Battle of Mill Springs


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, February 1, 1862

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Navy Battle

Navy Battle

Financing the Civil War

Mill Springs

The Battle of Mill Springs


Hancock, Maryland

Army Around Green River

Events Around Green River

Mississippi Expedition

Mississippi Expedition

Mortar Flotilla

Mortar Flotilla

Steam Sloops

Steam Sloops of War

Green River

Green River, Kentucky

Loading Ships

Loading Ships

Porter's Mortar Boats

Porter's Mortar Boat's

Mason and Slidell, Trent Affair

Mason and Slidell Cartoon




FEBRUARY 1, 1862.]



(Previous Page) the forthcoming pudding of the report. Won't it be a dainty dish to set before the people?

The first contract, it seems, was one to supply cattle for the troops at Washington in April. It was given to an old hack Washington politician. He sublet it in twenty-four hours, and made $32,000 without leaving his chair ; and the men who actually furnished the cattle made $26,000 more ; so that upon the first 2200 head of cattle contracted for a profit of $58,000 over the market-price was realized.

A regiment of cavalry, 1000 strong, reached Louisville, and a board of officers condemned 485, nearly half, of their horses. They were blind, spavined, ringboned ; they had the heaves, the glanders: they had every thing but strength and health and fitness. There was not one of them worth $20. They had cost the Government, before they were mustered into the service, $58,200, besides thousands of dollars for transportation.

There are contracts for the manufacture of Springfield muskets, the first one of which can not be delivered for six months. There is a contract for the supply of 1,092,000 muskets at $28 a-piece, when the very same muskets are now made in Springfield for $13.50 a-piece.

When the last Congress appropriated $20,000,000 for such purposes, $37,000,000 had been already pledged to contractors for provision for some future emergency. $2,000,000 were intrusted to an honest but incompetent gentleman to spend in the wisest way he could. He immediately began to purchase linen pantaloons, straw-hats, London porter, and dried herrings, until he had expended $390,000, " and then he got scared and quit."

There is a contract for the supply of wood to the army at $7 a cord. After the army itself has cut down the wood to clear the ground for their batteries, the contractor employs the army wagons to draw the wood to the camps. " He has no farther trouble than to draw his seven dollars for a cord, leaving the Government to draw the wood."

These are given to us as illustrations of the manner in which the money of the people has been spent. It is perhaps no worse a disclosure than the history of any nation suddenly plunged into war would show. But it is certainly a lamentable revelation. There is a frightful responsibility somewhere ; and the retirement of Mr. Cameron from the head of the War Department simultaneously with this exposure, may be interpreted as the result of his conviction that, rightly or wrongly, public opinion would hold him accountable. There was a very strong opposition to his original appointment, upon the ground that unpleasant stories affecting his reputation, whether true or false, had long been believed. But his apparent energy, skill, and perspicacity in the management of his important office, had at least mollified the public expression of distrust.

That distrust is again suddenly awakened. If the statements of the Committee's report shall be unquestionably correct, and the late Secretary of War is unable to explain them satisfactorily, it had been better for his fame that he had marched by his brother's side to Bull Run, and had shared his fate.


THERE is to be no more franking home of shirts to be washed. There is to be no more express provision of Congress by which the Postal Department is made the unprofitable department of the Government. If we value the speeches of our senators and representatives, we must now pay a penny for the privilege of reading them. If we want the wisdom of the Patent-office report, we must pay for it. Members can no longer talk to Buncomb gratis. Buncomb must pay the piper if it wishes to dance.

The abolition of the Franking system is the explosion of an absurd practice, and, consequently, an evidence of the common sense of this Congress. It was at best but robbing Peter to pay Paul. The deficit in the revenue caused by the Post-office had to be made up in some other way. Under the old system of high postages something might be said in favor of allowing documents to pass free from representative to constituent. But it is utterly different now. No letter ought to be written which is not worth three cents to the writer or the recipient. No book can be of much value to any constituent for which he is not willing to pay the necessary postage.

