Abraham Lincoln's Position on the Labor Question


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 2, 1864

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Gettysburg Monument

Gettysburg Monument

Isaac Murphey

Governor Isaac Murphy

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Lincoln's Position on the Labor Question

General Schofield

General Schofield


General Davies

European Ironclads

European Ironclads

Fort Powell

Bombardment of Fort Powell

Lever Watch Advertisement

Sherman's March

Sherman's March

April Fool's Day, 1864







APRIL 2, 1864.]



(Previous Page) nign Government of the United States of America." In accordance with the generous intention Mr. H. P. STURGIS has paid $1,312.96 each to Governor ANDREW, STEPHEN COLWELL, and F. G. SHAW, Esquires, respectively Presidents of the Boston, Philadelphia, and New York Freedmen's Relief Associations.

It is one of the pleasant incidents of the time; for the Parsees, although the shrewdest and most successful merchants of the East, are still exiles for centuries from their native land of Persia on account of their religion. They know by sad traditional experience the bitterness of all kinds of persecution, and their charity in America instinctively turns to the most hapless and persecuted people among us.



SENATE.—March 16. Mr. Howard offered a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the Committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of authorizing associations organized under the National Currency act to enter into contracts, to take and receive interest on loans and discounts.--Mr. Foster introduced a bill concerning the disposition of convicts in the courts of the United States, for the subsisting of persons confined in jail charged with violating the laws of the United States, and for diminishing the expenses in relation thereto. The bill authorizes contracts to be made for the labor of all convicts of this class. —Mr. Howard introduced a bill to organize the Invalid Corps of the army on, an infantry basis, the corps to consist of four brigades of six regiments each, made up of men in the military service who are unfit for active duty, and of such soldiers as have been honorably discharged as choose to enlist in it.—Mr. Wilson introduced a bill in relation to deserters from the military service, disqualifying all deserters who are beyond the limits of the United States for voting or holding office, but authorizing the President to issue a proclamation of amnesty dependent on their return to the service, with no punishment but loss of pay during their absence, or their re-enlistment in new regiments; deserters hereafter, however, are to be deprived of the rights of citizenship.—The Consular Diplomatic Appropriation bill was passed. —Mr. Sumner moved to amend the bill to incorporate the Metropolitan Railroad Company of the District of Columbia by inserting a provision that there shall be no exclusion from any car on account of color, upon which debate ensued without any final result.

March 17. A bill to carry into effect the convention of Ecuador was reported.—The bill to provide for the summary trial of minor offenses was passed.—The bill to incorporate the Metropolitan Railroad Company of the District of Columbia was taken up and discussed at some length, Messrs. Johnson, Saulsbury, and Doolittle opposing Mr. Sumner's amendment, that no person shall be excluded from the cars of the road on account of color. Finally the amendment was agreed to, and the bill passed.—The bill defining the pay and emoluments of chaplains, after the adoption of an amendment allowing them pay when absent on leave, or on account of disability from service, or in prison, was passed.—March 18. The House bill to provide for carrying the mails to foreign parts, and for other purposes, was passed.—The bill to promote enlistments was taken up, and debate ensued on Mr. Wilson's amendment providing for the freedom of the wife and children of each slave recruit. Mr. Wilson thought it was just that protection should be afforded to the families of all negroes who may enlist. Mr. Wilkinson moved to strike out the second section, authorizing commissioners to award to loyal owners of the wives and children of enlisted slaves a just compensation. He did not want the Government to become the purchaser of slaves, or to go too far in acknowledging property in slaves. Messrs. Lane, Brown, and Grimes favored the bill, which, after further debate, involving the whole question of the propriety of compensating owners for slaves, who, should the Constitution be amended, will be free without such purchase, was postponed for future consideration.— March 21. A report was presented from the Secretary of War communicating information in reference to the orders of Provost Marshals in Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland concerning elections in those States.—Mr. Lane introduced a bill to amend the act for a grant of land to Kansas in aid of the construction of certain railroads and telegraphs--The bill to promote enlistments in the army, and for other purposes, was taken up. Mr. Wilson withdrew that part of his amendment giving compensation to loyal owners for slaves who may enlist. Mr. Davis offered an amendment providing that the United States District Court shall appoint three commissioners to make a just evaluation to be awarded to loyal owners for slaves set free under the bill. He spoke at length on the amendment. Mr. Wilkinson argued in favor of freeing and employing all the slaves that can be mustered into our armies.---March 22. The Senate bill amending an act relative to foreign coins, and the coinage of cents at the United States Mint, was passed. The bill provides that the standard weight of a cent shall be 48 grains, or 1-10th of an ounce Troy, and shall be composed of 95 per centum of copper and 5 per centum of tin and zinc, and that there shall be from time to time coined two-cent pieces, of the same composition, weighing 96 grains. The bill makes one-cent pieces legal tender to the amount of 10 cents, and two-cent pieces to the amount of 20 cents.—Mr. Sumner introduced a bill to carry into effect the treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the final settlement of the claims of the Puget Sound and Hudson's Bay Agricultural Companies.—A resolution was adopted calling for information as to the number and treatment of nine-months' men.--Mr. McDougall offered a joint resolution declaring against the interference of France in Mexico.—A bill was referred for the increase of the Marine Corps.—A bill was reported to prohibit traffic in slaves between the States, and the transportation of slaves in any way, by land or sea, under the authority of the United States flag.—The bill to promote enlistments was taken up, and Mr. Willey spoke at length in opposition to Mr. Wilson's amendments.

