Farragut Passes Port Hudson


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 11, 1863

We have made out extensive collection of Civil War Harper's Weekly newspapers available online. This collection contains incredible details of the war not available anywhere else. They offer a new perspective on the War.

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Dixie Bayou

European Loan

European Confederate Loan

Farragut at Port Hudson

Farragut Passes Port Hudson

Prince and Princess of Wales

Prince and Princess of Wales

Queen Victoria and Beatrice

Queen Victoria and Princess Beatrice

Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding

Newbern, NC

Battle of Newbern, NC

Dummy Ship

Dummy Ship at Vicksburg

Battle of Newbern

Battle of Newbern, North Carolina

St. George's Chapel

St. George's Chapel

Seward Cartoon

Secretary Seward Cartoon






APRIL 11, 1863.]



(Previous Page) every disaster that befalls that Government, and at every success of the rebellion from whose dominion they have run away.

They denounce the unconstitutional acts of the Government, while the rebellion in which they delight is a stupendous act of destruction of the whole Constitution.

They declaim against the restriction of liberty of speech while their tongues are entirely unbridled; and under the dominion of their beloved rebellion, if they dared to indulge a corresponding freedom of talk, they would be incontinently silenced.

They scold at the danger to the liberties of the citizen from the Government; but when they are reminded of the reign of terror in Texas, of the inconceivable horrors which have pursued the Union men at the South, they declare that it is not the act of the rebel authorities. When, then, they are asked what kind of government it is which does not repress such atrocities at any cost, they shift the question, and reply that where there are slaves it is not safe to let people say what they will, which gives a charming foretaste of the delights of a government based upon "the system of involuntary servitude" as its chief corner-stone.

They declare that if the Government had let them alone there would have been no trouble, which is equally true of all other public offenders who resist the laws. They seem to think that they should have been allowed to steal forts, territory, and public improvements without the least notice upon the part of the Government which owned them, while no man in the country is suffered to steal so much as a watch with impunity. And with incredible and amusing stupidity some of them seem honestly to think it strange that a great, sovereign, imperial Government would not suffer itself to be snuffed out like a tallow dip.

These gentry who have not had the courage to stay at home and maintain with arms the cause which they affect to consider so just and holy, are the most contemptible phenomena of the rebellion. They congregate with our own indigenous Copperheads, and hiss at the Government to which they owe the security of their lives and rights, and the protection of all the property which has not been consumed by the relentless despotism for the success of which they so ardently pray.


THE interest in the Connecticut election is not merely a State and local interest; it is national, because at this time any election which proceeds upon the ground of supporting or opposing the war is an expression of opinion upon a national question. Yet it is to be borne in mind that no orator in Connecticut, not even Mr. Thomas H. Seymour himself, nor Toucey, nor Fernando Wood, has dared to pronounce for disunion. That is a policy which Vallandigham, the chief of Copperheads, eschews now, although three years ago he openly favored a dissolution of the Union into four or more parts. And no observer should forget that the majority in Connecticut has always been very small either way. Therefore, while the result of the election is interesting, it is not of that supreme importance which has been attached to it. For it is not the State of Connecticut declaring for war or peace. It is only the decision of the voters who are left in the State whether they wish to try to embarrass and paralyze the national Government in its endeavor to maintain the national existence. The great mass of the voters of that State who are in the field are unreservedly national Unionists. Let every man remember, then, that if the sense of all the legal voters was to be expressed at this election Connecticut would show herself exactly as loyal as every other loyal State. If by the result of the election she shall seem to waver, nobody will know more certainly than the seeming victors that they win because thousands and thousands of faithful citizen soldiers are away. "I appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober," said the old philosopher to the king. And the heart of every true American Unionist, in case of Mr. Seymour's election, will at once appeal from Connecticut deprived of the votes of her patriot sons in arms to Connecticut with all her citizens at home and voting.


MEDORI'S Norma is the finest rendering of that character we have ever had in this country, except that of Grisi, who created the part. And it is the more pleasant because it is entirely unheralded. M. Maretzek arrived with his company, and with much less than the usual preliminary trumpeting they appeared—and they conquered. The spirit, the unanimity, the dramatic power and co-operation, are such as we have never seen at the Academy. The opera of "Norma" is often languid and ineffective in the representation, for the tenor usually slurs Pollio, and the basso's Oroveso is unimportant, and Adelgisa is subordinate. But, with true artistic instinct, Mazzoleni made Pollio, and Biachi Oroveso, and Madame Sulzer Adelgisa, what they ought to be; and the representation was a great and deserved success.

