 208 Bowery, N. Y.




Part 1.—Containing all the best songs of the day, a large number of which are not in any other collection. Part 2.—Containing Popular Songs that have appeared since the publication of the First Part, together with numerous other favorites. Price of each part, 12 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Published by OLIVER DITSON & CO., 277 Washington Street, Boston.


Manufacturing Jewelers, 208 Broadway, New York.

lively interest with all girls and boys that like fun and out-door exercise, and especially those who are weakly. For sale by STEPHEN W. SMITH, 498 Broadway, N. Y.

Agents and Dealers.

Something New. Patent Match Safe, for vest pocket, a thing of beauty, and usefulness combined. Samples by mail, 50 cts. S. W. RICE & CO., 83 Nassau St., N. Y.

Pensions, Bounty, Pay, Prize

Money, for Soldiers and Sailors, or heirs, promptly collected. Soldiers discharged for wounds, entitled to bounty, we send our Hand-Book of Information and Circular, with Lists of Prices, by enclosing address, with stamp to pay return postage. SOMES, BROWN & CO., 2 Park Place, New York, and 476 7th Street, Washington, D. C.

Agents Wanted.

Send stamp for circulars. Rice & Co., 37 Park Row, N. Y.


To take orders for Victor's History of the Rebellion, the acknowledged standard, indorsed by the President, Cabinet, Members of Congress, Governors, Bancroft the historian, and by the press generally. Two volumes now ready, expensively illustrated with Steel Engravings. Sold by subscription only, and exclusive territory given. Canvassers make $50 to $100 per week. Send for circular of terms, &c. Address

EDWARD F. HOVEY, 13 Spruce St., New York.

Note Papers and Wedding Cards.

Tiffany &, Co.,

Nos. 550 and 552 Broadway,

Would respectfully inform their Patrons and the general Public, that they have recently re-arranged and considerably extended the STATIONERY DEPARTMENT of their FANCY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT, and have now unequalled facilities for furnishing the latest styles of Correspondence and Wedding Stationery, Cards of all sizes and shapes, engraved upon the premises with punctuality and dispatch. Initials stamped, colored or plain, in ordinary text or originally designed monogram. A choice assortment De la Rue's and Asprey's Writing Cases, Dispatch Boxes, Note and Letter Papers, as well as the last French styles, constantly for sale.

Grand Mass Meeting

of the friends of
Assembles daily at the Sales Rooms of

To ratify the schedule of exceedingly low prices, which has been adopted for the present Spring and ensuing Summer seasons, for MEN'S, YOUTH'S, AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Don't fail to attend this meeting, and bring your friends with you, for the following very good reasons:— Whether you purchase or not you will receive polite attention. All Goods are warranted in every particular. The privilege allowed of exchanging (within three days) any garment which, upon examination at home, does not meet the entire approval of the purchaser, or the money refunded promptly.


The unparalleled success in private practice, and the indorsement of high Medical Authority, enables us to recommend this preparation,


As a specific for Scrofula in all its manifold forms, Consumption, Cancer, Ulcers, Bronchitis, Liver, Kidney and Heart Diseases, Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Affections, Female Weaknesses, Dyspepsia, Emaciation and General Debility, Syphilis in all its various and afflicting stages, and the ONLY REMEDY for the SUCCESSFUL ERADICATION of MERCURIAL DISEASE, and, in fact, all those distressing and afflicting diseases which arise from an enfeebled, vitiated state of the blood, defective nutrition, an impure atmosphere, &c. Price $1 per bottle; $5 per half dozen. Sold by Druggists. Dr. H. ANDERS & CO., Physicians and Chemists, 428 Broadway, N. Y.




FROM A LADY.—West Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., July 6th, 1861.—DR. HOSTETTER—Sir: I have long delayed writing to you my sincere thanks for the good you have done my daughter. I can truly say that nothing but the kind hand of Providence and your BITTERS have saved her from an early grave. For three years I have been doctoring her with syrups and all kinds of bitters that have been recommended to me for her, besides having two first-rate physicians; but all seemed to do her no good, while I was searching the Almanacs and all the newspapers that I could get hold of, ln hopes of finding something that would suit her case. Accidentally there came part of a newspaper around some goods that I bought at Spa. In looking it over I saw at a glance that your BITTERS was just what she needed. I sent the next day to Ballston Spa and got a bottle of your BITTERS. She commenced taking them, and such a change in one week with her appetite, and the distress that victuals occasioned, and that burning in the stomach, I never saw in my life, as there was in her. She has taken three bottles, and is now able to work all the time. I think there is a little derangement of the liver. Please send me three bottles more, which I think will cure her entirely. We and others thought she had a disease of the heart, but that beating and fluttering that would almost stop her from breathing at times, is all gone. Yours, with respect, Mrs. AMANDA McPHERSON. Sold by all druggists and family grocers. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, PREPARED AND SOLD BY HOSTETTER & SMITH, PITTSBURGH, PA. DEPOT FOR NEW YORK, 428 BROADWAY.

