General Price Invades Missouri


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, October 15, 1864

This site features an online version of the Harper's Weekly newspapers created during the Civil war. This collection was put together over the last 20 years, and we have made them available for your browsing pleasure on our WEB site. These papers have information to allow greater understanding of the war.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


General Hunt

General Hunt

Democratic Attacks on Lincoln

Price Invades Missouri

General Price's Invasion of Missouri


General David Birney

Ballad of a Rose

Ballad of a Rose

General Oglesby

General Oglesby

General Oglesby

General Oglesby

John Bull

John Bull Cartoon


1864 Battle of Winchester

Chicago Platform

Chicago Democratic Platform

Eascaping Atlanta

Rebels Escaping Atlanta





OCTOBER 15, 1864.]




An officer in this army writes : " I can not refrain from giving you an idea of the feeling existing in the army regarding the recent Chicago Convention. Curses not loud but deep greet the ear as the boys talk of the traitors who talk of compromise, etc. But when your Weekly of the 3d made its appearance in our camp excitement knew no bounds, and the members of this Company (C) to a man requested their officers to petition President LINCOLN to stop their pay; that they could fight to the last if he would only hang the traitors who talked of compromise. They did not want any more pay ; if Uncle Sam had no money they would fight for nothing; only no compromise. We did not begin the war, and have suffered too much to compromise with traitors when the infernal rebellion is tottering on its last legs. I know such is the general feeling in all our organizations throughout Minnesota, and I cordially indorse them."


WE quote from an officer's letter, dated " Near Petersburg, September 5 :"

"I speak for a majority on the army when I say, don't vote for him [McCLELLAN]. You could not do the army greater harm than by electing him. He is the last hook the rebels have to hang a hope on."


"AN Old Soldier of the Shenandoah" writes as follows of Mr. NAST'S picture, and adds some very agreeable remarks upon the Weekly:

The Blessings of Victory' have not come too soon; just in time to represent the great and glorious victory of the Army of the Shenandoah. Nothing could better represent the feelings of the soldier—a glorious victory, and an honorable peace will soon follow. The true soldier is sure and confident; while the weak, ' at home,' are despondent. The soldiers are proud of your noble paper, as it takes such high and bold stand for the ' Union now and forever,' and the integrity of our Government. ' All honor to the elegant sheet !' You have won an enviable place in the hearts of the soldiers. You are doing your duty as an editor, while the soldier is fighting in the field. I wish we could say this of every editor in the land. But how different while we are fighting her 'battles,' many unholy articles are penned against our cause and us. ' Shame' on such men, if we can call them such!

" The soldier knows his friends at home; and Harper's Weekly, which has always defended him, receives the enthusiasm of his heart, and he can never forget that good old friend in these trying hours of our republic.

" God grant you the success you deserve in battling for your country's good!

" The vote for McCLELLAN in the army will be small; and ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 'the soldier's friend,' will be their almost unanimous choice. The intelligent will vote for him, and victory will finally crown our patriotic efforts."


THE letter of an officer commanding in the waters of North Carolina gives a new view of the rebel conscription. It has now reached the women. The earnest adjuration of the gallant officer not to fail to re-elect LINCOLN shows that the cause and its representative are well understood by the sailors as the soldiers :


" I manage to distress the enemy occasionally even here in the waters of the loyal State of North Carolina. I had a splendid time up at a little place called Columbia some two weeks ago. It averages about three a day of refugees that come off to us. Davis and his followers are scouring the whole country, taking men, horses, in fact every thing, and even conscript women and send them to the hospitals to attend to their sick and wounded. We have always been under the impression there was enough patriotism in them to attend to those things. I had a conscript woman to come on board, which proves the fact. She was conscripted because her husband joined the ' Yanks.'

"We are perfectly healthy here, excepting occasionally we are troubled with a 'ram' fever. You will hear something some of these days unless I am mistaken. Keep the army full a little longer, and the rebellion will collapse. Nothing can prevent it. They are on their last legs ; and don't fail to re-elect LINCOLN."


THE noble speech of General DIX at Sandusky is in the key of his order, " If any man haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot." He was received with three rousing cheers, and said, in response to a serenade:

"FELLOW CITIZENS,—I am very thankful to you for the honor you have done me. As I arrived here late tonight, am engaged in public business, and shall depart at an early hour in the morning, I know you will excuse me if I limit what I have to say to a simple acknowledgment of your kindness and courtesy.

