General Hunt
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VOL. VIII. —No. 407.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1864. SINGLE COPIES TEN CENTS. $4,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1864, by Harper & Brothers, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. HUNT AND DUANE.WE give on this page sketches of Brigadier-General HUNT and Major DUANE, the former Chief of Artillery, and the latter Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac. Both are soldiers of the first class. HENRY J. HUNT entered the Military Academy at West Point from Ohio in 1835. He graduated with the rank of Second Lieutenant of Artillery. In 1846 he was appointed First Lieutenant. He commanded a section of DUNCAN'S Battery in the Valley of Mexico. For meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco he was raised by brevet to the rank of Captain, and subsequently to that of Major. At El Molino he was wounded. JAMES C. DUANE graduated from West Point in 1844 with the rank of Second Lieutenant of Engineers. The responsible position held by General HUNT and Major DUANE is sufficient testimony to their worth and soldierly ability. The siege operations of General GRANT'S campaign—which, although they do not attract public attention, are yet of the greatest importance—have been principally conducted by these officers. BATTLE OF WINCHESTER.ON page 660 we give two sketches of SHERIDAN'S great conflict with EARLY in the Valley. One of these represents the Sixth Corps in action after crossing the Opequan. The general engagement commenced a little after noon. The Sixth Corps was commanded by Major-General WRIGHT, who succeeds the gallant SEDGWICK. In the Valley this corps did not forget its old record under its former commander. The other sketch relates to a later period in the day, when the rebels had already given way before the impetuous charge of CROOK and TORBERT. In their retreat from the Opequan the rebels fell back upon Winchester in great confusion. In order to cover the town, or at least to check SHERIDAN'S advance, their right flank was drawn in at an angle with the principal line. RUSSELL's division is in the front in this the final charge of the battle. The brave commander has been killed, and General UPTON commands in his stead, The re-treat soon became a rout, and the rebel army was pushed back through the streets of Winchester. General UPTON was slightly wounded. GENERAL HUNT AND MAJOR DUANE, CHIEF OF ARTILLERY AND CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC.—[SKETCHED BY A. R. WAUD.]We acquired this leaf for the purpose of digitally preserving it for your research and enjoyment. If you would like to acquire the original 140+ year old Harper's Weekly leaf we used to create this page, it is available for a price of $155. Your purchase allows us to continue to archive more original material. For more information, contact |
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