Besides, the reform prevents electioneering at the expense of the Government. And it shuns that the present majority in Congress is honestly in favor of lightening the public burdens. The Senate is said to be unwilling to unwilling to agree to the bill; but we will still believe the Senate is not less wise than the House.


DR. COGSWELL is, in the public estimation, such an essential part of the Astor Library that, without offense to his accomplished successor, his resignation seems to be a misfortune to the Institution. And yet, with the completion of the catalogue, his great work in the Library may be considered finished. The Institution grew out of his suggestion. He collected the books. He arranged them in the noble building erected for them. He has prepared the catalogue of them, 120,000 in number. The ship is built, launched, rigged: the armament is on board; the future is secure, and the head and hand that have directed all may well retire from active service, conscious that the voyage, whoever may be in command, will be but a monument of the skill and devotion of the builder.

The catalogue fills four volumes, and more than two thousand pages. The trustees in receiving it spoke of it as it deserved, and as he deserved who made it. They also requested him to use at his pleasure the rooms he has occupied in the building; and he retains his seat in the Board of Direction. At his suggestion, Mr. Francis Schroeder has been appointed his successor as Librarian-in-chief.

The great and unobtrusive labors of a ripe scholar are thus ended. Exegit monumentum. The Astor Library is not less the monument of its first Librarian than of its founder.


ENCOURAGING. —"How do you feel this morning, James?" "Very much better, I thank you. I did think when I came out that I was not so well ; but I know I am better now, for I just met the undertaker, and he looked black at me!"

When the old lady had fallen into the well, and was rescued from drowning with some difficulty, she declared that, "had it not been for Providence and another man she would never have been got out alive." The theory of the old woman's assertion seems to have operated in one of the churches in Logansport, Ohio, where, on the national fast-day, in the presence of a large congregation, a gentleman of reputed creditable attainments, both literary and moral, thus prayed; "O Lord, had the East done as well as the Hoosier State in furnishing men to put down this rebellion we would not be under the necessity of calling on Thee!"

"Do let me have your photograph!" said a dashing belle to a gentleman who had been annoying her with his attentions. The gentleman was delighted, and in a short time the lady received the picture. She gave it to her servant with the question, "Would you know the original if he should call?" The servant replied in the affirmative. "Well, when he comes, tell him I am engaged."

The New Bedford Mercury says that an Irish couple, a few evenings since, at about nine o'clock, rang the door bell of one of the Protestant parsons of our city. The door was opened by the clergyman, who, on inquiring what they wanted, was informed by Michael that he and Bridget came to be married. "But why," asked tine parson, "don't you go to the priest?" "And sure we did," said Michael, "and he tould us to go to the divil, and so we came to you."

A traveler in Ireland having been inclined to deny that the peasantry were humorous was told to ask any question at the first laboring man he met on the road. Accordingly, on seeing a sturdy fellow breaking stones, he says, "Now, my man, if the devil were to come here just now, whether would he take you or me?" " Me, to be sure," says the man, "for he's certain of your honor at any time."

T. B. THORPE, once "of Louisiana"—though before and since of New York—Colonel of our army in Mexico under "Old Zack"—author of "Tom Owen the Bee-hunter" and a score of other clever sketches of character, besides Magazine papers on Art and Natural History almost without number—painter of one of the three good pictures of Niagara—a clever stump-speaker—and one of the best story-tellers of the day—has just made a most successful appearance upon the platform as a lecturer. His lecture on "the Inside View of the Great Southern Rebellion" was a marked success. During his long residence in what is now "Secessia" he became personally known to almost all the men who are now magnates of the rebellion; and he lights up the graver part of his discourse with anecdotes and reminiscences as deftly as he had lighted up the sombre parts of his "Niagara." The lecture has one fault: it is too short. It occupies only two hours, while the audience who listened to its first delivery were anxious for "more." Lecture Committees, who want a live subject treated by a live man, in a lively manner, will bespeak this if they are "Wise;" if "Otherwise," they will not.