"I will say one word, however, on the subject which lies nearest the heart of every loyal man—I mean the rebellion. It has been my conviction from the beginning that we can have no honorable peace until the insurgent armies are dispersed and the leaders of the rebellion expelled from the country. [Loud cheers.] I believe that a cessation of hostilities would lead inevitably and directly to a recognition of the insurgent States; and when I say this, I need hardly add that I can have no part in any political movement of which the Chicago Platform is the basis. [Renewed cheering and applause.] No, fellow citizens, the only hope of securing an honorable peace--a peace which shall restore the Union and the Constitution, lies in a steady, persistent, and unremitting prosecution of the war [Great applause]; and I believe the judgment of every right thinking man will soon bring him to this conviction.

"With these few remarks, and renewing the expression of my thanks for your kindness, I bid you all good-night."


AT the late session of the Pittsburg Annual Conference of the Methodist Church Bishop SIMPSON, one of the most eminent and apostolic divines, and

most eloquent orators in the country, made a speech upon the four questions :

" Shall our Government be destroyed and swept from the earth? Can we be divided into two or more Governments? Shall we have a new form of Government? Is not the Nation to rise out of its present troubles better, firmer, and more powerful?"

The effect of his discourse is described as very remarkable. Toward the close an eye witness says :

"Laying his hands on the torn and ball riddled colors of the Seventy-third Ohio, he spoke of the battle-fields where they had been baptized in blood, and described their beauty as some small patch of azure, filled with stars, that an angel had snatched from the heavenly canopy to set the stripes in blood. With this description began a scene that DEMOSTHENES might have envied. All over the vast assembly handkerchiefs and hats were waved, and before the speaker sat down the whole throng arose, as if by a magic influence, and screamed, and shouted, and saluted, and stamped, and clapped, and wept, and laughed in wild excitement. Colonel MOODY sprung to the top of a bench, and called for ' The Star-Spangled Banner,' which was sung, or rather shouted, until the audience dispersed, as it had to disperse."


THE Secretary of the Treasury announces that he will receive Proposals, until October 14, for forty millions of 5-20 Bonds. The 5-20s have always been so popular that a liberal premium is expected, and a considerable amount will probably be taken on foreign account. The 7-30 loan will not be interfered with, and remains the most convenient investment at par that is now in the market, while the "Proposals" may be desirable for banks and capitalists. The subscriptions to the 7-30s have already amounted to over forty-five millions. Full particulars in relation to both these loans will be found in our advertising columns.


A DISTRICT school not far away,

'Mid Berkshire's hills, one winter's day, Was humming with its wonted noise Of threescore mingled girls and boys—Some few upon their tasks intent, But more on future mischief bent; The while the master's downward look - Was fastened on a copy-book

Rose sharp and clear a rousing smack! As 'twere a battery of bliss

Let off in one tremendous kiss.

" What's that ?" the startled master cries, " That, thir," a little imp replies, " Wath Willion Willith, if you please—I thaw him kith Thuthannah Peathe !" With frown to make a statue thrill, The master thundered, " Hither, Will!" Like wretch o'ertaken in his track, With stolen chattels on his back,

Will hung his head with fear and shame, And to that awful presence came, A great, green, bashful simpleton, The butt of all good-natured fun.

With smile suppressed and birch upraised, The threat'ner faltered, "I'm amazed That you, my biggest pupil, should Be guilty of an act so rude!

Before the whole set school, to boot--What evil genius put you to't ?"

"'Twas she herself, Sir," sobbed the lad, "I didn't mean to be so bad

But when Susannah shook her curls, And whisper'd I was 'fraid of girls, And darsn't kiss a baby's doll,

I couldn't stand it, Sir, at all !

But up and kissed her on the spot; I know—boo-hoo--I ought to not,

But somehow from her looks—boo-hoo--

I thought she kind o' wished me to."


A Love LETTER.—" Och, Paddy ! swate Paddy, if I was yer daddy, I'd kill ye wid kisses intirely; if I was yer brother, and likewise yer muther, I'd see that ye went to bed airly. To taste of yer breath, I wud starve me to death, and lay off my hoops altogether; to joost have a taste of yer arm on me waste, I'd larf at the manest of weathur. Dear Paddy, be mine, me own swats valentine —ye'll find me both gintle and civil ; our life we will spind to an illegant ind, and care may go dance wid the divil."

