Battle of Winchester


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, July 4, 1863

This site features online versions of all the Harper's Weekly newspapers published during the Civil War. These newspapers allow you to watch the Civil War unfold week by week, just as the people saw it at the time. These papers are full of incredible wood cut illustrations of the key people and battles.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Rebel Spies

Rebel Spies

McClellan's Loyalty

George McClellan's Loyalty Questioned

Battle Winchester

Battle of Winchester

Before Vicksburg

Before Vicksburg

Battle of Antietam Poem

Battle of Antietam Poem

Battle of Milliken's Bend

Battle of Milliken's Bend

Whipped Slave

Whipped Slave

Slave Torture

Slave Torture

Works Before Vicksburg

Works Before Vicksburg

Milliken's Bend Battle

Milliken's Bend Battle

General Buford's Cavalry Charge

General Buford's Cavalry Charge


Secession Cartoon




JULY 4, 1863.]



(Previous Page) many and favorable, and he is so sincerely alive to the scope and progress of the war that he can not fail to be serviceable to the good cause in the very home of its enemies. We have already quoted his graphic picture of Thomas Carlyle. From some later letters we take this account of Charles Kingsley, which will grieve many a true heart in this country. Kingsley, however, did not succeed in persuading Macmillan not to publish Professor Cairnes's book; for the work, originally issued by Parker & Son, was published in the second and enlarged edition by Macmillan. We hope when Mr. Conway goes to Oxford he will not fail to draw a full-length portrait of Goldwin Smith, who is Professor of History at Oxford, as Kingsley is at Cambridge, but who, unlike Kingsley, is constantly doing good things for us and for mankind, and who has just now published a pamphlet upon the kind of sanction given by the Bible to American slavery. Mr. Conway says:

"I had learned before going, that the general opinion at both Oxford and Cambridge was adverse to the North. Much of this at the latter University is owing to the unwearied efforts of Rev. Charles Kingsley, who has lectured and written and talked on the side of the Southern oppressors until many of his once earnest friends, such as Hughes and Dicey, speak of him as a 'lost leader.' Kingsley's only regret now is, that he once wrote such a book as 'Alton Locke.' He has given up his former brave testimonies for Justice and Humanity, for a chaplaincy to the Prince of Wales and a reception among the aristocracy. But, poor man, none love him now, and not even his new companies will trust him far. Still he has managed to stifle the sympathy with the cause of freedom whenever it began to rise near him. That he knows it is the cause of Liberty in America that he opposes, is shown by many facts; among others by this, that he persuaded Macmillan not to publish Cairnes's book, which is written entirely in the interest of Human Rights and not in that of any party."

There is a sting in the following sarcasm which our Copperhead patriots may wisely ponder. Mr. Conway is speaking of the adulation offered by the bold Britons, who never, never, never will be slaves to the Prince of Wales and his wife:

"I have seen a vast crowd gathered at the palace gate here, which I was assured had been there from early morning to dusk, to see the Prince and Princess, who, rumor said, were to pass that way. 'You do not have so good a chance to sec him,' said I to a man among them, 'as we had in America: in Cincinnati I danced in the same set, and afterward had a chat for several minutes with him.' 'Ah,' replied he, 'you are all sovereigns over there—unless Jeff Davis makes you subjects again.' "


THE Brooklyn Daily Eagle publishes a poem with the following remarks:

"The following touching and beautiful verses have already appeared in these columns. They were attributed to a private in the National service. A local contemporary corrected this statement by stating that the verses first appeared in Harper's Weekly, and were the production of the lamented Fitz James O'Brien, who was wounded at Balls Bluff and died after his arm had been amputated. We received at the time a communication claiming that the lines were written by a lady, whose name we have forgotten. The verses have gone all over the world. They have appeared in the London Times, where they were attributed to a private in the Confederate service. They are again claimed by a lady who writes for one of the New York weeklies. As it is uncontradicted that the verses first appeared in Harper's Weekly, it would be a matter of interest to have the question settled on the authority of the conductors of that journal. The following are the lines:

" All quiet along the Potomac,' they say,

'Except now and then a stray picket

Is shot, as he walks on his beat to and fro,

By a rifleman hid in the thicket,' " etc.

The poem was originally contributed to Harper's Weekly by a lady, and is copyrighted. Mr. O'Brien, who was also the author of many stirring and touching lyrics in this paper, was not, however, wounded at Ball's Bluff. It was in a skirmish of General Lander's forces near Hancock that he received the wound from the effects of which he died.


