Confederate Slave Conscription


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, November 19, 1864

Harper's Weekly was the most popular newspaper published during the Civil War. These newspapers were read by millions of people during the war. Today, these newspapers are available on this WEB site for you to read and increase your understanding of the war.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)




Second Term

Abraham Lincoln Reelected

Slave Conscription

Slave Conscription

One Hundred and Forty Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment

Hatcher's Run

Hatcher's Run


Battle of Allatoona

Over the Hillside

Train Robbery

Train Robbery

Darbytown Road

Battle of Darbytown Road

War Department

War Department


Civil War Battery





NOVEMBER 19, 1864.]



(Previous Page) fend the national domain? These are the only questions that ought now to be entertained by the American people.

And upon these questions there can not properly be any mere party division. The election of November 8 has destroyed all existing parties. Mr. LINCOLN is not elected because he was a Republican, nor General McCLELLAN defeated because he was a Democrat. The election is the expression of the overpowering determination of the people that there shall be no parties during a war for the life of the nation. We have but one duty before us, and that is to defend the nation against foreign and domestic foes. A vigorous and unyielding war is now heartily accepted by the people as the only way to peace.


THIS Society, now in its fifth year, is designed for the relief of suffering artists. It is in fact a Mutual Insurance Company, the source of its receipts being an annual sale of pictures contributed by the members. Among the piles of political and purely commercial pamphlets it is a pleasure to come upon the simple, modest statement of the operations of this Society for its fourth year. It has a fund of thirteen thousand dollars in the treasury, yielding an income of about, one thousand dollars. The required value of contributions is fifty dollars each. They are collected in a gallery, and after proper exhibition are sold. The results of the last sale showed an average of seventy-six dollars for each contributor, against seventy-three in the previous year, Mr. CASILEAR was the retiring President---we intend no pun, although the pun would be equally true—and the management is entirely in the hands of the artists. Friendly, genial botherhood ! the heart is drawn to their peaceful labors all the more warmly in the stormy times upon when we are cast. And, like their brethren the authors, never do they appear in a lovelier light than that of charity to each other—and to their critics.


WITH the December Number of Harper's Magazine begins the Thirtieth Volume, and it begins with unabated energy and interest. The hold which this monthly has upon the popular heart is unrelaxing, as it ought to be; for there is no magazine published which is more skillfully adapted to the popular sympathy and taste. The facilities of the Publishers enable them to secure the earliest publication of the best stories of the best English authors, as well as the contributions of the most attractive American writers. DICKENS'S tale, " Our Mutual Friend" — one of his most characteristic works—was begun in June, and is regularly continued every month, Ross BROWNE'S " Tour through Arizona," illustrated by his own drawings, give the freshest and most amusing passages of American travel and adventure; while the popular historian of NAPOLEON, JOHN S. C. ABBOTT, begins, in the December Number, "Heroic Deeds of Heroic Men," being the most interesting and brilliant passages in the history of the war for the Union.

In this Number also begins the new novel of WILKIE COLLINS, author of " The Woman in White," " No Name," etc. It is called " Armadale," and it opens with commanding interest and

maturer power. The first number thoroughly arouses the reader's interest and expectation, and is superior in its characteristic way to any opening chapters of his previous works. These, with the usual miscellany, compose a monthly feast which we heartily commend to all our readers. WILKIE COLLINS has fairly on his laurels. He is now showing that he can justly wear them.


Two fast young men, just returning home after a night's carousal, saw the sun rising. One of them insisted it was the sun, the other that it was the moon: They agreed to leave it to the first man they met. He also had been out on a lark, "Excuse me, Sir, but my friend and I have made a little bet whether that's the sun or the moon that's now rising, and we've agreed to have you decide the matter." "Fact is, gentlemen, I should be very happy; but you see I'm a stranger in the city, and been out all night !"

