General Jeff Davis


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, September 17, 1864

During the Civil War, Americans relied on Harper's Weekly as their primary source of news on the war. These newspapers contained detailed accounts of the battle, and insightful analyses of both the war and the politics of the day. Today, they make for incredible reading.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Rebel Flag

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1864 Campaign

Abraham Lincoln Comments on Civil War



General McClellan

General McClellan Portrait

McClellan 1864 Presidential Nomination

Dutch Gap

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Jeff Davis

General Jeff Davis

Fort Morgan Attack

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Ezra Church

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President Lincoln Cartoon

President Lincoln Cartoon





SEPTEMBER 17, 1864.]




GEORGE H. PENDLETON, the Democratic candidate for the Vice-Presidency, whose portrait we give on this page, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July, 1825. He was elected a member of the State Senate of Ohio in 1854 and 1855, and was the subsequent year chosen as representative of his district in Congress, and has held that position ever since. Personally Mr. PENDLETON is a man of pleasant manners, and has always been popular with his associates. His sentiments are in perfect harmony with the principles of the Chicago Platform. Unlike Cox and other representatives of his party, PENDLETON is sincere in his political faith.


WE give below a portrait of General JEFFERSON C. DAVIS, who lately distinguished himself in the battle of Jonesborough, Georgia. He was a native of Indiana, and graduated from West Point with the rank of Second Lieutenant of the First Artillery, June 17, 1847. In February, 1852, he received a First Lieutenancy. He was one of the officers under Major ANDERSON'S command at Fort Sumter. It was General DAVIS who, in September, 1862, shot General NELSON at the Galt House in Louisville. General NELSON had insulted DAVIS, and the latter was acquitted of the murder. He was at this time a Brigadier-General. He had en- (Next Page)


Fort Hell
General Jeff Davis
George Pendleton




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