Battle of Cane River During the Red River Expedition


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 23, 1864

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Ladies Fair

Ladies at the Fair

Banned Slavery

Senate Passes 13th Amendment Banning Slavery

Cane River

Battle of Cane River

War Dance

Indian War Dance

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Ferdinand Maximilian

Fair at Union Square


Emperor Maximilian


Indian Cartoon








APRIL 23, 1864.]



(Previous Page) to shield from expulsion a member of Congress who openly professed his wish that the Constitution may be overthrown. Is this the kind of gentleman upon whom it is worth while for men soberly engaged in defending that Constitution to waste words ? When Mr. KELLEY, of Pennsylvania, said that he had risen to expose the mean pettifogging of the champions of secession upon the floor of Congress, he did not characterize by too strong an epithet the speeches to which he triumphantly replied.


LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ALEXANDER BLISS, of General WALLACE'S staff in Maryland, has prepared a unique and most valuable contribution to the Sanitary Fair which is to open in Baltimore upon the 19th of April, a day of tragical interest in the history of the city. He has obtained manuscripts of ninety American authors, including all the most distinguished, living or dead, each manuscript the autograph copy of some famous poem, or page from some noted work of the author. These have all been lithographed in facsimile, so as to reproduce the originals perfectly. The originals are to be bound in a volume and sold, either by raffle or otherwise (for they are no more religious in Baltimore than in Boston), and there is to be an edition of the facsimiles for sale, bound in the same exquisite style, with TICKNOR'S Life of Prescott. The book will be called " Autograph Leaves of Our Country's Authors," and will have a neat introduction by JOHN P. KENNEDY, author of " Horse-Shoe Robinson," and one of the stanchest of Maryland patriots, of course in facsimile autograph. The two opening autographs of the volume, after the preface, are KEYES'S Star-Spangled Banner and President LINCOLN'S speech at Gettysburg, the most perfect piece of American eloquence, and as noble and pathetic and appropriate as the oration of PERICLES over the Peloponnesian dead. The last piece in the volume is the autograph of " Home, sweet Home !"

Among the other autographs which we remember from a cursory glance, are a page of the Life of Washington by WASHINGTON IRVING; some pages of the Bravo by COOPER; the character of William the Silent by MOTLEY ; a letter of PRESCOTT'S; the Excelsior by LONGFELLOW; 'Zekle's Wooing by LOWELL ; the Army Hymn by HOLMES; The Mariners by BAYARD TAYLOR; the passage describing sunrise from the Dudley Observatory Oration by EDWARD EVERETT; Rosalie, a poem by WASHINGTON ALSTON; a page of Dr. CHANNING'S; Thy will be done, by WHITTIER; a charming poem by Mrs. H. B. STOWE; some pages from One of the Twice-Told Tales by HAWTHORNE ; a translation from the Spanish by GEORGE TICKNOR. These are but a dozen from the host. There could not well be a more interesting book, and Colonel BLISS has done us all a favor by the happy thought of multiplying it. Whoever wishes to secure a copy, to have his cake and to eat it, may send his name and address to CUSHINGS & BAILEY, or to Lieutenant-Colonel ALEXANDER BLISS, Baltimore.


THE death of Mrs. KIRKLAND is a loss even to those who did not personally know her, and who had never read her books ; for so strong, sweet, and cheerful a nature is an elevating and purifying public influence. We are all better for the lives of such persons, as the air is clearer and more inspiring around us because of the steady winds that blow elsewhere. Her ample sympathy, her remarkable sagacity, her moral intrepidity, her fine sense, and exquisite tact, blended with the most feminine loveliness, made her a power in our society and time, and we shall all be the poorer now that she is gone. And yet a great, generous nature like hers impresses itself so deeply upon all who are brought into personal contact with it that it destroys the idea of death. It interprets the phrase, " Though dead, he yet speaketh." Richly gifted in character as in mind there is a completeness in Mrs. KIRKLAND'S career which, although her life ended so suddenly, will always prevent its seeming to be a fragment. Steady and faithful, ready for every moment and every duty of life, whenever death may strike, such souls are equally ready, and life ends harmoniously. Almost until midnight she was busy with heart and hand in devotion to the work by which this nation is to be saved and mankind helped forward, the work of the war, and with her hands, as it were, still lifted, she passes forward out of sight. Her work in this world was truly prayer. Her life was a benefit. Her memory is an inspiration. Early and always about her Father's business, what new meaning the old words have, as we think of her, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord!"