HOUSE.—March 16. The House concurred in the Senate's amendments to the Past-office Appropriation bill, appropriating $640,000 for the payment of letter-carriers, and $1,500,000 to meet any deficiency which may exist in the Post-office revenue.—The consideration of the Gold bill was resumed. Mr. Hulburd's amendment providing that the obligation to create the Sinking Fund according to the Act of February, 1862, shall not be impaired by the sale of gold, was agreed to. Air. Higby opposed the bill on the ground that it proposed to enable the Government to gamble in gold, which He held to be undignified and discreditable. Mr. Kelley favored the measure as calculated to restrain speculation. Mr. Stevens also favored the bill, stating that on the 1st of January next the Government will have $50,000,000 in gold on hand, and have a surplus of which we could mike disposition. The previous question was ordered, and the bill was passed, 83 against 57.—The bill to drop from the rolls any unemployed general officers was taken up. Mr. Cox offered a proviso that " whenever any officer comprehended in this act demands a Board of Inquiry, and shall be willing to serve, such Board shall be convened, and if said Board shall find him competent to command in the rank in which he is entitled, he shall be at once restored to active ,service, with full pay; and, provided further, that all officers who have received the thanks of Congress during the present war shall be exempt from the operation of this act." Mr. Cox supported this amendment at some length, insisting that it would be rank injustice to General McClellan and other officers to dismiss them as originally proposed. In the course of his remarks, referring to the report that General McClellan had an interview with General Lee after the battle of Antietam, Mr. Cox said McClellan had not seen Lee since 1855. Mr. Farnsworth said the bill was not aimed at any particular general officer. It was simply designed to drop a "large number of Major and Brigadier Generals and their staffs who were drawing pay" without performing service—a proposition which seemed to him entirely just, in view of the vast legitimate expenditures of the Government. Mr. Kerman opposed the bill as likely, if passed, to produce irritation, and inflict grievous