A LITERARY friend,

S. M., in Philadelphia, who is familiar with the details of English literature, writes that the circulation of Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, which we put at five hundred thousand, has never exceeded two hundred thousand a week, and that its price is not a penny, but exactly double that—four cents. Our statement was made upon the authority of what seemed a very accurate letter from London by one who knew. But he must know a great deal more of such matters than we do who would venture to correct R. S. M. He is doubtless right. But it certainly says at the head of the paper, "Price one penny. Stamped, two pence." (R. S. M. will understand that this is only the parting shot of a vanquished party.)


THERE is no end to curious invention; and at last, after linen and cotton and paper and muslin, there is "a new thing in collars." Mr.

S. W. H. Ward, 387 Broadway, offers patent steel collars! They are no stiffer than the starched linen should theoretically be; they defy the most moistening shower; and they are readily cleaned by rubbing them with a wet towel! They are made of various forms, upright or turn-over, and the ladies are not forgotten. The thin steel is covered with white enamel, and every man may wear a "dog-collar" which shall not be merely a name.


THE "American Publishers' Circular" (G. W. Childs), in its new form, is a truly valuable manual of current literature. The information in the French and English letters is copious and interesting; and its record of domestic literary intelligence is complete. Every fortnight it shows what books are, and are to be, published in all the great book-markets of the world.

The "Fairy Book" (Harpers) is a book to make the heart of every child in the land rejoice, and the purse of every parent open. It is a collection by Miss Mulock, the author of "John Halifax," etc., of all the most famous and delightful standard fairy stories printed in a handsome and attractive form. The stories are told in the old-fashioned simple way in which we all used to read them, and without any comment or dilution or impertinent moralizing.

Mr. Charles T. Evans, the energetic general agent of the Rebellion Record, publishes under the editorship of Mr. Frank Moore, "Papers of the Day," a series of short timely essays upon the most engrossing topics of the time. The first is an account of "The Freedmen of South Carolina" by Charles Nordhoff, and is full of the results of a tour of observation among them by a remarkably shrewd, calm, and intelligent observer, who had peculiar facilities for correct appreciation of their condition, and who writes in the most trenchant, animated, and interesting manner. Such papers are contributions of essential value to our history, and being ephemeral in form should be secured upon their appearance.

"Americans in Rome" is a work by Henry P. Leland from the same publisher. It is a lively, picturesque description of life in Rome, and its amusing fidelity is sure to be recognized by every reader who has lived for some time in that city. It is a charming and cheerful picture of the little incidents and details which the graver tourist is so apt to bury under his ponderous account of ruins and buildings and history, yet which abide so permanently in memory.

"Science for the School and Family," by Professor Hooker, of Yale (Harpers), is a delightful introduction to the mysteries of Natural Philosophy, by an experienced and competent master. It is an admirable manual for the household, and answers simply the thousand questions about common phenomena which every intelligent child continually asks and few parents can clearly answer.

"A Point of Honor" (Harpers) is a simple, tender love story, briefly and pleasantly told—good for reading in these summer days under the trees, if any reader finds time to lie there.


"CAN I show you any thing more to-day, Sir?" asked the civil gentleman behind the counter of his worthy customer. "Yes, Sir," was the reply; "will you be good enough to show me the silk umbrella I left here three weeks ago?"

In the window of a shop in the city a violin is exhibited at a high price, being "the property of a gentleman in fine condition."

"There's no humbug about these sardines," said Brown, as he helped himself to a third plateful from a newly-opened box; "they are the genuine article, and came all the way from the Mediterranean." "Yes," replied his economical wife, "and if you will only control your appetite they will go a great deal farther." Brown did not ask for any more.

From Camden to Bletchley, a distance of forty miles, I traveled along with Mrs. Greaves. She was a sweet and interesting woman—so sweet and interesting that, fastidious as I am on the subject, I believe I would have been willing to have kissed her. I had, however, several reasons for not perpetrating this act. First: I am such a good husband I wouldn't even be guilty of the appearance of disloyalty to my sweet wife. Second: I was afraid our fellow-passengers would see me and tell Greaves. Third: I do not think Mrs. G. would let me.

An old skipper says it is a curious fact that reckless captains are the most liable to wrecks.

"Why, Hans, you have the most feminine cast of countenance I have ever seen." "Oh, yah," replied Hans: "I know de reason for dat—mine moder vas a voomans."

"John, my son," said a doting father, who was about taking him into business, "what shall be the style of the new firm?" "Well, governor," said the youth, "I don't know—but suppose we have it John H. Samplin and Father?" The old gentleman was struck with the originality of the idea, but didn't adopt it.

Fontenelle describes a lover as a man who, in his anxiety to obtain possession of another, loses possession of himself.

Some editorial philosopher says—"If you wish to increase the size and prominence of your eyes, just keep an account of the money you spend foolishly, and add it up at the end of the year."

"Soldiers must be fearfully dishonest," says Mrs. Partington, "as it seems to be a nightly occurrence for a sentry to be relieved of his watch."