"THE GOOD OLD TIMES."--The old times were not good times, at least for servants. Here is a deed which, nowadays, would be deemed most brutal and unmanly, recorded in Pepys' Diary as rather commendable than other wise "December 2, 1680. This morning, observing some things to be laid up not as they should be by my girl, I took a broom and basted her till she cried exceedingly."

A DISCOVERY.—How many feet has a horse?--Six; fore-feet in front and two behind.

"Paddy," said a wag, " your ears are too long." "Divil a hit my thrubble does that give me; but yours are too short altogither for the braying baste that yees be."

THE HIGHEST KIND OF ARCHITECTURE--Building castles in the air.


Why is a vain young lady like a confirmed drunkard?—Because neither of them are satisfied with the moderate use of the glass.

This is worth noting: wit's controll'd by dullness; The deepest thought can scarce be said in fullness; Elixir to the blood of two or three,

Poison to lives of common men 'twould be.

" Who is he?" said a passer-by to a policeman, who was endeavoring to raise an intoxicated individual that had fallen into a gutter. " Can't say, Sir," replied the policeman ; "he can't give any account of himself." "Of course not," replied the other ; "how are you to expect an account from a man who has lost his balance ?"

" A word in your privat-eer," as Captain Winslow said to Semmes when he fired his 11-inch shell into the Alabama .


No dorg to love, none to karess,

How can I ever mi sadness ekspress?

Chunck is defunct, dead as a nale;

Hushed is his barkin, and still is his tale. O such a tale, white on the end,

Opht did he chase it with wiggle and bend; Chase it with nose twisting around,

Till overcum he reposed on the ground.

Now he's ekstinct, dead as a Hale,

Where is the bark and the wag of his tale. In dreams alone, poor Chunck I see,

Swigging his milk, or else skratching a flea, 'Tis but a dream, waking I weep,

For under 2 feet of ground does he sleep.

O blissful pup, onst full of pia,

Hav'n't I fed you day after day?

Given you milk, given you bread,

Given you maul a pat on the head?

Now you're ekstinct, dead as a nale,

Where is the bark and the wag of your tale?

What is the difference between a cat and a document? --One has claws at the end of its paws, and the other has pauses at the end of its clauses.

The first time Jerrold saw a celebrated song-writer, the latter said to him "Youngster, have you sufficient confidence in me to lend me a guinea?" " Oh yes," said Jerrold, "I've all the confidence, but I haven't the guinea."

Vegetable life is more vigorous than animal life. A tree can stand a great deal more hacking than a man. "Mother," said a little square-built urchin about five years old, "why don't the teacher make me a monitor sometimes? I can lick every boy in my class but one WANTED--By an attorney, a clerk to engross other people's attention.

To hear a declaration of love a young lady will give her ears.

If all swallows had wings and bills, what a fluttering and twittering there would be in some stomachs. The following is ingenious as a specimen of two mean-

ings in the some words, after the manner of the old revolutionary quibble in which King George was at once denounced and applauded. The one sense is found in reading the two columns, the other in reading across as if there was but one;

I always did intend   To take to me a wife

Single my life to spend,   Would grieve my very life.

It much delighteth me   To think upon a bride,

To live from women free,   I can't be satisfied.

It's sure a happy life   'Tis woman is the thing

To live without a wife   Such troubles on us bring

A female to my mind   The joy I can't express

I ne'er expect to find   So great in singleness.

A bachelor to live   I never could agree

My mind I freely give   A married man to be.

"Grammar class, stand up and recite. Tom, parse girls."

PUPIL. " GirIs is a particular noun, of the lovely gender, lively person, and double number, kissing mood, in the immediate tense, and in the expectation ease to matrimony, according to general rule."

CONSOLATION STAKES.—Those you get at a city tavern the day after you have tried to eat the article at home. CAUTION.--The other day a lady, while stooping over

her sewing-machine, suddenly got a most painful stitch in her side.

Matches, like every thing else, have " gone up." Young ladies and parsons greatly fear that the upward tendency will be detrimental to "match-making."

The son who recently had a fifty-acre lot left him by his father is said to be " contented with his lot."