WEAK LUNGS; AND HOW TO MAKE THEM STRONG. See Dr. Dio Lewis's Article in the ATLANTIC MONTHLY for June, 1863. Sent, post paid, for 25 cents. TICKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, Boston.


One Hoe News Press, Double Cylinder, Bed 36x60. Price $1500. One Taylor Drum Cylinder, four Rollers, Table Distribution, Bed 38x51. Price $1750. One Taylor Double Cylinder, five Rollers, Table Distribution, Bed 38x51. Price $3500.Apply to HARPER & BROTHERS, 329 Pearl St., N.Y.



For treating successfully all DISEASES OF THE SCALP, LOSS OF HAIR, AND PREMATURE BLANCHING. Moth Patches, Freckles, Grubs, Worms, and all Papillated Eruptions removed from the face without injury to either texture or color of the skin. For further particulars and references, see last week's "Harper's Weekly. NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION. For particulars by mail enclose stamp for circular. No. 49 Bond Street, New York.


And their Significance.

Roman, Grecian, Indian, Negro, Celestial, pug, long, short, thick, sharp, aquiline, "turn ups," and Jewish Noses, with the "why and wherefore" of these varieties. Portraits and characters of our leading Generals, and other officers, with their Phrenology, Physiolygy, Physiognomy, and Psychology. Also Ethnology, Anthropology, &c., given in the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and LIFE ILLUSTRATED. A new vol. begins with July No. $1.50 a year, or 15 cents a Number. Address FOWLER & WELLS, 308 Broadway, N. Y.

$15 Per Day Easy $15

And a Watch Free.

Employment for everybody, male and female. 100,000 men, women, and children wanted to act as our Agents in every Town and Village throughout the U. S. to sell our immensely popular, unexcelled, and valuable extra large size PRIZE STATIONERY, RECIPES, and YANKEE NOTION PACKAGES, containing fine Writing Materials, such as Paper, Pens, Pencils, Envelopes, Blotters, Beautiful Emblems, Ladies' Fashion Plates, Designs for Needlework, Cottage Keepsakes, Household Companions, Camp Companions (for Soldiers), Parlor Amusements, Letter Writer's Guide, Medical Preparations, Many Ways to Get Rich, Likenesses of Military Heroes, Union Designs, Gents' Pocket Calendars for 1863, YANKEE NOTIONS of all kinds, rich and costly Presents of Fashionable Jewelry, Rare Recipes, Games, Army Advice, &c., &c., &c., the whole worth, if bought separately, many dollars. Price each Package ONLY 25 cents retail. Wholesale rates to Agents very low, from 100 TO 200 PER CENT PROFIT ALLOWED, Our Packages stand same as ever, alone, and above all competitors, and have long been acknowledged as the leading and only real valuable and standard Articles of the kind now manufactured. Packages of all descriptions put up by the 1000 for Sutlers, Peddlers, Wholesale Dealers, &c. Goods sent by Express safe to ALL PARTS of the army South or Southwest. A SPLENDID SOLID SILVER WATCH, ENGLISH MOVEMENTS, and correct timepiece presented FREE to each person who acts as our agent. Send for our NEW Circulars, containing Extra Premium Inducements, sent free. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau St., N. Y. The Great Original, Largest, and Oldest Prize Package House in the World.

$2 positively made from 20 Cents.—Something urgently needed by every person. 10 samples sent free by mail for 20 cents that retails for $2, by R. L. WOLCOTT, 170 Chatham Square, N. Y.

"MOUSTACHES AND WHISKERS IN 42 DAYS," Hunting, Fishing, and many other Great Secrets, all in the Book of Wonders. 9500 sold. 10th Edition. Price only 20c. 8 for $1. Mailed free. Address C. E. HUNTER & CO., Hinsdale, New Hampshire.

LANDS.—A Rare Opportunity for all Wanting Farms, in the large New England settlement of Hammonton, 30 miles southeast of Philadelphia; fine climate; best fruit soil and markets in the Union; $15 to $20 per acre. Terms easy. For full information apply to R. J. BYRNES, Hammonton, New Jersey. Letters answered. Route to the land.—Leave Vine Street Wharf, Philadelphia, at 7 1/2 A. M. or 3 1/2 P. M. for Hammonton.

RETURNED SOLDIERS Can make from $6 to $10 daily by canvassing for THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE WAR, Issued by the Auburn Publishing Co. For all about it, address   E. G. STORKE, Auburn, N. Y. 150 Needles 25 Cents.