When Carter, the lion king, was exhibiting with Ducrow, at Astley's, a manager, with whom Carter had made and broken an engagement, issued a writ against him. The bailiffs came to the stage-door, and asked for Carter. "Show the gentlemen up," said Ducrow ; and when they reached the stage there sat Carter composedly in the great cage, with an enormous lion on each side of him. "There is Mr. Carter waiting for you, gentlemen," said Ducrow; "go in and take him. Carter, my boy, open the door. Carter proceeded to obey, at the same time eliciting, by a private signal, a tremendous roar from his companions. The bailiffs staggered back in terror, rolled over each other as they rushed down stairs, and nearly fainted before they reached the street.

The old theologians presume, with no little show of reason, that all women, with the exception of Mary, will rise on the last day as men, in order that no anger, or envy, or jealousy may exist in heaven.

WHAT WE LEARN IN FOREIGN PARTS.—When last we were in Paris we strolled into the Patois de Justice, and soon found ourselves wandering in the famous Salle de, Pas Perdus. On inquiring, we discovered that the Salle des Pas was not intended as a companion refuge to the Champ de Mars ; and we also learned that the Pas Perdus were in no way paternally related to the Enfants Trouves. These facts were no less new than pleasing to us, and so accordingly we have made a note of them.

Marriage is love personified.

Books in these days are generally like some kind of trees —a good many leaves and no fruit.

DIFFERENT WAYS OF TRAVELING.—Man travels to expand his ideas; but Woman judging from the number of boxes she invariably takes with her—travels only with the object of expanding her dresses.

An Irish wake---a spree du corps.


In reading his name it may truly be said,

You will make that man dy if you cut off his Hed.

Why is a gentleman enjoying a snooze, and refreshed by it, like a hunter who goes at a jump with a number of others?—Because he takes his (s)leap with the rest.

A young lady once married a man by the name of Dust against the wishes of her parents. After a short time they lived unhappily together, and she returned to her father's house, hut he refused to receive her, saying, "Dust thou art, and unto Dust thou shalt return."

"THE UPPER TEN THOUSAND."—The F—s and B—s in Lodging House Bedrooms.

" So you are going to keep house, are you?" said an elderly maiden to a blushing bride. Yes," was the reply. "Going to have a girl, I suppose?" The newly made wife colored, and then responded that she "really didn't know whether it would be a girl or boy."

DOMESTIC CONUNDEUM.—What's the difference between sixty minutes and one of my sisters? Give it up, do you? --Why, one's an hour, and the other's "our Ann !"

Universal love is like a mitten which fits all hands alike, but none closely; true affection is like a glove which fits one hand only, but sits closely to that one.

Marble is a hard substance, often used as a tablet for hard lying.

The life preservers most frequently used in the battle-field are long legs.

A cook may not have as many boils as Job, but then they are as big as kettles.

"How much do you ask for that goose?" inquired a customer of a market woman. " Seven shillings for the two," replied the woman. "But I only want one," said the customer. "I can't help it," said the woman; "I ain't a-goin' to sell one without the other. To my certain knowledge them 'ere geese have been together for more'n thirteen years, and I ain't a-goin' to be so unfeelin' as to separate 'em now."


Somebody says that the oldest husbandry he knows of is the marrying of a widower in clover with a widow in weeds.

A little fellow going to church for the first time, where the pews were very high, was asked, on coming out, what he did in church, when he replied, "I went into a cupboard, and took a seat on the shelf."

We confess, says a contemporary, that poetry permits her votaries to indulge in all sorts of metaphorical ideas, but this takes them all down :

"With eye of fire majestically he rose,

And spoke divinely through his double barreled nose."

A drunken fellow got out of his calculation, and was dozing in the street, when the bells roused him by their ringing for fire. "Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen," cried he ; '' well, if this isn't later than I ever knew it."


George the First was always reckon'd Vile—but viler George the Second;

And what mortal ever heard

Any good of George the Third?

When from earth the fourth descended,

God be praised, the Georges ended !

A traveler who met a countryman in mourning made the observation, " You have loot some of your friends, I see." "Yez, Zur," was the reply. "Was it a near or a distant relative?" "Well, purty distant—'bout twenty-four mile."

A man may declaim about religion without having much of it. It doesn't follow that one's stomach is full of food because he talks with victuals in his mouth.

What is the difference between a person transfixed with amazement and a leopard's tail?—The one is rooted to the spot, the other spotted to the root.

A Dundee journal circulates the following story: On one occasion a beggar wife, on receiving a gratuity from the Rev. John Skinner, of Longside, author of "Tulluchgorum," said to him by way of thanks, " Oh, Sir, I hoop that ye and a' your family will be in heaven the nicht." "Well," said Skinner, " I am very much obliged to you, only you need not have just been so particular as to the time."

