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Civil War Harper's Weekly, December 31, 1864

This site features online versions of all the Harper's Weekly newspapers printed during the Civil War. These papers are an excellent resource for the serious student of the Civil War. The illustrations were made by war correspondents deployed with the troops on the front lines.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning

Arming Slaves

Arming Slaves

Sherman Reaches Savannah

Sherman Reaches Savannah

Destroying Railroads

Troops Destroying Railroads

Jarret's Depot

Battle of Jarret's Station

Army of the Cumberland

Army of the Cumberland


Monitor Neosho


Civil War Dresses

Burning Railroads

Troops Burning Railroads

Union Christmas Dinner

Abraham Lincoln and the Union Christmas Dinner










[DECEMBER 31, 1864.


MOTHER. " Now, LAURA, it's no use denying that you've seen CHARLES. He is the only person we know who smokes Common Tobacco, and your clothes smell like a Bar-Room. "


Of the Holidays is BEADLE'S DIME EDITION of

Robinson Crusoe!

In large octavo, with 27 illustrations, and complete text of a favorite London edition. At once the Cheapest and MOST ADMIRABLE edition ever presented to American readers. It is


And promises to afford more pleasure for less money than any thing put on the market for years. It will be sold by news dealers generally, or sent, post-paid, on receipt of

price TEN CENTS ONLY. BEADLE & CO., General Dime Book Publishers,
118 William Street, New York.


Bankers and Dealers in Government

No. 38 Wall Street, New York.


And Dealers in all Classes of GOVERNMTENT SECURITIES.


Complete.-1500 tunes for violin, flute or fife, $2. Omnibus No. 1—700 tunes. 40 sets of quadrilles, 100 contra and fancy dances, with figures and calls ; 100 opera melodies ; polkas, marches, quicksteps, &c., $1 25. Omnibus No. 2._850 tunes. 200 Irish, 200 Scotch, and 200 Opera airs. 100 duets for violin and flute, $1 25. Musical Instruments—Every description. Send stamp for price list. FRED. BLUME, 208 Bowery, N. Y.

This Hotel, situated at NASSAU, NEW PROVIDENCE, BAHAMAS, was built by the Colonial Government, and it a handsome three-story building, erected on an elevation a few minutes' walk from the shore, and commanding a fine view of the ocean, harbor, and town of Nassau.

Surrounding the Hotel is a piazza ten feet wide, from which the inmates can at all times enjoy the gentle, cooling, easterly trade winds. INVALIDS unable to bear much fatigue will have a promenade extending one thousand feet, without leaving the building. All of the TROPICAL FRUITS grow in great abundance, and are in season the entire winter.

But little rain falls from the month of October to the first of June. THIS IS CONSIDERED THE PECULIAR SEASON FOR INVALIDS, though they can reside the entire year with comfort and safety. The roads are macadamized, and kept in good order, A most BEAUTIFUL DRIVE, extends for twelve miles along the sea shore. In fact, every thing combines to make it a pleasant home for the robust as well as for the invalid.

The Lessee of the Hotel has recently secured the services of Mr. James Carroll, late of the "NEW YORK HOTEL," who will have the entire superintendence, and is determined to do all in his power to minister to the wants and comforts of his guests.

The CULINARY and other departments shall be well supplied, the cooks the best obtainable, and the servants attentive and unobtrusive.

The CUNARD CO.'S STEAM-SHIP CORSICA leaves the wharf at Jersey City and New York once a month for Nassau. The fare to Nassau is forty-five dollars. The charges for board are Three Dollars ($3 00) per day.

Carriages and horses for rides may be hired at reasonsable rates.   GEO. O. JOHNSON, Lessee.

NASSAU, N. P., November 1, 1864.

Popular Goods





Elegant Dress Shirts,

With French Embroidered Bosoms.

Three and Four Ply Linen Collars,

Holiday Styles, now ready.

Silk, Wool, Merino, and Cotton

Under Shirts and Drawers.

Gauntlets and Gloves,

New and Popular Styles. ,

Robes de Chambre,

Elegant and New Styles.

Union Riding-Belts,

For Equestrians' Use.


Roman Scarfs and Shawls,

New and Elegant.

Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters,

Velvet, Cloth, and Knitted.

Knit Hoods, Sontags, and Caps,

Fashionable Colors and Styles.

Ringwood Gloves,

White and Colored.

Negligee Shirts,

For Traveling.

Suspenders, Umbrellas,

&c., &c.

A large and elegant variety of the above goods, entirely new and choice styles, many of them manufactured on the premise, and not to be had elsewhere, will be found at popular prices, at


637 Broadway, New York City.

JOHN N. GENIN, in view of the immediate advent of the Fur Season, would draw the attention of the Fashionable world and the public to his extensive stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' FURS,

and to the MODERATE PRICES which he has determined to affix to them. The assortment, manufactured expressly for the approaching season, comprises the popular Fancy Furs of the day, together with many superb sets of Royal Ermine, and Russian and Hudson Bay Sable.