A good-for-nothing fellow left his wife in a great rage, telling her that he would never come back till he was rich enough to come in a carriage. For once he kept his word, being trundled home drunk in a wheel-barrow.

WAY OF THE WORLD.—If the speculator misses his aim, every body cries out, "he's a fool," and sometimes, "he's a rogue." If he succeed, they besiege his door, and demand his daughter in marriage.

At one of the London police-courts, last week, a professional beggar, on being asked what trade he followed, replied that he was " a philanthropist."

Children don't often consult the will of the father; his only will that they are apt to care much about is his last.

A coquette is equal to a dozen high winds in throwing dust in one's eyes.



ON Tuesday, January 14, in the Senate, a communication was received from the President, transmitting a copy of the instructions received by the Austrian Minister from his Government relative to the Trent affair, and the reply of Mr. Seward thereto. The resolution of Senator Powell, calling on the Secretary of War for an answer to the resolution in regard to contracts, was taken up, debated briefly, and adopted by a vote of thirty-four against three. A communication was received front Mr. Lamon, the Marshal of the District of Columbia, giving the regulations respecting visitors to the jail under his charge. Senator Grimes called up the bill providing for the release of fugitive slaves from the jail. This led to a long debate on the negro question, and finally the bill passed by a vote of thirty-one against four. The House bill for the relief of the owners of the British ship Perthshire was passed, and the Senate adjourned.-The House resumed the consideration of the bill to abolish the franking privilege, and after a lengthy discussion passed it by a vote of 107 against 42. In Committee of the Whole the bill making an appropriation of $35,500 for the exhibition of American products at the London World's Fair was taken up, and a lively debate followed in reference to our relations with Great Britain, in which Messrs. Conkling of New York, and Lovejoy of Illinois, participated. The bill was finally laid on the table by a large majority, and the House adjourned.

On Wednesday, 15th, in the Senate, the joint resolution to promote the efficiency of the troops serving in Kansas was taken up and discussed by Senators Saulsbury, Lane, and Harlan. Senator Trumbull, of the Judiciary Committee, to which had been referred all the plans for confiscating the property of rebels, reported a bill, as a substitute for the whole, confiscating the property and declaring free the slaves of rebels. The Consider and Diplomatic Appropriation bill was reported by the Finance Committee. A communication was received from the Navy Department, in answer to a resolution relative to the employment of George D. Morgan, which was referred. After an executive session, during which the appointment of Mr. Stanton as Secretary of War was confirmed, the Senate adjourned. —In the House, Mr. Conway, of Kansas, introduced a joint resolution to promote the efficiency of the troops in Kansas. Mr. Corning, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a joint resolution, that, in order to pay the ordinary expenses of the Government, and the interest on the national loan, and have an ample sinking fund for its ultimate liquidation, a tax be imposed, which, with the tariff on imports, will secure an annual sum of not less than one hundred and fifty millions of dollars. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, moved to postpone the consideration of the subject until Monday week, which was voted down, and the joint resolution, under the previous question, was agreed to by a vote of 133 to 5. Mr. Blair, from the Military Committee, reported a bill amendatory of the direct. tax bill, providing for liberating and colonizing the slaves of rebels, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

On Thursday, 16th, in the Senate, the Secretary of War sent in an answer to the resolution in regard to contracts. The Secretary states that the first resolution was received at the Department just after the battle of Bull Run, and that since then he has not had sufficient clerical force to properly answer the resolution. The answer also states: "I myself have not made a single contract for any purpose

whatever. The heads of bureaus have made all the contracts." The subject was referred. A resolution declaring Marshal Lamon guilty of a breach of the privileges, and of contempt of the authority of the Senate, by his order excluding Senators from the District jail, and that said resolution be communicated to the President, was laid over. The bill providing that army or naval officers who shall arrest fugitive slaves shall be discharged from the public service, was then discussed till the expiration of the morning hour. The debate on the Kansas contested election case was resumed, the question being on a motion to strike out the word " not" in the resolution of the Judiciary Committee declaring that Mr. Lane was not entitled to his seat. The motion was finally adopted by a vote of 24 to 16, thus rejecting Mr. Stanton's claim to a seat. After an executive session the Senate adjourned.-In the House, a bill was passed authorizing and directing the Secretary of War to furnish the prisoners of the United States in the revolted States with clothing and other necessaries of life, and for this purpose that he employ such agents as may be necessary.