A gentleman anxious to hear a celebrated West end preacher, found himself in such a crowd that to get a seat seemed impossible. He watched the pew owner's eyes looking very inquiringly at the hands of the applicants for seats, and he thought to himself, " Oh, oh, a fee is expected!" So taking out half a crown he held it most invitingly between his two fingers, and it was not long before it had the desired effect. He was quietly beckoned into a seat, whereupon he slipped a half-penny into the woman's hand. Presently, when the singing commenced, she came bustling round to him with a hymn-book, whispering, as she handed it to him, " You made a mistake, Sir, you only gave me a half-penny." "All right," he answered, " I never give less."

The motto which was inserted under the arms of William, Prince of Orange, on his accession to the English crown was, "Non reput, sed recepi" (I did not steal it, but I received it). This being shown to Dean Swift he said, " The receiver is as had as the thief."

Hopkins once lent Simpson, his next door neighbor, an umbrella, and having an urgent call to make on a wet day knocked at Simpson's door. "I want my umbrella." "Can't have it," said Simpson. "Why? I want to go to the East End, and it rains in torrents; what am I to do for an umbrella?" "Do?" answered Simpson, passing through the door, " do as I did, borrow one."

Theodore Hook once observed a party of laborers sinking a well. "What are you about?" he inquired. "Boring for water, Sir," was the answer. "Water's a bore at any time," responded Hook; "besides, you're quite wrong ; remember the old proverb—' Let well alone.'"

Taking babies to church is rightly termed a crying sin.

A Jew who was condemned to be hanged was brought to the gallows, and was just on the point of being turned off when a reprieve arrived. When informed of this, it was expected he would instantly have quitted the cart, but he staid to see a fellow prisoner hanged; and being asked why he did not get about his business, he said, " He waited to see if he could bargain with Mr. Ketch for the other gentleman's clothes."

A Scotch clergyman preaching a drowsy sermon asked, " What is the price of earthly pleasure?" The deacon, a fat grocer, woke up hastily from a sound sleep, and cried out, lustily, " Seven-and-sixpence a dozen !"

" Well, Sir," asked a noisy disputant, " don't you think that I have mauled my antagonist to some purpose?" " Oh yes," replied a listener, "you have—and if ever I should happen to fight with the Philistines I'll borrow your jaw-bone."

An affectionate Irishman once enlisted in the 75th Regiment in order to be near his brother, who was a corporal in the 76th.

A comedian who had been almost lifted from his feet by the pressure at the funeral of a celebrated tragedian, ultimately reached the church door. Having recovered his breath, which had been suspended in the effort, he exclaimed: "And so this is the last we shall ever see of him! Poor fellow! he has drawn a full house, though, to the end."

An East-India Governor having died abroad, his body was put in arrack to preserve it for interment in England. A sailor on board the ship being frequently drunk, the captain forbade the purser, and indeed all in the ship, to let him have any liquor. Shortly after the fellow appeared very drunk. How he obtained the liquor no one could guess. The captain resolved to find out, promising to forgive him if he would tell from whom he got the liquor. After some hesitation he hiccoughed out, " Why, please your Honor, I tapped the Governor."

A boy being asked what was the plural of " penny," very promptly replied, "twopence."


SHERIDAN has reaped the fruits of his great victories in the Valley. After the defeat of Early at Fisher's Hill, on the 22d of September, Sheridan pursued the flying rebels all night. The enemy's rear guard was overtaken 35 miles south of Winchester at Mount Jackson. About 300 prisoners were captured, and stragglers were continually giving themselves up. Taking the Keezletown Road, Early left the Valley on the night of the 24th. Sheridan captured 800 rebel wounded at Harrisonburg. The cavalry advanced immediately on Port Republic and Staunton. In the pursuit to Port Republic seventy-five wagons and four caissons were destroyed. Torbert entered Staunton on the 26th " and destroyed a large quantity of rebel property, harness, saddles, small arms, hard bread, flour, repair shops," etc. Proceeding to Waynesborough, he destroyed the iron bridge over the south branch of the Shenandoah, seven miles of the track, and a large amount of property. Sheridan believed that the remnant of Early's army had passed through the mountains to Charlottesville. Kershaw's Division it appears had been recalled to Richmond, but so closely was Early pursued that it was necessary to send it back again. A great amount of forage will be lost to the rebels with the loss of the Valley. Sheridan says: All the grain and forage in the vicinity of Staunton was retained for the use of Early's army ; while all in the lower part of the Valley was shipped to Richmond for Lee's army. He denies that the Nineteenth Corps was late in coming to the battle of Winchester.

