Colored Regiment Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, November 5, 1864

Welcome to our collection of Civil War newspapers. These Harper's Weekly papers were published within days of the battles and events depicted. The wood cut illustrations were created by war correspondents on the front lines, creating eye-witnesses drawings of the critical events of the war.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Sheridan's Ride

Sheridan's Ride to the Front


Sheridan's Ride

Battle of Cedar Creek

Battle of Cedar Creek

Adams Express

Adams Express Office

Adams Express Banking

Colonel Gardiner

Trench Warfare

Trench Warfare

Colored Regiment

Colored Regiment


Civil War Refugees










Bankers and Dealers in Government
No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

Davis Collamore Co.,

479 Broadway, below Broome St.,


&c. ENGRAVED GLASS to order in great variety.


Gold Pens.—If you want the best Pen ever used, used send to Johnson for circular of engravings, giving exact sizes and prices. Pens repointed at 50c. each, by mail. E. S. JOHNSON, Manufacturer, 15 Maiden Lane.

Kendall's Amboline

For the Hair.

Will surely prevent hair falling out.

The best Hair Dressing in the market.

For sale by all Druggists.

Prepared only by


35 Dey Street, New York.

M. L. M A S,

Al' honneur de faire part a sa nombreuse chientelle et au public en general gu'elle vient de transferer son estabbilssement du No. 32 Amity St. all No. 1117 Broadway, coin de la 25ieme Rue, New York, et ou elle a overt un grand magasin de Manteaux et de Robes.

Les nouveautes en garnitures pour Robes et Manteaux seront aussi vendues separement et a des prix moderes. On trouvera constament le plus riche assortiment d'etoffes pour Robes et Manteaux.







From their Large Wholesale Stock, Suits and Single Garments, of Every Description, equal in Quality, Style, and Finish to the best Broadway Custom Work, at Prices



Self-Measurement for Shirts.

Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of Shirts and Collars, sent free every where.

French Flannel Overshirts.

Enameled White, saving all the comforts of linen collars. Washed and dried in a moment. A sample Collar mailed free on receipt of 75 cents. Cuffs $1 00 per pair. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs same price. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AGENTS WANTED in every Town in the Union. S. W. H. WARD 387 Broadway, N. Y.

Vineland Lands. To all Wanting Farms. Large and thriving settlement, mild and healthful climate, 30 miles south of Philadelphia by railroad. Rich soil, producing large crops, which can now be seen growing. Ten, twenty, and fifty acre tracts, at from $25 to $35 per acre, payable within four years. Good business openings for manufactories and others. Churches, schools, and good society. It is now the most improving place East or West. Hundreds are settling and building. The beauty with which the place is laid out is unsurpassed. Letters answered. Papers giving full information will be sent free. Address CHAS. K. LANDIS, Vineland Post-Office, Cumberland County, New Jersey. From Report of Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor of the Tribune: "It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western prairies.

GOLD PENS. We will send to any address one of our large size, fine quality, warranted Gold Pens and Silver-plated Extension Cases, or silver Ebony Holder and Morocco Case, for $1 50. Pens repointed for 50 cents. Send stamp for circular. AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO., No. 200 Broadway, N. Y.

JUST PUBLISHED.—OLD ABE'S JOKES, 128 pp., 35c. The Life of Abraham Lincoln; 100 pp., 25c. The Life of George B. M'Clellan; 100 pp., 25c. The Little Mac Campaign Songster; 72 pp., 12c. The President Lincoln Campaign Songster; 72 pp., 12c. Sold by Booksellers and News-dealers every where. Mailed, post-paid. T. R. DAWLEY, Publisher, New York.

The only enameled " Turn-over" collar made in metals. Send $1 00 for a "Turn-over" or 75 cents for a "Choker," to C. H. WELLING, 94 Pine Street, New York, and receive it by return mail.

FOR A FORTUNE, Address FRANKLIN S. M. CO., Box 302, Boston, Mass. WOULD YOU RECOVER THE REMAINS of Friends lost in the Army? Address DRS. BROWN and ALEXANDER, Embalmers of the Dead, Washington, D. C., Norfolk or Bermuda Hundreds, Va.

HATCH. JOHNSON & CO., 81 Devonshire St. Boston. J. S. Lowrey & Co., 37 Warren St., New York; Van Deusen, Boehmer & Co., 62T Chestnut St., Phila. ; Hodges Bros., 23 Hanover St., Baltimore ; Well, Stephens & Co., 322 Pennsylvania Av., Wash'' ; Leavitt & Bevis, cor. Fifth and Vine Sts., Cincinnati J. Von Berries & Co., 434 Main St.,Louisville ; A. Frankenthal & Bro.,6 No. Main St., St. Louis ; Bradford Bros., Milwaukee; Weed, Witters & Co., 7 to 13 Tchoupitonlas St., N. O.

NOTICE TO THE TRADE. The immense popularity of " Gray's Patent Molded Collar" has given rise to sundry imitations and infringements of my patents. The public, and especially dealers in collars, are cautioned that all such violations of my rights will be strictly prosecuted. SOLOMON S. GRAY. BOSTON, October 1, 1864.