On Friday, 17th, in the Senate, Mr. Jacob M. Howard, Senator elect front Michigan, in place of Senator Bingham, deceased, was qualified and took his seat. The joint resolution from the house, declaratory of the purpose of Congress to impose taxes which will yield $150,0000,000 of revenue, was adopted, Senator Powell alone voting against it. The Senate held an executive session, confirmed the appointment of Mr. Cameron to the Russian Mission, and afterward adjourned.-In the House, the District of Columbia Committee made a report regarding Marshal Lamon's jail regulation, to the effect that while they are annoying to members of Congress, they are not so onerous as to require the intervention of the House, and hence the Committee ask to be relieved front further consideration of the subject. Mr. Stevens reported the West Point Academy Appropriation bill, and stated that he had been informed that numerous libeling letter-writers had been finding fault with the Committee of Ways and Means for not reporting an equitable tax bill. The committee, however, he said, are gathering facts, and work for hours after attending to business in the House. He desired to say that the criticisms and libels of the press would not make them move one minute faster than a due regard to the public interests will permit. The Fortification Appropriation bill, as originally reported, was passed. It appropriates between five and six millions of dollar for the completion of defensive works already commenced.

On Monday, 20th, in the Senate, a petition was presented asking for the continuance of the Coast Survey, and a protest was received from citizens of New York against the appointment of a Solicitor of Customs for that city. Bills were introduced and referred regarding the pay of naval officers; the appointment of additional Secretaries of War for one year; repealing the act excepting witnesses before Congressional Committees from examination in courts of justice; and authorizing payment for property occupied by United States troops. Resolutions providing for to daily overland mail between Utah and Oregon, and authorizing certain naval officers to accept presents front the Japanese Government, were offered. The bill amending the articles of war, and imposing the death penalty upon spies, was discussed and laid over. The Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill was passed, as amended. A communication from the Government of Prussia upon the Trent affair was received from the President. The report of the Judiciary Committee that no cause exists for the expulsion of Senator Bright, of Indiana, charged with treasonable correspondence, was warmly debated, but no action was taken.-In the House, a memorial was presented from workmen in the Brooklyn Navy-yard; Willem A. Hall, from the Third District of Missouri, took the oath and his seat ; the Committee on Elections reported a resolution that Joseph Segar is not entitled to represent the First District of Virginia. A bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to settle with the States for supplies furnished troops was referred. A resolution was adopted confiscating certain lands selected by Alabama, under the law of Congress, and applying the same to the use of a Seminary in the Territory where the lands are. The Judiciary Committee was instructed to inquire whether further legislation is necessary to secure to the relatives of killed or deceased volunteers the bounty provided by the Act of July last. A bill discharging all bands of volunteer regiments was referred, and also a bill establishing Territorial governments in rebel States. Mr. Allem, of Ohio, offered a resolution that no part of appropriations made or taxes levied by Congress shall be applied for the prosecution of a war for emancipating slaves in rebel States. Mr. Blake, of Ohio, moved to lay this resolution on the table. Carried—91 against 37. A resolution was adopted from the Government Contract Committee, ordering the arrest of Henry Hickley, for refusing to appear before the Committee at Cincinnati; and a bill was also adopted appropriating $10,000 for expenses of the Committee. A motion by Mr. Lovejoy, to instruct the Judiciary Committee to report a bill making void all sales, transfers, and dispositions of all kinds of property by persons engaged in insurrection, was passed. On motion of Mr. Blair, of Missouri, the Committee on Ways and Means were instructed to inquire into the expediency of levying a stamp tax upon the circulating notes of banks and other corporations. A bill to establish en additional judicial district in New York was referred. Debates upon the rebellion and the slavery question consumed the remainder of the time until adjournment.