BARTLETT'S BURNISHED NEEDLES "Sew Easier." All sizes. Free by mail. Bartlett's Needle and Sewing Machine Furnishing Depot, 442 Broadway, N. Y.

Musquito Shield or Guard. J. HAVENS PATENT.—For the Army, Navy, Travelers, Sick or Wounded, or any one who is troubled with musquitoes, flies, or dust. Price from 87 cents to $2. Sample sent free on receipt of $1.25. Send for circular. HAVEN & CO., Manufacturers, No 80 Nassau St., Room No. 23, N. Y.

Health for the Soldier!—For one who dies from the effects of the bullet, ten perish from damp and exposure to night air. Small doses of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, taken every other night, will correct all disorders of the Liver or Stomach, purify the blood, and insure sound health to every man. Only 25 cents per box. Ladies' Ready-Made Undergarments OF Linen, Cambric, and Muslin. Store 1143 Broadway, near 26th St. Sizes, Patterns, Qualities, and Prices in assortment intended to fully meet the need of any Lady unexpectedly in want of such, or preferring the avoidance of home labor. Orders from abroad faithfully executed by express, C.O.D. List of Prices mailed if requested.

The King Microscope —Double Lens. Prof. Horsford, of Harv ard University, says: "It works very well, and you have got it up very neatly." 65 cents. The "S. Woodward" 38, and the "Bowen" Microscopes 28 cts. One of each (3) for $1. Free by mail. T. Edwin King, "Evans Hall," No. 3 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass.

Corsets and Skirts. The largest and most elegant assortment of Corsets and Skirts ever offered at retail in the United States, bought for Cash, and before the advance, and selling at old prices, at GAYNOR'S, 765 Broadway, between 8th and 9th Sts.





Spring Mantillas
Took place this Week at
300 Canal Street

Never before has he made a better
And claims still to be

"The Leader of Fashions."

   Lockwood's, 675 Broadway.


Lafarge block.      675 Broadway, N. Y.

Rich Novelties!!

Rich Novelties!!

Rich Novelties!!

Gold Mounted Jet Enamel Vest Chains.

Unique in design and unsurpassed in appearance!

This is an article but recently introduced, of which we are the patentees and sole manufacturers: they have already become one of the most popular, fashionable, and saleable ornaments of the day. PRICES: Small size, $18 per gross. Medium size, $24 per gross. Large size, $36 per gross. Assorted, four dozen of each size, $26. All have patent bar and improved swivel attached, with gold mountings of different designs. Sold only by the gross.

Suttlers, Jobbers, and General dealers will find them well worthy their attention; they give a profit of 500 per cent.

Chains, in grosses only, will be sent by express with bill payable on delivery. Buyers in disloyal states, or any part thereof, must send cash in advance, as we can not collect from them. Address

Weybosset Enamel Chain Co.,

171 Broadway, New York.

FREE.—GILT METALLIC UNION BADGES GRATUITOUS TO SOLDIERS ONLY! Unconditional Loyalty to the Government should be the Watchword of the Hour. Send one 3 cent stamp for postage. HUBBARD BROS., N. Y.

$10 per day nett profit.—Agents wanted for a light wholesale business. Send stamp for a circular to C. F. SHULTS, Troy New York.

$75 A MONTH! I want to hire Agents in every county at $75 a month, expenses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Machines. Address,

S. MADISON, Alfred, Maine.

$60 A MONTH! We want Agents at $60 a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13 other new and curious articles. 15 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Me.


U. S. Infantry Tactics for the Instruction, Exercise, and Maneuvres of the Soldier, a Company, Ltne of Skirmishers, and Battalion, for the use of the COLORED TROOPS of the United States Infantry. Prepared under the direction of the War Department.

WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, March 9, 1863. This system of United States Infantry Tactics, prepared under the direction of the War Department, for the use of the colored troops of the United States Infantry, having been approved by the President, is adopted for the instruction of such troops.   EDWIN M. STANTON,

Secretary of War.

1 volume, plates, $1.50. Sent free by mail on receipt of price.

D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, 192 Broadway, N. Y.


—Genuine goods. Also, the best Fountain Pen in the world. One filling will write 8 to 12 hours. Send for circular. GEO. F. HAWKES, Manuf., 64 Nassau St., N.Y

Have Just Published:

AFRICAN HUNTING FROM NATAL TO THE ZAMBESI, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, &c., from 1852 to 1860. By WILLIAM CHARLES BALDWIN, F.R.G.S. With Map, Fifty Illustrations by Wolf and Zwecker, and a Portrait of the Great Sportsman. Small 8vo, Cloth, $1.50.





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