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ALL through the wearying summer
day, The blaze of heat, the dusty road,
Our toiling columns stretch away,
Sore burdened with the knapsack's
load—And winding o'er the rugged hills
Bright waves of steel roll
billowing on, Till War's stern, solemn splendor fills Dark valleys from the
world withdrawn.
Day wanes apace the failing feet
Have respite from the toilsome
track, Uncounted eyes in slumber sweet
Close round the welcome bivouac.
The picket skirts the distant wood,
And from the far-off" summits
glow Dim warnings in the solitude,
The watch-fires of a crafty foe.
To-morrow's dawn may bring the
The shock of battle ; yet the
sleep That chains this throbbing tide of life
Is like a spell, so wild and
Dreams soothe each stormy,
turbulent breast,
The happy Past returns again, Joy
sits within the heart, a guest
To banish thence corroding pain.
God guard and keep them ! O'er
the hills,
Far reaching to their Northern homes,
My yearling aspiration thrills,
And on the haunted night-wind
comes The whisper of a porch rose-twined, A graveled walk, an open door, A
lattice sweetly jessamined--A shadow falling on the floor!
Sad woman's eyes ; and bearded
Beside the bivouac murmur low, As
if the dream had found eclipse In sympathy's deep overflow.
The drowsy clock ticks by the
wall To count the listless hours away--While rings afar the thrilling call Of
bugles sounding for the fray.
Sweet childish faces gather
Sweet infant voices fill the
As ever greets her ear the sound
Of childish plaint—" When will he
come?" And she, with marble lip and cheek,
Turns shuddering from the
shadowed floor To stifle words she may not speak
" Perhaps he comes to us no more
IT is December, but active war is
still going on. The operations in
SHERMAN'S march across Georgia,
and the terrible tenacity of
GRANT before
Richmond, do not look much like
winter-quarters. It is useless to speculate, and the Associated Press dispatches
prophesy more than enough. That the
rebels fight as fiercely as ever their
repeated charges against the storm of death at Franklin shows. That the
soldiers have the sturdiness that secures ultimate victory and the readiness
that baffles the most frenzied impetuosity was proved by the same battle.
General THOMAS, who saved the day at
Chickamauga when even
ROSECRANS gave up all
for lost, is a man upon whose quality we may all confidently count. If HOOD
fails in Tennessee, it will be an irreparable moral disaster to the rebellion.
SHERMAN there will probably be
authentic news before these lines are read. We have not disguised the dangers
and difficulties of his
march, while we have felt very sure that nobody could
measure them more accurately than the General himself. We have endeavored to be
prepared for delays, and to face the chance of serious opposition to his
progress, in view of the vital importance of such opposition to the rebels. But
if eluding all snares and surmounting every impediment he emerges safely and
timely upon the coast, SHERMAN, too, will have won a moral victory which will
shake the enemy's heart. And it is by moral victories that the advantages of
military successes are secured.
At each of the three chief points
of interest the prospects of the national cause are clearly encouraging to the
most impartial survey, while the record of the year can not furnish the least
hope or comfort to the rebellion. It is still in arms, indeed; it still
contests. That is all that can be said for it. On the other hand, the nation has
steadily advanced in the suppression of the insurrection, and has declared that
it does not mean to hesitate or delay, or spare any cost of money, time, or
precious life, to maintain its existence. It is not yet finally successful it
has not finished its work. But it is steadily doing it ; and Rome was not a
failure because it was not built in a day.
We shall be very glad if we can
contribute in any degree to promote a healthful condition of the public mind;
guarding it equally against mad ecstasies and foolish depressions. The cause is
not gained or lost by a battle nor by a campaign. The noblest cause defended by
arms, and committed to to a chances of war, can not have a campaign of unvarying
success ; and a nation which can not endure occasional defeat
can not achieve permanent
victory. We were children when the war began ; we ought to be men now. There is
every reason to anticipate that this year will end in glory for the country. Let
us be calm, and patient, and grateful; neither intoxicated with the success we
look for, nor in despair with the reverse that is always possible.