By telegraphic dispatches from Kentucky we learn that on Saturday, January 18, the rebel general Zollicoffer marched out of his intrenchments at Mill Spring and attacked the camp of the Union forces under General Schoepff's at three o'clock A.M. The battle raged with great fury until four o'clock P.M., with a very heavy loss on both sides. At that hour, however, General Zollicoffer was killed, and the rebels fled in confusion to their camp. The Union forces were reinforced by General Thomas during the fight, and on Sunday afternoon they pursued the rebels, captured their intrenched camp and army stores, and totally dispersed the army. The rebel loss is reported at 275. The Tenth Indiana regiment lost 75 killed and wounded. No further Union loss reported. This victory clears East Kentucky of rebels, and opens the way for the advance of General Buell into East Tennessee. It is rumored that, in consequence of this Union victory, General Beauregard has evacuated Manassas, fearing that his supplies will be cut off and his flank turned im Buell's army; but this report lacks confirmation.


Further telegraphic accounts have been received of the great flood in Sacramento Valley. In the streets of Sacramento the water was from two to eleven feet deep, and the Legislature adjourned until the flood subsided. Cooked provisions were sent on from San Francisco. The loss of property is immense, and the flood unprecedented.


General McClellan has issued a peremptory order to commandants of divisions and brigades, enjoining the absolute necessity of keeping every officer and soldier at his post at this critical juncture. Nothing but medical certificates of ill health and other urgent reasons shall entitle any officer to furlough or leave of absence.


General McClellan was closeted on 15th with the Committee on the Conduct of the War, at the Capitol, from ten o'clock in the morning till four in the afternoon, during which time he communicated much valuable information to the committee. He was subsequently summoned to an interview with the President.


General McClernand's force marched on 15th to Mayfield, Kentucky. The rebels who are encamped close to that place, at Camp Beauregard, will therefore either give fight or retire. General Grant and staff went down on 15th on the steamer Chancellor, and landed at Fort Jefferson.

Deserters report 40,000 rebels at Columbus. General Grant made a heavy reconnoissance on the afternoon of the 16th inst., going within five miles of Columbus, but no rebels were discovered. A dispatch from Cairo reports that on Friday night the expedition to Bloomfield returned successful, with 40 rebel captives, including one Lieutenant-

Colonel and one Adjutant and three Captains. A reconnoissance up the Tennessee River by the gun-boat Conestoga had failed to discover any fortifications.


According to the letters of the Tribune correspondent, with the advance of General Buell's army, from Munfordsville, up to the 14th instant, the preparations for an early advance were completed, but the weather had been too unfavorable and the roads too miry for a movement against the enemy. Rifle-pits and intrenchments were being made on the south bank of Green River, to protect the bridge in case of need.


A dispatch from Colonel Garfield to General Buell, dated Prestonburg, 11th, states that he left Paintville Thursday noon with 1100 men, and engaged Marshall's forces, 2500 strong, with three cannon posted on the hill. "We fought them," he says, "till dark, and drove them from their positions. This morning we found twenty-five of his dead on the field. The enemy's loss can not be less than sixty. We took twenty-five prisoners and a quantity of stores. The enemy burned most of his stores and fled precipitately during the night. To-day I have crossed the river and been occupying Prestonburg. Our loss is two killed and twenty-five wounded."