A hypocritical scoundrel in Athens inscribed over his door, "Let nothing evil enter here." Diogenes wrote under it, "How does the owner get in?"

Why does being under a bridge make the most stupid fellow a bit of a wag?—Because then he has an arch way about him.

If an empty purse could speak, what loving sentiment would it express?—"You will find no change in me."

"I shall not die unheard," as the pig said when the butcher stuck him.

An architect proposes to build a "Bachelor's Hall," which will differ from most houses in having no Eves.

"I speak within bounds," as the prisoner said to the jailer.

"Paws for a reply," as the cat said when she scratched the dog for barking at her.

When is a window like a star?—When it's a sky-light.

Which is the largest jewel in the world?—The Emerald Isle.

The following is exhibited, in large letters, on a shop-shutter in London: "Mr. S. having disposed of this business to Mr. P., will be opened by him on Friday morning."

We were told that, the other day, a literary gentleman, being rather badly off for pens, sat down to write with a headache. It is, we believe, a painful operation, but a great saving of quills.

When an old farmer in Essex buried his wife, a friend asked the disconsolate why he expended so much money on her funeral. "Oh, Sir," replied he, "she would have done as much, or more, for me, with pleasure."


Why are lawyers like sawyers?

Because whichever tray they work, down must come the dust.

My first is a domestic animal,

My second a part of speech,

My third is an article of the toilet,

And my whole is a tomb.


Why is a bustle like a historical novel? Because it is fiction founded on fact.

Why should not a teetotaler have a wife? Because he can not support her (sup porter).

What color is the grass when snow is upon it? Invisible green.

Name me and you break me.


My first is a preposition,

My second is a composition, And my whole is an acquisition. For-tune.

In describing a fire, what three authors would you name? Dickens, Howitt (how it), Burns!

Why was the whale who swallowed Jonah like a successful hydropathic doctor?

Because he managed to get a good profit (prophet) out of the waters.

My first is colorless and dark,

My second's always in the park;

If you're my whole you then may know, I think your conduct but so-so.


Why is Rowland Hill giving sovereigns to his children like the rising sun?

Because he tips the little hills with gold.

My second is found in every hedge, as well as every tree;

And when poor school-boys act amiss, it often is their fee;

My first is always wicked, yet ne'er committed sin, My whole for my first is fitted, composed of brass and tin.


Why is a leaking-glass like a dissatisfied and ungrateful acquaintance?

Because though you may load its back with silver it will always reflect upon you.

Why is a cow's tail like a swan's bosom?

Because it grows down.

My first informs me time has winged feet; My second keeps our gardens neat;

My whole's a safe retreat to those

Who guard our homes from midnight foes. Hatch-box.

Why is a person putting his father into a sack like a person on his way to an Eastern city?

Because he is going to Bagdad (bag dad).

Why is a glass-blower the most likely to set the alphabet in full gallop?

Because he makes a D canter (decanter).

Why is my hat like a giblet-pie?

Because it has a goose's head inside.

Why is a boy ill like a small church?

Because he is a chapel (chap ill).

My first is often heard in a play-house;

My second gives name to a faction;
My whole contains the annals of all nations.




SINCE we last wrote the rebels appear to have been dashing hither and thither in Maryland and Pennsylvania, robbing farms and store-houses, but staying in no one locality for any length of time. They have been heard of successively at Chambersburg, M'Connellsburg, Scotland, in Pennsylvania, and Hagerstown, Frederick, Cumberland, Hancock, etc., in Maryland. Nothing is positively known of their force, but it is conjectured that the whole invading army consists of perhaps a couple of thousand cavalry. It is said, however, that a corps d'armee or division, probably Ewell's, are at Williamsport on the Upper Potomac. At 11 A.M. on 23d a body of rebels reoccupied Chambersburg in great force, and our troops, under General Knipe, fell back to Shippensburg and Carlisle. General Knipe arrived at the latter place the same evening, and his arrival led to another panic, the inhabitants flying in every direction, with the usual agony about a rebel attack on Harrisburg.

Large bodies of volunteer militia have gone forward from this State to repel the invaders, and the Pennsylvanians appear likewise to be enlisting—though not with alacrity. Some Jersey regiments have likewise gone to the scene of action. In Maryland the President's call for troops has elicited no response.

Rebel cavalry are said to have made their appearance on the Ohio and Indiana border; and there are rumors of small bodies having crossed the line on predatory excursions. A rumor to the effect that some rebels had made their appearance at Uniontown, Pennsylvania, scared the people of Pittsburg to death on 23d. Work was immediately suspended, and all hands set to build fortifications.


The Army of the Potomac is said to be on or near the old Bull Run battlefield. General Lee's whereabouts are unknown, but he is supposed to be in the Shenandoah Valley. A decisive battle is momentarily expected, and General Hooker has placed an embargo upon correspondence until it comes off.




