On Board the Sumter


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, August 16, 1862

Welcome to our online archive of Harper's Weekly newspapers from the Civil War. This important archive allows you to "drill down" and study the Civil War in a level of detail never before possible. This collection documents the key events of the conflict.

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John Morgan

John Morgan

Lincoln Institutes the Draft

Lincoln Institutes the Draft

Lincoln's Draft Order

Abraham Lincoln's Draft Order

War in Alabama

The War in Alabama

Capture of Red Bill

Capture of Red Bill

The Pirate Ship Sumter

Pirate Ship "Sumter"

Sumter's Officer Journal

Journal from Sumter Officer

On Board the Sumter

On Board the Sumter

Franklin's Corps

General Franklin's Corps

McClellan's Prayer Service

General McClellan's Prayer Service

Battle of Fairoaks

The Battle of Fairoaks

Mississippi River

Mississippi River

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Slave Cartoons










AUGUST 16, 1862.]



(Previous Page) you all over the world; this fact alone should teach you the importance the enemy attach to your capture. You are well thought of by our own Government and throughout Europe. Almost every newspaper I see contains some flattering notice of the Sumter; and the time will come when it will be thought no little credit to have served on her. Now, any of you who wish to leave can do so. I will not send officers in the boats to watch you. I do not wish to command a prison ship. I would much rather a man would desert our flag now, in port, than desert his gun in time of action. I will not have such men: I can dispense with all such dross." Then, after calling upon several of the men, upon whom he conferred rates for their good conduct, he ordered all hands to be piped down. The captain's address was delivered with deep emotion, and evidently had the effect of buoying up the spirits of those who were dispirited, if any there were. The United States Consul offers tempting inducements to all who will desert the Sumter. He has runners who besiege every boat we send ashore, and who employ every means (except force) to persuade the men to leave.

January 17.—Owing to our inability to procure what we required in Cadiz we sailed thence to Gibraltar, only eighty miles distant, which we will reach to-morrow. The conduct of the Spaniards toward us has been so vacillating as to be the source of much annoyance. The day after the arrival of the Sumter objection was made to her remaining longer than twenty-four hours. To the order to leave our commander answered that the Queen's proclamation did not apply to vessels in distress; that he would not endanger the lives of his command by going to sea in the condition his vessel was then in. In order to force him to respect this mandate a mammoth frigate was menacingly stationed near the Sumter. When the hour for our departure came the Spaniards magnanimously granted us permission to remain. Next she was hauled into one of the Government docks, the officials as polite as Parisians, and seemingly fearful of their inability to pay sufficient deference to our commander. After undergoing slight repairs the Sumter was towed down to the city. Here she procured a supply of water, but not a bucket of coal, the sale of it being positively forbidden. The commander was again ordered to leave within two hours. Six hours thereafter the authorities notified him verbally that he could remain and get every thing he required. He replied that he desired nothing from the Spaniards, and would have no further intercourse with them. The written permission of the authorities was promised and declined. Soon after the messenger had left the ship we got under way. When abreast of the outer port the Sumter was hailed by a row-boat, the oarsmen bending to their work as though their lives depended on the delivery of the huge papers held aloft by an official in the bow of the boat. Great must have been his astonishment on learning that this document was not worth stopping for!

January 18.—We are under the guns of Gibraltar the impregnable. We did not make the harbor until after nightfall, having been detained overhauling a couple of Yankees—the barks Neapolitan and Investigator. The crew of the former were transferred to the latter, when, after taking from her her papers and colors, she proceeded on her voyage. The Investigator's cargo was consigned to English merchants—hence her release. While we were taking from the Neapolitan what was necessary for the ship's use we drifted within three miles of the coast of Morocco, where she was burned. Soon after we anchored the senior naval officer of this station sent off a boat tendering his respects, and inquiring if he could be of any service to the commander of the Sumter.

January 19.—We have received numerous visitors from the British steam-frigate Scylla. They expressed surprise that so small a craft should create such a noise in the world. The old saying, that birds of a feather will flock together, is well exemplified in the visits of men-of-war's men to each other.

January 21.—The bark Investigator, after she was released by the Sumter, on the 18th, put into this port and landed the crew of the Neapolitan. She sailed to-day for Liverpool. As soon as the Sumter arrived the commander was notified that he would not be permitted to land any prisoners of war. As passengers, however, there was no objection to landing them from the bark!

February 12.—The United States gun-boat Tuscarora, which for several weeks has been watching the Confederate States steamer Nashville at Southampton, made her appearance here about noon. She is sent hither to watch the Sumter, and is now at anchor about half a mile astern of us. She is a new vessel, nearly three times the size of the Sumter, and carries nine guns, two of them of the heaviest calibre known to the Northern navy. However, she is not too big to be eluded.