"FAST" AND "SLOW" WRITERS—Swift and Crabbe.

A celebrated divine in the west of Scotland, while one day taking his usual walk, happened to come on a little boy busily engaged in forming a miniature building of clay. Always fond of conversation with children, he at once began his interrogatories as follows: " Well, my little man, what's this you're doing?" "Making a hoose, Sir." " What kind o' a hoose ?" " A kirk, Sir." "Where's the door?" "There it's," replied the boy, pointing with his finger. "Where's the pulpit?" " There," said the boy. The doctor, now thinking he would fix the sharp eyed boy, again asked, " Ay, but where's the minister?" The youngster, with a knowing look to his querist, and with a scratch of his head, replied, " Oh, I hav'na enough o' dirt to make him."   

Dr, Tomkins showed one of his friends a surgical instrument ornamented with a handle carved in bone. "By-the-by," said he " do you know what that handle is made of?" " Of ivory ?" ' No, you are wrong there," said the doctor, with tears in his eyes; " that handle is the thigh-bone of my poor aunt."

A person lately inquired how often fresh meat could be supplied to a family residing for the summer season in a village not many miles from Brechin. "Weel, weel, Sir,' replied a woman apparently well acquainted with the capabilities of the district, " ye maun gie yer orders aforehand, as our butcher only kills half a beast at a time."

At the Winchester sessions four men were indicted for stealing beaus. A gentleman present asked another, "What have they been doing?" "Bean stealing," was the reply.

An Irish witness in a court of justice, being asked what kind of "ear-marks" the hog in question had, replied—"He had no particular ear-marks except a very short tail."

A FORENSIC SWORDSMAN.—Mr. Sergeant Parry is retained on behalf of Hillier. Certainly Parry is a promising name for a defense.

A traveler who was detained an hour by some mischance, shortened his stay by "making a ' minute' of it."   There's philosophy for you.

One of the Pill-grims Fathers—Brandreth.


ON Tuesday, the 8th of November, the people of the twenty-five loyal States voted for the President and Vice-President of the United States. On the same day in seven of these States, namely, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Nevada, there were also held elections of State officers. The election was proceeded with quietly, without even the ordinary commotion. Every possible and expedient measure was adopted to secure this end both by the General and State Governments. There had been rumors of a meditated invasion of States on the Northern border, and of violent schemes involving the release of rebel prisoners and the destruction of the principal Northern cities. The indications that such violence was contemplated were considered sufficient to justify the Government in sending troops North in such numbers, and so disposed, as to render these attempts, if made, utterly useless. Every precaution, however, was taken that these armed men should not even appear, unless absolutely necessary. Major-General Butler was sent to New York City to take command of the troops which were arriving here to meet the existing emergencies.

As we go to press the returns of the election are incomplete ;

but it is certain that ABRAHAM LINCOLN has been re-elected President and ANDREW JOHNSON elected Vice-President of the United States by overwhelming majorities.


Since the movement of October 27 nothing important has occurred in the armies of the James and of the Potomac. On the night of the 30th (Sunday) the rebels effected an entrance into the picket line at the point of connection of the Second and Fifth Corps, and passing from one post to another took all the pickets prisoners. The number captured was nearly 400. It was intended to follow up this adroitly-executed scheme by an assault at the same point, but this was frustrated by the escape of one of the pickets, who gave prompt information of the enemy's movement. Some time previous to this event the same trick had been as successfully played upon the enemy. The point where the Second and Fifth Corps connect appears to be an inviting goal, at which all rebel assaults on the Army of the Potomac are specially directed.

Nothing more than the usual guerrilla warfare affords a topic of news in the Valley since the battle of Cedar Creek. On the 26th General Duffle was captured by guerrillas between Martinsburg and Winchester. On the 22d General Early issued an address to his army. He said that he had hoped to congratulate them on a splendid victory won by them at Belle Grove, on Cedar Creek, where they had surprised and routed two corps of Sheridan's army, capturing 18 pieces of artillery and 1500 prisoners; but that he had the mortification of announcing to them that by their subsequent misconduct they lost all the benefits of their victory, and incurred a serious disaster. He attributed the defeat of October 19 wholly to the disorderly conduct of his men. He said that if any considerable number of them had made a stand, even at the last, the disaster would have been averted, " but under the insane dread of being flanked, and a panic-stricken terror of the enemy's cavalry," they would listen to no appeal, and had allowed a small body of cavalry to take their trains and artillery.