Brigadier-General S. Williams:

GENERAL,—I moved with my command this morning to Middleburg, and attacked the cavalry force of the rebels under Stuart, and steadily drove him all day, inflicting heavy loss at every step.

We took two pieces of artillery, one being a Blakely gun, together with three caissons, besides blowing one up. We also captured upward of sixty prisoners, and more are coming in, including a lieutenant-colonel, major, and five other officers, and a large number of wounded rebels left in the town of Upperville.

They left their dead and wounded upon the field. Of the former I saw upward of twenty. We also took a large number of carbines, pistols, and sabres. In fact, it was a most disastrous day to the rebel cavalry.

Our loss has been very small, both in men and horses. I never saw the troops behave better or under more difficult circumstances. Very heavy charges were made, and the sabre was used freely, but always with great advantage to us.

A. PLEASANTON, Brigadier-General.


Full accounts are published of the late desperate two days' battle at Winchester between General Milroy and General Ewell, which terminated in a disastrous retreat of the Union forces to Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry, with only two thousand men out of seven thousand, and having lost all the artillery, stores, baggage, and every thing except what the men carried on their persons. Three entire batteries of field artillery and one battery of siege guns, about two hundred and eighty wagons, over twelve hundred horses and mules, all the commissary and quarter-master's stores and ammunition of all kinds, over six thousand muskets and small-arms without stint, the private baggage of the officers and men, all fell into the hands of the enemy.


RICHMOND, June 16, 1863.

A dispatch from General Lee, dated the 15th, says:

God has again crowned the valor of our troops with success. Ewell's division stormed the intrenchments at Winchester, capturing their artillery, etc.   LEE.


The siege of Vicksburg progresses slowly, but, we are told, favorably. Persons in official circles looked for the assault and capture of the city before this. General Grant's approaches were within a few yards of the rebel works at the latest dates. Our advices from Grant's army are to 19th at noon. At that time heavy firing was going on from both sides. General McClernand has been removed from the command of the 13th Army Corps by General Grant, and General Ord appointed in his place.

From Port Hudson we have no advices except that the siege is progressing.


A dispatch from Murfreesboro on 22d states that General Carter has made another raid into East Tennessee with 2000 mounted infantry, spreading terror before him. He destroyed the station and took up the track at Lenor, and advanced as far as Loudon, where he drew up in lino of battle to meet the enemy. He stated his intention to march on Knoxville and destroy that city.


Our blockading squadron has diminished the rebel fleet of privateers by one very valuable and dangerous steamer, the Atlanta, formerly known as the Clyde-built vessel Fingal. She came down on the morning of the 17th inst. into Warsaw Sound, by way of Wilmington River, accompanied by two wooden steamers loaded with spectators. The Weehawken, commanded by Captain Rodgers, at once engaged her, and fired in all but five shots, three of which took effect, penetrating her armor and killing or wounding the crews of two guns. Two of her three pilots were also wounded, the top of her pilot-house being shot away. She then grounded, after having fired six shots, and immediately afterward surrendered. Her armament consists of two 7-inch and two 6-inch Brooks guns, rifled, and her officers and crew numbered 165. She had on board instruments and stores for a regular cruise. The prisoners reached Fortress Monroe on 22d.


General Burnside telegraphs to General Halleck from Cincinnati that Colonel de Courcy, with parts of the Tenth and Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry and Eighth and Ninth Michigan Cavalry, cut off at Triplett's bridge the body of rebel cavalry that made the raid upon Maysville. He killed and wounded many of the rebels, and took over one hundred prisoners, including one captain and two lieutenants, and recaptured all the property stolen at Maysville. General Burnside says that the rebels are broken to pieces, and may be destroyed altogether, as our people are hunting them up.


The steamship Norwegian, Captain M'Master, which left Liverpool on the 4th and Londonderry on the 5th of June, for Montreal, was wrecked on the 14th instant, on St. Paul's Island, Cape Breton. She struck about seven o'clock in the morning, during a dense fog, about a mile and a quarter east of the Northeast Light. She had 329 passengers on board. They were all saved, with the greater portion of their baggage. The Governor of St. Paul's Island lent all the assistance in his power. The Norwegian belonged to the Montreal Steamship Company, and her wreck makes the seventh vessel which they have lost.




PRESIDENT LINCOLN, through Minister Adams, had returned his warm thanks to the Liverpool Emancipation Society for their friendly address.


NEW CUSTOMER.—"I've had my clothes hitherto from—"

BROADWAY TAILOR. — "Clothes! jus' so, Sir! He! He! We may concede you to be Clothed, Sir! but we re'lly can't call you Dressed; we can't, indeed!"





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