AMONG the timely and valuable publications which the great Fair has occasioned none is more instructive than the " Washington and Napoleon; a Fragment," by Dr. FRANCIS LIEBER: an exhaustive and striking contrast of the two most conspicuous men of the last century. The little paper is clear and complete. Dr. LIEBER'S admirable scholarship furnishes him all the data, which he succinctly combines and analyzes. It is his fine comprehension of the true character of American institutions that has made the author so efficient an ally in the great struggle. His long residence among us, his profound and sagacious apprehension, his various and accurate knowledge, give a value to all his criticisms upon our political and social development which is seldom found in the comments of the best foreign observers ; while his domestication for many years in South Carolina peculiarly fitted him for experimental criticism upon the social spirit which is attempting our national destruction.

We can not quote copiously from a little paper of such uniform excellence, but we hope that this word may serve to direct attention to the "study" before the Fair closes, for whose benefit it has been printed and prepared. Ten thousand or a hundred thousand copies distributed as a tract in the army would be a good service to the good cause. We commend the good sense of this passage as a timely lesson :

"Washington was not personally popular; his power consisted in the universal conviction that he could be confided in ; an almost unlimited trust in his integrity and wisdom by soldier and by citizen was his strength; but no endearing name was bestowed on him by his soldiers ; or if it ever was done it did not adhere, and has not become historical. Napoleon was worshiped by his soldiers, and received the soldierly nickname of the Little Corporal, as old Fritz, Marshal Forward, and old Hickory were bestowed on FREDERICK THE GREAT, on Prince BLUCHER, and on General JACKSON, and adhered to them so that the names passed over into history and into the songs of the Berangers and the Arndts."


WE have to record, besides the death of the distinguished authoress, Mrs. KIRKLAND, that of the well known Boston publisher, WILLIAM D. TICKNOR, which was equally sudden. Authors and publishers will bear equal testimony to the uniform courtesy and kindliness of Mr. TICKNOR, while his name will be always pleasantly associated with the publication of many of our standard works, in a form which had given the books with the imprint of his house a special reputation. Every visitor of the old gable-roofed house at the corner of Washington and School streets, in Boston, will long miss his cordial greeting, and regard with a sincere regret the place which knew him so long and will now know him no more forever.