February 13.—The Tuscarora has steamed over to the Spanish side. This Captain Craven no doubt considers a shrewd move, for, being in Spanish waters, he will have the right to leave at the same hour that the Sumter does.

February 21.—The paymaster of the Sumter left here in a French steamer, on the 18th, for Cadiz. He was accompanied by a Southerner, who was formerly United States Vice-Consul at Cadiz, but resigned on the inauguration of the rail-splitting President of the Northern Confederacy. The steamer stopped at Tangiers, in Morocco, and these two gentlemen went ashore, when they were arrested by a posse of soldier-policemen, and dragged to the residence of the United States Consul, where they were incarcerated in irons, as though they were guilty of a heinous crime. With Morocco, as with most Mahommedan countries, Christian powers have stipulated that their citizens and subjects shall not be amenable to the laws of the Moslem, but remain under the jurisdiction of the representatives of their respective Governments. These gentlemen had, of course, no suspicion that such an act could be perpetrated in the territory of a neutral power, notwithstanding the existence of this

custom, or they never would have exposed themselves to the treatment they have experienced.

February 22.—A letter has been received from the paymaster, announcing that he had made his escape, but was afterward recaptured. He states that his treatment is of the harshest kind, and is rendered still more unendurable by many indignities.

February 23.—We raised steam to-day to go alongside of a coal-ship. While the vessel was being unmoored an accident occurred to one of the boilers, of so serious a nature as to compel us to postpone taking in our supply of coals for a few days. The boilers are well-nigh worn out.

February 24.—By the last steamer from England we are in receipt of the London Times of a recent date, containing statements made by Captains Smith, Minott, and Hoxie, whose vessels—the Arcade, Vigilant, and Eben Dodge—were captured and destroyed at sea on the Sunter's passage across the Atlantic. They complain of the filthy condition of the vessel, and of their being messed with the petty officers. Now the truth is that they messed with the warrant officers, whose mess-room, although situated forward, on the orlop deck, was as comfortable and commodious as the size of the ship would allow. For obvious reasons they were not quartered in the cabin or ward-room. When the Eben Dodge, Captain Hoxie's ship, was captured, she was in a sinking condition. Her men were so worn at the pump that half of them were helpless, and their health was as carefully attended to by our surgeon and his assistant as that of our own men. Captain Hoxie also complained that his crew were robbed of all their clothing except one suit. The Eben Dodge had an outfit of clothing for three years. This clothing was the property of the owners of the ship, put aboard to be served out to the crew as they might require it, and to be charged to their respective accounts. The Dodge, when captured, became the property of the Confederate States, with all her tackle and stores; nevertheless, the crew were permitted to retain two suits besides those they wore at the time of capture.

February 28.—Several days ago a large sailing war-vessel made her appearance off this harbor. She bears the Stars and Stripes, and appears to be heavily armed. She sailed to-day.

March 1.—The unknown war-vessel spoken of above is the United States sloop-of-war Ino, 23 guns. When she left yesterday she sailed across the strait to Tangiers, and took aboard the pay-master of the Sumter. She afterward returned and anchored in Spanish waters, off Algeciras, whence she sailed to-day for the States, leaving to the Tuscarora the pleasant duty of looking after the Sumter. The Ino is said to be a merchantman transformed into a war-vessel. The intention of the shrewd Secretary of the Northern Navy was to send her into the Mediterranean, where she would be likely to encounter the Sumter. The Sumter, of course, would drop alongside of her, thinking her an ordinary merchant ship, when the batteries of the Ino would open on her, and, with a single broadside, blow the Sumter into a million of pieces.

March 10.—There has been considerable movement among the Northern war-vessels in these and adjacent waters during the past few days. The Kearsarge, Commander Pickering, seven guns, which arrived at Algeciras on the 7th, steamed over and anchored astern of us on the following day. Being ordered to leave yesterday, she returned to the Spanish side. Her guns were all run in, and the ports closed, but at every air and light port a dozen heads could be seen, every eye strained to catch a glimpse of the little blockade-runner. The Kearsarge may be a stronger ship, and better armed and more numerously manned than the Sumter, but we can beat the Yankees singing. Our old friend the Tuscarora now lies just outside the neutral ground in Spanish waters, having been ordered away from this side. The Flambeau is at Tangiers, and another Northern war-vessel, name unknown, is reported cruising about the mouth of the Mediterranean.

March 14.—After nightfall yesterday an armed sailing-vessel, flying the Stars and Stripes, in attempting to enter the harbor of Algeciras, was fired at twice. She then wore ship, and stood over to this side of the bay and anchored near the neutral ground. This morning she sailed over to Algeciras. The supposed cause of her being fired on is her violation of the port regulation forbidding the entry of vessels after sundown.