On the 19th and 20th of October an Important correspondence occurred between Lieutenant-General Grant and General Lee in regard to the treatment of prisoners. General Lee opened the correspondence. He stated that all negroes taken by the Confederates were treated by them as prisoners of war unless they were identified as property of citizens or residents of the Confederate States. From these no labor was exacted. Those who were identified as slaves occupied a different position. He referred to the policy of the American States in the wars of the Revolution and of 1812, and said that they had returned to their owners all slaves captured in war who had been abducted from those owners by the British armies. He said that the negroes who had been employed on the rebel lines of fortification were slaves, but they had been thus employed through an error of his engineer officer, and were meant to be sent into the interior. General Grant replied that all Federal soldiers when captured by the Confederates must be treated as prisoners of war; if they were treated otherwise he must resort to the policy of retaliation.


A dispatch from General Blunt, dated Neosho, Missouri, October 30, says that on the 28th he came up with Price at Newtown, and after a severe fight of three or four hours, drove the enemy from the field in confusion, with the loss of over 200, including two Colonels. Our total loss was about 120. The Federal troops consisted of Ford's and Jennison's brigades of Blunt's Division. The enemy was fully 10,000 strong. Price is retreating toward Cassville, and will be vigorously pursued. Price has been utterly defeated in his Missouri campaign, and chiefly by the co-operation of Kansas troops and by Pleasanton's prompt movements. The rebel General was exactly repeating his original campaign in the State in 1861. He was then outgeneraled by Halleck, and after his forced retreat from the State was hard pushed, and at Pea Ridge suffered a terrible defeat. Will Rosecrans give us a second Pea Ridge?

General Sherman, two days after the battle of Allatoona, issued the following congratulatory order:

" IN THE FIELD, KENESAW MOUNTAIN, OCT. 7, 1864. a SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS No. 86.--The General Commanding avails himself of the opportunity in the handsome defense made of 'Allatoona,' to illustrate the most important principle in war, that fortified posts should be defended to the last, regardless of the relative numbers of the party attacking and attacked.

"Allatoona was garrisoned by three regiments, commanded by Colonel Tourtelotte, and reinforced by a detachment from a division at Rome, under command of Brigadier-General J. M. Corse, on the morning of the 5th, and a few hours after was attacked by French's Division of Stewart's corps, two other divisions being near at hand, and in support. Gem French demanded a surrender, in a letter, to avoid a useless effusion of blood,' and gave but five minutes for answer Gen. Corse's answer was emphatic and strong, that he and his command were ready for the 'useless effusion of blood' as soon as it was agreeable to General French.

"This was followed by an attack which was prolonged for five hours, resulting in the complete repulse of the enemy, who left his dead on the ground, amounting to more than two hundred, and four hundred prisoners, well and wounded. The 'effusion of blood' was not 'useless,' as the position at Allatoona was and is very important to our present and future operations.

" The thanks of this army are due, and are hereby accorded, to General Corse, Colonel Tourtelotte, officers and men, for their determined and gallant defense of Allatoona, and it is made an example to illustrate the importance of preparing in time, and meeting the danger, when present, boldly, manfully, and well.

"This army, though unseen to the garrison, was co-operating by moving toward the road by which the enemy could alone escape, but unfortunately were delayed by the rain and mud ; but this fact hastened the retreat of the enemy.

"Commanders and garrisons of the posts along our rail roads are hereby instructed that they must hold their posts till the last minute. sure that the time gained is valuable and necessary to their comrades at the front.

" By order of   Major-General SHERMAN."