wrong on many of our best officers. Mr. Garfield said that we ought by some means to provide a way for relieving the Treasury, which was paying officers who were rendering no service. Besides, it is simple justice to officers in the field that this bill should pass. The road to promotion should not be blocked up by those who were performing no duties. As to a Board for the examination of those officers, he considered it impracticable, as decisions on their qualifications might be prompted by political or personal influence.----March 17. Mr. Boyd introduced a bill to complete the southwest branch of the Pacific Railroad from Rolla to Springfield, Missouri.—The House postponed for three weeks, on motion of Mr. Ashley, the joint resolution to drop from the army rolls unemployed general officers.—The bill declaring the Camden and Atlantic and Delaware and Raritan Bay railroads a national post route was debated, but no vote reached.—A bill to carry into effect the Convention with Ecuador, for the mutual adjustment of claims, was passed.—The House passed the bills to enable Nevada, Colorado, and Nebraska, to form State Governments preparatory to admission to the Union. On a motion to strike out the section prohibiting slavery in the Colorado bill there were 18 yeas and 87 nays. All these bills require an election of delegates to a Convention, which shall submit a Constitution agreed upon to the people for their ratification or rejection, to be held on the second Tuesday of October. The Constitution shall be republican, and not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Slavery shall be prohibited therein by an ordinance forever irrevocable without consent of Congress. When the Constitution is ratified by the people, the President is to declare by Proclamation the admission of these States on an equal footing with the original States, each of which is to he entitled to one member of the House, until the next apportionment, and two Senators, in the Congress of the United States.—A bill was passed creating the Territory of Montana, to comprise the southeastern portion of Idaho.---March 18. Mr. Julian introduced a substitute for the bill extending the principles of the Homestead law to persons in the naval and military service on confiscated and forfeited lands. He argued that all such lands should be divided into farms, and settled by emigrants from the loyal States.—Mr. Bennett introduced a bill licensing, under the direction of the Treasury Department and the General Land Office, the working of the gold, silver, and copper mines of the United States.—The Senate bill to facilitate entries by soldiers under the Homestead law of 1862, enabling them to take the oath before a military officer instead of before land officers, etc., was passed..—Mr. Smith made a favorable report on paying Gales & Seaton for certain volumes of Congressional Anals and Debates, claimed to be delivered before the resolution authorizing the supply was repealed. The whole subject was tabled, 67 against 50.---March 19. The day was occupied in speech-making, Messrs. Arnold, Wilson, and Miller speaking on the state of the country.—March 21. A resolution was adopted requiring the Illinois Central Railroad Company, the Burlington and Missouri, and the Missouri and Mississippi Railroad Companies to refund certain moneys paid to them for the transportation of troops, certain public lands having been given to those roads on condition that they would transport the mails and troops without charge.—Mr. Dumont introduced a bill providing that all bonds, obligations, and undertakings, whether sealed or unsealed, heretofore made, or to be made, to secure the loyalty or good behavior and fidelity to their oath of prisoners of war or paroled prisoners, in order to secure them release, shall be declared valid and binding against the parties making the same and their securities, the penalties to be enforced in any circuit or district court having jurisdiction of the same.—Mr. Eldridge offered a resolution, which was laid over, calling on the President, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State, to furnish the names of all persons arrested and held as prisoners for political or other alleged offenses against the Government--The Committee on Public Lands was directed to ascertain the best mode of securing to the Government the benefits of the gold-bearing region of the public domain.—The House concurred in the Senate amendment to the West Point Academy bill increasing the pay of cadets to that of midshipmen, namely, forty dollars a month. Another amendment was concurred in—that, for one year from the 1st of July next, an additional cadet for each district shall be appointed, as now provided by law.—The House passed the Senate bill giving indemnity to the owners of the French bark La Mancha, illegally seized by our blockading squadron.—A bill for the education of engineers and naval constructors at the Naval Academy was introduced by Mr. Rice.—A resolution was passed directing the Committee on Invalid Pensions to inquire into the expediency of legislation upon the equalizing of militia and naval pensions.—The house went into Committee of the Whole on the Army Appropriation bill. Mr. Kernan offered an amendment providing that no part of the money appropriated for army transportation shall be expended for the transportation of civilians employed in the departments of the Government to or from their homes at the public expense. Mr. Kernan stated as a reason for offering the amendment, that he had been informed that thousands had been transported over the railroads to vote at the Pennsylvania elections. This was strongly denied by Messrs. Stevens and Kelley, who called for the proof of the charge. Mr. Kelley said that not a single voter had been sent by the Government into Pennsylvania; the people understood the great issue involved, and themselves rebuked the disloyal party. Mr. Kelley, in the course of his remarks fastened upon Judge Woodward, of Pennsylvania, an assertion, made before the consummation of secession, that, if separation did come, he wanted the line to be drawn north of Pennsylvania. The House rejected Mr. Kernan's amendment, and also one by Mr. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, providing that none of the money should be used to raise negro troops, and then passed the bill nearly as it was reported.--March 22. A bill was passed authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to stipulate for the release from attachment or other process of property claimed by the United States; in other words, to enable Government to make arrangements to use the property it wants without legal process.--The House passed the Senate bill authorizing the President to negotiate a treaty with certain Indians of Southern Oregon for the acquisition of land, appropriating $20,000,—A bill was passed requiring proof that fishermen have paid duty on foreign salt before they are paid the bounties provided for by law. The object of the bill is to prevent frauds on the Treasury, fishermen having procured salt for the curing of their fish in the British provinces, and then claimed the bounties.—The Anti-Railroad Monopoly bill was taken up, and two of the New Jersey members made speeches in opposition thereto. No vote was taken.—Mr. Winter Davis made a long speech on his bill to secure republican government to the several States in rebellion, arguing against reconstruction under the Amnesty Proclamation and by martial law.