SENATE - April 6. Mr. Grimes presented a bill repealing the joint resolution authorizing the transfer of men from the army into the navy.—The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the joint resolution amending the Constitution. Speeches were made by Messrs. Harlan and Hale in favor, and by Messrs. M'Dougall and Powell against it. Mr. Powell proposed an amendment as an additional section, providing that the President and Vice-President shall not hold their offices more than six years, which was rejected, 12 to 32. The bill then passed to a third reading.---April 7. The bill to aid Indian refugees to return to their homes was passed. It appropriates about $200,000 for the benefit of the Indians who fled into the frontier States a year ago, from Indian Territory, on account of the rebellious position taken by some of the tribes. —The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the joint resolution amending the Constitution. Speeches were made by Mr. Hendricks and Mr. Henderson, the former opposing and the latter advocating the amendment.—Mr. Saulsbury offered but did not succeed in introducing a resolution indicating the form of prayers the chaplain of the Senate should observe in his daily ministrations.---April 8. Mr. Trumbull reported the proposed amendment to the rules of the Senate requiring nominations to be acted upon in open Senate, with a recommendation that it do not pass: the report was adopted.—Mr. Sherman introduced a bill to provide for a National currency, secured by the pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. The bill is that proposed by Mr. Hooper in the House, without material change.—Mr. Harlan introduced a bill for the relief of certain friendly Indians of the Sioux nation in Minnesota. It appropriates $10,000 to make provision for the welfare of such Indians as periled life in saving from the massacre many whites in 1862.—By unanimous consent, Mr. Hale called up the billets repeal the first section of the joint resolution of February 24, 1864, relating to the transfer of persons from the military to the naval service, which was passed.—The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of the joint resolution amending the Constitution. Mr. Sumner addressed the Senate at length, favoring the amendment. Messrs. Powell and Davis spoke against it. Finally the amendment was adopted, 38 to 6. It is as follows : "ART. XIII. Sec. l.—Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, of which the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist with in the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Sec. 2.—Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." This must be passed by the House, signed by the President, and ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the States, when it will become a part of the Constitution.--April 11. Mr. Cowan presented a remonstrance of the Pennsylvania Legislature and several railroads in that State against the Goodyear India Rubber Patent.—Mr. Wade made a report with the evidence in the case in relation to the late military expedition into Florida, which was ordered to be printed. —Mr. Grimes rose to a personal explanation, and read from the report of the Naval Committee, of which Mr. Bale is Chairman, an extract condemning the manner in which the resolutions concerning the transfer of seamen from the army to the navy had been introduced without the cognizance of the Committee. Mr. Grimes denounced Mr. Hale as an unrelenting enemy of the Secretary of the Navy, and as seeking to embarrass his Department. Mr. Hale replied briefly.—The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the House Naval Appropriation bill for the year ending June 30, 1865, as reported from the Finance Committee with amendments, the most important of which strikes out an appropriation of $520,000 for the purpose of building floating dry docks for Monitors at the New York and Philadelphia navy yards. The amendments were all concurred in, with the above exception. Mr. Hale offered various amendments, proposed by the Naval Committee, which were adopted. Without final action the Senate adjourned.--April 12. Mr. Sumner introduced a bill to establish a Bureau of Freedmen, to be placed in the Treasury Department. It provides for a Commissioner at a salary of $4000, a chief clerk, and two clerks of each class. It guards very strictly the rights and interests of freedmen against loss or failure from cupidity, cruelty, or accidental causes. It looks toward making the Bureau self supporting, by applying to its uses the proceeds of leases.—Mr. Wilson introduced a bill relating to the pay and subsistence of the army.—The bill granting lands to Iowa to aid in building a railroad from M'Gregor to a point on the Missouri, to connect with certain lateral roads in Minnesota, was passed.—The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of the Naval Appropriation bill in the Committee of the Whole. The amendment appropriating money for the purchase of land to extend the wharf at the Charlestown navy yard was adopted. An amendment returning the Navy School to Annapohs, Maryland, on or before the academic year commencing in September, 1865, was adopted. Without final action the Senate adjourned to Thursday, out of respect to the memory of John C. Rives, for many years publisher of the Congressional Globe.

House.—April 6. Mr. Pendleton reported a bill providing that the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Interior, the Attorney-General, and the Postmaster-General shall be entitled to occupy seats on tile flour of the House of Representatives, with the right so participate in debate upon matters relating to the bus-

