John Bull Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, October 15, 1864

This site features an online version of the Harper's Weekly newspapers created during the Civil war. This collection was put together over the last 20 years, and we have made them available for your browsing pleasure on our WEB site. These papers have information to allow greater understanding of the war.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


General Hunt

General Hunt

Democratic Attacks on Lincoln

Price Invades Missouri

General Price's Invasion of Missouri


General David Birney

Ballad of a Rose

Ballad of a Rose

General Oglesby

General Oglesby

General Oglesby

General Oglesby

John Bull

John Bull Cartoon


1864 Battle of Winchester

Chicago Platform

Chicago Democratic Platform

Eascaping Atlanta

Rebels Escaping Atlanta






[OCTOBER 15, 1864.



JOHN BULL. "Now, then, my friend JONATHAN, there is a child I want you to adopt."

JONATHAN. "Looks a kinder sickly--got Peace on the Brain, ain't he? Guess ye better take keer of yer own children. I don't wish ye to interdooce any of yer rickety stock inter my family."


FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities, No. 38 Wall Street. New York.

Davis Collamore Con,

479 Broadway, below Broome St.,



We will send to any address one of our large size, fine quality, warranted Gold Pens and Silver plated Extension Cases, or silver Ebony Holder and Morocco Case, for $1 50. Pens repointed for 50 cents. Send stamp for circular. AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO., No. 200 Broadway, N. Y.

DRY AND GROUND IN OIL in several drab shades. For English and Gothic Cottages. Outbuildings, &c. ROBERT REYNOLDS, Agent, No. 74 Maiden Lane.

CARPET WARP. Tobacco Twine, Twines and Paper. H. A. HARVEY, 84 Maiden Lane, N.Y.

Gold Pens. If you want the best Pen ever used, send to Johnsen for circular of engravings, giving exact sizes and prices. Pens repointed at 50c. each, by mail. E. S. JOHNSON, Manufacturer, 15 Maiden Lane.

U. S. Army Agency, 64 Bleecker St., N. Y., Opposite Pay Department. Heirs of Deceased Soldiers should present their Claims at this office for settlement. Information given when requested by letter. Legal Heirs seeking information as to whereabouts of Soldiers killed or wounded in Battle, should apply at this office by letter or otherwise. All just claims against the Government unsettled should be presented at this office.

Colored Soldiers who have not received full pay while in service, can receive the difference. They are entitled to same pay and allowances as white soldiers ; also Pensions and Bounty.

$100 Bounty clue to soldiers discharged for wounds received in Battle. $100 Bounty due to regulars enlisting July 1, 1861, discharged for wounds. All applications by letter, postage stamps should be enclosed.


Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE everywhere for 50 CENTS, OR THREE FOR &1 00. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

Campaign Badges.

Lincoln or McClellan.

New designs. Neat and cheap. Samples sent for 15 or 25 cents. Photograph Albums, Photographs, &e., wholesale and retail. GEO. W. THORNE, GO Nassau St., N. Y.

Calenberg & Vaupel's PIANOFORTES, 99 and 101 Bleecker Street, 2d block West of Broadway. Warranted for Six Years.

Look out, Boys! The Famous Book, THE TAILOR BOY, Will be published in a few days, and for sale at all the Book Stores. Price $1. J. E. TILTON & CO., Publishers. Wheeler & Wilson's Highest Premium

" One of Many."

A Soldier's letter to Professor Holloway. The following letter is among the last received from the Army of Gen'I Grant. It is only one of many hundreds of genuine letters which are kept on file at the United States Agency for the sale of Holloway's Medicines, 80 Maiden Lane, New York.


January 31st, 1864.

Professor Holloway, Sir--I have used a few Boxes of your excellent Pills, and now I send money for two boxes. If the sum is not the required amount, send me one box, and let me know what is the required sum. I think if some of your circulars, &c., were here, there would be a great many of the boys sending to you for Pills. The Army doctors are not the best in the world. I am very respectfully yours. L. T. MULCREAN, 2d Minn. Vols., Head-Quarters 3d Division 14th Army Corps, Chattanooga, Tenn.


Case. Lever, Cap, small size, white enameled dial, cut hands, "English Movements," and correct time-keeper, with an accurate " Miniature Calendar," indicating the " Day of the Week, Month, &c.," in back case.

A single one sent free by mail in neat case, WITH A BEAUTIFUL VEST CHAIN, for only $10. A neat SILVER WATCH, same as above, with " Miniature Calendar," &c., specially adapted to the ARMY. Sent free

by mail, for only   $8.



With Thermometer, Compass, and Calendar improvement, indicating day of the month, week, hour, minute, and second, a valuable guide to the Soldier, Sailor, or Traveller, in Solid Gold Composite, Double Hunting, Magic Spring Cases, engraved or plain, Jeweled, English Action. Warranted. In Morocco case, with Key, &c., complete. Price, single one by mail, only $25.

Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO:, Sole Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, Hew York.

"Four years of misrule by a corrupt party have brought our country to the very verge of ruin   The inevitable results of Mr. LINCOLN'S re - election must be the utter disintegration of our whole political and social system." — Speech of AUGUST BELMONT, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, at the Chicago Convention, August 29. 1864.