The week presents no change in the military situation. —On the 17th inst. Lieutenant-General Grant issued an order, dated at Nashville, Tennessee, assuming command of the armies of the United States, with head-quarters in the field, which, until further orders, will be with the Army of the Potomac. General Grant reached Washington a few days subsequently.—All the veteran regiments in Ohio belonging to the Army of the South have been ordered to the Army of the Potomac, which has already been strengthened from other quarters.—Dispatches from Chattanooga represent that the rebels are in large force in front of General Thomas's army, but have made no threatening demonstrations.

From New Orleans we hear that General Banks was about (on the 12th inst.) to move with a considerable force into Western Louisiana. A fleet of Admiral Porter's gunboats had already started for Alexandria. It was expected that formidable works of defense would be encountered by the iron-clads on the Red River. General Lee's cavalry had also left New Orleans. An expedition consisting of three brigades has also started from Vicksburg, probably to co-operate in General Banks's movement.

In Virginia every thing remains quiet, except upon the Peninsula, where the enemy exhibit some signs of activity, as it contemplating a movement against General Butler's forces. General Lee is said to be re-organizing his army for the spring campaign.


The War Department has issued a statement exhibiting the quotas of the several States under the last call for

troops. Some of the States have large deficiencies yet to supply. The total number of men still to be raised in the various States is as follows: Maine 6641, New Hampshire 2428, Massachusetts 20,592, Vermont 170, Rhode Island 863, Connecticut 2574, New York 59,230, New Jersey 14,224, Pennsylvania 74,127, Delaware 1676, Maryland 21,720, District of Columbia 4855, West Virginia 3190, Ohio 39,223, Indiana 3069, Michigan 7187, Wisconsin 15,402, Minnesota 5437, Iowa 13,040, Missouri 8007, Kansas 2597, Kentucky 15,472—making a grand total of 321,724.


Governor Brown, of Georgia, has sent a Message to the Legislature of that State recommending a vigorous " State policy" on all war questions, denouncing the financial action of the rebel Congress as "resembling repudiation and bad faith ;" objecting to the secret sessions of that body and the suspension of the habeas corpus as mischievous ; declaring the new military bill to be unconstitutional, and remarking at length upon the unchristian character of the war. He calls upon the Legislature to rebuke the despotic course of Davis and his Congress, and urges that upon all possible occasions the South should offer peace, " keeping before the Northern people the idea that we are ready to negotiate when they are ready and will recognize our right to self-government and the sovereignty of the States." The Message illustrates unmistakably that the confidence of the rebel leaders in their ability to hold out against the loyal North is rapidly waning,


The State election in Arkansas resulted in the adoption of a Free State Constitution, and the election of Judge Murphy as Governor, with the rest of the Free State ticket, by an almost unanimous vote. The number of votes registered was about fifteen thousand, and the number polled about ten thousand. Eleven counties gave more votes than the whole number required by the President's proclamation to restore Arkansas in the Union.


A Committee of the New York Working -men's Democratic Republican Association waited upon the President a few days since, to inform him that their Association had elected him an honorary member. The President accepted the honor with thanks, and said the Association evidently comprehended that the existing rebellion meant more, and tended to more, than the perpetuation of African slavery; that it was, in fact, a war upon the rights of working people. In concluding, Mr. Lincoln said:

"The most notable feature of the disturbance in your city last summer was the hanging of some working people by other working people. It should never be so. The strongest bond of human sympathy outside of the family relation should be one uniting all working people of all nations, tongues, and kindreds; nor should this lead to a war on property or owners of property. Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable—is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built."

At the conclusion of the President's remarks he handed a copy of his speech to Mr. Still, the Chairman, who, upon receiving it, said:

"On behalf of the Committee, Mr. President, I thank you, and I will only add, that it is the general desire of the working-men of the United States that the next President of the United States shall be from Springfield, Illinois, and that his name be Abram Lincoln."

For which the President answered, "I am very much obliged to you, gentlemen."


The town of Pilatka, on the St. John's River, Florida, a distance of sixty miles from Jacksonville, has been captured by our forces, and will be fortified and held. A large amount of cotton is stored in that vicinity.

In Mobile, according to the Register, a "supper for a dozen persons at a restaurant costs $1000." In Richmond, says the Examiner, shad sell at $20 apiece.

An immense amount of supplies is accumulating at Nashville. Two hundred thousand tons will probably be discharged there before the close of the high-water season.

Jeff Davis has recommended that Friday, April 8, be observed throughout the rebel domain as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer.