This is the more interesting because neither the voices nor the singers are especially magnetic. Medori's voice is full, but it has a marked tremolo, and its tone is more clear than sweet. But she is a truly noble lyrical artist, and her mien and action are of the largest and finest school. There was not a look or a posture or a movement that was not queenly. She looks all the Druidess, and her bursts of passionate emotion were of that intensity and fury which belong to the conception of the wild British forest. It was Boadicea that we saw; and the amplitude of the singer's person merely deepens the impression. There have been finer voices, in certain qualities, and more elaborate vocalization than Medori's upon the same stage, but no Prima Donna whatever—not even Grisi, for the most part, when she was here—has so prevailed by pure dramatic power.

Mazzoleni is worthy to sing with her. His organ is not of the elegiac sweetness of Brignoli's, but it is fervent and powerful; and he throws himself so fully into his part, and acts and moves with such spirit and grace, that he compels admiration and applause. Madame Sulzer sings with the same spirit; her voice is excellent, with some fine contralto notes, and her vocalization finished and true. She often divided the honors of her scenes with Medori. And Biachi completes the quartette with a most effective bass, a striking presence, and dramatic talent.

Medori is undertaking other of the grand lyrical parts. Norma was to be followed by Semiramide. Let us hope that M. Maretzek will not forget how long it is since we have had a really satisfactory presentation of "Lucrezia."


SEVERAL of the Connecticut regiments in the field have already spoken to their fellow-citizens at home. The Twelfth Regiment, now in Louisiana, has added its voice, and one of its bravest officers, speaking by the consent and with the enthusiastic approval of his fellow-officers, including the old line Democrats, writes as follows:

"If the rest of the army is like the Twelfth Connecticut —and I believe it is not far different—the President need not make a disgraceful peace."

This is the universal sentiment of all the Connecticut voters who will not vote at this election; and their number will vastly surpass any majority which may be cast against the Government of the country.


SOME two years ago the Lounger described a most interesting visit he had made to the factory of the American Watch Company at Waltham. He has lately been there again with increased wonder and delight. The works have been enlarged and the machinery carried to a yet finer perfection; while his own private experience of the quality of the American watch has confirmed all that he then said. And at a time when the war for American nationality engages and engrosses the profoundest interest of all loyal citizens, there is the greatest satisfaction in knowing that the minutes and days and weeks and years of that war are told by an American watch in your pocket. The beauty, the precision, the greater cheapness, the uniform excellence of a watch constructed by machinery so exquisite that the mere spectacle of its operation is poetic, gradually give the American watches a public preference which will not be deceived. The Lounger again, and with the emphasis of practical experience, commends this masterly manufacture to the attention of all his friends who wish to keep time with the onward march of American skill, and enterprise, and success. And if they are not willing to take his word for it, let them step into the pleasant office at No. 182 Broadway, and ask Messrs. Robbins and Appleton what they think upon the subject.


THE dedication of Mrs. Gaskell's last novel, "Sylvia's Lovers," just issued by the Harpers, is an illustration of the earnest sympathy with which so many of the most intelligent and influential persons in England regard our war. Mr. Norton, known in our literature by his little book of the ripest scholarship, "Travel and Study in Italy," is also known less publicly as one of the most faithful and devoted leaders and workers in every form of patriotic and national effort in Massachusetts. Mrs. Gaskell properly names him among her many American friends in her dedication, which is as follows:

"This book is dedicated to all my Northern friends

with the truest sympathy of an English woman, and in an especial manner to my dear friend, Charles Eliot Norton, and to his wife, who, although personally unknown to me, is yet dear to me for his sake."


WHEN Mr. Fernando Wood tells us that he is not a loyal man, he might have spared his breath, for no one ever supposed he was. But when he says that there is no such thing as loyalty in a republic, he is sufficiently answered by the hundreds of thousands of American citizens who stand in arms from the Chesapeake to the Mississippi, and who are inspired and united by one sentiment only, and that is unswerving LOYALTY to the Government which their fathers made, which they have inherited, and which, by the grace of God and their good right arms, they mean to maintain.