iness connected with their respective departments, under such rules as may be prescribed by the House. The bill further provides that the said Secretaries, the Attorney-General and Postmaster-General shall attend the sessions of the House of Representatives immediately on the opening of the sittings on Mondays and Thursdays of each week, to give information in reply to questions which may be propounded to them under the rules of the House. In order to carry out the intention of the bill, Mr. Pendleton reported an amendment to the rules.—The House proceeded to the consideration of the National Banking bill. After a speech from Mr. Hooper several amendments were adopted, rendering the bill unsatisfactory to the Ways and Means Committee. A substitute was then proposed by Mr. Stevens, which was rejected. He then moved to lay the bill on the table, which was carried, 80 to 44. ---April 7. The Secretary of War was directed to inform the House how many commissioned officers, with their names and rank, have been dismissed from the military service by authority of the President, without trial by Court-martial, since the beginning of the present war, and how many such dismissals have been revoked. The House resumed the consideration of the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad bill Mr. Woodbridge argued in favor of the constitutionality and expediency declaring the roads and boats of that Company to be unitary and post routes. The subject went over.—The House then proceeded to the consideration of business relating to the District of Columbia. Several local bills were passed, and one appropriating $250,000 for the erection of a Penitentiary, Jail, and House of Correction in the District of Columbia, was discussed. Pending a motion to lay the bill on the table, the House adjourned.---April 8. Mr. Ganson made a report accompanied by a resolution, declaring that Benjamin F. Loan is not entitled to a seat in this House as a member from the Seventh Congressional District of Missouri; and another resolution that John P. Bruce, the contestant, is also not entitled to the seat. Mr. Upson submitted the views of the minority that Mr. Loan is entitled to retain his seat.—The House recommitted the bill to erect a Penitentiary, Jail, and House of Correction in the District of Columbia, with instructions to inquire into the expediency of reporting one merely providing for building a House of Correction.—The House proceeded to the consideration of the Senate bill, extending the time for States to accept grants of land for agricultural and mechanic college purposes. After some debate the bill passed with an amendment, including the State of West Virginia in its provisions.—The House went into Committee, and took up the President's Annual Message, and Mr. Long made a speech in which he declared himself in favor of recognizing the Southern Confederacy, and avowed other sentiments indicative of sympathy with the rebellion. Mr. Garfield replied, in appropriate terms of condemnation. -April 9. At the opening of the session Mr. Colfax offered a resolution to expel Mr. Long, of Ohio, for disloyal sentiments uttered in his speech of the day before. After an exciting debate the resolution was laid over until Tuesday. During the discussion Mr. Harris, of Maryland, boldly avowed his gratification at the secession of the South, justifying it fully, and rebuking the Democratic party for not daring to come up to his standard of political morality. Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, instantly offered a resolution to expel Mr. Harris, which received 81 votes against 58, but two-thirds being required, the resolution was not adopted. A resolution of censure upon Mr. Harris was, however, adopted, with but 18 dissenting votes.---April 11. The Speaker laid before the House General Grant's report of the battle of Chattanooga, and the reports of the sub-commanders, which were ordered to be printed.—Mr. Hooper introduced the National Bank or Currency bill, the consideration of which was postponed till Saturday. Mr. Brown introduced a joint resolution authorizing the President to appoint a commission of three officers, whose duty it shall be to examine the different harbors of the North-western Lakes, with the view of selecting an appropriate site for a Naval Depot. Mr. Cravens offered a series of resolutions to amend the Constitution in favor of Slavery, and moved the previous question upon them, which was decided in the negative, by 42 against 74. Debate arising, the resolutions went over—Mr. Davis introduced a bill, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, establishing a Board of Naval Administration. The House proceeded to the consideration of the preamble and resolution offered by Mr. Finck condemning the war. Mr. Ashley moved to lay the resolution on the table, which was carried by yeas, 81; nays, 64. The House then resumed the consideration of the following resolution offered by Mr. Colfax: " That Alexander Long, a Representative from the Second District of Ohio, having, on the 6th of April, 1864, declared himself in favor of recognizing the independence and nationality of the so-called Confederacy, now in arms against the Union, and thereby giving aid, countenance, and encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility to the United States, is hereby expelled." A long and excited debate ensued, the main features of which were a speech by Fernando Wood, opposing the war, and favoring the appointment of Commissioners to proceed to Richmond and negotiate a peace, and a reply by General Schenck, reviewing Mr. Wood's general course, and strongly condemning all conduct calculated to encourage rebels in arms. Henry Winter Davis also denounced the course of Mr. Harris in very strong terms. Without coming to a vote the House adjourned.—April 12. Mr. Stevens, from the Ways and Means Committee, reported a bill to prevent a depreciation of the currency. It provides that every person, bank, association, or corporation issuing notes to circulate as money, shall pay a duty of one-fourth of one per centum per month on the amount issued. Monthly returns are to be made. After one year it shall be unlawful to issue such notes unless authorized by act of Congress.--The House then resumed the consideration of the resolution of Speaker Colfax for the expulsion of Mr. Long of Ohio. The entire day and evening was occupied in debate. Finally, the House agreed to vote on the question at noon on Thursday, and thereupon adjourned to that day.   


The Red River campaign goes on successfully. On the 26th ult. a fight took place on Cane River, thirty-five miles above Alexandria, Louisiana, between General Smith's forces, consisting of 6000 infantry under General Mower, and Dudley's brigade of Lee's Cavalry corps, and Dick Taylor's rebel army, estimated at 12,000 strong, posted in an advantageous position. The fight lasted about three hours. Our loss is reported at eighteen killed and about sixty wounded. That of the rebels was much greater, some placing it at two hundred killed and wounded. We captured five hundred prisoners, and others were still coming in. Our troops did not halt on the battle-ground, but pushed on in pursuit of the retreating foe. No rest would be given the rebels. It was General Smith's design to force the enemy to make a stand, and defeat them in a pitched battle, if possible. A considerable number of deserters have entered our lines. Nine hundred contrabands, men, women, and children, had arrived from Alexandria. A report that our forces have occupied Shreveport lacks confirmation. Soon after our troops left Alexandria a large rebel force, under Dick Taylor, attacked our fortifications, but were vigorously opposed by our troops. The rebel loss was considerable.