CONGRESS assembles under pleasant
auspices. It is not in the dark. It can have no doubt. It has heard from the
people. It knows what the country wishes and expects. It has had the plainest
declaration that the Government is to be maintained by force of arms, and that
there is to he no parley with rebels, except to receive their submission to the
Constitution and the laws.
We do not anticipate any
remarkable change the conduct of those in the
Opposition who, during the last session, had no other policy than impeding the
Administration and paralyzing the efforts of the country to save itself.
Gentlemen whose votes cheer the rebel Congress will still claim that they
maintain a " legitimate opposition" a la CHARLES JAMES FOX. "Democrats" who
profess the profoundest respect for the popular will, will vote as if the
election had gone exactly the other way. Representatives who are " as much
opposed to Slavery as any body" will vote against allowing a constitutional
chance of settling the question.
Fortunately these gentlemen are
few The responsible majority of the present Congress, and a still larger one of
the next, come fresh from the people, freshly inspired by the high and noble
national impulse which has recorded it self in the late election. The very
universality of the patriotic feeling will, we believe, chasten and modify
crudeness of legislation, because it is an assurance of ripeness and sagacity in
the popular mind which does not require to be excited and spurred by
Congressional action.
We have a right to expect great
calmness, decision, and precision in the legislation of this winter.
WE have forborne any remarks upon
the seizure of the Florida, because the facts have been very inadequately
stated, and because we were very sure that the same skill which so wisely
adjusted the
Trent case would be fully competent to deal with this. Indeed there
has been no event during the war which more clearly proved the ability of the
Secretary of State and the good sense of the country than the issue of the Trent
difficulty. It would be hard to find in any history so ready a national
acquiescence in a conclusion so adverse to the inflamed national passion and
expectation as that case furnished. The general doubt upon all points of
international law, or, more correctly speaking, agreement, was increased in the
case of the Trent by the excited condition of the public mind, still freshly
chafing with indignation at the British prompt concession of belligerent rights
to the rebels. But the moment the fine American tradition was cited and
explained by Senator SUMNER and Secretary
SEWARD, every man saw that the
national honor demanded the surrender of the two
rebel emissaries, and they were
promptly surrendered without a murmur, and with the intelligent consent of the
The conduct of Lord PALMERSTON
the representative of the hostile British aristocracy, and the tone of the
English hostile press, will not be forgotten ; while the manly stand of JOHN
BRIGHT and the English press friendly to our cause will be always gratefully
remembered. For a fortnight Lord PALMERSTON carried in his pocket an explanation
of the readiness of the United States Government to do whatever honor and
precedent required, and for a fortnight he and his friends did what they could
to secure success to the rebellion by plunging the United States and Great
Britain into war. Lord PALMERSTON, his press, and his party were signally foiled
by the fidelity of the United States to their own principles, even when that
fidelity required a severe sacrifice of feeling.
In the present case, the seizure
of the Florida in a neutral port is one of those acts of which British naval
history is full. The English hostile press breaks out into a cry of shame and
rage and revenge upon the report of an incident which has a myriad British
precedents, A most competent and intelligent authority furnishes to the Boston
Daily Advertiser an elaborate and careful paper recounting the various seizures
of ships made at various times in the neutral ports of various nations by
Britannia, ruler of the waves. The paper is worthy of enduring form and
preservation, as a commentary upon that swaggering, blatant, bullying tone of
the English press, and too often of British statesmen, which has earned for
Great Britain the same kind of hearty hate which was felt for the United States
while our Government was administered in the blustering and domineering spirit
of Slavery. Upon one occasion Lord CHATHAM instructed the British Minister to
apologize to the Portuguese Government for a gross offense of the kind we are
considering, but especially
'charged him that under no
circumstances should he consent to restitution of the prize.