April 3.—By late advices from the United States we learn that a general naval court-martial had been convened in the Federal capital, and among the cases tried were those of the commanders of the Brooklyn and Keystone State, the offense of the first being his permitting the Sumter to leave the Mississippi River and go to sea while his vessel was stationed there to blockade one of the mouths of that river. It was proved in evidence that the Brooklyn was in an unseaworthy condition; that her boilers were unsafe under a full head of steam; and that she was in chase of another vessel at the time the Sumter made her escape. If the Brooklyn was not sea-worthy, why was she retained as one of the blockading fleet? It is a well-known fact that the Brooklyn was one of the strongest and fleetest vessels belonging to the Northern navy, and was, on the 30th of last June, in complete order in every respect. The commander of the Keystone State was not so fortunate. It was proved that he was in possession of authentic information respecting the whereabouts of the Sumter; that she was at the time lying at anchor in the Surinam River, near Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana; that she was poorly armed, and not fully manned; and that there was no excuse whatever for his not meeting her and giving her battle. The commander of the Keystone State was sentenced to be cashiered accordingly.

April 8.—Owing to the Sumter's boilers being completely worn out—they having been patched so often that no reliance can be placed in them—our commander has determined to disband and pay off his crew, and lay up the old ship until the

expiration of the war. This news is received on all hands with great joy. We are heartily sick of the life of inactivity we have been leading for the past three months, though much regret will be felt at leaving the old ship which has carried us over so many miles of ocean and through so many perils.

April 9.—Paying off and disbanding the crew was commenced to-day. A portion of the crew was sent ashore this afternoon, and the balance will follow them to-morrow. In leaving the Sumter many pleasant associations are broken up—many cherished friends are separated. There is not a single man on her but who entertains for our old commander a sincere respect, and would be willing to follow him any where.

April 10.—Yesterday the paymaster finished paying off the crew, with the exception of eleven men who remain on board to take care of the ship.




of the Infantry of the Line, together with the SKIRMISHING DRILL

of the Company and the Battalion, after the method of Gen. Le Loutrel.


with a supplement on the handling and service of Light Infantry, by COL. J. MONROE, Commanding 22d Regiment N. Y. S. M., formerly Captain U. S. A. 1 vol. 24mo, cloth, price 50 cents.

D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, No. 192 Broadway.

"Get the Best."

AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THISTLE & CO.'S 25 AND 10 CENT ENTIRELY NEW PRIZE STATIONERY PACKAGES. They are the largest, best, and cheapest manufactured. Send for circular containing particulars. Mailed free. THISTLE & CO., 130 Nassau Street, Y.

Cooking Extracts.

The attention of housekeepers is respectfully invited to Burnett's Extracts. They are entirely free from poisonous oils and acids. They have all the delicacy of the fruits from which they are prepared, and are less expensive.


WITH SYMPHONIES AND ACCOMPANIMENTS, by Sir John Stevenson, embellished with a Portrait of MOORE, and prefaced with a Sketch of his Life and a history of the work. Price, in plain binding, $1.50; in cloth, embossed, $2.00; in cloth, full gilt, $3.00. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of the price by the publishers, OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston.

PRINCE'S FOUNTAIN PEN.— One filling writes 8 to 10 hours. Sent by mail. Send stamp for circular. GEO. F. HAWKES, No. 64 Nassau St., N. Y.

The Bird Work and Skein Holder,

For the Lap in Hand Sewing.

This useful article of beauty, the friend of the ladies. All want one. Economical and saving. Samples by mail on receipt of 25 cents. Agents wanted, male and female, in every State and Town in the Union. Address ALLYN & PHELPS, Inventor's and Manufacturers' Depot, 429 Broadway, New York.

Wedding Cards and Note Papers at J. EVERDELL'S celebrated Engraving Establishment, 302 Broadway, cor. Duane Street, N. Y. Samples by mail.

CATARRH!—Dr. Goodale's CATARRH REMEDY penetrates to the very seat of this terrible disease, and exterminates it, root and branch. Price $1.00. Send a stamp for a pamphlet. Depot 612 Broadway.

French and English Institute,
For young Gentlemen, 48 and 50 East 24th Street.

Boarding and Day School. Pupils prepared for West-point, the Navy School, College, and Business. A pupil can enter when six years of age, and remain till he is 20. The Prospectus contains the names of the pupils and their parents for the past seven years. Lessons resumed on September 16th.                ELIE CHARLIER, Director.

AND ARMS. Selpho's Patent. 516 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. Send for a Circular.

READER!—If you want employment, or want the best (Two-threaded) Sewing Machine ever manufactured, send to ISAAC HALE, JR. & CO., Newburyport, Mass., for a descriptive circular of terms, &c. They pay a liberal salary or allow commission, as the Agent may choose.


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, Washington, Hilton Head, Newbern, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent, at half rates, by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.


in every County at $75 per month and expenses, to sell a new and cheap Sewing Machine. Address (with stamp).   S. MADISON, Alfred, Maine.

Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured.
Sent free of charge.
Address Box 788, New York P. O.

J. H. Winslow & Co.

Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Gold

Pens, Bracelets, Lockets, Rings, Gent's

Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &c., &c.

Worth $500,000,

To be sold for ONE DOLLAR each., without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send for Circular containing full list and particulars. Send 25 cents for a Certificate.

Certificates of all the various articles, stating what each one can have, are first put into envelopes, sealed up, and mixed; and when ordered, are taken out without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus giving all a fair chance. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you can have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and take the article or not.

In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the certificate is sent for. Five Certificates will be sent for $1, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, and one hundred for $15.

AGENTS.—Those acting as Agents will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. Great caution should be used by our correspondents in regard to giving their correct address, Town, County, and State. Address J. H. WINSLOW & CO., 208 Broadway,   New York. N.B. We wish it distinctly understood that all articles of jewelry not giving perfect satisfaction can be returned and the money will be refunded.

Particulars sent free. W. SUMNER & CO., New York.

To all Wanting Farms.

Large and thriving settlement of Vineland. Rich soil. Good crops of Wheat, Corn, Peaches, &c., to be seen—only 30 miles from Philadelphia. Delightful climate—20 acre tracts of from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within 4 years. Good schools and society. Hundreds are settling. Apply to CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., Vineland, Cumberland Co., New Jersey. Report of Solon Robinson and Vineland Rural sent free. From Report of Solon Robinson, Ag. Ed. Tribune. "It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western Prairies.


Ballard's Patent Breech-Loading Rifle.

This arm is entirely new, and is universally acknowledged to be the nearest to perfection of any Breech-Loading Rifle ever made. Length of barrel 24 inches, weight of Rifle 7 pounds. Size of Calibre adapted to Nos. 32, 38, and 44 copper water-proof Cartridges. Also, Prescott's Cartridge Revolvers The 8in., or Navy Size, carries a Ball weighing 38 to the lb., and the No. 32, or 4in. Revolver, a Ball 80 to the lb. By recent experiments made in the Army, these Revolvers were pronounced the best and most effective weapons in use. For particulars call or send for a Circular to MERWIN & BRAY, Sole Agents, No. 262 Broadway, N.Y.


Commercial Travelers and Agents Wanted to Sell our 25 Cent Portfolio Package. Contents—18 Sheets Note Paper, 18 Envelopes, 1 Penholder, 1 Pen, 1 Pencil, 1 Blotting Pad, 100 Recipes, 1 War Hymn, 5 Engravings, 1 New Method for Computing Interest, 9 Fashionable Designs for Marking Letters, 4 Ladies' Undersleeves, 2 ladies Collars, 1 Ladies' Underskirt, 1 Ladies' Embroidered Body and Sleeves, 2 Infant's Christening Robes, 1 Child's Apron, 1 Child's Full Dress, 1 Misses' Embroidered Dress, 1 Handkerchief Border, 1 Pen Wiper, 1 Edging. Also, one FASHIONABLE article of RICH JEWELRY. Agents make $10 a day. Send stamp for Circular of wholesale prices. Sample 50 cents. WEIR & CO., Publishers, 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.

"NEW TAX LAW" added to the above. Nazareth Hall Boarding School for Boys, (Established in 1785), Nazareth, Northampton County, Penn.

Easy of access from New York by Central Railroad of New Jersey to Easton, and thence seven miles by stage. Agents, Messrs. A. Bininger & Co., Nos. 92 and 94 Liberty Street New York.    Rev. EDWARD H. REICHEL, Principal.

Every Man his own Printer.

Portable Printing-Offices for the Army and Navy, Druggists, and Business Men generally. Send for a circular. ADAMS PRESS COMPANY,

31 Park Row (under Lovejoy's Hotel), New York.

DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT WHISKERS OR MUSTACHES?—My Onguent will force them to grow heavily in six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—sent by mail, post free, to any address, on receipt of an order. R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.  


Any Number will be sent by Mail, post-paid, for Twenty-five Cents. Any Volume, comprising Six Numbers, neatly bound in Cloth, will be sent by Mail, to any part of the United States within 3000 miles of New York, post-paid, for Two Dollars per Volume. Complete Sets will be sent by Express, the freight at the charge of the purchaser, at a Discount of Twenty-five per Cent. from the above rate. Twenty-Four Volumes, bound uniformly, extending from June, 1850, to May, 1862, are now ready.


One Copy for one Year ......................$3.00
Two Copies for One Year ...................5.00
Three or more Copies for One Year (each) 2.00 And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of EIGHT SUBSCRIBERS.

HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.



10,000 Watches for sale at wholesale prices. Silver Hunting Case Levers, worth $15, for 10. American Watch (usual price $30) for $20. Send for a circular. J. L. FERGUSON, 208 Broadway, N. Y.





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