ECONOMY—How to make pantaloons last: make the coat and vest first.

What kind of men are most above-board?—Why, chessmen, of course.

While Rabelais lay on his death-bed he could not help jesting at his very last moment; for having received the extreme unction, a friend, coming in to see him, said he hoped he was prepared for the next world. "Yes, yes," answered Rabelais, "I am ready for my journey now; they have just greased my boots."

A French gentleman, who had heard rum called spirits, went into one of our hotels a few evenings since, and called for a glass of punch, requesting at the same time that it should be made with "ghosts from the Vest Indies."

THE FOUR SEASONS.—Schoolmaster: "Come here, boy, and tell me the names of the four seasons." Young Prodigy: "Pepper, mus'ard, salt, and vinegar; them's what mother seasons with."

A man who squinted, but was unaware of his infirmity, had his portrait taken by Nicholson, and, on being invited to inspect the performance, said, with rather a disappointed air, " I don't know—it seems to me—does it squint?" "Squint!" replied Nicholson, "no more than you do." "Really, well, you know best, of course; but I declare I fancied there was a queer look about it!"

"Bill, you young scamp, if you had your due, you'd get a good whipping." "I know it, daddy, but bills are not always paid when due." The agonized father trembled lest his hopeful son should be suddenly snatched from him.

A poor widow's little boy wanted a slate at school, but she couldn't afford to buy him one. The next day, seeing one in his hands, she inquired, in some surprise, "Why, Tommy, dear, where did you get that slate?" "I heard you say, when papa died," he replied, "that now he has gone we must look above when we wanted any thing, so I went up and got this slate off the roof. I wish I had a frame for it."

The individual who attempted to raise colts from horse-chestnuts went into the market the other day, and inquired for a mock-turtle to make "mock-turtle soup" of.

A NEW DANCE.—"Shall I have the pleasure of your company for the next set?" asked a not very well educated young gentleman of a pretty young lady at a ball. "What is to be the dance, Sir?" "Ditto," said the young man, referring to his programme. "Oh, you must excuse me, then," said the young lady; "I can't dance that."

Monsieur Thouvenel, the French minister, expressing his surprise at the Japanese eating raw fish, received from the first embassador for reply, "We eat raw fish as you eat raw oysters."

A thrifty wife wonders why the men can't manage to do something useful. Might they not as well amuse themselves in smoking hams as smoking cigars?

WANTED TO KNOW.—If a man who did not know what to do ever got a job?—and if a bald-headed man can be said to be hair-brained?

She that marries a man because he is a "good match," must not be surprised if he turns out "a Lucifer."

"What are you doing?" said a father to his son, who was tinkering on an old watch. "Improving my time," was the rejoinder.

Many schoolmasters entertain no doubt that the tree of knowledge is the birch.

Advice is like snow—the softer it falls the longer it remains and the deeper it sinks.

Some men are like musical glasses; to produce their finest tones you must keep them wet.


Why are there no horses in the Isle of Wight?

Because the inhabitants prefer cows (Cowes) to ride (Ryde).

Why is a blush like a little girl? Because it becomes a woman.

A man bought two fishes, but on taking them home found he had got three. How was this?

He had two, and one smelt.



THE daring attempt of Admiral Farragut to pass the rebel batteries at Port Hudson, on the Mississippi, was completely successful. The Hartford (flag-ship) and the Albatross were the only two vessels that succeeded in running the gauntlet. The firing is described as having been most terrific and continuous. The Richmond made vigorous efforts to go by the batteries; but after firing for over an hour was disabled, and had to withdraw. The loss of the Mississippi by fire is fully confirmed.

General Banks is said to have co-operated with a land force, but doesn't seem to have achieved any thing. At last accounts he was at Baton Rouge again.


A dispatch has been received by Secretary Welles from Admiral Farragut dated below Warrenton, Mississippi, March 19, in which he says that about ten miles above Grand Gulf he saw the wreck of the Indianola on the right bank of the river. She was partially submerged and her upper works were very much shattered by the explosion.