General Peck has issued an order directing that free schools for the education of poor white children shall be organized at once in Newborn, North Carolina, and in Washington, Beaufort, and other places, as soon as circumstances will permit.

An order has been issued by General Banks for an election of delegates to a Constitutional Convention in Louisiana, to be held in New Orleans on the 6th of April. There are to be 150 delegates.

Guerrillas have appeared on the Cumberland River, but have been prevented from doing much mischief by the vigilance of our forces.

General Forrest is reported to be organizing for a movement into West Tennessee. He has obtained a large number of horses, and is mounting his infantry. General Grierson's cavalry is watching him.

Rebel reports represent that a large force is at work on the railroads in Mississippi, repairing the damage done by Sherman's raid.

The Richmond Examiner is out again in favor of the "black flag" policy. It says the only way to bring the North to terms is to "take no more prisoners"—in other words, to slaughter outright every Union soldier who may fall into their hands.

Adjutant-General Thomas is stationing troops, mostly colored, at the principal points along the lower Mississippi River, to protect the plantations and trade depots.

Two of the Judges of the Arkansas State Courts under the Confederate rule have voluntarily come forward and taken the oath of allegiance, and a third is on his way to do likewise. Albert Pike also wishes to come in under the Amnesty Proclamation.



DISPATCHES received in Washington from Santillo, February 2, show that the reports circulated by the French, that a conflict had broken out between Governor Vidaurre of New Leon, and the Mexican Government, are untrue. The French had made no advances in the last month. On the contrary, they had fallen into deep troubles with the clergy. General Bazaine was at Guadalajara; but he would be obliged to return to the City of Mexico to settle this clerical difficulty, which, it was thought, would require the exile of some of the Bishops. Uraga, Commander-in-Chief of the Mexican army, was about to attack Guadalajara with 10,000 men. General Diez was on the eve of attacking Orizaba with 8000 men on the road from Vera Cruz to Mexico.


Letters from Kanagwa, Japan, dated January 4, represent that a grand council of Daimios was to be held at Yeddo, the result of which, it was believed by many, would be the adoption of an enlightened foreign policy. Fresh intestine disturbances had broken out In various parts of the realm, and assassinations, palace-burnings, and minor disorders were the order of the day and night. The Japanese Government has decided to send another embassy to Europe and America to secure the withdrawal of the treaty powers from Yeddo and Kanagwa, and the limitation of foreign trade and intercourse to the ports of Nagasaki and Hakodadi. The embassy was to leave Kanagwa early in February.—A great fire had occurred at Oasaca, destroying 30,000 houses and 250 warehouses.


In the House of Commons, on the 4th ult., Mr. Shaw Lefevre denounced in strong language the fitting out of rebel rams in England. He maintained that the privateers now afloat were British vessels, and it was folly to call them any thing else. He thought that the Alabama ought to have been seized, and contended that all such

vessels should be prohibited entering British ports, and if they did British cruisers should seize then. The Attorney-General admitted the piivateers might be prohibited entering British ports, and said the Government was considering the subject of excluding them. The appeal to the House of Lords in the Alexaaadhct case had been entered for hearing.


The Austrian troops have arrived before Duppel, and an attack was shortly expected. Three Prussian war-ships were to proceed immediately from the French port of Brest to the north. The people of Copenhrgen, at the new election to the Danish Folksthing (House of Representatives), on March 5, declared in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war. France as well as England has remonstrated with Prussia against the advance of Prussian troops into Jutland.


The Archduke and the Archduchess Maximilian were received by the Emperor of France on the 5th of March. They were to remain in Paris only four or five days, and to proceed from there to England. The arrangement for the departure of the Archduke from Trieste were to he completed on March 15. Immediately upon his return to Miramas he was officially to receive the Mexican deputation and a number of Mexican notables, and formally to accept the crown.


The Emperor of Russia has issued a decree proclaiming the emancipation of the peasants in Poland. Another decree treats of the organization of the communal administrations on the principle of self-government.


THE President has prescribed the necessary regulations for enlisting seamen from the army into the navy, and the Secretary of War has designated the entire number, not exceeding 12,000, which it is desirable to have at each of the naval stations fixed upon by him as follows: At Cairo, 1000; Boston, 2000; New York, 5000; Philadelphia, 3000 ; Baltimore, 1000.

Commodore Williams, who is now tried by court-martial in Washington, is virtually charged with suffering the Alabama to escape. The specifications net forth that he detained the Vanderbilt, sent to pursue the Adoption., contrary to orders, and afterward wrote an insubordinate letter to the Secretary of the Navy in relation to the affair.

