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Civil War Harper's Weekly, February 20, 1864

This site features an online collection of Harper's Weekly, the most popular illustrated newspaper of the Civil War years. These papers were read by millions of Americans during the war. Today they serve as an incredible resource for students and researchers.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Grant Crossing Cumberland Mountains

Grant Crossing Cumberland Mountains

Democratic Opposition

Democratic Opposition to the War

Slavery Debate

Slavery Debate

Military Ball

Military Ball

Negro Soldier

Negro Soldier

Flag Poem

Flag Poem

Libey Prison

Libey Prison


Columbia, South Carolina

Colt Armory

Colt Armory

Valentines Day

Valentines Day

Colt Fire

Colt Armory Fire

Quack Treatment

Quack Cancer Cure






[FEBRUARY 20, 1864.



MISTRESS M'FLIMSEY. "What does this mean, BRIDGET?—sitting in a man's lap in my kitchen!"

BRIDGET. "Why, Ma'am, it's only my cousin just from the Army; and I'm only sittin' in his lap to keep warm. Coal's so high, you know, Ma'am, and I let the fire go down; and I was so cold!"


Retailed at wholesale prices. 14 kt. Gold Pen, Solid Silver Case, $1.50, warranted for one year, guarantee accompanying each Pen. Send for a circular. Pens re-pointed on receipt of 35 cents. E. S. JOHNSON, 15 Maiden Lane. N. Y.


Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities,



No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

Millinery Business For Sale.

For sale one of the most SELECT PRIVATE Millinery Establishments in the City of New York, admirably located, and doing a first class cash paying trade, LONG LEASE; parted with on account of ill health; and for this cause will be sold on favorable terns. Apply on the premises, The Sponsalia, 12 Waverly Place, New York. The STOCK is SMALL. No agents need reply.

JUST OUT. ENTIRELY NEW.—Ladies' and Gentlemen's Sentimental and Quizzical Valentine Writer. Sent, free of postage, for 20 cents. Address C. SIBLEY, Box 2298, P. O., Philadelphia, Pa.



Read that excellent new hand-book, indispensable for all who would really know



One handsome 12mo vol., 600 pages, sent by first post for $2. Agents wanted. Address FOWLER & WELLS, No. 308 Broadway, New York.

Holloway's Pills and Ointment.—Caution to the Purchaser.—As they have been basely imitated, the public should learn that there is a sure test of their genuineness, viz., the water-mark, "Holloway, New York and London," which appears in every leaf of the book of directions, visible when held between the eye and the light. Sold at the manufactory, No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all Druggists. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT are now retailed, owing to the high price of Drugs, &c., at 30 cts., 70 cts., and $1.10 per Box or Pot.

13 MORE AGENTS WANTED.—Business Light and Respectable! No Capital required! Salaries, according to capacities, $75 to $100 per month, BESIDES EXPENSES. For Agent's Instructions, Samples of Goods, &c., address HOSEA B. CARTER & Co., Inventor's Exchange, Boston, Mass.

body knows it; the soldiers know it, and you have only to keep it to sell it. No remedy is more efficacious in curing diarrhoea, cramps, dysentery, colds, coughs, slight wounds or bruises, and many other ailments incidental to a soldier's life. It is light and convenient to carry, and can be resorted to on the march as well as in camp without trouble. Being used both internally and externally, its value can not be over-estimate—in fact, the soldiers want it, and must have it, and to keep such an article is the duty of every sutler.—Louisville Journal.


AGENTS, male or female, SOLDIERS, and all having some time to spare, are particularly requested, as a FAVOR, to send us their address, and we will send in return, FREE, information for which they will be THANKFUL. We offer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. From $6 to $15 per day ABOVE EXPENSES. We want addresses from EVERY COUNTY in the U. S., and from EVERY REGIMENT in the Army. Address in full, RICHARDS & CO., 37 and 39 Nassau Street, Box 3131, N. Y.

Straight Hair made Wavy!! without heating it, by using Ivin's Patent Hair Crimpers. For sale at Variety Stores.

A Beautiful Complexion, free from Tan, Pimples and Freckles, may easily be procured by using the "BALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS." For shaving it is unsurpassed. It is composed of palm oil, honey, and other valuable articles, highly perfumed by its own ingredients, and when used for washing, night and morning, renders the skin soft and white, and free from blemish. Price 50 cents,

The Trade supplied by HOWARD, SANGER & CO., 105 and 107 Chambers Street, N. Y., and for sale by all Druggists.

Putnam Clothes-Wringer.

The ONLY reliable Self-Adjusting Wringer.

No wood-work to swell or split:

No thumb-screws to get out of order.


It took the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven State and County Fairs in 1863, and is, without an exception, the best Wringer ever made.