The obstreperous scolding of
English hostile journals we have happily learned to despise; and certainly in
the present instance no intelligent American can hear it without a smile of
amused contempt. Unfortunately the sinking of the Florida has prevented the
possibility of her restitution to Brazil, should that course have appeared to be
required by our own precedent and by international understanding. It is greatly
to be deplored that, since she was not destroyed in the act of seizure, she had
not remained afloat until the question could be decided. If it shall now appear
that the rights of a neutral had been violated by the Florida herself, the case,
like that of the General Armstrong, will be one for friendly reference. If it
shall be preyed that her seizure was a plain violation of a neutral port we have
no doubt that every faithful American citizen expects that the most ample and
honorable apology will be made. One newspaper indeed thinks that such a course
would be a sore blow to the national honor! But that is not surprising in a
paper which thinks that the duty of a citizen to his country and Government ends
with an election.
What all honest men desire is
that justice shall be done to the friendly State of Brazil, and honest men do
not feel their honor wounded by frankly apologizing when they see that they are
in the wrong.
THE paper upon precedents of
British offenses against neutrals, of which we have spoken in what we say of the
Florida, is attributed, probably justly, to Senator SUMNER. It has elicited a
letter from Professor GOLDWIN SMITH, which was published in the Philadelphia
North American. The reply is admirable for its temper, and for its assertion of
a higher international morality than usually appears in such discussions,
Grant, says Professor SMITH, that
what you say is true. Yet the offenses were mostly committed when you were parts
of the British empire, and when her glory and shame were yours. And grant again
that England has done such things are they not still unworthy—and do you plead
the shortcomings of England sixty, a hundred, or three hundred years ago as
precedents or extenuations of your own unworthy acts today? But her later
assertions and conduct show that England has changed her feeling, and that such
acts would not now be justified. And even if that were not so, is it a lofty
course, in the present circumstances, to inflame ill feeling between two
countries because the violent in one loudly censure what the calmest and wisest
in the other do not approve ?
These questions come properly and
forcibly from an Englishman who is in the fullest sympathy with us, and who
feels how necessary to civilization is peace between America end England. Yet
he, upon his side, will certainly understand that it is not very agreeable for a
nation, struggling as we are, to be savagely attacked because of an unauthorized
act of a single officer in a foreign port, before the facts are known, and
before the Government or public opinion have had a chance to express themselves
; and that it is especially disagreeable, coming from a maritime nation whose
history is full of exactly such acts, and which bursts into full cry against us,
not because of its regard for neutral rights, but from its great jealousy of our
power and prosperity.
The motive of Professor SMITH'S
letter, deprecation of fanning the hostile flame between England and the United
States, will command the sympathetic approval of every sagacious and patriotic
American and he has earned the right to say what he does, because he has never
hesitated to denounce in the boldest and most forcible strain the conduct of his
own country in suffering herself to become the base of rebel piracies upon our
commerce. His hope is, as the hope of all true men must be, that the better
America and the better England will not allow themselves to be dragged into the
mire of mere bravado and reciprocal insult,
IT will be shameful if the public
attention now directed to the danger and discomfort of
railway travel in this country
does not lead to greater safety and convenience. There is at the
present moment nothing more
uncertain than a railway train. There is nothing regular upon the roads but
irregularity. No traveler is now so wild as to expect to make connections. Every
traveler it grateful if he arrives two or three hours behind time with a whole
skin. Every line is overcrowded with passengers and freight. The trains toil
along from point to point, and patience never had so universal an opportunity
for doing her perfect work. One hapless gentleman reports that he recently
waited two hours at Utica upon the Central Road, reached New York two hours
behind time upon the Hudson Road, and Boston four hours late upon the
Massachusetts Western Road. He declares that he now makes his arrangements to
arrive a day late, and so insures himself against disappointment
The delays would be more
tolerable if comfort could be secured. But money loses its power when you take a
train. Money will buy you comfort and seclusion every where else but in the
cars. You may dine for fifty cents or five dollars at any restaurant you may
choose your hotel and your rooms in it, and be alone or in the crowd; but in the
train you have no choice. Your money is bewitched and paralyzed. You must pay
six dollars to go to Boston, or three dollars to Albany or Philadelphia ; but
you must sit cheek by jowl with drunkards and rowdies, and no amount of money
that you would gladly pay can protect you. There are plenty of decent people
with whom you would willingly sit, but you can not do it. You must inhale the
fumes of whisky, you must hear the ribaldry of profanity and indecency, and
thank God that your legs and neck are not broken by the gracious Railroad
A gentleman was lately traveling
at night upon the New York Central Road with his wife, who was an invalid. A
huge, hulking fellow came in and sat down by the stove and began to smoke a
pipe. The smell and smoke were very unpleasant to the lady, and the gentleman,
going to the smoker, mildly told him that smoking was not allowed in the car.