We are able this week to record another naval triumph which blots from the sea the most powerful privateer of the Confederacy. On the 7th of October the pirate steamer Florida was captured by the United States steamer Wachussett in the Bay of Salvador, Brazil. Fifty-eight of the crew and twelve officers of the pirate were taken with out the loss of a man. Eight of the crew and the surgeon arrived on the Kearsarge at Boston November 7. The details of the capture are as follows :

The Florida arrived at Bahia, Bay of San Salvador, on the night of October 7. The Wachusett was in the same port, and Captain Collins, commanding the vessel, after consultation with his officers, determined to sink the Florida. The privateer was attacked at three o'clock in the morning, and completely surprised. The Florida was compelled to surrender. Captain Morris, commanding the privateer, and a portion of his crew, were on shore at the time, and were not captured. The capture of this vessel in a measure compensates us for the report that the Tallahassee is again at work, and that two new privateers are afloat, namely, the Chickamauga and the Olustee.

The Chickamauga is commanded by Lieutenant John Wilkinson, an old officer of the United States Navy, who resigned at the beginning of the war. The vessel is a screw steamer, and carries an armament of three guns—one 32-pounder and two 24's. She is manned by 150 men, and ran out of Wilmington on the night of October 27.

The Olustee is an iron screw steamer, 1100 tons burden, 220 feet long, and very fast. She ran out of Wilmington on the night of the 30th, and is commanded by Lieutenant William H. Ward, of Virginia, who was also an old officer of the United States Navy.


The rebels have been scheming to liberate the prisoners confined at Camp Douglas, Chicago, on the day of election. The plot, however, was discovered in time to prevent its execution, and the conspirators were arrested. In nearly every case arms and ammunition were found in the possession of the suspected persons. One of those arrested is Colonel Marmaduke, brother of the rebel General.


The Richmond Examiner says that the extension of the Conscript law to slaves is daily growing in favor, and will be adopted by the next Confederate Congress. The Montgomery Appeal regards the proposition as unwise if not dangerous, and objects to it as a fatal blow to the institution of slavery, and as an indication that all other resources have been exhausted. The Mobile Tribune says that every thing must be sacrificed to the independence of the Confederacy. As to the effects of the proposition on subsistence the Richmond Examiner says : The production of supplies is not our present difficulty, but their transportation and distribution. Negroes now do not aid in the transportation of supplies, but when in the army they may be used to further that great military end as well as to fight."

All, however, do not agree with the Examiner ; at least one of its correspondents, who signs himself A. B. does not. This correspondent says that the negro, if conscripted, would, he believes, desert to the Yankees ; and calls attention to the fact that the negroes in the Federal army never desert to the rebels. The Examiner answers that the negro fears to desert to the Confederates, but would not have this apprehension if he should see negroes in their army, and understand that these negroes were rewarded with freedom and a home in the South. "But," says A. B., " the negroes won't fight." The Examiner replies: ' We confess that at one time we entertained the same opinion. A distinguished general officer, writing to us privately upon this subject (we wish we could give the public the weight and influence of his name), answers this objection. He says : 'Fort Gilmer, the other day, showed they would fight. They raised each other over the parapet, to be shot as they appeared above.' But fighting is not the only duty demanded of soldiers. In the Crimean war 'over one hundred thousand men' were employed outside of the army. The' Work Party corps' of the British army, employed on roads, was over ten thousand. The negroes are wanted, not only as soldiers, but as laborers and working men, to relieve the soldiers."

In conclusion, the Examiner says "We are not prepared to say that this measure is demanded by our present exhaustion. We do not believe it is. Eat the future must be provided for ; and it must be apparent to every sensible man that the drain upon the population of the Confederate States which this war has made must eventually exhaust those States, unless something is done to supply this drain from other sources than the white population. The Conscription law can not be extended to any greater age, and its execution, however much improved, can not find the men to supply the losses as fast as the campaigns create them. Shall we permit the enemy to use the negroes against us, or shall we make use of them for our defense !"