By way of New Orleans we learn that the Union cavalry, 4000 strong, have occupied Eagle Pass, Texas, capturing 800 prisoners and immense quantities of cotton. Eagle Pass is 400 miles above Brownsville, and has been a great rebel highway for running cotton and other articles into Mexico. It was determined that our troops should permanently occupy the place. Corpus Christi has also been reoccupied.

The rebels made a desperate attempt to blow up Admiral Lee's flag-ship Minnesota, off Newport News, on the night of the 9th inst., with a torpedo. It did not succeed, however, although the crew and officers received a terrible and unexpected shock. It appears that the rebels approached the Minnesota in a small boat, with a torpedo attached, which, when they reached the frigate, exploded with a report equal to twenty pieces of artillery.

Active preparations for the opening of the campaign are going on in the Army of the Potomac. Generals Meade, Humphreys, Patrick, and Ingalls had an interview with General Grant on the 8th instant. On the same day an order was issued, ordering all civilians, sutlers, and their employes, to the rear by the 16th. Members of the Sanitary or Christian Commissions, and registered newspaper correspondents only, can remain. All property for which there is no transportation also goes to the rear, and the authority of Corps Commanders to grant furloughs is re-

voked, and none are to be granted save in extreme cases, or in case of re-enlisted veterans.

Another order for the consolidation of army corps was issued on the 4th inst. The Eleventh and Twelfth Corps are consolidated, and Major-General Hooker assigned to the command. The corps will hereafter be known as the Twentieth. Major-General Howard, formerly of the Eleventh Corps, takes command of the Fourth, relieving General Gordon Granger, who reports to the Adjutant-General of the Army. General Slocum reports to General Sherman. Major-General Schofield is assigned to the command of the Twenty-third Army Corps.

A small Federal force of infantry and cavalry sent against Mount Elba and Longview, Arkansas, returned to Pine Bluff on the Arkansas River, on the 31st ult., having inflicted serious damage on the enemy. Mount Elba and Longview are 25 and 50 miles south from Pine Bluff, on the Washita River, in Southeastern Arkansas. At Longview they destroyed the pontoon bridges, burned a. train of 35 wagons loaded with camp and garrison equipments, ammunition, quarter-masters' stores, etc., and captured 320 prisoners. On the 30th they engaged General Docking's force of 1200 men, from Monticello, routed him, and pursued him ten miles, with a loss on his side of over 100 killed and wounded. Our men captured a large quantity of small-arms, two stands of colors, many wagons, and over 300 horses and mules. Our loss was 15 in killed, wounded, and missing. Several hundred negroes were brought in.

The movements in the Southwest indicate the approach of active operations there. All the recruits in Missouri are ordered to the field, and veterans who are on furlough are to proceed at once to the front. Already the movement of troops to the front in Tennessee and Georgia is on an unexampled scale. Nearly all the re-enlisted regiments go back with from three to five hundred recruits.


The rebel ram Tennessee was struck by a squall on the 1st instant, while lying near Grant's Pass, off Mobile, causing her to keel over and sink. Her armament will prove a heavy loss to the rebels. It consists of six 100-pounder rifled Parrotts and nearly as many small pieces.

Advices from General Gillmore's department state that a few shells are occasionally sent into Charleston. Also, at long intervals, Fort Sumter receives the attention of both the land and naval batteries. The famous 30-pounder Parrott at Cumming's Point, which has been so actively engaged in shelling Charleston, exploded after having fired 4615 rounds. The pieces of the gun have been collected for transmission to the North.

Ten rebels attacked a large Government plantation near Vicksburg a few days ago and entirely destroyed it. The rebels were afterward repulsed by a negro regiment.