Colonel Harvey Brown opened fire from Fort Pickens on the 1st inst. upon the rebel steamer Times while loading stores at the Pensacola Navy-yard. He was provoked to adopt this course by the fact that the rebel batteries at Pensacola had been firing for some days previous at our small craft. The rebels returned the fire, several of their shells bursting within Fort Pickens, but wounding only one man. The firing was continued until evening, when the last shot came from Colonel Brown's guns. One of the shots from Fort Pickens made a breach in Fort Barrancas, and during the day the town of Warrington was set on fire by our shells, and continued to burn until the night of the 2d.


A dispatch from Rolla, Missouri, says that the indications are that the troops there, under General Siegel, will soon move eastward. The pickets of the enemy extend fourteen miles from Springfield, where General Price is estimated to have about 12,000 men. General M'Intosh was reported as coming to his aid with large reinforcements from Arkansas.


Messrs. Mason and Slidell arrived at Saint Georges, Bermuda, on the 9th instant, on board the British war steamer Rinaldo. After the Rinaldo had coaled she sailed for Saint Thomas, where the rebel agents would wait a passage to England in the regular British West India mail steamer.


Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, his State having already furnished her full quota of troops, asks permission to send eight full regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, now ready, in Pennsylvania, on an expedition to the Southern coast. Bravo for the old Keystone State!


Southern papers afford conclusive proof of the increasing discontent and demoralization of the rebel army. It is admitted by the Richmond journals that the inertion and ennui which has fallen upon the troops is working out terrible results. The Richmond Examiner says that, while the rebel army is accomplishing nothing, the Northern Government has been making movements and assaults, and carrying on plans of attack to suit themselves, without any delays or alarms, ever since they were compelled to make hasty preparations for the defense of Washington several months ago. The whole tone of the Southern papers would seem to indicate a fear that the rebellion is in immediate danger of breaking up.


The intelligence of the Government is to the effect that the rebels will have great difficulty in inducing their twelve months' men to remain in the service, after the periods of their enlistment, which expire in February and March.


The State Department has received notes from the Governments of Prussia and Austria on the Trent question, similar to that from Russia, urging that it would be not only wise in us to avoid a foreign war at this time, but also that the surrender of the captive rebels would be in accordance with American doctrines of international law.


General Lane is to leave Washington soon for Kansas, to take the head of his brigade. He has had an interview with Mr. Lincoln, the Secretary of War, and General M'Clellan. They gave him full liberty to conduct the campaign in Kansas on his own principles.

Dispatches front Minister Corwin confirm the report that he is about to come home, as, under his instructions, he can not advance our interests in Mexico. The Mexicans are making great preparations to resist the allies.



THE news by the steamships Anglo-Saxon and Hansa had materially strengthened confidence in peace. Consols showed great buoyancy and had further advanced about one half per cent., and closed firm on Friday, the 3d instant, at the quotations current before the Trent affair, and showed an advance of three-eighths since the 1st instant.


A suspicious steamer has been seen cruising in the English channel off Dover, and there were strong reasons to suppose it was the privateer Sumter. [Supposed to be the United States gun-boat Tuscarora.]



The Emperor, on New-Year's day, made an address to the diplomatic corps, and received as usual the various State bodies. In response to an address from the Senate, he said he counted on the Senate to assist him in perfecting the constitution, and at time same time maintaining intact the fundamental basis on which it rests. To the legislative body he merely expressed the hope that they would see in the recent modifications of the constitution a new proof of his confidence in their intelligence and patriotism. To the clergy he gave assurance that they might count on his protection and lively sympathy, telling them that they knew how to render to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. This expression had given rise to the idea that a serious attempt is about to be made to settle terms for the evacuation of Rome.



On New-Year's day the Pope received General Guyon and French officers. General Guyon spoke of devotion toward the Pope, and the latter thanked Guyon for the sentiments expressed. The present French soldiers at Rome would not permit the fulfillment of any irreligious or impolitic act. The Pope concluded by bestowing the apostolic benediction on the imperial family, the Emperor Napoleon, and the whole French company.



Mr. Adams, our Minister at London, under date of the 4th inst., writes to Collector Barney, of New York, that the Sumter had arrived at Cadiz, having burned three vessels.




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