Emperor Maximilian


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 23, 1864

This site contains our online archive of original Harper's Weekly newspapers from the Civil War. These papers have an incredible amount of original content, and stunning illustrations of the key battles and people created by news-artists in the field capturing the events of interest.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Ladies Fair

Ladies at the Fair

Banned Slavery

Senate Passes 13th Amendment Banning Slavery

Cane River

Battle of Cane River

War Dance

Indian War Dance

Military Relics

Ferdinand Maximilian

Fair at Union Square


Emperor Maximilian


Indian Cartoon








APRIL 23, 1864.]





A main point of interest in the Fourteenth Street building is


or the Salmagundi Summer-House, in the New Jersey Department. This house abounds with relics of IRVING, to whose memory it is consecrated. Copies of every portrait ever taken of him are to be found there, together with the table on which he wrote, sketches and paintings illustrative of his life and works, original manuscripts and editions, etc. Here are also exhibited a scarf of ROSE STANDISH, worn in 1620, and many other things equally interesting—among them the flag of PAUL JONES, when in command of the Bon Homme Richard. The interest which visitors manifest in every thing about this house furnishes an eloquent testimony of the power of a great name, and the reverence all men feel for a good and noble life. Our sketch gives an interior view of Cockloft Hall.

One of the most attractive of the miscellaneous stands in the Fourteenth Street Building is that of the


illustrated on this page. At this stand—No. 20—nineteen churches of the Methodist denomination are represented. The contributions consist of camp-stools, library-chairs, silk sofa-cushions, cloaks, Afghans, a large assortment of embroidered goods imported from Paris, infants' clothing, wax and other artificial flowers, mechanical toys, dolls of all sizes and colors, shell-work, and perfumery. The assortment is one of the largest in the Fair, and is presided over by one of the ladies.


referred to last week, has proved a great success, not only affording the little folks an opportunity to do something for the soldier, but furnishing a constant source of amusement and profit to visitors. The sales in this department have been very large; but all vacancies created by purchasers have been promptly supplied, so that the display has been uniform and complete throughout. The profit derived by visitors to this department has not been merely of the pocket or the eye. In thousands of hearts the spectacle there presented has revived sweet reminiscences of childhood ; and many a withered, weary face has grown bright again, no doubt, in the presence of the memorials of that time, when the winds of June blew along their paths, and the birds of spring warbled in the green boughs of their young lives. Our sketch of this department represents one of the entertainments which have been given nightly, to the delight of thousands of visitors.

The view entitled "FLORA M'FLIMSEY" on this page represents a Doll contributed to the Fair by a lady and her daughter, with twelve complete sets of dresses, etc., all of the finest description, and made entirely by the hands of the contributors. The wardrobe thus provided for the miserable Flora includes every garment and accessory the richest taste or heaviest purse could suggest, and yet the whole is offered at a price which would not, probably, pay for the material at present rates. As a triumph of womanly patience and skill "Flora M'Flimsey" must challenge the admiration of all visitors. "Nothing to Wear" never had a more perfectly satirical illustration than this.



Methodist Table
Irving Cockloft
Flora McFlimsey
Emperor Maximilian
Wife of Maximilian




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