An attempt to run by the rebel batteries at Vicksburg was made by the Union rams Lancaster and Switzerland on 25th ult. without success. According to a dispatch, dated at Cairo 31st, as soon as they came within range the rebels opened a tremendous fire. The Lancaster was struck thirty times. Her entire bow was shot away, causing her to sink immediately. All the crew except two escaped. The Switzerland was disabled by a 64-pound ball penetrating the steam drum. She floated down, the batteries still firing and striking her repeatedly, until finally the Albatross ran alongside and towed her to the lower mouth of the canal. While coming up the river the Hartford and Albatross encountered a battery at Grand Gulf more formidable than those at Port Hudson. The Hartford was struck fourteen times, and had three men killed. Both vessels returned the fire vigorously, and both were more or less injured.


The expedition under General Sherman, to the rear of Haines's Bluff, by way of Steele's Bayou and the Sunflower, has returned to Young's Point. There is nothing definite from the Yazoo Pass expedition under General Ross and General Quimby.


A dispatch from Cincinnati says that the rebel raid in Kentucky has proved a failure.


A dispatch from Fortress Monroe states that the rebels, with a force of infantry and cavalry, on 24th ult., attacked Williamsburg and were repulsed by the Fifth Pennsylvania cavalry under Colonel Lewis. The loss is not reported.


On the morning of the 25th ult. all the Monitors (six in number) left Hilton Head for Charleston, together with several wooden gun-boats and half a dozen schooners. The Ericsson had just arrived there with a floating nondescript in tow, called "The Devil." Its purpose is understood to be to clear channels of torpedoes and other obstructions.


General Burnside has assumed command of the Department of Ohio, and has issued his order announcing the fact, which is declared most satisfactory. Indiana is made a separate military district, under General Carrington, who reports to General Burnside.


The rebel privateers continue their depredations. The Alabama burned on February 21 the splendid ship Golden Eagle, of New York, bound for Queenstown, Ireland, with guano, and destroyed on the same day the bark Olive Jane, of Boston, bound from Bordeaux to New York with a rich cargo of wines and fruits. The captain of the British bark Crusoe, from St. Thomas March 17, reports that the English screw steamers Pet, from England, and Arius, which had previously landed a cargo of cotton in Porto Rico from Mobile, both sailed on the 15th for a port in the South. The British frigate Phaeton sailed in company with them as a convoy.



EARL RUSSEL, speaking of the Emancipation Proclamation, says: "There seems to be no declaration of a principle adverse to slavery in this Proclamation. It is a measure of war, and a measure of war of a very questionable kind. As President Lincoln has twice appealed to the judgment of mankind in his Proclamation, I venture to say I do not think it can or ought to satisfy the friends of abolition, who look for total and impartial freedom for the slave, and not for vengeance on the slave-owner."


The Prince of Wales and his wife remain at Osborne, on the Isle of Wight. During the illuminations in London some seven persons lost their lives, and over one hundred others had limbs broken. The crowd was unruly, and the confusion very great.



We have copious details of the progress of the Polish insurrection, and its gradual assumption of the character of a great European question. A portion of the revolutionary troops encountered the Russians at Sosnowitz, but were routed after a sanguinary engagement. Some of the retreating soldiers of Langiewitz were driven on to Prussian territory. On the other hand, the Poles had defeated a body of Russians near Mysozowa, killing over one hundred of them. Langiewitz held a good position and was prepares for a great engagement at the latest dates. Garibaldi had written him a letter of sympathy, in which he held out a promise of active personal assistance. This the Dictator of Poland declined. General Dembinski had published a letter in Paris, in which he classes every man—Kossuth, Ladislas, or else—who seeks to stir up the Hungarians against Austria at the present moment as an enemy of Poland. Meanwhile the Cabinets and people of England, France Austria, and Prussia were very much agitated and alarmed by the situation of affairs in Poland. Lard Palmerston declined to state his opinion to a deputation in favor of the Pales; but the London journals seem to indicate a non-intervention policy for England. Paris was full of rumors, and it was even said that Napnbeon and Austria had determined to restore the nationality of Poland, even at the cost of a war with Russia and Prussia.


NEW YORK POLICEMAN (off duty).—"Just to think of it! Seven lives lost at the Prince of Wales's wedding! That comes of living in a place where there ain't no Broadway Squad!"

New York Policeman




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