The reply was a whiff. After a little time the gentleman asked the smoker if he
would be kind enough to lay aside his pipe, as it made the lady sick. The reply
was a surly grunt of refusal. Thereupon the gentleman knocked the pipe out of
the smoker's mouth ; and there would have been a serious row except for the
timely entry of the conductor and the remonstrance of other passengers. The
incident is not the exception, it is almost the rule. When the Central Railroad
asks the Legislature this winter for the power to raise the rate of fare, why
should not the Legislature require the Company to put upon every train cars of
different prices, that those who wish decency in travel, and who do not wish to
sit with drunkards and blackguards, can be accommodated? At a hotel, if people
prefer the company of the bar room, they go there and sit; but what would be
thought of a hotel which compelled every body to sit in the bar room. ?
There are smoking cars upon all
the trains, says some railroad director. Very well, if people choose to smoke in
the other cars at night, and to fight if you complain, it may he possible to
carry the point after a struggle that the offender shall go into the smoking
car, but why not prevent the chance ? A man may come into your room at a hotel
with his pipe, but the chances are against it. The obvious course is to do what
can be easily done to secure comfort. Why not have a drunken car instead of
condemning all the passengers to the society of a sot? Another gentleman upon
the Erie Rail way describes a fellow marching up and down the car, flourishing
his whisky bottle and stumping every body who did not vote for M'CLELLAN to step
forth and be chastised, The conductor did not even attempt to remove him.
There is no reason whatever why
every rail. road company should not be compelled to protect passengers from such
discomfort. In England, and upon the continent of Europe, there are three
classes of cars, and the traveler is infinitely more comfortable, than upon our
higgledy-piggledy roads. The truth is, that our whole system of railroad travel,
in point of safety and comfort, is entirely behind the age.
MANY of the daily papers justly
censure the absurd prophecies of the Associated Press that. " General is fully
prepared for any force that may be brought against him," or the special dispatch
which asserts that "a gentleman has just arrived who, declares that the fate of
HOOD'S army is sealed if he follows up Genera! THOMAS," all of which remarks
were tolerable enough before the battle of Bull Run, three years ago last July,
but have been simply silly ever since.
But while the papers justly
censure such folly, why did they print it? If they omitted it they would gain
both the space occupied by the silly dispatch and by their, own indignant
comments upon it, while its publication merely depresses the public mind, which
has learned to find in these foolish boasts of the Associated Press dispatches
only the most frightened whistling to keep up courage, Henceforth let every
respectable newspaper omit them, and we shall all be gainers.
" THE Journal and Letters of
Samuel Curwen," edited by G. A. WARD (LITTLE & BROWN), is a new edition of a
work published some years since. Mr. CURWEN was a Colonial Tory who left Salem
in Massachusetts, where he was an Admiralty Judge, after the battle of
Lexington, and went to Philadelphia; but finding that patriotism was
inconveniently hot in that city, after being singed a little, he embarked for
England, and remained there until after the close of the war. He was sixty years
old when be left his country, and an old man when he returned. His Journal is
the best account of the foreign residence of the Tory refugees during the
Revolution, and is full of interesting details of the English life and men of
that time. Mr. CURWEN (Next