An order has been issued from the Army of the Potomac directing that all ladies within the lines shall leave as early as practicable, and that no more passes shall be granted to such visitors.

All efforts to raise the five war vessels sunk at Norfolk have ceased, rumor says, not to be resumed again. The Cumberland, which was struck could not be raised under any circumstances. Three or four of the small vessels have been brought to the surface, but none of the large ones. About $18,000 have been realized from the sale of materials taken from the wrecks.

Our losses at the battle of Olustee, Florida, were as fellow :

7th New Hampshire.—Killed, 17; wounded, 67; missing, 127 ; total, 211.

8th United States (colored).—Killed, 49 ; wounded, 193; missing, 64; total, 3',9.

7th Connecticut.—Killed, 6; wounded, 3S; missing 27 ; total, 71.

54th Massachusetts (colored).—Killed, 9; wounded, (5; missing, 5; total, 79.

115th New York.—Killed, 34; wounded, 202 ; musing, 58; total, 294.

1st North Carolina (colored).—Killed, 28; wounded, 142 ; missing, 70; total, 241.

46th New York.--Killed, 17; wounded, 165; missing, 47; total, 219.

47th New York.—Killed, 16; wounded, 199 ; missing, SO ; total, 295.

Artillery.—Killed, 1G; wounded, 52; missing, 12; total, 80.

1st Massachusetts Cavalry—Killed, wounded, and missing, 6.

46th Massachusetts (Mounted Infantry).—Killed, wounded, and missing, 32.

Total killed, 202; total wounded, 1142; total missing, 487. Grand total, 1831.

Thirty-two vessels are now ready for sea, but are waiting for crews. The transfer of sailors from the army will, it is supposed, supply the demand.

Lieutenant-Colonel SANDERSON, who was arrested en charges preferred by Colonel STREIGHT, of having disclosed a plot of the prisoners in Libey Prison to escape to the rebel authorities, has been sent to Fort Warren for detention until evidence can be obtained from released Union prisoners.

There are running at large at least 80,000 deserter The whole number who have deserted since the tear began is stated to be 127,157.

It is officially known that the statement that the Rappahannock has left Calais and gone to sea is erroneous. She was still detained at Calais on the 27th of February, and her case was under consideration of the French Govern-meat.

Admiral DAHLGREN has transferred his flag from the steamer Harvest Moon to the steamer Baltimore for the purpose of visiting Fortress Monroe to receive the remains of his son, Colonel DAHLGREN, expected to arrive there by flag of truce boat from Richmond.

It is announced that Minister DAYTON has served a written notification upon the French Emperor that if the rebel cruiser Rappahannock, now at Calais, is allowed to proceed to sea, the French Government will be held responsible for all the damage she may do to American commerce.

It is understood that General WADSWORTH is to be as-signed to the command of a division in the Army of tho Potomac.

A letter received at the Indian Office, from St. Louis, says that General SULLY, who is there, states that a large number of Sioux—two hundred and fitly lodges—have cones into Fort St. Pierre to lay down their anus.

General GILLMOR's Chief of Staff, now in Washington with dispatches, states that the City of Charleston is nearly all demolished. But one portion of it is occupied, and that only by troops.

The United States steam-frigate Potehatan, Admiral LARDNER commanding, was at Curacoa March 4, to sail for St. Domingo on the 8tb.

It is said that General MEADE will retain his position at the head of the Potomac army, and will aid by his counsel and experience the operations of General GRANT.

The Ninth Army Corps (General BURNSIDE) has been ordered to rendezvous at Annapolis, Maryland. It is thought it will be sent to North Carolina.

General PRICE has resumed command of the rebel troops in Arkansas, and has issued an address to his army, promising to retrieve their former disasters.

The captured steamer Cheeageake has been delivered by the Halifax authorities into the possession of the Federal Navy.

General ROSECRANS has issued an order rescinding all orders by whomsoever made, which prohibit the sale or distribution of any newspaper or periodical within hit department.

Major-General GORDON GRANGER is not sick in New York as reported. He is in command of the Fourth Army Corps, head-quarters at Loudon, Tennessee, and is in excellent health.

General Dow arrived in Portland, Maine, on the 2nd inst., and was received by the city authorities and a detachment of troops from Camp Berry, by whom he was escorted through the principal streets to his residence. All the church bells pealed a welcome.

The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Henry II. SIBLEY, of Minnesota, as a Brigadier-General of Volunteers.




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