The stock of Sleigh-Robes, besides the usual variety, includes magnificent specimens of Arctic Fox Robes, white as the polar snow, and of ample dimensions; also Ladies' Fur Hoods and Foot-Muffs; Gentlemen's Fur Collars and Gloves. The entire exposition, which is now complete, is remarkable for its variety and beauty.


No. 513 Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel.

India-Rubber Gloves Are a certain cure for Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum, etc., and an excellent protection for the hands in House Work, Gardening, etc. Sent by mail on receipt of $1 50 for Ladies' sizes, $1 75 for Gentlemen's, by

Manufacturing Company,

205 Broadway, New York.

SEND 20 CENTS for JAN. No. ILLUSTRATED PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, containing Portraits, Biographies, and Characters of POETS, PHILOSOPHERS, WARRIORS, CIVILIANS, MURDERERS; the good and the bad, the high and the low. To secure the PICTORIAL DOUBLE NUMBER, with PHYSIOGNOMY, ETHNOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, and PSYCHOLOGY, send at once. Single No. 20 cents. For the year, $2. Address Messrs. FOWLER & WELLS, 389 Broadway, N. Y.

Address FRANKLIN S. M. CO., Box 302, Boston, Mass.


Wrapping Twine made of Paper.
Twines and Paper. H. A. HARVEY, 84 Maiden Lane, N.Y.


Pins, Ear-Rings, and Cuff-Buttons.
Latest styles, $5 00 per Set.

Ivory and Pearl Sleeve Buttons,
$1 and $1 25 per pair each.

Sent free on receipt of price. WE. M. WELLING, 571 Broadway. N. Y. (sign of the Golden Elephant).

Calenberg   Vaupel's PIANOFORTES, 99 and 101 Bleecker Street, 2d block West of Broadway. Warranted for Six Years.


The REVEILLE newspaper is out for December. Send your address. Will return paper free. Free to the above only. M. A. GILBERT & CO., 36 Ann Street, New York.

FRIENDS! Send a stamp for information and my Circulars. Address L. M. HARRIS, Boston, Mass. Vineland Lands. To all Wanting Farms.

Large and thriving settlement, mild and healthful climate, 30 miles south of Philadelphia by railroad. Rich soil, producing large crops, which can now be seen growing. Ten, twenty, and fifty acre tracts, at from $25 to $35 per acre, payable within four years. Good business openings for manufactories and others. Churches, schools, and good society. It is now the most improving place East or West. Hundreds are settling and building. The beauty with which the place is laid out is unsurpassed. Letters answered. Papers giving full information will be sent free. Address CHAS. K. LANDIS, Vineland Post-Office, Cumberland County, New Jersey.

From Report of Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor of the Tribune; "It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western prairies.

THE BOWEN MICROSCOPE, Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE everywhere for 50 CENTS, OR THREE FOR $1 00.

Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

And a splendid WATCH given free, selling our Latest Novelty for the HOLIDAY Trade, now creating such an Immense Sensation and extraordinary demand throughout the Army and Country. The Great, New, and Wonderful PRIZE PORT-FOLIOS. Extra Large. Size 6 by 10. Just Out. Each of which contains Several Dollars' Worth of useful and Valuable Goods, PRIZES, &c. Price only 25 cents. Articles that Soldiers and Families can not do without. Thousands sold every day. 100 Port-folios, with Jewelry, &c., and a beautiful watch, sent to any address on receipt of $15. Soldiers can clear a Months Pay in one day. Agents wanted in every town, village, and camp for this Standard Article. A splendid Gold or Salver WATCH presented free as a premium to every Agent. This is the greatest money-making and surest business of the day. Profits very large. Sales rapid. We guarantee any agent $15 per day. All goods forwarded, with premiums, same day the order is received. Catalogues, with Premium Inducements, cent free. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, Sole Manufacturers.

A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever, Cap, small size, white enameled dial, cut hands, "English Movements," and correct time-keeper, with an accurate "Miniature Calendar," indicating the " Day of the Week, Month, ,&c.," in back case. A single one sent free by mail to any address in a neat case, WITH A BEAUTIFUL VEST CHAIN, for only $10. A neat SILVER WATCH, same as above, with "Miniature Calendar," &c., specially adapted to the ARMY. Sent free by mail, to any address, for only $7. Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Sole Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.

THE SECRET OUT ! Over 2000 Things Worth Knowing! Sent post-paid for 25 cents; Soldier's Edition, 30 cents. Address" UNION BOOK ASSOCIATION," Syracuse, N. Y.

FOR THE HOLIDAYS. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE, TIMES. Ladies' Furs altered and repaired. BURKE, 210 Broadway, S. E. cor. Fulton St., N. Y.

TO CONSUMPTIVES.—You will get the Recipe for a sure Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all Lung Complaints, by sending to DR. UNCAS BRANT, P. O. Box 3531, New York. He sends it free. Write for it. It has cured thousands.

Arthur's Magazine deservedly enjoys the reputation of being one of the best moral literary magazines published in America.—Coburg Sentinel, C. W.

ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE JANUARY NUMBER ready, and for sale by news dealers throughout the country. Trade supplied by American News Company, No. 121 Nassau St., New York. Terms $2 50 a year; three copies, $6; six copies, $10 ; ten copies. $15. Address T. S. ARTHUR & CO., No. 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.





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