Instead of believing the statements of parties interested in the sale of other Wringers,

Try it, and Judge for Yourself.

Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY and ALL others, and, if not entirely satisfactory, return it.

It will wring any thing from a thread to a bed-quilt without alteration.

Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town.

No. 2, $5.50; No. 1, $6.00; No. A, $8.

Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by

The Putnam Manufacturing Co.,

No. 13 Platt Street, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio.

S. C. NORTHROP, Agent.

And Stuttering cured by Bates's Patent Scientific Appliances. For (New Edition of) descriptive Pamphlets and Drawings, address H. C. L. MEARS, 277 W. 23d St., N. Y.



The Rev. CHARLES E. KING, formerly Secretary to the London Evangelical Alliance, and recently connected, as resident Minister and Physician, with the Venezuelean Mission, will send Free of Cost the Prescription with which he successfully treated, while in charge of the large Mission Hospital, upward of one hundred cases of CONSUMPTION in the first, second and third stages.

The remedy is equally adapted to the treatment of Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all affections of the Lungs, Throat, and Air-Passages; while it speedily invigorates the enfeebled NERVOUS SYSTEM, and energizes the deranged functions of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels.

Address, with stamp,


Station D, Bible House,

New York.

P.S.—I wish publicly to acknowledge the generosity of those publishers who, from a sense of humanity, have given this advertisement gratuitous insertion. Religious papers are earnestly requested to copy.

And $15 Per Day Easy.

Agents should be careful in directing their orders for our Original and "only Genuine" Extra Large Size Stationery Prize Packages, which have become so popular through the fine quality and value of their contents. As we have several imitators, who copy our Styles, Advertisements, Premiums, &c., we are the only manufacturers of the "Celebrated Rickards Prize Packages," and none are genuine unless bought direct from us. We still do as we have done for years past, present free to every one who acts as our agent a Fine Gold or Silver Hunting-Case Watch, "Genuine English Movements," and warranted a correct time-keeper. These watches are presented on the spot or sent with the first order. No one else does this. A single one of our Wonderful Packages contains more really valuable articles than any half dozen others ever sold. Among the surprising contents of "each package" will be found Fine Stationery, Pens, Pencils, Envelopes, Engravings, Ladies' Fashion Plates, Designs for Needle-work, Cottage Keepsakes, Household Companions, Letter-Writer's Instructor, Parlor Amusements, Gent's Pocket Calendars for 1864, Union Emblems, Camp Companions for Soldiers, Military Likenesses, Games, Army Advice, Rare Recipes, Many Ways to get Rich, Yankee Notions, Fancy Articles, Rich and Costly Presents of Fashionable Jewelry, &c., &c., all together worth many dollars, for only 25c. Agents make immense profits. 100 to 200 per cent. allowed. We guarantee smart agents can make $15 per day. Our regular agents average that. Our Packages stand same as ever, above all others for quality and quantity of contents. Agents wanted in every camp and town in the country. Goods sent safe to all parts of the army. Send for our Great New Circular for 1864, containing Extra Premium inducements, free. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau St., N. Y. Only Original, and Largest and Oldest Prize Package House in the World.


Hair Restorative.

The standard preparation for the hair. Warranted in all cases to restore faded and gray hair and whiskers to their ORIGINAL color. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another, and thus gives a life appearance instead of the dull dead black of dyes, so that the most critical observer can not detect its use. It does not require previous soaping and washing, and hours for its application, nor does it stain the skin; but is as readily applied and easily wiped from the skin as any hair-dressing. It does not claim to make the hair come in when it has once fallen out; nothing will do that, whatever may be advertised to the contrary; but it will prevent it from falling out, make it soft and silky, and cleanse it and the scalp from all impurities and humors, and entirely overcome the bad effects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, &c. HOYT'S IMPERIAL COLORING CREAM.An appropriate accompaniment to the Hiawatha; oils and colors the hair at the same time, and changes light and red hair to a beautiful brown or black. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & CO., 10 University Place, N. Y. 

N. B.—See Business Notice in the Evening Post.

The Cheapest Watches in


Especially for Soldiers,

Solid Silver Heavy Hunting Cased Lever Watch, warranted a Perfect Time-Keeper $15 SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 127 FOR WATCHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GEORGE A. ELY & CO., 208 Broadway, New York. Send for Circular.

The new Newel, by the author of "Neighbor Jackwood."

Ready at all principal bookstores. Published by J. E. TILTON & CO., Boston.

Shults' Onguent, warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers in six weeks, or money refunded. Sent post-paid, for 30 cents. Address C. F. SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.

Cancer! Cancer!