E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the following, viz. STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Of these we have an immens assortment, including War Scenes American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary etc., etc. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, We were the first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. They will be sent by mail, FREE, on receipt of price. FINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects to which additions are continually being made of Portraits of Eminent Americans, etc., viz: about 100 Major-Generals, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, 250 Other Officers, 130 Divines, 275 Colonels,   75 Navy Officers, 125 Authors, 40 Artists,   125 Stage,   50 Prominent Women, 3,000 Copies of Works of Art. including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PICTURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt of $1.80, and sent by mail, FREE. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D. will please remit twenty-five per cent. of the amount with their order, The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. Do you want a Good Magazine ? If so. subscribe to the

[NOVEMBER 5, 1864.


And $15 to $20 per day, made easy, selling our Latest Novelty, now creating such an Immense Sensation and extraordinary demand throughout the Army and Country. The Great, New, and Wonderful PRIZE PORT-FOLIOS. Extra Large. Size 6 by 10. Just Out. Each of which contains Several Dollars' Worth of useful and Volerable Goods, PRIZES, &c. Price only 25 cents. Articles that Soldiers and Families can not do without. Thousands sold every day. Soldiers can clear a Month's Pay in one day. Agents wanted in every town, village, and camp for this Standard Article. A splendid Gold or Silver WATCH presented free as a premium to every Agent. This is the greatest money-making and surest business of the day. Profits very large. Sales rapid. We guaranttee any agent $15 per day. All goods forwarded, with premiums, same day the order is received. Catalogues, with Premium Inducements, sent free. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau Street, New York, Sale Manufactures.

A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLEATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever, Cap, small size, white enameled dial, cut hands, "English Movements," and correct time-keeper, with an accurate Miniature Calendar," indicating the "Day of the Week, Month, &c.," in back case.

A single one sent free by mail to any address in a neat case, WITH A BEAUTIFUL VEST CHAIN, for only $10. A neat SILVER WATCH, same as above, with Miniature Calendar," &c., specially adapted to the ARMY. Sent free

by mail, to any address, for only   $T. Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Sole Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.

CARPET WARP. Tobacco Twine, Twines and Paper. H. A. HARVEY, 84 Maiden Lane,N.Y.

"The West Indian Hair Curler" IS THE MOST EFFECTUAL CURLER IN USE. See inside Advertisement.

Calenberg &   Vaupel's PIANOFORTES, 99 and 101 Bleecker Street, 2d block West of Broadway.
Warranted for Six Years.

Knapp's Indian Strengthening Plaster. For pain or weakness in the back, breast, side, or limbs; rheumatism, bruises, sprains, asthma, and diseases of the lungs, liver, and kidneys, these plasters stand unrivaled; and for cheapness, ease, and durability they far surpass all others. Sold by all druggists. General Depot, No. 362 Hudson Street, New York. MUSICAL BOXES.
M. J. PAILLARD, 21 Maiden Lane (up stairs), New York.

WOOD BROTHERS' Immense Stock of Carriages on Exhibition and for Sale at the PALACE GARDEN, Fourteenth Street, near Sixth Avenue (SANITARY FAIR BUILDING). Embracing the newest and most fashionable styles, from the finest Coach, through all the varieties of Park Carriages, to the lightest Trotting-Wagon. That portion of the stock damaged by the late fire will be sold at greatly-reduced price, and their new stock proportionately reduced to the gold standard. WOOD BROTHERS are Agents for the sale of GOOLD'S ALBANY Sleighs. A full assortment of these celebrated Sleighs will be found in our stock.

SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ! ! Send no your address. Return you a Comic Paper, gratis, to read in camp and "bunk." Free to the above only. M. "A." GILBERT & CO., 36 Ann St., New York. HARPER BROTHERS Have Just Published :CRUSOE'S ISLAND; a Ramble in the Footsteps of Alexander Selkirk. With Sketches of Adventure in California and Washoe. By J. Ross BROWNE, Author of "Yusef," &c. With Illustrations. l2mo, Cloth, $1 75. Sent by mail, postage—free, on receipt of price.


[By our Prophetic Artist.]

"The time has come for us to put into the army every able-bodied negro man as a soldier. We have learned from dear-bought experience that negroes can be taught to fight. I would free all able to bear anus, and put them into the field at once. They will make much better soldiers with us than against us, and swell the now depleted ranks of our armies."—HENRY W. ALLEN (Rebel Governor of Louisiana) to JAMES W. SEDDON (Rebel Secretary of War). September 26, 1864.

"The Conscription of Negroes should be accompanied with freedom and the privilege of remaining in the State. When it is once understood that freedom and a home in the South are the privileges offered by the Confederate Authorities, not only will desertions from our ranks be unfrequent, but the drafted negroes of the Yankee Armies will exchange services. Nor should this important subject be prejudiced with questions about putting negroes on an equality with our friends, brothers, and fathers."—Richmond Enquirer, October 18.

Colored Regiment




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