General Grant's army is also in motion. On the 29th the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps crossed the James at Deep Bottom. Before daylight the Eighteenth Corps started out on the Varina Road, drove in the enemy's pickets, and at a distance of eleven miles from Richmond encountered the first line of works at Chapin's Farm. Stannard's Division, which was in the advance, moved boldly up to an earth work mounting two 100-pounders and two other heavy guns. This being carried by assault, General Ord was directing the troops to capture other fortifications when he was put out of combat by a slight wound. The men, undaunted by the loss of their commander, captured the entire works at this point, with sixteen guns and 300 prisoners. Only two divisions, Heckman's and Stannard's, were engaged. General Burnham was killed, and General Stannard was wounded. Paine's Colored Division operated with the Tenth Corps on the Kingsland Road, and was in the advance. An engagement occurred near the junction of the Kingsland and New Market roads, a short distance from Deep Bottom. Here a line of works was captured with considerable loss; and Birney advanced on the New Market Road toward Richmond. The advance was checked at the junction of the Varina and New Market roads. The fortifications at this point were attacked unsuccessfully. The loss in the colored division was very great. Kautz's cavalry in the mean time made a reconnoissance as far as to the toll gate, two miles from Richmond. On the 30th General Lee brought up Heth, Hoke, Field, and Wilcox to reinforce his left. At 2 o'clock P.M. the rebels, thus strengthened, made an attack on the Eighteenth Corps, whose right was now connected with the left of the Tenth. Major-General Weitzel commanded the Eighteenth. The enemy was repulsed with great loss. A heavy rain on the night of the 30th impeded the advance in this direction.

While Butler's army was engaged north of the James Meade's attacked the rebel right on the 30th, and gained an important position at Poplar Grove Church, near Southside Road. The troops engaged at this point were chiefly of the Fifth Corps, with two divisions of the Ninth. The next day General Ayre's division of the Fifth Corps was attacked by the rebels, who were repulsed with loss. There was also a cavalry engagement between Wade Hampton's force and Gregg's on the Vaughan Road, on our left : Hampton was driven back.


General Hood, at the last advices, was intrenched on the West Point and Montgomery Railroad, twenty miles south of Atlanta, and near the junction of the West Point with the Macon Road. What Sherman's plan of future operations may be has not yet transpired.

In the mean time General Forrest is again raiding on Sherman's rear, with a force estimated at seven thousand men, with twenty guns. Advancing across the Tennessee he captured Athens, in Northern Alabama. The town was surrendered by Colonel Campbell, after a fight of two hours, the garrison consisting of 500 men. 300 more Federals were captured who were on the way to reinforce Campbell. Athens is a town on the Nashville and Decatur Railroad. This road was considerably injured between Athens and Decatur by the rebels, who immediately advanced on Pulaski, seventy-five miles south of Nashville, on the same road. They succeeded in driving the force posted at Elk River, and in destroying the Sulphur Spring trestle. The Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad is a short distance east of this road. On the 28th the telegraph wires on both roads were cut, cutting off all communication with Nashville. Rousseau on the 26th took the field and met the enemy at Pulaski. No battle occurred, however, as Forrest withdrew toward the Chattanooga Road, which Rousseau immediately took measures to guard.


Price is again moving into Missouri with a force estimated at from ten to thirty thousand men. On the 27th the main portion of this force was at Fredericktown in the southwestern part of the State. There was great excitement, and it was thought that a raid was contemplated on St. Louis. General Rosecrans is actively taking measures to meet the emergency, and General Mower is expected to move upon Price's rear from the south. The forces in the district of Central Missouri have been withdrawn from other points and concentrated at Jefferson city. General Ewing, commanding at Pilot Knob, was nearly surrounded. Several attacks have been made on his position, all of which have been repulsed. General Ewing has three thousand men, and at last accounts had succeeded in with drawing his force from Pilot Knob. Price was advancing on Rolla.


News has reached England of the fall of Atlanta, which the London Times says " may fairly be regarded as crowning with success the campaign of the southwestern army of the Union."

Muller, the alleged murderer of Mr. Briggs, has arrived in London. The excitement on the occasion was unprecedented in court annals.

A disastrous fire recently occurred in London, involving a loss of two millions and a half dollars.

The Danish question begins again to wear a threatening aspect, in consequence of the refusal of Denmark to agree upon terms of peace. Sweden takes sides with Denmark.




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