IT appears now to be a settled policy of the English Government to allow its colonial dependencies the privilege of a separate government whenever they may choose, or feel prepared to release themselves from their former obligations. For this reason the project of a Canadian Confederation is now being considered. In case of war between England and the United States the latter would strike the former through an attack on Canada, which would compel England to transport a large military and naval force across the Atlantic. It would be impossible in this situation for England to escape utter defeat. The inhabitants of Australia are now at issue with the Mother Country. There is much angry dissatisfaction among them on account of the transportation of convicts to the western part of Australia. This had become a just cause of alarm and a reasonable occasion for a protest. The protest having been disregarded, the Australians have quite saucily hinted that the Crown may choose between an accession to their demands or their independence. It is probable that the matter will be compromised.

Lord Stanley has been making a speech in England which has excited great attention. The only complaint made against it is that it has too much coolness and common sense in its composition. He first expressed his opinion in regard to the American war. He, like General Sherman, thinks that the war is only just begun. He believes that the Federals will finally succeed for all the purposes of conquest, but that then will come the greater difficulty, namely, the maintenance of this conquest. He does not believe that we shall be exhausted by the drain on our resources in men or money, and he hints that among our resources may be that of repudiation. Passing from the American to the Italian question, Stanley thinks that the solution of the latter will be promoted by the arrangement made by France. In regard to Germany, Lord Stanley expects that the petty sovereignties will soon disappear, the Confederation having broken down. He says that the breaking up of the Turkish Empire is only a question of time. He disapproves of forcing convicts upon Australia. In regard to the franchise he says ; " It is not now the upper, it is the middle class--the owners of the greater part of the property of the country, and by far the most powerful class in it—that exercises political supremacy at the present day. They are not likely to part with it—that is, of their own free will (at least, if they do, it will he a fact new in the history of this country) ; and I see no such movement on the part of the working classes which would be likely to over bear the resistance which might be expected."

The United States steamer Sacramento was lately refused a supply of coals at the British ports, because that three months had not elapsed since the last supply. This is all very well if the neutrality laws are as rigidly applied to rebel pirates.

Mr. Benjamin, the rebel Secretary of Treasury, has been issuing a manifesto to the foreign agents of the Confederacy for the purpose of discouraging Europeans from any investment in United States bonds. The alacrity with which the Germans lately seized these bonds irritated the too excitable Secretary., and he forthwith sat down to prove that the United States debt is half as large as that of England, while the annual interest is in both cases nearly equal.

Lord Palmerston was aged eighty years on the 20th of October. Already Englishmen begin to talk of his sucsessor.

A grand bazar was established October 13 at St. George's Hall in Liverpool for the purpose of affording pecuniary aid to Confederate prisoners of war. It was inaugurated under the most aristocratic auspices. Among the visitors we notice the name of Henry de Houghton, who lately exerted himself so strenuously for the benefit of the Peace party at the North. During the first day £3170 was realized from the sales, and nearly as much on the second. Madame Erlanger, formerly Miss Slidell, has announced her intention of getting up a similar bazar in Paris.

The commercial failures in England continue to excite apprehension.


There is no longer any formidable armed opposition to the imperial government in Mexico. The war continues, but it is now reduced to a series of guerrilla operations. Ortega has fled, and nearly all of his late forces have either been captured or have joined the imperialists. Juarez has also disappeared. Cortinas, on the 26th of October, surrendered Matamoras to General Mejia in the following terms :

"MOST EXCELLENT SIR,--I and the Mexican troops which, until today, I have had the honor to command, submit ourselves loyally to the imperial government, conformably to the tenor of your Excellency's esteemed communication, which I have just received.

" We rely on the personal and official protection of your Excellency ; in the magnanimity of the new government, which from this day forth we recognize, and in the conscientiousness of our good faith, to receive a treatment worthy of the good name of the country to which we belong. And your Excellency, as our new chief, will be pleased to command as as you see fit, in the understanding that the town and all it contains are completely at your disposal.

"Independence and liberty.





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