A dispatch from Louisville reports that nineteen rebels, belonging to the Third Kentucky Rebel Cavalry, of General Forrest's command, came into Hopkinsville, on the 7th inst., and took the oath of allegiance. They report that on March 26, when between Mayfield and Paducah, Forrest disbanded the Third, Seventh, and Eighth Regiments Kentucky Cavalry, and permitted them to go home. News from Memphis to the 8th reports Forrest moving southward with his trains and plunder, and General Grierson as watching and harassing his columns, though not strong enough to attack Forrest in force.

Little Rock advices say the only news from Steele is that he was at Arkadelphia on the 28th. He had constant skirmishing with the enemy on the route, but the progress of the expedition was no time impeded. Arkadelphia is 76 miles southwest of Little Rock.


The Rhode Island election, which took place on the 6th, resulted in the re-election of Governor Smith, Union, over George H. Browne, Democrat, and Amos C. Barstow, Independent. The Legislature is strongly Union.

The election in Maryland on the 6th instant, for members of a constitutional convention, resulted in the success of the Radical Emancipation ticket by 10,000 majority. The Convention will declare, it is said, in favor of immediate and unconditional emancipation.

The election for delegates to the Louisiana State Convention has resulted in favor of the Free State Party by a large majority.



EUROPEAN advices are to the 30th of March. The Archduke Maximilian had postponed the reception of the Mexican deputation to March 27. Nothing authentic about the Mexican loan had been disclosed.

On March 28th the Prussians attempted to carry Duppel by storm, but were repulsed, after a five hours' engagement, along their whole line. The Conference for settling the Schleswig-Holstein question was to commence on April 12, at London.


Accounts from Japan have a pacific aspect. A commercial treaty, between Japan and Switzerland, had been concluded, but was not signed yet according to the latest accounts.


THE following officers compose the staff of General GRANT as now completed : Brigadier-General JOHN: A. RAWLING, Chief of Staff; Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. COMSTOCK, Senior A. D. C. ; Lieutenant-Colonel O. E. BABCOCK, A. D. C. ; Lieutenant-Colonel W. L. DUFF, Assistant Inspector. General; Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. ROWLEY, Military Secretary; Lieutenant-Colonel ADAM BADEAU, Military Secretary; Captain E. S. PARKER, Assistant Adjutant-General; Captain GEORGE: R. LUT, Assistant Adjutant-General ; Lieutenant W. H. DUNN, Jun., Acting A. D. C.; Captain H. W. JONES, Staff Quarter-master.

It is announced that since the passage of the resolution authorizing the transfer of seamen from the army to the navy, already over five thousand have been thus transferred.

The official Navy Register for 1864 has just been issued. It reports the number of vessels, including those still building, to be 617; among them 72 iron-clads and two rams, the Avenger and Vindicator. From December 31, 1862, to March 6, 1864, the navy has lost 39 vessels by capture, destruction, snagging, wreck, etc., including six iron-clads and three rams.

The iron-clad frigate Ironsides has fired since she has been in service 4361 rounds ; has been hit 241 times ; has only had one man killed ; has not been seriously injured, and is probably the best iron-clad vessel in the world.

The rebel privateer Florida was reported to be at the Canary Islands on the 4th of March, where she remained for one day, and took in coal and provisions.

General GILLMORE'S report of the Florida expedition is published. It shows, First; That the plan of the expedition was General GILLMORE'S, and that it had three distinct and sufficient military objects, to which a fourth, not military, was at a later period adjoined by the President. Second That the battle of Olustee was fought in consequence of an advance by General SEYMOUR, not only with out, but clearly against, General GILMORE'S orders. The effort of the latter to countermand it was frustrated by a storm, which delayed his messenger.

By order of the War Department, the Department of the Monongahela has been merged into the Department of the Susquehanna.

Brigadier-General W. H. T. BROOKS has been ordered to report for duty to Major-General BUTLER.

The steamer Maple Leaf, with troops on board, bound from Pilatka to Jacksonville, Florida, was blown up in the St. John's River on the 30th ult. by a rebel torpedo, which was placed in the river. She sunk in ten minutes, and four of her crew were drowned.

The name of the Invalid Corps is, by order of the War Department, changed to that of Veteran Reserve Corps, which sounds more pleasantly to the officers and the commands.

A brigade of loyalists is forming in Northern Alabama,




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