Ivory Jewelry. BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS AND SLEEVE-BUTTONS —WHITE, PINK AND BLACK, $3 50 per set; beautifully engraved with Grecian border, $5 per set. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Ivory Combs, $5 to $10 ; Ivory Hair Pins, $3 ; Ivory Initial Buttons, $1 ; Pearl Initial Buttons, $1 50. WM. M. WELLING, 531 Broadway, N. Y. SIGN, GOLDEN ELEPHANT.


Capital Stock    $5,000,000,

In Shares of $5 each Par Value.

Subscription Price    $l Per Share,

Being in full payment for a $5 Share. No further call or assessment to be made.


THESE LANDS contain about 8400 acres on the Alleghany River, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and McCrea Creeks, making an OIL-BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on the adjoining Property, known as the " Celebrated Hendrick" wells and "Pithole Creek" wells, are famous for their immense supply of oil. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalists and to parties of limited means unsurpassed inducements are offered. Subscription books, maps, and all other information, can be obtained at the office of L. H. SIMPSON & CO. 64 Cedar Street. New York.

Self-Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of Shirts and Collars, sent free every where. French Flannel Overshirts. Cut 38 inches long, $4 75 and $5 00 each. Sent by mail on receipt of the Cash and 63 cents postage each shirt.

ENAMELED WHITE, Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge. To Military Men and Travellers they are invaluable. Price 75 cts. each; sent by post to any part of the Union on the receipt of 90 cents.


AGENTS WANTED in every Town in the Union. S. W. H. WARD 387 Broadway, N. Y.

Show Your Colors !

Wholesale Head-Quarters,

B. T. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler, 208 Broadway, New York.

I manufacture over 40 different varieties, with the likenesses of all the candidates. I will send an assorted package, just right for the trade, on the receipt of $25. This is done to save time. Any one so ordering can have the privilege of exchanging any thing sent for any other style of Badges. I will send an assortment of samples on receipt of $5. One sample 25 cents for either of the candidates. Agents wanted every where.

A Fine Watch Free. $15 Per Day, $15

Made easy by every Agent who sells our Great, New, and Wonderful Extra Mammoth PRIZE STATIONERY Packages, at OLD PRICES, with old profits. Greatest money-making business of the age. EACH PACKAGE contains large quantities of fine Writing Materials, such as Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Pen holders, Blotters, Engravings, Ladies' Paris Fashion Plates, Designs for Needle-work, Cook-Book, Family Doctor, Gardener, Parlor Games, Letter-Writer's Instructor, Calendar for 1861-5; Likenesses of LINCOLN, McCLELLAN, FREMONT, Grant, .Sherman, and all the Generals; Campaign Pins, YANKEE NOTIONS, Fancy Articles; Many ways to become rich; Rare Recipes, Rich Jewelry, &c., &c. ; making altogether the LARGEST and most valuable Packages ever sold. Everybody buys them. Sales immense. The writing paper alone in one Package can not be bought separate for the price the whole Package is sold for. A splendid Gold or Silver Hunting-Case LEVER WATCH presented FREE to every one who acts as our agent. Sole rights for towns given free. New and beautiful Campaign and Presidential Breast-Pins, Badges, Medals, &c., just out. Agent, and the trade supplied low. Send for our great new Circular for the Fall Trade, containing extra premium, inducements, FREE. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau St., N. Y.—the old, original, and largest Package House in the world.

American Watches.

The high premium on gold, and the increased rate of duty on watches, have greatly enhanced the cost of those of foreign manufacture, and it is now impossible to purchase a good watch, of English or Swiss. make, except at a very extravagant price. For the same cause, the cheapest qualities of foreign make, the worthless incres and Lepines which used the country, have nearly risen to the price at which the American Watch Company furnish their well-known "Wm. Ellery" watch—a watch of the most substantial manufacture, and an accurate and durable time-keeper. Our higher priced watches are relatively still cheaper. We have advanced the prices of our finer movements but about 25 per cent. since the war began, while foreign watches of the same grade cost three times their ante-war prices. Wholesale orders should be addressed to ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agents for the AMERICAN WATCH Co., 182 Broadway, New York.

Kendall's Amboline For the Hair. Will surely prevent hair falling out. The best Hair Dressing in the market. For sale by all Druggists. Prepared only by WARING & CO., 35 Dey Street, New York.

" The equipage at Newport which throws all others into the shade is that of Mr. BELMONT, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. It consists of a low barouche drawn by four elegant, fiery thoroughbreds, with postillions mounted on the left or near horse of each pair. Two footmen in extreme livery are suspended from a high seat on the back of the carriage. The men are peculiarly well formed, having been selected and trained in Europe with especial reference to their build and the size of their calves; their livery is imported at a cost of $1000 a suit. The horses are valued at $25,000, the carriage at $5000, and the harness and other trappings at $3000. The stables of the Democratic Chairman are said to contain some forty horses, valued at from $1000 to $8000 each."—Letter from, Newport, in the New York Evening Post, August 26, 1864.

John Bull Cartoon




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