HAVE YOU A CANCER? If so, you are undoubtedly much troubled about it. Give yourself no undue anxiety concerning it, but put yourself under the hands of Dr. Jones, and, if mortal skill can avail, you may yet be saved. Do not wait until it gets beyond the reach of remedy! Dr. Jones treats, also, with much success, that class of disease called Nervous, and which arise from want of Nervous Vitality; such as Neuralgia, Rheumatism, St. Vitus' Dance, Epilepsy, Dropsy, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Lockjaw, Asthma, Lumbago, Ulcers, Crooked and Weak Spine, Irregular and Deficient Menstruation, Leucorrhea, and all diseases peculiar to the female sex. Persons at a distance can receive the necessary advice on writing and enclosing two stamps to repay postage. Address DR. ABNER D. JONES, 142 East Ninth St., near Broadway, N. Y.


Approved by the Government.

Warranted superior to any other Pistol of the kind. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers. Sold by the Trade generally. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion, N. Y.

$35 WATCHES. $35

Genuine Full-Jeweled American Lever Watches, in 4 Ounce Coin Silver Hunting Cases, Gold Joints, for $35.

Also every variety of good Watches at equally low rates. All orders from the Army must be pre-paid, as the Express Companies will not take bills for collection on soldiers. J. L. FERGUSON, Importer of Watches. 208 Broadway New York.


Bankers, No. 44 Wall Street, New York, Jan. 22, 1864. WE have notice from the General Subscription Agent 5-20 Loan that the whole amount of this loan authorized by law has been taken by subscribers. We can not, therefore, furnish as heretofore the bonds at par and interest. We shall be pleased to fill orders for these bonds at market rates, and shall endeavor to keep constantly on hand, ready for immediate delivery, a full assortment. We also buy and sell all kinds of Government Stocks. The new FIVE PER CENT INTEREST-BEARING LEGAL-TENDER NOTES. SIX PER CENT CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. SIX PER CENT COUPON and REGISTERED BONDS 1881. U. S. QUARTERMASTERS' CHECKS. Maturing Certificates COLLECTED or CASHED on favorable terms.   VERMILYE & Co., Government Agents Five-Twenty Loan.

$7   ARMY   $7


A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever Cap, small size, enameled dial, cut hands, "English Movements," and correct time-keeper, sent free by mail in neat case, only   $7. A SOLID SILVER WATCH, same as above, only $7. Specially adapted to the ARMY. $15 European Timekeeper. $15 A SUPERB "Extra Double Gold Plated" engraved Hunting Case Watch, Magic Spring, "Genuine English Jeweled Movements," Independent Action, Self Balance, a perfect timekeeper, "warranted one year." WILL STAND ACID, and is an Exact Imitation of $100 Watch, Used by the British Army Officers, Sent free by mail, in elegant Morocco Case, for only $15. THIS CELEBRATED ENGLISH COURT WATCH, for ladies. "Rich escutcheon designs," ruby movements, extra heavy gold plate, in STERLING SILVER HUNTING CASE. "Will stand all tests," Exact timekeeper, a perfect "Bijou Artie," Sent free by mail, in richly embossed Turkey Morocco Case, for only      $18. ENGLISH STERLING SILVER LEVER WATCHES, engraved Hunting Case, jeweled movements,   $18. Real English Duplex Gold Watches. Fine article, from $45 to $100. Good Watches, for Army use, of all descriptions. We are sole importers of the above styles of Watches. Catalogue of trade prices mailed free.

Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, of Aug. 22, says: "Messrs. NORTON & CO. have combined two very desirable things in a watch—cheapness and reliability. When it is known that for $7 a person can have an excellent timekeeper, there will be greater punctuality in all the affairs of life."

Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, N. Y.

A Household Word.—Buy your Housekeeping Articles at BASSFORD'S, Cooper Institute, New York.

Ready made or to measure, at $33, $39, and $45 per doz. Self-Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of Shirts and Collars sent free everywhere. FRENCH FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS, $3.00, $3.75, and $4.50 each; all cut one yard long. A single shirt sent by mail on receipt of the cash and 63 cents postage for each shirt. Send the size of your neck. Also


Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn in England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge. To Military Men and Travellers they are invaluable. Price $1 each; sent by post to any part of the Union on the receipt of $1.15. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AGENTS WANTED in every Town in the Union. S. W. H. WARD, 387 Broadway, N. Y.

Watches Given Away.

Agents and Dealers look at the Great Chance to make Money we offer, by engaging in the sale of our NEW NOVELTY STATIONERY PRIZE PACKET. Only $15 capital required to obtain a WATCH, FREE, with first order. We also offer SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS. $10 invested will yield $50. Never before such inducements were offered. Full particulars in Circulars, mailed free. G. S. HASKINS & CO., 36 Beekman Street, N. Y., The Oldest Established Prize Package House in the U. S.


Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE everywhere for 30 CENTS. Five of different powers for $1.00. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.





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